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Futuristic All That Remains {Character Sheets}


Two Thousand Club
This is the character sheet you must follow. Bio is not needed to start the roleplaying of your character unless it has to play a major part into the story; which if it does, you must run it by myself first. You may add anything you wish into the character sheet that you feel like you wish to add however, you may not remove anything from it.







Talents: (These are not your powers, these are to be passive things that your character is good at. Such as hacking, crafting things, first-aid, etc.)

Mutation: (This is the power or any sort of mutation that was given to you from the exposure to the outside world. Please keep this under control as much as you can, nothing fantasy such as being an angel/demon and such like that. Controlling an element is fine and all, just nothing with the two major elements of light and dark. 2 Max.)

Weaknesses: (No matter what the mutation did to you; you still have weaknesses that must be put in one way or another. 2 Minimum.)

Weapon: (Be as realistic as you can with this. obviously nothing humongous such as a giant battle-ax that you can run around and swing with a single hand. Also, it has to be something that would make sense in this sort of environment such as finding or crafting an old sword out of junk parts or even finding an old rifle, etc. 2 Max.)



Roleplay Thread || OOC || Lore
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Nothingness Nothingness



Vasiliy Aleiksov








A solitude man by nature, Vasiliy prefers no one to stay with him or, at the very least, two people. Boring with an ironic sense of humor Vasiliy is very hard to put up with.





Quiekinesis, specifically, Sound nullification.

Bibliokinesis, Book manipulation, linguistic intuition.


Sound nullification comes at a price, as you are physically putting pressure against the eardrums, enemies would pretty easily figure out that something is wrong, also, if he were to use it upon himself, he could blow out an eardrum, it is also very hard to focus on silence, meaning that it is very hard to perform sound nullification whilst moving, talking, or doing anything else. As there is no real benefit to Bibliokinesis in survival it is very dangerous, books are flammable and as thus, are easily stopped when used as a weapon.


Mitsubishi High Powered Tesla Pistol


Little more than a taser on steroids, this weapon is more apt at destroying Machines than against humans.


Vasiliy doesn't lead a very interesting life other than a rather obsessive infatuation for the inner workings of the machines.

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"I don't know how to explain it, I can sorta sense machines. There is like an uncomfortable tingling in the air when they are around...whatever it means it has saved my life more than once."

Name: David Blackmore
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Nationality: Canadian

Personality: Cynical, sarcastic and often fond of drink, much prefers the company of his plants to that of his fellow humans whom he often finds as an unnecessary burden on his all ready strained resources nevertheless he is fond of visiting settlements to trade finding the interactions with the merchants a welcome departure from the loneliness of his camp.

Talents: Medicine, botany and electronics

Mutation: Hyper-sensitive nerves allow David to feel the general direction and strength of electro-magnetic fields.

Weaknesses: Genetic and chemical damage has caused David Blackmore to suffer from bouts of Intense migraines and hemophilia. A result of David's hyper-sensitive nerves being over stimulated by ambition magnetic waves while intense chemical exposure has resulted in a compromised clotting reaction.

Weapon: 45. caliber Revolver reinforced with duct tape and various other salvaged parts but despite the makeshift repairs on closers observation it is evident that great care has been in taken in maintaining the functionality of the firearm.


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"My heart-- my actions. They're utterly unclouded. They're those of justice."
Name: Jeonghyeon "Jess" Choi
Age: Seventeen.
Gender: Female.
Nationality: Korean.


Taciturn and hard to pin down in her own decision making skills, Jeonghyeon "Jess" Choi is the perfect example of a modern day refined businesswoman and scholar in a topsy-turvy world that doesn't fit her the way it does the numerous outlaws and gruff military men that roam its concrete wastelands. She may appear meek and meager in appearance and stature, but her deceptive appearance hides the heart of a strong-willed and often brilliantly thoughtful prodigy of her times. Jess's sense of duty and justice to her own ideals overpowers all else in her mind, as it motivates her to believe in her own thoughts and reasons for roaming the wastes herself to better them.

Unfortunately, her willpower is often bogged down by her grating and rather irritating sense of arrogance and strong belief in herself over all others. She's cocky and can come off as rather rude as a result, though her reasons don't inherently leave her to believe she's outwardly better than others as a person though merely as a progenitor of an ideal world in her own plans.

Jess's manner of speaking is quite stilted and haughty most of the time, with a habit of speaking in cryptic and otherwise confusing terms most often found in her own manner of research towards engineering and quantum theorem. Because of this (combined with her own still lacking lingual skills), her words can come off as hauntingly.. vague and hard to comprehend. In her mind, this is thusly the same as her understanding of slang words of all languages outside of her mother tongue of Korean is severely lacking and requires other people to speak to her in easy to comprehend terminology should they approach her in the common English.

Her understanding of sarcastic and subtle humor, however, remains stagnantly high across the board of her linguistic skillset. For undisclosed reasons, her opinions of the Phantom Creed seem to be harsher than that of anyone else.


As the sole heiress of the 36th Generation of the Choi family of what was South Korea (and the sole heiress of the family following the 15th Generation since the inception of the cataclysmic war that her family's corporation had long since equipped and developed for), Jess has a knack for intricate machinery following constant study of developmental engineering, chemistry, and high level physics techniques and theories. As such, one could classify her as a skilled metallurgist and mechanical engineering prodigy for her age and status. In RPG terms, one could go as far to say that she's the blacksmith and alchemist of the party.

Being fairly well read, Jess is capable of understanding and speaking few languages in addition to her native Korean as her family tutored her extensively in during the blank period of their family during the underground "hibernation" state of the human race. Effectively, she can understand most English phrases (outside of slang and most idioms of the modern and past eras), most Mandarin Chinese, and a handful of slavic languages like the Russian and Ukranian dialects.

Radioactive Decay Body.

Befitting of child born into the post-nuclear apocalypse, Jess's unique mutation is her extensive and continuous rapid nuclear cell growth and decay constantly undergoing in her body that effectively makes her comparable to a nuclear power plant and possible (weaker) bomb. Because of this, her existence is partially radioactive and can effectively cause weaker sub-mutations in people the longer they stay around her (possibly able to empower already existing mutations already present in mutated people.) Jess's body is at a constant 1,250 milliRem on the Geiger Scale, thus creating a possible 1 in 1,000 chance of non-mutated folk developing cancer-induced cells the longer they stay around her.

