Alteras's Characters


The Sleepy Prisoner

Name: Lucinda Reyes
Aliases: The Wandering Mirage.
Age: 18-ish (she counts by the calendar year with a guesstimate)
Gender: Female
Race: Human... she thinks she is...
Class: Wanderer - Best described as the quintessential adventurer, she is a jack of all trades, master of none except her trusty blade. She knows enough magic to keep herself alive, but nothing more. She has an above average speed and agility, with an insane stamina.

Sexuality: Asexual (Does have some taste, but doesn't really intend to discover the wonders of lust)
High Concept: A young girl experiencing wanderlust and a wish to understand the world she feels around her.
Character Alignment: True Neutral (Borders Good Neutral)

no known family members

Jacklyn Harow (adopted... friend of sorts?)
Organizations\Affiliations: none
Personality: Curious and joyful, Lucinda always smiles as she explores. Consumed with wanderlust, she wants to know and see everything. She carries herself with pride, always cheerful, never dissatisfied with what she has. Lucinda isn't the talkative sort, rather she wants to listen to others instead. She considers her life an unremarkable one despite all that she has seen and experienced. She is willing to sit down and work through her problems, and is sometimes a bit naive. She isn't dumb as one might expect from naivety, but rather more critical of everything, resulting in her naivety. She makes up for her naivety with ironclad ideals she forms throughout her travels. One must note that these unbreakable ideals are quite few, as she has decided herself not to completely agree with anything until she has seen all there is to see. Not knowing how she came to be is not in the least bit concerning to her, rather she views it with the same kind of curiosity she views the world.
Backstory: All she could remember were three words, "Lucinda Reyes, Run." They weren't words of warning, but felt more like words of love. Like waking from the spell these three words cast, Lucinda Reyes opened her eyes to see the morning sun. For a while she laid there, trying to remember anything more than the three words, only to remember the names of her magic. Giving up, moved her hands to support her rise, only to feel the touch of hot sands. She rose up to find that she was in a desert. Later she would find out she was in Mesopotamia. By her side laid a blade sheathed in a scabbard. Picking the odd looking two up, she began to wander the desert for five days and five nights. On the fifth night, she came across a traveling caravan of merchants. After joining the merchants under their great hospitality, she met her friend for life, Jacklyn Harow.

That was seven years ago. Since then, she has traveled Pangea many times over, each time discovering new things. She has fought a variety enemies, from simple beasts and demons, to serving alongside knights. She has lived the life of the rich and the life of the poor. But one thing she has never stopped doing is wandering. Indeed, because of her constant image of wandering through the desert, many have taken her to be a mirage. As rumors filled bars of a young blonde girl with a sword wrapped in bandages aiding lost souls and defending the weak, she became known as "The Wandering Mirage" everywhere she went. Every now and then, she would return to the deserts of Mesopotamia to find her friend Jacklyn. While the high courts of the lands may not know of her name, scholars in their leader's patronage have come across her various tales. Oddly though, her surname, the name of Reyes, is not a name known to the people of Pangea. Those who claim to know the name only have "familiarity with it, like a forgotten but comforting memory." Even if they don't know what she looks like, she is recognizable by the impression she leaves on those she talks to. The most verbose of authors would find themselves struggling to paint her image in clear light, instead leaving paragraphs upon paragraphs of the ideals they saw in her eyes. Perhaps the best description to date is the one that follows.

Appearance: Forgive me for forcing upon the reader an image of merely our dear person's back, but if one was to describe her, they would find themselves only remembering the silhouette of a young girl. Indeed, she isn't particularly memorable appearance-wise, or perhaps her appearance is reflective of herself; a tabula rasa, a blank slate if you will, a girl free from society, or perhaps thrown out of society, having failed to be molded by it. But alas, we return to the same conundrum we face before; what does our young heroine look like? So allow me to give you an aid to this impressive but underappreciated art.

Lucinda stands at comfortable height of 5 foot 3 inches, maintaining an air of confidence in her chest while keeping her shoulders relaxed. Her breasts are of modest size, nothing to be ashamed of, nor proud of (If the reader really must know, a size of B you ill minded tainted fragment of a soulless hound). Above the fair lady's pride are her collarbone and shoulders, relaxed and pleasing to the sight. While the collarbone leaves slight divots as smooth as the silks brought in from foreign lands, one must not assume she does not know the life of those less fortunate. Nor must one assume she has not witnessed the life of the wealthy. Above such modesty, sitting upon the neck lies her head. One can see our heroine's head, so I shall spare our readers and instead focus upon the art she presents to the world.

