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Fandom All for Nothing? Akame Ga Kill RP!

Akihito Sho

Akihito was assigned to a group who was going to take care of the rebel forces along with his sister. If they would not, he would more likely go berserk. He walked over to her sister to tell her about their new mission, and their new groups as much as he disliked it. Miki probably would too, "Hey sis? We have to go to the capital building to meet our team." He said knocking and opening her door as he was there outside for a while, chasing off a few people who wanted to speak to her sister. They walked together to the capital building with a menacing face to those who looked at her sister. Turning pink at his sister's teasing. He had his Deadly Petals on his side as he walks in with her sister, so far the only two in the room.

Miki Sho

"Do I have to?"
Miki sighed as she got ready as his brother was speaking, she got the memo, deciding to bring her imperial arms with her, sliding on her ring. She did not really needed a answer as she walks outside, a feeling of nervousness taking over. She clinged onto her brother's arm as they walked through the town. "Quite a Sister complex you got there" she teased her brother. Once they arrived, she opening the door for both of them still clinging on to her brother sitting down side by side, tapping her nails like a drumroll for a little, the other hand around her brother's arm. Still nervous around new people, even if they were not here yet.
A girl with long black hair was in the training room of the castle,practicing her swordmanship with her imperial arms, Ifrit's Blue Blade. No one was in the training room except for a black cat who sitting to the side quietly watching her master, who woke up early in the morning to take

train. She was very concentrated in her training and wasn't paying attention to the time. The car looked at the time and meowed loudly several times until her master looked at her "what?" She asked her the cat pointed at the clock with her tail. The lady looked at the clock with her brown eyes and blinked. She quickly sheathed her blue katana and ran out the room to her bedroom and took a quickly shower that took about 15 minutes.

After she was done showering she plain sky blue button top with black shorts. She dried her hair and tied it up in a ponytail. She looked at her black cat who meowed again. She took at her and then the time. She got up quickly grab her sword and walked off to the meeting room. Her cat jumped on her shoulder and licked her cheek. She smiled and petted her " what would I have done without you?" She said to her. "Mew" the lady smiled again and walked past the kitchen where she grabbed a box of chocolate sticks before continuing to meeting as she munched on them, she need something in her stomach after training.

After she arrived at the meeting room, she waited a few seconds. She finished a stick and put the left overs in her pocket and entered the room. She saw 2 people already there as she went over and sat down in front of them. Both had blue hair and the one the was a girl who cling onto the other one who was man. ' must be siblings...' She leaned her imperial arms against the table. Her cat jumped down from her shoulder and sat down on her lap. The lady petted her cat as she observed the two.

"Today should be fun.." Said the young, blonde teenager as he sat up on the edge of a cliff, looking down at the view to see the whole capital. He had received invitation to attend a meeting in the capitals Imperial building to become part of a group that will deal with the rebels. The boy stood up as he gazed down at the view beneath him, picking up his Imperial Arms, Kyuketsuki and proceeding to walk towards the capital. As he walked he began to think, he hope no one would ask him about his parents, that topic pretty much always came up whenever he spoke to someone, and quite frankly, it didn't make him happy. "I wonder what type of people will be in this group... Well, I hope I'm not the youngest. I don't want them thinking they can take advantage of me because of my age" said the boy as he eventually got to the outskirts of the Capital, and into the gates.

As he walked he looked down at his sword, he had spent a good hour cleaning it just for this meeting, he was impressed with the results. As he walked to the location where the meeting would be held he clipped Kyuketsuki to his side and opened the doors, going up a few stairways before finally getting to the door which held the meeting on the other side. As he opened it he carried a serious expression on his face as he looked at the people waiting inside, "Seems like there are twins and a lady in here already..." He went over to the table and sat in one of the chairs, leaning Kyuketsuki on the side of the chair, his hands on the desk.
Issho nodded he was talking with one of the leaders of the rebels who was giving him his new orders. As a mercenary he wouldn't get told any of the rebels plans only what he had to do, when he had to do it and how much it was worth and it was probably better that way its not like Issho would put his life down for this cause he was only in it for the money as he even told them when he first meet them. He got his orders and began to head to the capital to fulfill them, his order where to attempt to eavesdrop on several high security meeting that are taking place later today the first one was in a few moments luckily the rebels weren't that far out from the capital and had several different ways inside it.

