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Fandom All for Nothing? Akame Ga Kill RP!

Muse pouted once again. She turned her head to look back at the capital. "Maybe the one girl vanishing was apart of her imperial arm." She suggested, shrugging slightly. She thought for a moment before turning back to Issho. "Maybe you can try again? Or maybe you can take me and i can lull them to sleep and then we can kidnap them!" She decided, getting more and more excited at the adventure that gathered in her head. Once again though Aisu crushed her dreams. Three shards of ice zoom right passed her face, one of them cutting her cheek the slightest bit. Muse turned her head, staring at Aisu in disbelief.

"Muse. Do you not know how to shut up for five minutes? Youre getting annoying" He shot back, glaring at her. He took a deep breath, having to calm himself down before creating an ice storm and giving away there location. Muse gave him a disgusted look as her hand yet up to her cheek, feeling the warm blood drip down. She opened her mouth to protest, however Aisu cut her off by holding up a finger. He took a few stepped forward, his slim torso moving against his leather vest with each step he took. He reached out and gripped Muse's wrist. "We're going back to camp." He informed her calmly, feeling as though if they stayed any longer they would be noticed. "As for you Issho. Go ahead and drink all your worries away. You'd do it anyways even if we told you not to." He shrugged before walking away, frost forming under each step he took.
Lara nodded and scanned the room, she noticed that they are missing a member ' i will need to brief that member later " ok... now that we are all intorduce... why we get down to business.... what do we know about the rebel army so far?" She said as she leaned back on her chair " we now know that they hired a mercenary.... and a handful off them have manage to get their hands on the imperial arms that were locked up in the castle... and the scouts that we have send to find the camps have yet to come back...." she said. She hoped that they were alive and not dead. She mentally sighed a little and looked at the other member and waited for them to add to the information.

Early in the morning, as the Sun had yet to fully rise into the sky, Varan Ensis could be seen resting atop the second floor's balcony to his own estate. The cold violet eyes seemed to almost memorize the landscape, from the far off fence that separated his property from the wilderness, to the growing crops out in the field hoping to obscure said fence. Even the employee's he kept had yet to fully awaken and begin the mundane task of working his fields, Varan would allow them another hour of rest before he forced them to earn their wage. He was a patient man, and he would rather have dedicated workers than disgruntled and tired workers. The latter often enough made for trouble and bad crops.

The retired assassin sighed, briefly spotting the breath in front of him before the breeze took it. He had received a letter the other day, informing him of a meeting concerning his possible profits. It was, of course a ploy to lure the man back into the Capital. Foolishly, Varan had went and was confronted with several men who not years earlier, he'd recognize as enemies. The old Imperial wasn't as mysterious as he thought, and these men were either going to charge him for the crimes he committed during his time as an assassin or he had to join them. That was an interesting possibility, but who exactly were they fighting against that they needed him of all people? Perhaps they just didn't wish to dirty their own hands, so they would send a man who's were too bloody to wash away.

In truth, aside from local politics surrounding the Capital and exactly what he needed to produce to afford his style of living, Varan strayed from politics. He didn't care, it was all a life left behind for him. Unfortunately, it would seem, that was something he couldn't afford. Rubbing the tiredness from his eyes, Varan took another look out at his property. The first of the employees were waking and walking around the estate, from the bath house to their designated meal center. He had little choice but to attend this meeting, but Varan would be damned if he allowed the former rebels to push him around or hold his past over Varan's head. It would take little more than an hour by carriage, if he traveled with haste. Perhaps a little more than two if he were to casually go about this.

Varan would spend the next few hours packing, gathering essentials for what he assumed to be a long assignment . The man decided to take his time, it would likely make those expecting him wait, but Varan wouldn't mind causing them some annoyance. It was little past mid day when Varan did arrive in the city, and even then he first rented out a house to stay at and allowed the few servants he took with him to unpack and rest. The journey was, in all respects, a comfortable and short one.

Varan was sure he was late to the meeting when he finally arrived, he vaguely got the idea this was going to be a bit more than he expected. Nothing the man couldn't handle, of course, but caution was never a bad thing in his book. As he arrived at the building, Varan took a moment to compose himself, making sure his hair was still strapped down behind him, the robes he wore all free of dirt and other imperfections, and of course his face was clean. Putting on a friendly smile, Varan began to walk through the structure, with only minimal resistance being met. The aura he carried with him was more than enough to send the message to most guards that he belonged in the building. Turning a corner, his eyes lingered in a curiously broken down wall. He didn't expect the rebels to take good care of the Capital. .

A broken door was the second alarming sight to greet him, cut nearly perfectly in two. So there was a battle of some sort, perhaps a display of dominance among those gathered? While Varan was fine with following orders and listening to others, he wouldn't bend the knee for just anyone. He could see inside the room, full of young looking adults. Not that he was able to judge, but Varan inwardly wondered if this was going to be a next generation Jaegers.