Carrying a face lacking the common methods one would employ to make herself more appealing, she doesn't command the attention of everyone around her but rather blesses those who take the time to admire it. A smooth face without any blemishes, her cheeks and cheekbones form minor depth. Her small lips are of a natural pink, with a thinner upper lip. They form a natural smile, be it a small pleasant one of embarrassment or a wide grin of joy and excitement, revealing a beautiful set of teeth. With the blessing of a smile, one can see small dimples form in her cheeks. Above these pleasantries lies her button nose, small and adorable with a barely noticeable bridge. Now, her eyes are of great wonder. I assure the reader that they are normal size upturned eyes, but they shine with great clarity under the sun. Her iris is that of clear blue that slowly turns into an emerald green as one travels further from the center. With naturally curling eyelashes, it is a wonder how it is possible that she doesn't groom it. Neither does she groom her eyebrows, which are neither too thick nor too thin. Before all this lies her hair, that forms natural bangs that don't cover her features, but rather accentuates them.

Please forgive me for saying all that precedes while saying that her sight isn't a striking one, but she truly is above that of a common girl. Rather her appearance is that of the ideal innocent lady, an ideal so common that any observer might take her for the common girl. But I assure the reader, that she is by no means a mediocre sight.

Weapons & Armor:

  • Blade of the Wanderer - A light and sturdy double edged sword about 2.5 feet long, it is a blade designed with an intricate hilt that can comfortably be wielded by one or two hands. She tends to only use one hand in combat, letting the other hold onto the scabbard. She usually refers to it as "My Blade," while others would call it the "Blade of the Wanderer." It hasn't suffered any damages despite all the combat she has encountered during her travels, leading rumor hunters to believe it is made from some special metal.
  • Wanderer's Scabbard - Holds the Blade of the Wanderer. Of light and simple construction. it is wrapped in bandages. In combat, she may sometimes use it as a tool to parry attacks when she finds herself in a bad position. Similar to the blade, it hasn't suffered any damages, leading to the same speculation. Has a small compartment at the end.
  • Leg Guards - Simple light metals wrapped around her legs. They might not survive a sword strike, but can block anything weaker, like an arrow or claws. The pair on her upper thighs have interesting cords holding it tight to herself, providing an easy place to store small objects.

Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them)

  • Handkerchief  - A small handkerchief she was found in her scabbard. Upon it in gold and blue embroidery was an elegantly designed symbol, one that no one seems to know or remember.
  • Outfit - A light and comfortable set of tunics, undershirt, gloves, and such. Light embroidery resembles the handkerchief she was found with. The collar bears what one can only assume to be a family crest, although no one is too sure of which house. The front of her undershirt and tunic rise up to meet the collar while leaving the collarbone, shoulders, and a slight glimpse of her pride to bask in the sun's warmth.
  • Bandages - Wrapped around her scabbard, she uses it as a sort of goto solution for any troubles she comes across, be it carrying to first aid.
  • Blue Earrings - A pair of clear blue earrings that seem to float by her visage. She got these from a merchant when she was really young.
  • Small Flask of Alcohol - Held within her scabbard
  • Money - Hidden in her knee highs

Skills & Abilities:

  • Jack of All Trades, Master of None - Throughout her travels, she has experienced many things, everything from sword fighting to chimney cleaning. While not exactly a handyman, she is well versed in many different forms of combat and transport, from archery on a ship to magic casting on top of a horse. She is capable in all of these, but never studied or trained in any particular one to say that she has the natural skill, much less mastered it.
  • Swordswoman - If there is one skill of her that shines above the rest, it has to be her ability to wield a sword. Well, more accurately, her own blade and scabbard. She can use other swords, but she has used her own blade for so long that it has, as some would say, become an extension of herself. Because of her consistent use of it, she has created a unique style of battle, a mix between a sword & shield, a dual wield, and a one-and-half handed swordplay. Properly speaking, she uses her blade as her primary while defending her flank with her scabbard in case such uses were needed. She is by no means a master in the fine art of swordplay, but her unique style of fighting has caused many to be caught off guard. She can hold her own in a duel, but against a proper master, will face many troubles.
  • Step of the Drifter - Constant traveling has given her a higher agility and speed, closer to that of a rogue's. She also has an insane stamina, since she must often trek far and be constantly awake to stay safe.
  • Drifter's Discount - Traveling can be expensive. She can convince merchants to give her cheaper prices.
  • Inhabitant of Nature - Be it from experience or from knowledge, Lucinda can survive in the wilderness, subsisting on whatever could be found in the area.
  • Wonders of the Wanderer - She has a vast library of experience she can pull from for story tales or lesson building. It's also how she builds her ideals.