When her bare hands press against organic material, anything she will touch will begin to evaporate and decay into ash comparable to the effects of an atomic bomb on a much smaller scale as she is limited to a range of anything she can touch as well as a time factor depending on the level of complexity in the organism. Plants and other non-sentient life will vanish into ash near instantaneously as soon as she makes skin contact whereas living organisms with sentience such as animals and human beings will take longer to decay, beginning from the point of touch until their body is eaten away. The minimum time for a cellular destruction on a full scale for a grown adult male is an hour and a half, though it does not stop even after Jess has let go of her victim.

Because of her constant natural state of cellular fission, Jess seems to actually heal her wounds with more gusto the longer she herself remains in radioactive territory.


Jess's mutation is one that she can effectively never turn off and use solely by her own will due to her very cellular structure being consistently created, remodeled, and destroyed three times as fast as a normal human's. Because of this, she is constantly in bodily pain and in danger of destruction practically anything she actually cares about as long as it remains organic in material when she touches it with bare hands. Human, animal life, plants, wood, and other organic carbon-based life are all at risk to her touch.

Because of this, she has to constantly wear thick, imitation leather gloves to mask her touch from others.

Though she is a prodigy of mechanical and chemical engineering as well as an avid scholar of quantum physics based theorem, Jess's knowledge of electronics based technology (having not grown up even seeing let alone touching an old world computer in her life) is sorely lacking. Because of this, any AI based machinery she comes in contact with will be a hard developmental cycle for her to turn to her side-- as well as any hacking jobs concerning programming will be absolutely impossible for her young mind.

As a person, Jess is notoriously distrustful of anyone that she meets that does not win her respect. Thus, unless in the event of a situation that she knows she can't do alone, actually getting her to cooperate in a team will be near impossible without attempting to convince her to think of the idea on her own. She has a tendency to be somewhat of a gruff know-it-all and somewhat arrogant of her abilities due to her age.


The Betsy Ross
Though not one to carry many weapons, Jess is in ownership of a custom made junk "shotgun" that runs primarily on scavenged compressed air canisters and hardware equipment like rivets, bolts, and nails. However, it has a maximum "clip" size of 14 shots per canister, as well as a spread of 22 rivets per shot.


The first recorded documents of the Choi family lineage began with the birth of Janghyeol Choi in the year 1704 as the son of an unknown smithy and his wife in Hanyang, or what would become known to be Seoul. During the first era of the family's birth, Janghyeol and his son Jaegu became known for being one of the first members of a lobbyist group campaigning for and supporting the act of persecuting practitioners of Catholicism. Over time, the Choi family became well versed in government affairs stemming back to the lifetime of Janghyeol's great grandson becoming a high ranking official officer in the Korean military during the First Sino-Japanese war following the assassination of Empress Myeongseong in 1895. For the next 121 years, the Choi family became known for their aid towards the Korean military with the introduction of the Cheongug corporation founded by Jaeyoon Choi in 1914. However, history books and company documents had not listed the company as an arms manufacturer since that of 1943 during the company's aid during WWII and instead listed themselves as a power manufacturer following the inception of nuclear energy and the culmination of the Cold War.

As the first main daughter in twelve generations, Jeonghyeon Choi was born to Jaeseop Choi in the year 2767 during the culmination of the cataclysmic war that turned the status of the world into a rocky apocalypse and the second known blank period of the Choi family tree in history. As a child, she was raised in a communal stronghold built by a local community just south of what was known to be the city of Gwangju as her family carved out an illustrious part of the community for themselves to remain somewhat cozy in the apocalyptic frenzy. The family remained rather well off, as Jeonghyeon was tutored extensively in matters important to that of the Choi family business as it would resume accordingly at the very second the world would turn right again. However, with a power struggle undergoing operation in the Gwangju communal hives, the Choi family was at risk of being made an example of in semi-Socialist idealist struggle. As a result, the family stole their way out in the dead of the nights and used their remaining fortunes in modern shares of currency of "Novas" with every penny going towards a safe travel across the seas.

Following the journey, Jeonghyeon's life became tumultuous and unstable in its foundations and her father's convictions to keep himself and his family safe from harm from the active predatory AI and roaming raiders and bandits-- These events are ones she'd particularly like to repress, including the demise of both of her parents at the hands of a particularly raiding group and the subsequent activation of her latent mutation after heavy exposure to radioactive materials in the wastelands.

Now, Jeonghyeon roams the wastes as "Jess", on her own looking to create a life for the betterment of the world and to restart the duties of the Cheongug corporation in her father's memory-- though, her choices of wiping out a band of cowboys wouldn't hurt in her mind before that.

"Do I look like a diplomat to you?"

NAME: Hunter Mora
AGE: 25
GENDER: Female
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good

Hunter stands just a hair or two above average, muscular but also skinny in build. Her eyes are dark brown, hair near black and kept short enough to not be a pain with the helmet she tends to wear. That same helmet filters the air she breathes and keeps her face out of the sun, so she hasn't tanned much since leaving the bunker. She wears a worn but still useful pilots' suit she salvaged from a crashed bird not long after leaving the bunker.


Cunning, Honest, Quiet, Paranoid, Single-minded
A reserved person by nature, realities of life on the surface and the events that cast her out of the bunker she grew up in have only intensified her introversion. The fact that most of the people she runs into want to kill her for one reason or another? That helps exactly none. Still, on the odd occasion she does find a non-hostile stranger she can trade or travel with, she does actually appreciate the company. Those she interacts with find that she's got an understated and witty sense of humor, and that she's quite inventive when it comes to problem solving. It's difficult to irritate or anger the typically calm young woman. It's also difficult to sway her from a decision or opinion, once she's made up her mind. Generosity is another of her defining characteristics, as she's the type to share extra food or agree to a disadvantageous trade with someone who clearly needs what she has.
She's also the sort who sets traps around her bedroll and avoids the same large, open areas she likes to look over from a sniper nest, so take that as what you will.