Issho took a look at his hand showing the proof of his teigu 'the darkness' as he called it as that's all it looked like. Flattening hair, covering his face with it hid all of the darkness that was shown on his face, and with a stolen empires uniform with long sleeves meant only his hand was the probably but it was nothing a pair of gloves couldn't handle. The location for the first mission was the capital building sneaking in there would be easy however, sneaking in their and eavesdropping on a meeting not so but that's what Issho was paid for and that's what he would do.

He simply walked past all of the guards being dressed up as one of them made it a lot easier to sneak about and the information some of the less tight lipped conversation going on give him instructions on where to go. Once he arrived at the meeting location he stood outside the door waiting and listening, if he walked in it would look suspicious but standing outside attention. He was acting as one of the people who would open the door for any higher ranking officer that passed by, wishing entrance. He had an escape plan in mind if need be it was simple break the wall keep it all in the air for a second using gravity and then dropping it sealing the passage.
Muse and Aisu where stationed outside the Capital outskirts. They were told to stand there and wait for Issho to come back with the valuable information he was supposed to gather. Muse growled under her breath, holding onto her flute.

"This isnt fair. I could have snuck in there too! Why does that dude get all the fun" she crossed her hands over her small chest. She wasn't one for waiting. They were apparently there in case something happened and Issho needed back up, although Muse knew damn well that if anything happened Issho could handle it on his own.

"I'd rather have stayed at the camp." She mumbled, lowering herself so she was sitting on the ground.

Aisu on the other hand was lounging on a block of ice he created, enjoying the cool ice on his back. His long blue hair was tied up in a ponytail, his vest flapping in the breeze with his demon mark showing.

"Well. Id rather be sitting here waiting. Why get your hands dirty when you dont have too? Besides. You practically begged to come. You didnt want to stay at that boring camp." The ice boy rolled his eyes, making small icicles and piercing them against the tree.

"Now if he can shut up, that'd be great." he chuckled slightly, closing his eyes.

Muse huffed at Aisu reaction and turned her nose in the other direction. Fine she'll shut up. Muse brought her flute to her lips and started playing a soft melody. Not one to cause a trance, but rather just one for the fun of it. Consider Issho was really the one having all the fun.
The lady turned her head when the last member entered the room. 'ok... looks everyone is here...' She thought as she leaned back on her chair and relaxed a little as she looked at all the members. She wondered what they were going to talk about, it was obvious that is was going to be about the recent rebel activity and imperial arms that their scouts have spotted some of them having. There was silence in the air and no one has started talking yet ".... why don't we start with what we know on the rebels so far?" She suggested to the ground. The bead of her black cat then lifted and she looked at her master who knodded and petted her. " but... before we do that..." she said as she grabbed her katana and quietly stood up " why don't we..." in one swift movement a vertical flame slash was send flying towards the door. It cut the door in half and since it wasnt atrong enough to stop it, it cut throigh and headed towards the person behind it ".... meet our new guest?" She finished calmly and glared at the person "who are you?" She asked as she got ready to fight.

Issho licked his lips listening in with his eyes closed that was until the door was blown into two and someone was wondering who Issho was. Since he was leaning against the door when it was blown in two, in order to dodge it he acted like it took a lot of effort by diving to the side at the least minute avoiding any damage that would have been caused. The first person to come out was a female simply but yet at the same time nice black hair he couldn't quite tell her eye color mostly since he only had one eye that worked, she was also carrying a katana which was probably the weapon that cut through the door.