Spells & Magic:

  • Flight of the Exiled - A spell that makes her movement even faster, with each step lighter than the last.
  • Samaritan's Blessings - A spell that heals minor wounds and scratches.
  • Unwavering Strength of the Ideal - A fortification spell that strengthens whatever she wishes, as long as she touches it. Often used to strengthen her blade and scabbard for use in battle.
  • Drifting Winds of Forgotten - A basic attack spell that sends forth a blade of wind, slicing through anything it hits like a real sword. She can cast it with her Blade of the Wanderer, but it is best used with a proper staff. Lucinda can't seem to cast it with any other weapons besides a magic channeling device or her sword. Because of this, she isn't likely to use it, as it takes up much of her concentration, concentration better spent on the delicacies to eat at the next destination.

Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities, inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character)

  • Naivety of the Critical - As she hasn't formed much of her own ideals to follow by, owing to the fact that she wants to see all arguments before making her own decision, she is prone to being swayed by words of great rhetoric.
  • Ironclad Ideals - These ideals, while few, are the foundations of her life. They can make her seem stubborn or be exploited. The ideals as of now are of humility of one's self, respect for the fragility of life, and the honor of hospitality.
  • Lack of Raw Strength - Even with massive stamina, her strength is only that of an average human, not that of a warrior.
  • Only Kills for Sustenance - She tries not to kill her opponents unless letting them live utterly destroys any one of her ideals.


  • Eating new and unique food
  • Exploring and discovering new things
  • Looking through the merchants' stalls


  • "You flatter me, calling me a skilled fighter. But I assure you, I am just a wanderer."
  • "What? Indeed I have been called the Wandering Mirage, but you can call me Lucinda."


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HOly fucking shit I don't care how OP this character is

accepted even if's only a WIp

just kidding, but still, you did a fucking great job at the overview and H O L Y    S H I T

This character will get so many quests from me lol
View attachment 246258BASIC INFORMATION
Name: Armand Richelieu
Aliases: Duke Richelieu; The Dueling Duke; Imperium's Red Shadow
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Spy & Fencer mix.
Sexuality: Straight
High Concept: The council's spy, assassin, and cleaner, Armand Richelieu executes whatever order needs to be done to support the council and his position.
Character Alignment: Lawful Evil

- Adéle Richelieu (Sister)

Parents are dead.
Organizations\Affiliations: Council of Imperium; Nobles of Imperium; Imperium Elite Corp
Personality: Armand Richelieu is somewhat of a social outcast, even among the upper echelons of Terra-Gaia's society. He is often described as ill-mannered when it comes to formalities. He isn't afraid to insult and state the... undesirable parts of a conversation. Of course, he holds his tongue and instead uses it to verbally strike and jab at his conversation partner. He has no ideals holding him back other than pride and respect for the family. He isn't use to public confrontations and anything in the field of romance. He wants to keep his family name in power, so he may unwillingly submit to positions that hurt his pride. While he does execute orders by the council, he chooses which orders are worth executing.
Backstory: Armand Richelieu was born to Johnathan and Emily Richelieu, two members of high society. While they were a family of high society, they were also a family that did all the killing for Imperium's council. They have cultivated each generation of the family to be killers. And that was how Armand, and eventually his younger sister Adéle, would be cultivated. The brother and sister were taught in the fine arts of sword play. Certainly, they learned other things, but this perfection of the art of killing was the one that their parents honed. Around the age of 16, Armand had adopted the rapier as his choice weapon, pressured by presence of the family heirloom. His sister instead adopted the sabre, having not been as pressured by the parents. With these two weapons, one would expect the two to have similar battle styles, but that was not the case. Armand took to subterfuge and assassinations while Adéle simply attacked her opponents.