Hunter was born and raised in a bunker, sheltered from the war-torn surface, the same as so many others wandering the world. Ever since she was young, Hunter had been designated to take her father's place within the bunker; she would become the engineer and maintenance woman who ensured the automated systems keeping them alive wouldn't break down. Ever since she was young, Hunter would have rather spent her time out on the surface instead of jury-rigging fixes for machines. She was a quiet person, even as a child, and tended to spend what little free time she had messing around with the old weapons in the bunker's armory instead of socializing with the other couple dozen residents of the bunker. She was twenty two, already well-educated in machines and their workings and poised to take over her father's duties, when a sect of the Phantom Creed found their bunker. Most everyone was killed or taken, with the few survivors (Hunter included) being the ones who ran away.
In the three years since, Hunter has been alone for the most part, spending her days exploring the strange, broken surface, expanding her knowledge of machinery and what little electronics still work, and improving her aim. She has yet to really discover her mutations.

New people
- Heights; especially those overlooking open areas
- Machinery and electronics
- Sarcasm
Cowardice; avoiding one's problems
- Waiting
- Bugs
- The color orange
Marksmanship, hacking
Ferrokinesis -
control and manipulation of metal
Accelerated Perception - brain activity is accelerated so that the user's perception of time slows, allowing them to perceive what would normally be too fast to see and react accordingly
Her ferrokinesis takes time and concentration, making it difficult or impossible to utilize reliably under pressure, and she is limited in the number of metals she can manipulate
- Her accelerated perception triggers with adrenaline, so she has no control over its activation and the ability only lasts a few seconds
- Both cause migraines after they're used
Pre-War Gallen L7 Sniper Rifle, salvaged from the vault she grew up in
2.) An electrically charged blade, useful for frying electronics or shocking organics


Character art credit
Weapon art credit
Hiroshi Yoshimitsu



Even though Hiroshi was born into a rather strict family of Asians who believed that his education and his ability to defend himself was the most important rule of his life to know before he was to head out into any sort of wild or even think of living alone; he was always the type to love meeting new people whether or not they were dangerous to know. The only problem with this however was the fact that with how many stories were told to him as a child about how people could be violent and cold hearted, this has also caused Hiroshi to become a really quiet type of person who doesn't fully ever go right up to people to interact and introduce himself immediately. Deep down though, he might wish to do so; he can never bring himself to do such a thing. However, when the fact comes down to someone requiring help in some form such as being attacked or him overhearing some talk about planning to hurt another person even though they are innocent, Hiroshi is never the type to just sit back and do nothing about it.
Other times, when situations call for it to be as such; he does tend to be rather professional of how he acts and can fully speak to others in a few different languages such as his own native tongue of Japanese or English. He has also come to learn thanks to his father a few other languages like Russian, Ukrainian and even Italian.

Due to being born above ground during the wars that was being waged between humans and by the time Hiroshi was born, the fighting had progressed as far as to reach into more populated areas of the worlds such as cities and such. In the case of this, around the time that he was born; Hiroshi was born with a horrible defect that caused both his right arm and left leg to be nonfunctional and had to be amputated. In replacement of these, he was given robotic prosthetic limbs that had to be changed every 2 - 3 years and was told that after his twenty-first birthday he would not need to change it any further for the robotics should end up adapting to his age from there.
These robotic limbs increase many of his normal attributes such as his strength, speed and reflexes.
Aside from those, ever since entering underground with his family; the only other thing Hiroshi was ever able to do underground had actually become a deep love for him such as drawing, playing the piano and even tinkering with different forms of machinery. Just because he was forced underground due to all the fighting going above ground though, his family had still remained as strict as ever; just because there was no actual underground public schools, his mother and father would still home school him as his father taught him lessons of math, English, history and such while his mother actually taught him how to fight and defend himself in multiple different forms of hand-to-hand combat.

>>Electricity Manipulation<<
Through the use of his robotic limbs, after leaving to the surface; the mutation had even affected his prosthetic limbs to allow him to manipulate and control electricity in the palm of his hands. Although he is able to control this power with his right arm and left leg much easier due to the metal of the robotic limbs conducting the electricity easier compared to his left arm or right leg. Hiroshi is able to use it to either hack through electronics or even bring some back to life and at times, if it calls for it; it can also be used in other forms of defensive and offensive manners of all sorts.
After leaving the safety of the underground and traveling the surface for quite some time, with radiation leaking from practically every possible area. There have been places where the radiation had caused the entire area to become dangerously high in temperature while other places to be ridiculously cold. With the constant change in this temperature everywhere he had gone, it was only a matter of time that the radiation itself would soon begin affecting him to the point that his body had started to adapt to these different environments rather quickly. Of course at first, Hiroshi never noticed that change and just believed that everywhere he was going was just getting him lucky that the weather was actually 'nice' for once; however, as time went on and the sight of others suffering through the different weathers that he had gone through had caused him to become more and more aware that he was also now infected with the radiation and his particular effect was that he was able to begin increasing and even decreasing his own body temperature at high amounts.
With enough of his increase in temperature though, Hiroshi had learned that he is actually able to generate flames that he can actually use in the palm of his hands; while if he decreasing his own temperature enough, he can generate ice as well.

>> Due to his robotic limbs being all that can actually protect him by conducting the electricity of his own mutation through the wires and such within the arm and leg; if the power is overused too much, the circuits within his arm and leg can end up shorting out on him and risk the chance that the electrical discharge can channel itself through his body too far and end up reaching his heart to kill him in an instant. Hence, this is why whenever he uses his ability to control electricity and he decides to use his left arm in anyway to channel the power or even his right leg; he will end up exhausting himself severely to the point that his breathing will become heavy and nearly leave him into a static stasis for several moments.

>> Just as the same as his electrical ability to conduct through his robotic limbs, unlike the other however; when Hiroshi uses his ability to increase or decreasing the temperature of his body to generate either flames or ice, no matter which part of his body he uses this on; he can only use it for a limited amount of time before the flames or even ice begin to take effect on his body as well. Instances such as the flames becoming too far out of control and burning his flesh or the ice growing out of control as well as even freezing over his robotic arm and leg at times.

