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Realistic or Modern All is a Dream..

He said nothing, and simply opened the door to Emmi's hiding place. She freaked out and immediately tried to run, but her dad grabbed her in a chokehold. "Stupid girl.. Shoulda sold you a long time ago," he said coldly to Emmi, who was beginning to lose air. Please don't let me die, she thought. I love James and I want to stay with him.

James dropped his bag then dropped into a sprinting position, he was ready to tackle her dad, which he did, "Get off her you damn monster!" He yelled at him.

@Rose Baker
Emmi was thrown into the floor when her dad was tackled, and coughed a couple of times, sucking in great gulps of air. Her dad glared at James and pulled out a gun, which made Emmi jump up, and yank her sword from her bag. "Don't.. You dare.. Hurt James," she said angrily. Her dad laughed humorlessly before turning the gun on her instead.

"Sorry Emmi... I have to.." He snatch her sword and knowing he was drunk his shots would most likely miss him, though it was just a probability, "RAHHH!" He shouted going to swing the sword to slice the gun from his hand and NOT to kill him, "You touched Emmi!"

@Rose Baker
The gun was knocked from her father's hands, and landed several feet away. Emmi stared, somewhat frozen in place, before finally saying, "Let him go, James. He's probably too drunk to even do anything except stream curses.. besides, it's not really your problem to worry about it." She walked over to the gun, picked it up, and tossed it into a trash can. Her father glared at her and said, "Stupid bitch. Always gave up. Completely useless. Bet if I sold her, she wouldn't be worth shit anyways." Emmi looked away, only slightly hurt by his words.

James pointed the sword at his throat almost touching, "People like you.. you disgust me.. you damn drunkards care for nothing about beer and money, she isnt a tool to be sold. She's a person like me and you." He lifted the sword away then turned and gave it back to Emmi, "Come on Emmi.. i'll take you someplace nice." He said grabbing her hand and holding it.

@Rose Baker
James looked at her and noticed she was holding back tears, but decided not to say anything yet. As they arrived outside he stopped infront of his car (The 2016 Jaguar F-Type) and turned to her, "I dont want you going back to him, Emmi." He said with concern for her safety.

@Rose Baker
James looked away then back at her, "You can.. live with me.." He said.

@Rose Baker
"No.. you wouldn't.. I could enjoy the company anyways.. living alone is not good." He said, taking out his keys and unlocking the vehicle.

@Rose Baker
She glanced at him and said, "Alright.. but I do have to go back home to get my stuff." Can't believe it. This started out so perfect.. But as usual, Dad has to show up and screw it all up. I should've tried harder at killing myself. But then again.. I never would've met James if I'd succeeded, she thought.


(Last post for tonight. I'll probably post some tomorrow, but not a lot. Goodnight!)
"I'll take you.." He said opening the passenger door for her.

@Rose Baker

(Okay, Night)
*sigh* i don't want to drop this rp but i'm so lost i had depression thats why i wasn't rping or anything and school -.- how can i jump in

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She smiled and said, "Thanks." She got into the car and sighed, already dreading going back to the house. No doubt her dad was already there again. Great, more drama, she thought irritably.

May ended her class and ran from the room, not before colliding with a student she hadn't met. To be honest, she hadn't met many here yet.

"Oh...goodness, I'm so sorry," she whimpered, collecting up her things and getting up off the ground. Her legs hurt and her face was flushing with embarassment.

(thank you i was about to quit this rp)

Amber bumped into the girl" Owie" she say as she drop her books" its okay its not a big deal i'm Amber nice to meet ya daughter of headmaster" she say smiling
"Daughter of the..." May's eyes widened and she took a few steps back, "Oh..I am SO sorry, Amber!" she held a hand out for her to shake, playing with a charm on her bracelet nervously with the other hand.

"I-I'm May!" she exclaimed, intimidated by the student.
Amber smiled" nice to meet ya May" she say smiling as she shook her hand as music notes was all over the floor as she was picking up her notes as she smiled" actually adopted daughter but yeah" she say smiling" don't be nervous" she say

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May wasn't even listening anymore, staring at the music notes that scattered the pages.

"You're into music too?" she asked, hopeful. Music was the thing she was best at, it was her passion, to find a friend like her would be unimaginable.

"I mean, nice...sheet music..." she tried to cover her excitement, failing to act casual.

Amber looked at her" of course music is my life mom and dad used to be musicans before they died but its okay i will be famous like them someday" she say looking at her
May looked at her inquisitively.

"You seek fame?" she questioned, furrowing her brow, "Why?"

She couldn't understand. She must too much of an introvert to even grasp the concept of people wanting attention off of you at all times.

Amber looked at her" i just want to be somebody people make fun of this and not havinga family and i just want a career in it i enjoy music maybe a music teacher or something" she say sighing she show her the bad eye her scar
May's heart lurched as she saw Amber's eye.

"My goodness, what happened to you?" she moved closer to the girl tentatively, putting a hand out and looking at her scar.

"I'm...so sorry," though she had no reason to, she thought an apologise would help her case.

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