During a trip to Burgura with his whole family, an assassination plot was attempted on his parents' lives. While the family could certain kill, this was an assassination that was much less an assassination and more of a battle, facing what was effectively an entire legion. He was barely able to repel the forces sent to him. By the time he had finished, his attackers had already killed his parents in another room. However one other thing they failed to do was kill Adéle. In fact, when he reached her, she was covered in blood with a smile on her face. When he told her that their parents were dead, she simply said, "Ahh, what a disappointment." That sent a chill down his spine that he had never felt before, complete fear. To him, it was the very real fear that his sister could turn her blade and dismiss her family without hesitation. He knows full well that he will not be able to match her in battle. With this fear, he began to care more deeply for her, hoping that she never will fight him.

When they returned to Imperium, he was immediately given a rank as one of the elite corp, not because he was a "hero of a vicious ambush," but rather as his father's replacement. Since then, he has performed his duty as one while taking care of his younger sister in the hopes that she will learn at least some form of compassion. Unfortunately, his duties do not give him the experience to teach her of compassion, as he has become an assassin himself. To his relief, his sister wasn't conscripted by the council, but he still fears her lust for blood. It isn't a job he particularly minds, as he was trained for it, but he has been challenged by those listening to the rumors. Each time he has been challenged, he simply duels them. After countless duels, he has become known as both Imperium's Red Shadow, and the Dueling Duke.

Appearance: While our department was able to obtain this painting of him (which does him no justice, for he has a height of 6 feet), we lack any proper information on his true appearance. And by true appearance, we mean during his assassinations. Very few have survived, and even fewer are willing talk about it, only describing his attacks as something that deprives the victim of their senses. We only know that his attacks can make it seem like he was nothing more than a nightmare.

Weapons & Armor:

  • Phantom Rapier - A heirloom of the Richelieu household. It channels the family's secret magic more effectively than any other weapon. It is made from some unbreakable metal, possibly enchanted. It is held in a simple scabbard on a low hanging belt.

Items & Personal Belongings:

  • Torn Red Cloak - A heirloom of the Richelieu household. It tear marks are from the many duels that the house has had. Some parts are still stained with blood, but no one can tell.
  • Large Round Glasses - simple pair of glasses.
  • Pointed Hat - Probably the most iconic part of his appearance.

Skills & Abilities:

  • Nobleman - Oh you know how that reputation usually goes. High intelligence too.
  • Rumored Assassin - "Your reputation precedes you"
  • First Class Fencer - He's a master. High speed, high dexterity. Parrying is a given.
  • Actual Assassin - Speed, dexterity, the usual.
  • Spy - Collector of information, skilled in eavesdropping and thieving.

Spells & Magic:

  • Phantom Senses - A spell that floods the senses of a target with whatever Armand wants. The target will feel disconnected from the world. Can put multiple targets in the same "box." Requires a full day's setup to execute to its fullest.
  • Phantom Steps - Allows for stealthy movement. Doesn't make you invisible, but quiets your step and makes you one of the environment.
  • Rushing Strikes - Movement speed spell.
  • Spirit's Calling - The body of those killed are absorbed into the blade. Must be expelled within 24 hours. Up to the user to decided whether to absorb or not. Gains no advantage absorbing or not absorbing targets.


  • Direct Confrontation - He hates being in public arguments.
  • Direct Attacks - He isn't the type that should be taking things head on.
  • Meticulous Planner - Doesn't operate well when facing new elements during a battle. Sudden changes that he doesn't expect puts him on the defensive.
  • His sister - He fears and cares for his sister. Almost unable to stop her wishes.
  • Romance - Never something he really experienced.
  • Life of Wealth - Doesn't really connect with the lay people.

FLUFF (Optional)

  • Training - What better way to relax from killing people than to prepare to kill more people?
  • Watching his sister - She's practically an adult, but she acts more like a crazed child. He watches her in the hopes of seeing that changed.


"Ah, another challenger? Perhaps later tomorrow if you truly want to know your place."

"Your blatant attempts at flattery don't impress me."
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Good. I like it. Accepted!