>> Obviously enough, because his arm and leg are mechanical; every so often they must be inspected and repaired if damaged in anyway. With how the world is now, finding parts that are actually good to use or even in good condition are highly difficult so just the fact of searching for parts at times makes it rather difficult for him and whenever he is desperate, he must use older parts which causes the functions of his arm and leg to be less than efficient than they should be when fully repaired.

>> Born with the defect as it was that caused him to lose his arm and leg at birth. Following the radiation that is upon the surface, it had caused Hiroshi's own defect to become all that much more worse that it had actually turned from a plain physical defect to an illness that effects him internally as well. Every so often, he will end up going into heavy coughing fits that cause him to sometimes cough up blood and send him into a fatigued state that leaves him vulnerable for a few moments. This does not leave him completely unable to move yet his own movements will become much slower and his reaction times will be severely slowed.

> Salvaged and crafted Compound Stinger Bow <
> A katana and dagger passed down from his mother and father to him <





Name: Fletcher Withrow

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Nationality: Canadian


  • Battlefield First Aid - Fletcher is capable of administering basic first aid to minor wounds, aswell as keeping more severe injuries from deteoriating until proper medical assistance can be provided.

  • Marksmanship - Fletcher is well trained and experienced with most types of firearms that one would normally come across. Though he would never claim to be a perfect shot, his enemies have never complained about his aim. They generally weren't alive long enough to do so.
  • Reconnaissance - Fletcher is experienced in moving through areas unnoticed and gathering strategic information for later study.
  • Hand-to-Hand combat - Fletcher is in peak physical shape for your average human, perhaps even slightly over that threshhold. He is well trained in martials arts, aswell as knife fighting.
  • Improvised Weapons and Equipment - Well used to spending long periods of time in the field, Fletcher is able scrape together basic tools, equipment and event rudimentary weapons from whatever he can gather away from suppliers.
  • Basic knowledge about electronics - Fletcher knows enough about electronics to determine if something is valuable or simply scrap metal.
  • Wilderness Survival - Comfortable in the harsh landscape of the wasteland, Fletcher is fully capable of self sustenance by scavaging food and identifying water safe enough to drink; aswell as finding secure shelter for himself.
- Accelerated Regeneration.
Fletcher's body regenerates from wounds at an increases rate. Able to recover from minor lacerations in a matter of minutes, broken bones and internal injuries in a matter of hours.

- Energy Manipulation.
Fletcher is able to manipulate forms of energy and bend them to his will. His is capable of creating defensive barriers, hurling projectiles at his enemies or even forming solid steps made of pure energy to access places he normally wouldn't.

- His regenerative mutation basically increases his body's natural healing by a factor of... alot. In return it drains his body of nutrients and energy when this accelerating healing is active. As a result, it is mandatory for Fletcher to maintain a stock of high quality foods, medication as well as being able to retreat to a secure area to rest after healing from major injuries. Wounds severe enough will force Fletcher to collapse or fall into a coma whilst his body heals.

- Fletcher's energy manipulation requires more focus the more complex and durable the contruction is. A quick barrier thrown up to block debris? Easy. A bolt of energy flung at the enemy? Easy enough. Energy barrier capable of stopping a charging Mindless One? Requires several seconds of pure concentrating on the construction of said wall.


XMJ 201 Gauss Rifle. Standard issue rifle amongst infantry during the Great War, Fletcher was issued this formidable rifle whilst he was serving in the Black Sword.

More than capable of piercing most body armor, the Gauss Rifle is also able to damage light War Machines at their vulnerable points.



His plasma blade is currently out of power. Micro Nuclear batteries are a tad difficult to come by.

Bio: Fletcher was a lucky child in comparison to most. He grew up with both parents present, in a secure bunker that was well protected and supplied, courtesy of the Order of the Black Sword.
A militaristic group of people determined to rebuild humanity to it's former glory, or so he and his parents were told by the various 'priests' and leaders around.

One day when he was twelve, he returned from the mandatory schooling to his family's one room home in the bunker to find both parents missing and an officer from the Order's military sitting in the middle of the small lodging, his lips set into a grim line.

"Your parents are gone, son." Fletcher could still hear his voice, deep and solemn in his ears. "They were on a patrol deep into the wastes. Ambushed by a pack of Mindless Ones. No one survived.
I'm sorry."

In the years to come, the young boy grew into a man fueld by vengence and rage. He excelled in the military academy, rising to rank of squad leader by his first year from graduation. Showing an aptitude for improvisation, tactics, ruthless brutality and for keeping a cool head under fire, Fletcher rose through the ranks of the Order like a duck taking to water. Soon he led entire platoons into the wastelands, leading raids and operations against the Order's enemies. He was a fearless commander, respected by his men for wading into the fray without a second thought, unwilling to sit back and let his men do the bulk of the work.

But when he was about 24, his world was shaken to it's core. Up to this point he'd seen the Order of the Black Sword as the protectors of humanity, as the bulwark of man, a tool to use in his private war against the Mindless Ones. He was oh so wrong.

He discovered who they truly were. Xenophobic, cowards, murderers. His parents were the unfortunate result of a high ranking member of the Order wanting a piece of technology that was deep in hostile territory. A suicide mission. But it was either to go on the mission, or have the then 12 year old Fletcher executed.

The very next chance he had, Fletcher slipped away from the Order's encampment, travelling deep into the wastelands to avoid being tracked down by those he had once called his own.

It was during those five years travelling between the distant pockets of civilization, avoiding war machines and wild beasts that he discovered his own mutations, learning how to make use of them to survive.​


Nothingness Nothingness Done Boss.​
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Cassius Caesar Danning




If there is one word to describe Cassius, it's: tired. Born into a world where robots and machines inexplicably hunted you down, where mutated monsters chased you everywhere, where humanity seemed to have lost some great battle, Cassius had to learn the art of survival early. Not entirely trusting yet not quite cynical, he is a tactical thinker and prefers to guide others in the field than get his own hands dirty. Emotionally dull, Cassius never really grew up with, empathy and sympathy, sadness and anger, depression and ecstasy. He had learned to accept the world for what it was and to not dwell on the past, even if his parents, his only family had died when he was young. Cassius is friendly enough to work with, but to cross him is to cross someone of unimaginable tenacity. Never one to give up, he will commit to a goal so long as he deems it as actually possible.