"I'm nobody just a simple guard ordered to...Oh who am I kidding." Issho said fact is she could already see that half of his body he at minimum needed to cover to not be spotted and since the attack on the door seemed to clip him well less him and more his clothing it could be seen, meaning if she had heard anything about him or about the 'black hand' in the rebel army she would know who it was. He took off his glove covering his hands and sighed. "You couldn't have just kept talking and made my job easier could you." Issho said scratching the back of his head. She seemed about in range of his ability but using that would give away what he could do so he decided against it for now. He raised his hand and pointing it at the female. "I'll give you a name if you'll give me one." Issho said at least he could get some information even if it was name for name.
Masaki sat the peacefully as he looked around the room, not saying a word as he was deep in thought. As the meeting was about to take place he sat up straight and moved his sword slightly closer to his reach. He was glad that no one had spoken about his family yet otherwise he would have made a fool of himself. "So, lets talk abo-" he was interrupted by a slash of flames heading towards the door, only to reveal the figure of a strange man standing behind it. Yet Masaki sat there, unphased by it all. He gets up slowly and stands as he looks at the man "Don't think we are dumb enough to fall for your trap, spy. We won't tell you anything, it is best you leave" said Masaki in a kind tone, yet his venomous side had somewhat leaked, he drew Kyuketsuki slowly and stood there with the blade towards his side. In case he needed to fight. "Hopefully these people know nothing about my blade.. I would like to explain it to them" he thought as he admired the patterns on the blade itself, then looked back at the man with a cold yet emotionless expression. "You should have knocked..."
Issho sighed as he looked at the other person this time it was a man well if man was the right word boy may have been better. He was kind of short with blond hair and an emotionless look on his face. If only they knew that unless it was a surprise attack blades wouldn't be able to reach him easily but they didn't, they was also the fact that Issho knew nothing of their teigu's which by looking at their weapons they both seemed to possess one. Issho pushed his hair backwards seeing no longer point in using it to hide his face as he wasn't going to need to hide anymore, the dark side of his body was shown as he took a few steps backwards they was no point in fighting a pointless fight especially when he was out numbered. "What trap it was a fair trade name for a name, but since to declined it that's fine as well." Issho said before letting out a yawn the nerve of this guy. "You should have knocked." What yeah and be spotted right away clearly he wasn't used to espionage or he would know drawing attention to yourself should be your last resort. "Well i'll be going now, don't try and follow me it will only end badly and cause me more work." Issho said before taking another step backwards until his back was against the wall. Clicking his fingers the wall seemed to collapse into pieces but all of the pieces stayed floating at the same time, all he did was made it so that the gravity was extremely heavy and then very light causing remaining pieces of the wall to float.
Evie's eyes rolled as she was told to patrol the outskirts of the Capital in search for some danger beasts lurking around that might put both the Capital and Rebellion in danger. A sigh escaped her when the light from the sun made her dark fire flicker like a dying flame.

It's such a drag to be out here....I thought that they knew that I work best at night...

She chewed on a candy strip as she jumped from tree to tree, scanning the area for some danger beasts when she stopped upon two others. Muse and Aisu. They too were in the rebel army but she didn't really know them, then again, she'd rather have anything to do with any of them. She jumped down right behind them and whispered, "What are you two doing here?"
The raven head lady was about to refuse the offer when one of the members of the group refused for her. She glance at him, still in her fighting stance when she heard the blonde talk, noticing his voice change when he started to draw his weapon. 'It wouldn't have mattered if he knocked or not... Luka wouldn't have recognized his scent...' She then noticed the intruder' face is black... well half of it is black and remember one of the scouts came back information about someone mating the description. 'If memory serves correct, the person was called... the black hand... or something of that nature....'

She heard clicking noises and noticed that the wall behind the man crumble and is floating. " wait... before you leave... answer this question... why are you fighting in the revolutionary army?"


Akihito Sho

Akihito looks at the two that came in the door, blocking the view of her sister from the woman. Pulling Miki around Again being overprotective of her sister, a little too overprotective. Not knowing the motives of the other people, not trusting the teammates right now, to be fair most of them did not know each other at the moment.

Akihito looked at the door that opened again, as a other guy comes in, a little younger than him and her sister. With the thought most of the people here at the meeting. He loosens his grip around her sister, taking a breath about to speak himself,The door sliced open a bit much isn't it, he thought, already recognizing him, due to the missions he and Miki has gone together.

Miki Sho

Miki was pulled by her brother, turning away from the woman who was next to him, she loosen the grip on his arm to tell him he was not as Nervous, still nervous. The second person came in as he loosened his own grip. Miki looks at the man, younger than her but he had no childish expression,frowning slightly. Once everything started to happen she "Disappeared" by making herself in gas wanting to be invisble,her nervousness almost seemed to radiate from her.​
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Evergreen98 said:
The raven head lady was about to refuse the offer when one of the members of the group refused for her. She glance at him, still in her fighting stance when she heard the blonde talk, noticing his voice change when he started to draw his weapon. 'It wouldn't have mattered if he knocked or not... Luka wouldn't have recognized his scent...' She then noticed the intruder' face is black... well half of it is black and remember one of the scouts came back information about someone mating the description. 'If memory serves correct, the person was called... the black hand... or something of that nature....'
She heard clicking noises and noticed that the wall behind the man crumble and is floating. " wait... before you leave... answer this question... why are you fighting in the revolutionary army?"