"Why hello there, I was summoned here to meet what would be a group of the Empire's finest?" Varan shut both of his eyes as he smiled, walking towards the nearest empty chair and sitting down before either purple orb was revealed again. "My name is Varan Ensis. Who might my comrades be?"

His voice was calm, almost soothing, as he briefly touched his teigu, the amulet and red gem stone hanging around his neck. He would not be caught unprepared, nor give off a decisive signal that these others could take advantage of him. He sat quietly after that, awaiting their reply.
Evie rolled her eyes at the girl's rudeness as she looked up at the clouds covering the sun, "Patrolling...Capt asked me to..." she replied honestly and softly as her flames flickered again, signalling that someone was coming close; this acted like a radar for her. She looked over her shoulder as she jumped on a tree branch and looked at Issho, also part of the rebel army but like the others, she didn't really know him.

3 idles hmm? Wonder what Capt's gonna do next?

She took a break near camp entrance.
The young blonde took a seat on the far end of the table as he placed his sheathed Teigu on the table, he looked around and then towards each of his new teammates. "Well, I have heard of rebel movements in the hills, so recently I have been scouting them and have had no success, until today." He pauses for a moment and then continues "Earlier today I found a rebel camp to the north of the Capital, it appears that they intend to do something rather soon... That is all I have at the moment, I am still looking into it." He then stood up as he walked towards a window and stood facing towards it, looking at the view of the Capital, it looked peaceful, yet it was a shame that this was not the case. "As for the missing Teigu, I'm not sure how the rebel army even managed to get into the Capital undetected, this tells us they have skilled people in their ranks.. And that they could still be in the Capital, we should be careful." He said as he then turned and sat back down, holding his own Teigu in the process.

Before he could say anything else, someone else entered the room, and introduced himself, he was wearing a strange amulet which Masaki assumed to be this mans Imperial Arms "Well Varan, it is nice to meet you and I look forward to working with you" he said as he looked around, 'I guess that is all of us... Great... I seem to be the youngest here.. Oh well, Let's just hope they don't underestimate me' he thought with a sigh, as he waited for any other detail with the Rebel menace.
Lara nodded at what Misaki said " ok... when you find out further information I would like you to write a report about it and hand it to me..." she said to him in a serious voice and then turn her attention to the man that entered. " i am Lara Evernight Nice to meet you too... what do you know about the rebels so far?" She asked the man.

((.....does anyone mind if Lara become the captain of the group? Or does someone else want the position??))


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Akihito Sho & Miki Sho

Akihito flipped back at the response from the woman from before, Lara, that was about the spy that could be here. "Miki get away from the cat." He said acting paranoid. "It might have rabies." he was really paranoid now, it was beyond being just Overprotective. Miki frowned at her brother's response, she clapped as it was in her lap. She rubbed the cat's face with her finger smiling. "It does not have rabies," she says as she flicks a slap of air at her brother's face snapping him out of his paranoia. Wanting her regular overprotective brother back. A paranoia was never a plus to her. Akihito felt the air slap his face, "Thanks" he muttered he got back to normal. "Camps are really almost everywhere along the border, that is normal though..." he said running off on a tangent. "Brother." Stopping the tangent from going on. Miki pondered for a moment as she walks outside to get something from the capital's library most of it could be useful. "I'm heading for the library," as a person came in and introduced himself. Another person, I have to get used to talking with others. Akihito followed his sister, them being seriously inseperable, "See you guys later." He said sighing being dragged by her sister and his own need to protect Miki.
Lara looked at Akihito and Miki get up and leave. She simply nodded to them and looked at the time. She leaned back on her chair and started thinking 'imperial arms being sent to the rebels... we need find and neutralize the spy....' She glance at Veran as she remembered his name. She read about him in some files "... I would like you to find and neutralize the rebel that has been stealing imperial arms from the castle and sending them to the rebel camps..." she looked at Misaki " Brief him on what we talked about today" she said and got up as she looked at time. " if you need me I will be walking around town..." she said. Luka jumped on her shoulder and Lara walked out of the room.

She headed off to town to see if any of the citizens need help with anything. She helps with almost anything, if she can't do it she usually gets some soldiers to get the job done. She took out the box of chocolate sticks and started muching on them again. She was still hungry '... I should get an apple once I am in town...' She thought.