Hacker - Cassius has an avid interest with software engineering and seems to actually be somewhat happy when cracking some form of encryption, disrupting some systems or simply overiding someone's email.

Mechanic - Cassius also finds an interest in the physical side of technology, fascinated by the robots and machines that still roam the land. Anything from body augments, minus organ-stuff, to tricked out weapons and armour, Cassius can build, repair and scrap them with great skill.

Bio-Upload - The ability to upload one's consciousness into one electronic system at a time. This extends to these robots that roam the lands, to any systems or mainframes that are still operational or to even any equipment that features a HUD or AI such as power armour.

Psycho-Upload - The ability to take control of another person's mind. Those with weaker minds or that are unfocused/distracted/mentally drained are more susceptible to this power. Cassius currently does not know he has this power yet and it is only strong enough to briefly possess a Mindless One or someone of that intelligence. He has the power to temporarily paralyse a normal person, but this will put enormous mental stress on both people involved.

Psychic Disorder - Using either ability excessively causes stress on the user's mind and can lead to extreme headaches, internal bleeding of the brain, memory loss and unconsciousness/blackouts.

Team Player - Cassius can work very well with other people and has no problem relying on others to get a job done. He likes to use his skills to support them in any way he can. However, this means his own combat experience is not particularly good and his proficiency with his gun and dagger are less than stellar.

He has an ornate dagger that is his only heirloom from his family.

As well as a laser-sighted energy pistol. Capable of shooting through light steel armour and burning easily through flesh. It accepts power cores from smaller robots as ammo.


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futuristic fantasy art science fiction artwork 1789x1172 wallpaper_www.knowledgehi.com_80.jpg

Alana Durwill




Adventurous and brash by her very nature, growing up in complete disassociation with the horrific realities of new Earth has made Alana a naïve, yet hard-skinned women. Though the scope of dangers is truly lost on her hopeful ideals of a world built anew, she see's the world in such a state to be beautiful regardless and still worth fighting for, a childish notion, but one born of isolation. Years in a fallout shelter have poisoned her mind with idealistic beliefs. As a survivor however, she is adept at working with--or without--a teamshe is by no means prone to tomfoolery or arrogance. On the contrary, she is very down to earth even despite the apocalypse in-progress.

She is a highly intelligent, but caring person, never afraid to face danger or put herself in harms way for the sake of another. Though do not mistake her actions for bravery, she is tough, she is trained, but she is inexperienced, and young. She lacks the long-years experience surviving in the wasteland, rendering her nerves fragile and her confidence to be easily shattered. Her suit is--for all its marvel--a crutch, Alana is highly co-dependent and may often take a backseat to matters she is very capably of aiding with. Without her armor, she wouldn't fair nearly as well (if at all) in the wild, even if she was immune to radiation.

-Tracking; Hardly a personal talent, but the sensory array's the suit provide make tracking relatively trivial.

-Machinery Knowledge: From her studying, Alana has intricate knowledge of the capabilities and design of most kind of machines.

-Combat Training: With a highly military-minded father, Alana was relentlessly drilled in fitness and close combat proficiency.

-History: Raised in one of the few places were the most classified information was shared, Alana has a clear picture of the events of the past.


The Sentry has many weaknesses to compare to its strengths, first and foremost is the various mechanisms that allow the use of Alana's arsenal can all be individually damaged, from the sensory arrays all the way to the energy blade. Despite the suits durability, it can take enough punishment to render the power levels fully depleted, making every function outside of movement unavailable. Any clear breach in the suit can lead to unhealthily large doses of radiation and should the suit's life support ever be critically damaged, Alana is, for all intents and purposes, done for.

A highly advanced militarized power-suit, extremely durable and compact, whilst posessing slow-moving regenerative capabilities in the form of nanobots, able to repair the suit of damage, cure radiation-poisoning in small doses, and heal minor wounds such as cuts or bruises. Extra-sensory devices include means for amplified communication, a short-ranged radar, and immediate area scanning. Defensive measures boast a high-powered energy shield, operated from a device on the left wrist whilst offensive options include a solid energy blade, formed from a compartment on the right wrist.

Formerly standard issue U.S military personel handgun

Great grandaughter to the Secretary of Defence of the United States, Alana Durwill was raised and trained in the most cutting-edge, high-tech fallout shelter the vast military budget of the States could formerly manage. The highest ranking members of the U.S Government fled with their families to the only investment that wasn't an means to apocalypse. They lived out their remaining days in peace, safe behind hulking steel walls, hundreds of feet below ground--below the White House--now shattered and decrepit, what was once a proud symbol and seat of authority reduced to little more than a ruin, a remnant of the past.

In such isolation, their children carried with them legacy's both great and terrible, from military disasters to wonderous accomplishments. Alana's father found love amidst the shelter with the daughter of an inventor of militarized power suits, as opposed to robotic invention. She passed her values onto her daughter, who utilized whatever the shelter could offer for experimentation and invention. Alana was the product of two great minds, but bore neither an affinity for science nor a cutting edge military mind. The new world brought the generation of children into a new light.

The outside world was seen as an adventure, a challenge, grand dreams of heroism and bravery, journeying across the land to discover priceless relics of the past. Her thirst for adventure would never be sated until she experienced it for herself. With the highest level of research and education available, all children born of the shelter were understandably well-learned and knowledgable on a variety of subjects. An expected outcome, when you cram the greatest minds of a country into a metal pod. They pass on their knowledge to their children, who pass it further, mixing genetic brilliance along the way.

But when the third generation are faced with an entire world they've never seen, rebellious ideals spread like wildfire. On more than one occasion did they attempt to break out, yet always failing. Alana's parents' obsession with the work of her grandmother merely added fuel to the fire. Especially since they never allowed her near their project. Years of unrest went on, denied vision of the outside world the children-turned-young adults went so far as to plan a coup, to subdue the very people who had raised them in order to explore the great wide world.