Issho stopped and took a look at all of the other members of this group he was sent to spy on two females two males it seemed a nice even split or at least he thought it was two females but one seemed to vanish maybe it was just his eye playing tricks on him again. Issho smirked when he was asked why he was fighting for the rebel army he had no real reason just that they paid him too. "If your thinking my reason is something that bounds me by loyalty you are mistaken." Issho said hinting at the true nature why he joined the rebels. Taking a few more steps backwards until he was just outside after all you can never be too certain that they won't attack. "I fight for the rebels as they paid me too, i'm a merc plain and simple." Issho said sounding rather proud of that fact.

Issho kept he attention on the group after all they were his enemies and he was theirs. "Now then unless you want to ask anything else I'm going to go back to camp, get drunk and pass out in some poor sods doorway."
Masaki sheathed his blade as the man walked away and he sat on the table, holding the blade now perfectly sealed within its scabbarb. Now back to his calm tone "Either way, he could have shown decency by knocking, but I suppose your right." He said to the black haired lady as she spoke, then his gaze averted back to the intruder. Masaki was intrigued by his Imperial Arms and wanted to learn more, but clearly now was not the time.
The lady sat down and sheathed her katana after the man left. She nodded sat down with a sigh ' that castle now need to repair that...' She thought and looked st the twins and notice one was gone "..... where is your sister?" She asked the blue hair man.

((Okie... when I use '....' it mean my charecter is thinking it))


Akihito Sho

"Hey sis it is over."
Akihito said, weirdly a little more comfortable after the encounter with the black hand. He gestured to the gas of his sister, Miki's body at this state. His Deadly petal at his side. The black hand leaving now. A little harder to protect her when he could not see her, on the bright side they probably can't as well.

Miki Sho

Miki touches her plain ring when the man was gone, Her body reforming back to a solid material. Turning into gas was not painful, turning solid again always makes her have a little pain that goes away a few seconds.

"Here I am" Miki said a little nervously still, nervousness not radiating from her as much as before, waving at the two. Her ring finger taking the pain for this transformation.

((Sorry for the wait..))

Lara smiled kindly at her " ok... why don't we start with intoductions?" She suggested " I'll go first... I am Lara Evernight and this is my partner, Luka " she said gesturing to her cat that was on her lap " and this is my weapon as well as my other partner, Ifrit's Blue Blade" she finished " i am looking forward to working together with you guys" she said to them as she tried to lessen the tension around the room after their encounter with the Black Hand.

Muse stopped playing at the interruption of Evie. Muse never really trusted her, unable to tell if she was really on the rebels side of not. Muse let out a puff of air in annoyance. "On a mission. And you?" She scoffed out, sounding like a snob. Aisu rolled over and plopped off the mound of ice, letting it disappear.

"Not a mission. Just back up. Useless back up." Aisu explained, walking over and patting Muse on the head. The girl rolled her eyes and swatted his hand away, standing up.

"That's besides the point Aisu. The point is we were asked to come and she wasnt." She sneered once again, glaring at Evie. She couldnt help being rude. It was a form of defense if she found someone threatening towards her cause of revenge.

"Um. Muse. You begged to come. And i was only told to go to make sure you didnt jump the gun and follow Issho in." Aisu counter backed, raising an eyebrow. He brought his arms up and crossed them over his chest, his ponytail swaying lightly.

"Speaking of Issho, i wonder how the big brute is doing?" She squealed, anxious for the new info on the Capital. Issho was one of the very few people Muse admired due to him being merciless.
Issho was going to take the quick way back to camp after his mission almost forgetting about his back up until it popped into his head that he had some people waiting for the information he was meant to obtain, he got a very little bit and could say the appearance of a group of people who looked experienced fighters of the empire but would that be enough who knows. Walking towards the log way to the camp heading to the capitals outskirts first. When Issho arrived at the outskirts he saw Muse and Aisu along with a fellow mercenary Evie."Big brute, that's cold words isn't it, is that all you think about me." Issho said since he arrived just in time to hear Muse speaking to Evie. Issho decided to tell them the mission was a failure now since well it was quicker. "That mission was a waste of our time I learned nothing, other than one of the people I was spying on could sense me within a few seconds behind a shut door." Issho said he was trying to rush the debriefing so he could go out and get drunk hopefully he wouldn't be needed for the rest of the day or else the drinks will have to wait.