View attachment 247006BASIC INFORMATION
Name: Jabel Vazeran (Pronounced as Jah-Bell)
Aliases: Marshal Vazeran; Fuya's Alexandrian
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Race: Alexandria's Genesis (Also known as Alexandrian)

-Subspecies of Humans. They are supposedly descendants of the Minor Goddess of Beauty and Royalty, Alexandria, and ancient humans. They are characterized by their purple eyesight, higher affinity to Support/Command Magic, and supposed unrivaled beauty, although that last one is still being disputed. They can live up to 150 years and not display signs of aging past 50 (Both of these facts is still being disputed). Other than that, they are nearly indistinguishable from normal humans. In general, they have a natural talent for leadership, in fact a few ancient kingdoms of Pangea either had Alexandria's Genesis in their courts or were ruled by one. Due to this natural leadership, they never formed an unified society, instead they dispersed and intermingled with other races of humans. Nowadays, they are seen as something of a myth, an ultra rare mutation, capable of leading people to greatness. They can be born out of people who happen to carry their genes but do not display it. No accurate count can be made, as the eyesight of purple, its most iconic trait, is one that's shared with other subspecies, but the general consensus is less than 100.
Class: Marshal (Basically a tactician with a larger focus on administrative duties. Not on the same level as general).

Sexuality: Straight
High Concept: Marshal of a powerful nation who is driven by a need to prove that she is more than just an Alexandria's Genesis.
Character Alignment: Lawful Good

- Abarron Vazeran (Father)

- Rachel Vazeran (Mother)
Organizations\Affiliations: Marshals of Fuya; Military of Fuya
Personality: Jabel's personality reflects the social label that falls on an Alexandria's Genesis. In public, she is strict and holds herself to the highest regard. Her actions are driven by her need to prove that she is more. Because of this, she isn't sociable person. She uses her mask of strict military doctrine to hide herself. In private, she has a shy personality and an honest voice. This dualistic personality has made her public image almost emotionless while her private image very vulnerable. Jabel is something of a kuudere and a tsundere. She hates any advances made to her as she views it as just lust, not love.
Backstory: Jabel Vazeran is something of a prized commander and administrator to the nation of Fuya. Holding the title of Marshal, she has been at the head of a few battles bringing pride to the people of Fuya. Unfortunately, from even before her career in the military, she was a prize herself, as the first Alexandria's Genesis to be born in Fuya in centuries.

She was born to two loving parents, Abarron and Rachel Vazeran, who just so happened to carry the blood of an ancient Alexandrian. At first they didn't see any problems with their daughter having purple eyes, but as she entered schooling, it became a point of focus by her peers. This greatly afflicted her and she soon entered home schooling. Unfortunately this didn't escape the eyes of the government and she was quickly put through a series of tests to determine her true subrace. After a mentally exhausting series of tests that lasted for weeks, the scholars of the high court came to the decision that she was indeed a true Alexandria's Genesis. With that confirmation, she was immediately conscripted into military academy. Here she once again became the source of attention, as she excelled in her training due to the motivation of isolation from social contact. Disconnected from her parents and showing no visible signs of friendship among her trainees, she came to adopt a mask of strictness.

As she graduated out of the academy, she was immediately sought after by suitors, each of which have been turned down. Schemers in Fuya's government, hoping to make full use of her, elevated her rank to Marshal. For sometime, the only reason why she held that post was to be the trophy piece of Fuya. That was until she was pulled from the reserve to fight against bandits and mercenaries plaguing the border. That elevated her reputation, but what really secured her place was a battle at the border of Burgura, defeating a unit of demons that invaded Fuya. Nowadays, she acts as the foreign representative of Fuya's Military, being used for diplomatic missions and only being pulled into service when needed. She does fulfill her administrative duties with diligence but sees no end in sight except to elevate herself to the rank of General, no, Hero of Fuya.

Appearance: Jabel Vazeran stands at an height of 6 foot 1 inch. She has a toned body with lithe build, although it is something she probably wouldn't showoff. She has gained a tan from her training. While she has a few scars on her hands and feet from such training, her skin is more or less free of blemishes. She maintains a posture of command and strength, with stiff shoulders and a raised chest. As expected of an Alexandria's Genesis, she is described by many to be a beauty, but for the sake of accuracy, please instead refer to the image provided to judge something so subjective.