Through great fortune, did their fathers and mothers discover such idiocy. Many were punished, however Alana's parents warmed to her, making efforts to be as close as possible; the sudden changed confused her, until at her 21st Birthday, the reason why was unveiled. Her mother had spent all this time working on what her mother before her spent her life trying to make. The SENTRY Mk.IV: A cutting-edge power-suit of revolutionary design, it was supposedly the answer to survive the radiation; yet earlier versions never worked. Alana was allowed to leave, willingly, she would safe provided she was never exposed to the radiation for more than a few minutes a day. Her father had taught her over the years much of combat and warfare, forced her to train but only now did she understand why it was their plan all along.

The memories of their farewell to her before she left was both haunting and cherished.

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Aiden Stone, prefers Stone




Blunt, agressive, arguementetive,easily angered, stubborn.
While many may see Aiden as one of the mindless, this is a lie. Aiden sees humans as equals,and while some may not think of him as such,still consders himself human.

"Know me for the Who you know, not the What you see"
-Aiden Stone

Talents: destruction, hunting, general survival, combat

Mutation: physical mutations have caused Aiden to become a massive brute. Along wih this become amazing physical strength, durability, stamina, and even an enhanced immune system and intestinal track.

While he has become a powerful beast physically, the mutations have taken from aiden's mental ability. With an IQ of a mesely 67, he wouldnt have won any awards. He doesnt always unserstand why something is, or that thing that work for him may not work for others.
Sensitivity to sound can cause problems, as loud and unexpected sounds can startle and make him react rashly.
His massive body requires constant food to sustain, and this can be troublesome, especially when food is hard to come by.
His large size makes stealth a near impossible task.
His hands are much to large for most conventional weaponry,forcing him to find more primative substitutes,if any.

Aiden is a very "hands on" combatant,but if thre need arises he will likely fashion a club of some sort out of the enviroment.

Aiden isnt very open about anything prior to the surface.

Aiden happens to be a fan of music, though he cant play, does enjoy listening to it.
Aiden is very naive. Certain subjects simply pass over head for him.
Nothingness Nothingness
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"The laws of this world....By right, they are mine to decide."

Apollo Von Braun




If there was one thing that could describe Apollo, it would be 'Manipulative'. If he is capable of it, he is willing to manipulate any person into doing his work or joining up with them. Through fear and intimidation, he has gathered his following, and shows a cold demeanor to achieve his ends, no matter the cost. He is ruthless to a fault, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his ends. He is, however, calculating- He does not believe in unnecessary violence, but merely that, if there are those that refuse to listen, an example must be made. If everyone does as their told, there wuld be no need for discipline. He refuses to tolerate weakness or incompetence- If you cannot aid the SI, you're of no use to him, and otherwise disposable.

Talents: Hacking, Scrapping, Building, Maintenance, Science, and Charisma

Nano-tech Induced Technomancy
Due to his exposure to mutated Nanites, Apollo gained the abilities to manipulate technology at a molecular level. Thanks to his Body replenishing his nanites, he can heal faster, move faster, and is stronger than most humans. Using the nanites, he has an understanding of technology that no-one of this age can grasp, allowing him to craft pre-war technology as if he was a pre-war scientist himself. This ability also allows him to take control of the lesser machine-dregs that are seen in the wasteland

~Despite having advanced healing properties, Apollo is by no means invincible. Though it is not known to anyone besides a few with grasp on Nanotech, Nanites are still one thing- Machines. Were someone to hit him with an electric-based weapons, they'd short circuit his abilities, giving them a clear edge over the individual.

~Though it is not known even to him, despite new ones being made in his body, the nano machines are still old technology, meaning the Mainframe could still manipulate them. If the Mainframe can get ahold of Apollo and reprogram the Nanites, they'd be able to completely take away his self-control, making him a puppet to the machines.

~Apollo tries not to rely on his nanites too much in his everyday life, as he doesn't want to be a one-trick pony, or completely dependent on his foreign abilities. As such, his skills with them are less than what they could be, though they show the possibility of growth.

Refurbished Pre-War Military Model Laser Rifle
Pre-War Electric Bodyguard with built in Computer (Left arm- Operates as a Multi-tool and Nanite Control Device)


Braun. The very name goes back as far as the first world war. Coming a long line of military scientists and soldiers (on his mothers side), Apollo has a whole host of genetic knowledge that would make what others know seem like child's play. A savant with technology, his first exposure to the outside world was....less than ideal. The very nanites that are present in his body originally attacked his body. Not out of a desire of malice or blind following. No, Apollo learned why they latched onto him and why they wanted to take his body.

The Nanomachines wanted to live!

Self-preservation, that was their driving goal. In exchange for inhabiting his body, they offered boosts the which he had never seen in mutations, and abilities that no-one could grasp. The machines gave him a chance to rebuild the very world his family inadvertedly destroyed, and reforge the fate of his species. Taking control of the SI was the easy part, but Apollo had to crack down hard on the people in it- They couldn't allow weakness to get in the way of doing what must be done. One bad apple, and the entire barrel could be spoiled, so Apollo enforced strong laws about how the SI interacted.

Sanctuary within their ranks was offered...If they could prove they had the necessary skills needed by the order. Those with brilliant minds or unique abilities are always greeted warmly among their number, but many do not trust them- The SI are often seen as bandits or raiders, for they control many vital spots and seize any technology they can get their hands on. They often clash heavily with the Order of the Black Sword and the Phantom Creed, the order more often due to their overzealous views. Any members of either that attack them are left as bait for the mindless ones, a constant reminder that they are not going to back down.

Apollo has made it clear to anyone- If you will not stand with the SI, or stay out of it's way, you're merely a problem, and he has no issue removing you from the equation.