((I'm going to try this format))

Akihito Sho & Miki Sho

"We are Hikari and Ari Haru" Akihito lied due to his untrusting personalilty, they had a spy on the outside listening in, why couldn't there be a spy in their group inside the room. Miki frowned at her brother's response, they seemed like nice people. Plus Lara seemed to have a real smile towards her smiling back towards Lara nudging "Hikari" as she opens her own mouth. "Sorry about my brother, he means to say. " Glaring at him. "WE are Akihito..." pointing towards her brother, " and Miki Sho" pointing at herself.

"Miki! Why sis," Hikari sits in a corner betrayed by his own sister, the ultimate betrayal he muttered things under his breath. Feeling guilty was she starts glaring at him.

"Because I trust them." Miki replied as she explains her and his brothers imperial arms. "I have Deadly Wind, Chimei-tekina kaze , It is my ring.My brother has Poison petals, Poizun no hanabira it is his sword, it also has armor made of thorns." She says explaining in the same about of explaination as Lara. As her brother still is muttering in a corner.

((Had to add humor))

Muse rolled her eyes. "Big Brute is exactly what i think of you." she started twirling a purple strand of hair, gripping onto her flute. right then she froze.

"What do you mean the noticed you within a few seconds?" she growled, anger filling her eyes. Her nostril flared slightly. "I knew it! They shouldnt have sent a Big Brute like you t do such an important mission! What good are you if you can even do a simple task like spy?" She shouted, raising a palm to strike Issho. Before she could do so she felt a burning freeze encase her hand. She looked up to see it surround in ice. The weight on her hand was heavy, causing her to drop it to her side. Aisu stood off to the side, a bored look on his face.

"I'd advise against that Muse. Unless you feel like getting hurt. If thats the case, by all means hit Issho." He spoke calmly, understanding that her anger was dangerous when it was directed towards someone like Issho. Aisu snapped his fingers, letting the ice melt off the girls small hands. She pouted and looked at her blue fingers. "Geez. Thanks for that." She spoke sarcastically, slipping her flute in her sash and cradling her frozen hand in the other.

"Youre welcome for saving your life." Aisu spoke softly under his breath.

"Anyways, are you sure you didn't find anything out Issho? Are they all Imperial Arms users or just some?" She asked, her wide eyes blinking as her feminine personality came back.
Issho smirked he was big but a brute he wasn't as most brutes are dumb just to use Issho's power to its fullest requires some knowledge so it was slightly offensive to him but he chose to forgive her. "I'll tell you this for free half of the big brute is right and i'll leave you to pick which bit." Issho said sometimes she got on his nerves but everyone had there own reasons for being how they are it was just another part of life.

Issho sighed as she began to lecture him on they shouldn't have sent a brute to do this job. He was slightly shocked when it looked like she was going to raise her hand against Issho however lucky her brother stopped her, after all it would't have been nice cleaning up a teammate. He was also glad that Aisu did what he did as he loved Aisu imperial arm it was probably his second favorite to date with his favorite being his own obviously. "I did found out somethings, from what I saw it was two males and one or two females one of them seemed to vanish before I did a head count so i'm not sure on that one and I believe all of them have some type of imperial arm" Issho said before yawning and stretching his arms a little. "Its a shame nothing more fun came out of being caught after all they basically just let me go, it was boring to say the least." Issho complained not even the guard around the capital building gave him a challenge all in all it was a boring day. "So do you need me to do anything else or am I off the hook for today?" Issho asked.
Lara looked at Akihito " i a sure you there are no more spys in the group" she said to the overprotective brother who was sitting in the corner muttering who knows what, she sweatdropped a little. Luka looked at Miki " mew" she went and jumped on her lap " mew" lara smiled again and looked at the young blond and wait for him to introduce himself. Meanwhile Luka curled up on Miki's lap.

Masaki sat there as he listened to everyone introduce themselves. 'These people seem pretty capable' he thought to himself as they explained their Imperial Arms and other stuff. The young blonde jumped down from the table, holding his sword as he smiled, yet still holing his serious demeanour. "My name is Masaki Yamaguchi, and this here is my Imperial Arms, Kyuketsuki." He clipped his sword back onto his waist as he sits back on the table. "i too, look forward to working with you guys"

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