Masaki sat there as Lara gave him those tasks. "I will, don't you worry about that. I will most probably set out later tonight" he said as he got up again to greet the newcomer. As Lara left and told him to "Brief" Varan on what was said,he sighed and tried to recite everything that was discussed. "If you would take a seat we can begin. I want to make it fast as I have things to do now it seems" he said not in a nasty tone. But a kind one, masaki then proceeded to sit back down, holding his teigu whilst he placed it on the table and was about to star briefing the man.
Lara's katana was strapped to her side as she made her way to town. She stopped by a flower shop and bought some Jasmines and headed to a certain building. She looked at it for a moment and placed the flower right at the doorsteps of the shop and put her hands together and prayed a little, before walking off.

As she walked, she looked around and smiled as the smiling faces. A little girl ran up to her with a bright smile on her face " hi miss!... can i hold your kitty?" She asked shyly. Lara smiled " of course" luka jumped down from her shoulder and let the girl picked her up and cuddle with her. " thank you... your really nice" lara smiled again and patted her girl's head " that means alot to me..." the girl giggled and kept cuddling with Luka.


Akihito Sho & Miki Sho

Miki picked out a "few" books, her brother taking the books she picked out, most of them being records of the battles with the rebel army. Stepping up the ladder to find the other maps around the now with a few maps, she went down the steps.
Akihito struggling to hold the books that covered up his vision of almost everything else. He looked up at the Tower of books walking back and forth not wanting it to fall on his sister. Slamming it on the table gasping for breath. "Tsk Tsk Tsk, brother are you already tired..." Kimi said teasingly at her brother when she opened up the records of the battle placing them as pins on the map the colors not mastering, just looking for their patterns, pausing as she places a dot on the capital itself, due to the incident today. "I thought you said a FEW books, not the whole library." Akihito replied to his sister's teasing as he laid back because of holding the books, only to get up again to help his sister with marking their movement, seemingly random to him. In any consolation they should bring the map to the group.

Kimi smirked as her brother replied, "No I do did not," Placing her hand on her chest in a innocent and confused tone. As she looks at her brother, "I never said any such thing." Still in her innocent state. "You inferred it," now in a slightly accusing tone.

Akihito frowned and blushed slightly at his sister's innocent tone. As he starts mumbling again, looking over at the map.Akihito tapping his cheek as he uses his other hand to place battles.
Muse and Aisu made it back to camp safely. Granted it took quite a while to get there, they still got there and thats all that mattered. As aisu walked into camp with Muse by his side he was greeted by all kinds of people. He often go this treatment due to his imperial arm. He was used to it by now although it still made him feel weird. Muse pouted, wanting the attention to be on her. She shrugged it off however, knew that complaining wouldnt help at all. Aisu and her walked over to one of the Commanders. Aisu bowed while Muse just rolled her eyes. "Issho is off doing his own thing. The only information we were able to collect was They have an elite group, as you knew, and they all seem to have imperial arms." Aisu relayed the information, muse standing slightly behind him. The commander just nodding. "Alright Aisu. Thank you. You have watch now." the large man grunted, sending Aisu off. Muse turned over her shoulder and started walking away from the blue haired boy. "Have fun loser. Im going to see if there anything fun to do. Maybe a boy to tease." she giggled slightly, pulling her teigu out out of her sash.

Aisu watched her walk away. He was trying to figure out why he took her under his wing. When they first arrived at the camp they were both young. Aisu, slightly older, took pity on Muse. She was young and frightened. However he didnt realize she would grow up to be such a whiny. manipulative, insane girl. They whole camp considered them brother and sister. Sometimes he wished he never talked to her that first day. Aisu shrugged, and started o walk out of camp and into the surrounding forest. He was stuck with her now so no use complaining. He continued to walk around the empty forest, listening carefully for foot steps. He made sure to stay hidden slightly, ready to use his imperial arms at any moment.

Muse on the other hand was proud to call Aisu her brother. She never had one so she was happy to be able to look up to someone. Plus he had saved her many times from sticky situations. Muse walked around camp, sighing from boredom. She played a non trancing melody on her flute, keeping an eye out for any invulnerable or cute boys. It was always fun to tease them. To get them frustrated. There werent many women in camp so it is always easy to find a victim for her mind games.
Lara smiled as she watched the girl cuddle with luka. She thought back to the time she was happy like that when her parents were still around. ' speaking of which....' She looked at a shop keeper "excuse me... what day is it?" The shopkeeper looked at her "hm... it's March 20th" "oh... thank you..." she said to him and sighed a little, feeling a little sad. Today was the day her parents died. The lady looked at the girl " hey... can i get my cat back now?" She asked. The girl nodded and let go of her cat.

Luka jumped on Lara's shoulder and lara smiled and patted the girl's head " thank you..." she said and walked of to the flower shop. She bought some Jasmines and went off to her parents which was on the outskirts where all the other graves are. It took her 30 minutes to get there.

Once she got there she smiled a little. Her parents grave was decorated with flowers, which she did herself. It was still in tack and she always wondered how. She place the jasmine down and prayed. Luka sat down next to her and looked around.


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