You want to get on his good side? Offer him something he can't refuse. He values intelligence and willpower highly.
Subject 13

Subject 13, Project Foresight, "Theresa"

Rat - 8
Human - 18



- Curious
- Naive
- Hungry
- Goofy
- Defensive
- Intelligent
- Observant
- Quiet
- Motherly

Rodent Physiology
Enhanced Condition
Speaks to animals and people(as long as they don't run away)

Poison Manipulation
Body Manipulation

- When she is using her poison abilities, she has to be careful since she can also affect people around her.
- "Theresa" has to be careful to not be outside too long when she isn't using her body manipulation since her upper torso is nothing much pulsating red muscles, tendons, and thick bones.
- While "Theresa" can use her body abilities to make her body stronger than most humans, she can only focus on certain parts of her body at a time.
- While she is as smart as a human, if not a bit smarter, she is still very naive to must things.
- While she is still smart, there are times she will go berserk.

- A makeshift spear made of stone and metal.
- Her body


- "Theresa" stands 10' tall on her hind legs. On all fours, she stands almost over half that height.
- While "Theresa" uses her other senses to pick up the smallest sounds, she uses her body abilities to recreate her eyes so she can see clearly.
- "Theresa" sometimes come out at night to avoid humans since she believes they will be scared of her.
- She is known to hang upside down on trees, acting like a possum sometimes.
- "Theresa" is known to hiss at people she doesn't know or when she is stalking others.
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Name: "Pyro" (your find out his real name later)

Age: believed to be 18

Gender: believed male

Nationality: american

Personality: an extreme Pyro who if the rumors are to go by just wants to see the world burn. Other then that no one really gets close enough to speak to him much, and if they do he doesn't really say much


Scavenging- he has a knack for finding enough to keep his life stedy

Basic programing and hacking- enough of a knowledge of programming inorder to get some hardwhere online.

Cooking-... He is actually an extremely good cook and a wiz with what spices he can het his hands on.

Mutation: (This is the power or any sort of mutation that was given to you from the exposure to the outside world. Please keep this under control as much as you can, nothing fantasy such as being an angel/demon and such like that. Controlling an element is fine and all, just nothing with the two major elements of light and dark. 2 Max.)

pyrokinesis- he has the ability to control fire. Not that it wont burn him, it is also the reason he has the suit on. He also uses this ability to increese the temperature of fire way beyond its normal point of what would be available. For example he once used his Zippo lighter to melt a steel beam he needed to get rid of... The Zippo melted also and he hasn't used his lighters in a fashion like that since.

Power armor- his suit has several ways of keeping him moving to take the wheight of the armor off and inside is a cold liquid that flows to make sure his body doesn't feel the heat, (unknown to most people it actually isn't cold it just kills the receptors that pick up heat leaving him forever cold)
Weaknesses: (No matter what the mutation did to you; you still have weaknesses that must be put in one way or another. 2 Minimum.)

Ruined body- His body cant support himself outside of the suit any more. Infact the suit itself is from a prewar unit of flamethrower troops... After a year of content use the first man to take the armor off literally fell to pieces minutes later along witht he majority of the unit perished and the rest just kept the armor on luckaly the armor has a way to get rid of waste and to eat while inside the armor. Pyro has had it for almost 8 years now and hasn't taken it off.

Heavy metal- he keeps the suit on for his life. And it by no chance is light, it takes a ton of strength and is a stamina waster.

Weapon: (Be as realistic as you can with this. obviously nothing humongous such as a giant battle-ax that you can run around and swing with a single hand. Also, it has to be something that would make sense in this sort of environment such as finding or crafting an old sword out of junk parts or even finding an old rifle, etc. 2 Max.)

He carries a prewar flamethrower powered by fuel cells. It is built into the suit.

He also carries a well maintained if a bit covered in ash pump shotgun he took of a raider. Benelli 12 gauge

Bio: Pyro is something of a legand. Not much is know about him before he appeared 10 years ago burning a camp of phantom creed members who were harassing a settlement. The fire was visible from town... 10 miles away. When a towns member went to investigate the next day what he said started a legend that people used to scare there children. The blackened camp was filled with dieing out flames, burned blacked corpses, and the outside the camps a few cars lay burned out looking like people tried to flee. Leading away from the camp was a bunch of foot prints that look like people were running, and a single set of tracks following them...filled with ash.

Since then he has been reported across the wastelands and ruined cities always appearing and causing some form of fire before vanishing. Recently a robotic dog has been seen with him.

Other: he has a robotic dog named sparky that seems to carry his energy cells and cores for his armor.

Edit Repo
Appearance: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgur...ffSAhXJTSYKHSsQCjQQMwhIKCUwJQ&iact=mrc&uact=8

Name: Aston Garret

Age: 34

Gender: male

Nationality: German (parents moved to America when he was 7, and had their names changed to what they considered a traditional American name; Aston can speak english, and will identify himself as an English man if the question of nationality would arise)

Personality: Bland, boring, blunt, these things are what describe Aston the best, though being detached and void of much emotion are traits that can be seen if you would know him well, in the wasteland that is today, these traits haven't gotten much better. Fun and good times aren't really on the agenda for him, but survival is.

Engineering: whether it be small gadgets and tools, or if he were tasked with repairing a vehicle or two, building and fixing things is right up his wheel house, as he had been doing it since he was young.
Physically adequate: Although not one to act as a jock, strength came with engineering in a way, as he would get used to lifting big parts, pulling certain things apart, and hammering things together. His strength is in his arms and upper body.

Enchanted eye sight: calling it "enchanced" is a bit of an understatement, as his new found ability allows him to see things clearly up to 5 miles away. This ability is constant
X ray sights: This ability is different from the last one, allowing him to see through walls, camaflouge, and various other obstacles (gasses, other people, ect.). This ability can be activated, and is not constant.

Migranes: Using both powers can induce on and off migranes, some lasting hours, others lasting days. In some cases the pain can cause him to black out.
Blindness: a side effect only caused Bu using his x ray sight, after switching off the power, he will endure a state of complete blindness that can edure around 5-45 minutes.