Weapons & Armor:

  • Marshal's Sabre of Command - A special and ornate long sabre that the Marshals of Fuya are allowed to bear. Usually decorated in an appealing fashion, it is made of a special material that can only be procured in Fuya, allowing it to survive harsher conditions. While the nation of Fuya can provide for the sword, many of noble descent instead procure their own family heirloom. Jabel holds one that is made by Fuya, however special care was given to it due to her being an Alexandria's Genesis.
  • Female Marshal's Uniform - A set of overlapping armor and thick fabrics form the set. This is a variation set designed for exceptions. The skirt, sleeves, cloak, tunic, practically all the fabric is thick and weather resistant, providing warmth in Fuya's harsh weather. Already a heavy set, it is complemented by a massive hip guard and low hanging belt, shoulder plate, and chest plate. It is decorated with the administrative emblem of the Marshal's Office. All this is to provide great protection from the weather. While not exactly the best for direct combat, it is enough to survive a duel and several projectile attacks. It doesn't exactly help with movement, so marshals are trained to exert massive strength and power when wearing it in combat to overcome this fact. Inside the hip guard is a small pocket that is used to hold valuables. Beneath the set is a more formal set, a dress shirt, gloves, undergarments, and such.

Items & Personal Belongings:

  • Money - Now that she holds an office, she gets pretty good pay.
  • A Small Token - A small token that is engraved with an image of the Goddess Alexandria. It is an ancient thing, one that hearkens back to the ancient civilizations of Pangea. She isn't particularly fond of it due to her treatment by others, but she finds sentimental value in it.

Skills & Abilities:

  • Alexandria's Genesis - Natural talent for leadership. Also grabs people's attention.
  • Marshal - Capable of battle tactics and military insight. Has a fine eye for combat. Given her a lot more influence among the people as an administrator as well. She is also proficient in a variety of weapons. Also that uniform grabs people's attention, as if the purple eyes weren't enough.
  • Sword Fighter - Trained in close combat, specifically with the sabre. That sword looks like a fine attention grabber.
  • One of Fuya - Familiar with cold temperatures, hazardous weather, and vast wastelands, she not only is capable of combat in such conditions, but excels at it.

Spells & Magic:

  • Commander's Sight - A spell that temporarily de-saturates the user's vision and outlines all combatants in simple colors to identify allies, neutrals, and enemies. Acts as a marker for the commander, as the user must mark the objects mentally before they can just let it the vision handle it. Cannot be used to identified hidden enemies, disguised or traitorous, unless they already know they're there. Vision can be given to allies but only the caster can mark targets. A spell that is taught to every commanding officer of Fuya.
  • Fuya's Domain - Don't attack Fuya during... well... just don't attack Fuya. Temporarily turns the area in a radius of 50 yards around the user into a frozen wasteland with conditions similar to Fuya. Weather, winds, winter, all of it included. Can be cast with others to create a larger and more powerful area. Generally handicaps, slowly freezes, and can kill those not familiar with such environment. Used to give Fuya Soldiers greater advantage and morale. A spell that is taught to every commanding officer of Fuya.
  • Call of Alexandria's Genesis - A passive that rallies allies and boost morale. Also lowers the enemy's morale if they have a sexuality that favors females (Straight males, Lesbians, bisexual, etc.). Also a spell that when used offensively, charms the target and compels them to defend user's allies and attack user's enemies regardless of sexuality. Lasts for about 5 minutes. Grabs people's attention.
  • Fuya's Soldier - Temporarily grants weapons Ice-based buffs and effects. (i.e. Swords - Freezes areas that are hit, bow - turns arrows in Ice lances/freezes target). A spell that is taught to every soldier of Fuya. Weapon must be held for it to be casted, but not continually held by the caster.
  • Tranquil Focus - Spell to calm the target/group of people. Clears their mind and sets their minds to the task at hand. Often used as a rallying cry. Taught to every commanding officer of Fuya.


  • Wishes for normalcy - Consistently being viewed with only the label "Alexandria's Genesis," she has grown to wish to be a normal human.
  • Lack of Social Interactions - She isn't quite comfortable with opening up, having lived with everyone gawking at only her race. As such, she comes off as strict and a bit of a tsundere for those who she does care about.
  • Something to Prove - Wishes to prove that she is more than just an Alexandrian. May lead to careless mistakes.

FLUFF (Optional)

  • Reading, oh how she loves to read.
  • Training. There isn't much to do in Fuya.


"You will not address me as 'Alexandria's Genesis.' You will address me as Marshal Jabel Vazeran of the Military of Fuya."

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