Makeshift sword: Using various parts and tools, Aston had created a sword with a 6ft blade. Note, a constant pulse of electricity can be sent through the blade thanks to the makeshift battery attacked to the bottom of the handle, though he mostly uses said function while destroying machines, or "mechs" as he likes to call them.
M12-Grade B plasma rifle: clips charges by energy, transfered into plasma as shot through barrel, 55 rounds per charge.
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://orig00.deviantart.net/e582/f/2014/218/4/e/dark_nova__pl_9_plasma_pulse_rifle_by_breandan_ociarrai-d7u10ib.jpg&imgrefurl=http://breandan-ociarrai.deviantart.com/art/Dark-Nova-PL-9-Plasma-Pulse-Rifle-473699027&docid=JGhZIs1sTPX90M&tbnid=JS3bPYvDr6nbeM:&vet=10ahUKEwj-rOGagPfSAhWIWCYKHaujCW8QMwhdKAwwDA..i&w=800&h=339&client=tablet-android-samsung&bih=800&biw=1280&q=plasma rifles&ved=0ahUKEwj-rOGagPfSAhWIWCYKHaujCW8QMwhdKAwwDA&iact=mrc&uact=8

Bio: Aston didn't have an exciting life before the AI's took over, and not much happened after either. Since the start, he was always the scavenger of a situation, not sticking to groups or committing to fighting for a cause, he scavenges for supplies, moves around, sets up temporary homes, and repeats the cycle. Usually when faced with fighting the robots controlled by the AI's, he would take it out as quickly as possible, then scavenge it for anything he could hold.

Other: Although fighting isn't listed as a skill (it's not something he's worked on as a skill), he is good at it, fighting for survival from the start, he has encountered gangs and people from the different groups (even the mindless) and survived.
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"The concept of war never changes, how it is conducted changes drastically."
Ashley "Tex" Miller
Usually reserved to newcomers, though close friends or allies find him to be talkative and nice.
Talents: (These are not your powers, these are to be passive things that your character is good at. Such as hacking, crafting things, first-aid, etc.)
Marksmanship- Ashley is very skilled with handguns and rifles, but can't the handle the consistant recoil of larger weapons like shotguns or light machine guns
CQC- Ashley is good at using her hands in a fight, but can't take many hits or dish out anything hard-hitting.
Agility- Ashley is very lean and well suited to an urban environment, being a fast runner and knowledgable free-runner.

Active Camoflauge- After a few days outside Ashley realized her body could absorb photons and make her self invisible.(imagine it like those things that absorb radar.)

Lack of Strength- Ashley lacks physcial Strength, making it hard for her to deal with anything heavy or knock people out with one hit.
Camoflauge- The active camoflauge is a double edged sword. While she can be invisible, in that state she is more vulnerable to friendly fire and staying in that form to long get lead to radiation poisioning(from the sun)

Brass Knuckles- What the name implies, good 'ol knuckle dusters.
Colt M1911 .45 Handgun- Old School indeed, but nothing gets more reliable than this classic. Fires an 8 round mag of .45 ACP caliber rounds.

Bio: (nothing important, tbr if brought up)

Deathly afraid of spiders
Hates coffee and tea
Doesn't like people how care about themselves only.

(Without mask & hood)
(Ignore the microphone, he doesn't actually have one...)

Name: Morris Granger (The Gasman)

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Nationality: North American

Personality: Quiet, somber. In most situations, he prefers to be 'lone wolf'. Does his best to stay away from people.

Talents: Scavenging is one of his best traits. Given a few minutes, he can snuff out any hidden goods tucked away in the area he is in. His combat skills consist mainly of stealth, but he can manage in a firefight. His preferred weapon type is a rifle, but he is just as skilled with a knife. He has almost unnatural instincts when it comes to directions, even if he is in a new place he hasn't been around.

Mutation: Morris' mutation had basically turned his hands into a toxic gas deposit. The pores in his palms and fingers had widened and began spewing out a toxin, which he seemed to have an immunity to, that quickly killed anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby. Although he had no control over this mutation for many months after it popped up, he finally gained the ability to freely open and close the pores in his hands. these pores can also be located all the way up his forearm.

Weaknesses: Social interaction is not Morris' forte. It can even be safely said that he has a fear of companionship. More serious than that, Morris' mutation has many problems. Although he controls his pores, the gas does not stop producing, which forces him to allow the gas to flow out now and then in order to stop himself from turning into a living, toxic bomb. Worst than that, due to his insanely large pores (you could slide a #2 pencil through one of the pores), he is open to the elements of the environment while the pores are open. This includes water, dust, bacteria, radiation, etc.


Combat Knife- Serrated combat knife, roughly 5.5 inches long and holstered to the right side of his waist

Bolt Action Rifle- Nothing too special. High powered, scoped rifle. 45 cal rounds with 14 rounds per clip. Lightweight and has a shoulder strap for easy transportation.

Bio: TBA!

Other: Misses the smell of fresh air and wished they made EPIDUO for hands... or made it at all for that matter... (Just kidding, I just felt like filling this part in. XD)

Nothingness Nothingness
MAJOR WIP (editing frequently until finished)

Katerina Artemyev
(Also known as the Reaver and Red)



Russian Descent​



Lockpicking, Tracking,



Rapid Regeneration


Large Frame:

Having a large body makes it difficult to navigate small spaces and makes Kat an easier target to pick out amidst the wreckage. Her unique physiology also makes it difficult to use equipment that was designed for the traditional human body in mind.

Vulnerable Weakpoints:

What remains of Kats original body is more vulnerable to attacks and slower to heal.


A pole-ax scavenged from the remnants of a museum and altered by Forgers as part of a trade to provide protection for one of their travelling caravans.

A former member of the Order Of The Black Sword, Katerina was once a mildly mutated human with the ability to turn intangible. Her gift made her excellent for missions involving recognizance and scouting out unpredictable territories, but often put her in proximity of their enemies. During one of these missions she had an ill-fated encounter with a mindless one that resulted in the two accidentally merging when Kat's powers backfired during their fight.

(More can be expanded upon during IC)



Peter Jack Thornton







+ Running
+ Shooting
+ Cooking
+ Improvising

- Swimming
- Lifting heavy things
- Open Spaces


Animal Physiology:

Peter was born with some animalistic qualities as an infant that progressed rapidly and give him superhuman athletic abilities and senses.

Gravitational Manipulation:

Slowly being discovered.

(No matter what the mutation did to you; you still have weaknesses that must be put in one way or another. 2 Minimum.)


One Heckler and Koch HK45 pistol and a Swiss army knife style contraption.



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