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Realistic or Modern Alien In the Bathroom [Closed]


Perpetual Problem
It was by sheer serendipitous luck the planet Shuyel crash landed on had oxygen. She hadn't bothered to plot out a back up route -this was supposed to be a trip to the second colony in her star system- and even if she had, this was an entirely unmaped star system. Even now, her computer was too broken to calculate a reference point anywhere nearby.

Shuyel spent a long time sitting in the ruins of her ship, twisted metal and exposed wires dangled around her, but the shock of what lead her here was exhilarating and frightening. She'd been testing a new engine system to make space travel twice as fast. After setting the engines to run, making sure the on-board protocols were running normally, Shuyel'd taken a nap. When she woke up, she was in the middle of nowhere with just enough fuel to slow down. Computer records show that she'd exceeded the ship's measurement capabilities as far as speed went. It was almost impossible to believe, but Shuyel had internal damage that made it seem more then likely. Speaking of internal damage, the flooring behind her caught fire. Startled out of her shock, Shuyel kicked out what remained of the screen before her and clambered out, space suit and all.

The planet's star was near the horizon, just enough above it that Shuyel could make out some things in the dying light. The surface beneath her was made of dry yellow stalks. They crunched unhealthily as she moved. Perhaps it was as a result of the ambient temperature, which was extremely chilly, even through the insulated space suit. The groan of bending metal startled her to her feet. She had to get away from the wreckage before anything major happened.

Where ever she was, it was odd. As she slowly made her way, looking for shelter, she came across a type of ground risen from the yellow stalks. It was black and solid, with massive metal beasts that nearly ran her down but otherwise paid her no mind. She followed them, purely because they expelled light and the planet's star had since gone down. Soon she came across lighter ground that the metal beasts didn't travel on and was well lit by more metal (Plants?) hanging over the ground. Most intriguing, she started to see what appeared to be dwellings that had metal beasts in front of them. Elated for the shelter, but terrified of the beasts, Shuyel continued until she found a dwelling with no beast in front of it.

It was a small abode, but Shuyel was truly too tired to complain at that point (she also feared she might have mild cranial damage). She discovered what seemed to be an entrance way, but the barrier remained firmly shut no matter what she tried. In a fit of exhausted desperation she attacked the shiny metal handle with a nearby rock. When the barrier swung open she almost cried with relief and dove inside. Many odd things adorned the inside, but she didn't care for any of them when she opened another barrier to find a nest. She only paused to close the barrier to block off the biting chill, then immediately got into the nest. It was much firmer than the nests at home, but she was out like a light the second she got in. She could determine what to do next later, but for now she would sleep.

(Wow, that was longer than I expected it would be.)
Donovan grumbled under his breath as he got ready to clock out. Almost everyone had left the office building he worked in, as his boss asked him last minute to stay and work overtime on their latest architectural project. Normally, Donovan would have disagreed, as he hated working overtime but he knew his boss wouldn't have let him decline. Besides, he could used the extra money for his upcoming rent or something.

He had finished most of the work on the project he had been working on but as he began closing the programs on his computer, he had half a mind to sabotage it. Of course, he wouldn't actually do that. He just hated that the higher ups in his office would take all the credit for it. Shaking his head, he finished saving his work and grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair. After exiting the floor and stepping into the elevator, he said goodbye to the janitor, who happened to be his only friend in the building.

''Bad day, huh?'' the janitor, Eric, asked.

Donovan nodded, scowling deeply. ''I'll see you later, man.'' Eric shrugged and continued mopping the floors as Donovan left the building, heading over to his car.

He got onto the road and his mood worsened, as he got cut-off about three times in the span of five minutes. A couple of curses later, he arrived at his cozy house, which was located in the shady area of his city. It wasn't too bad, but a couple of weeks ago, his car window had been smashed in by some delinquent. Nothing had been stolen, which just seemed to piss Donovan off even more.

He pulled his car into the cracked driveway and walked over to his door. He jammed his hand into his jacket pocket, looking for his keys. His eyes widened as he realized his door was cracked open. ''Oh you've got to be kidding me,'' he said with a sigh. Pushing the door open, he noticed a couple of things strewn across the floor that weren't there before. However, his television and other things worth stealing were still there. He scratched top of his head, eyebrows raised in confusion. ''What the hell?''

The young man carefully walked throughout his house, trying to find any sign of an intruder. There was no one in the kitchen/living room area and his room had been untouched. That only left the bathroom. He frantically looked around for a weapon and settled on grabbing a nearby TV remote. He approached his bathroom and pushed the door open.

''What the hell?!'' His eyes nearly bulged out of his head as he gawked at the strange...creature lying in his bathtub.
An unusually loud sound startled Shuyel awake. The solid nest beneath her was only a mild comfort when she saw what was before her. A creature -presumably the one that had vocalized- was standing in the barrier way. It was frightening if only for it's size, larger than Shuyel, but smaller than the laborers of Shuyel's home. On top of that, it was a color Shuyel had only seen on the sickest of the sick, a deep dark color that wasn't purple baised. It was brown. And it's hair and eyes were as well. Shuyel'd never seen such an odd combination of colors.

It was blocking the barrier, if it was dangerous then Shuyel'd managed to pin herself. What even was it? Was it a pet of the metal beast's outside? There was no metal beast outside of this house, maybe it was lost. She honestly had no idea. It had similar features to her people, but it was strikingly different in all other ways. Maybe this was it's nest! How rude of her! Trespassing on nests was a criminal offense on some parts of her home world, she'd been so exhausted that she didn't stop to think this might have been someone's.

She quickly got out of the nest and moved to a corner in the room away from the nest. Her space suit bashed against the nest and the walls loudly. Suddenly worried she might have startled the creature, or worse, angered it by damaging it's nest, Shuyel uselessly rubbed at the spot on the nest she'd hit. Once she'd soothed her mistake she looked up at the creature.

She clicked timidly at it, as it was the customary greeting and an apology in the tone she used.
Startled, Donovan scrambled backward as the creature climbed out of his bathtub and crashed into the wall. He cringed as the sound of her suit colliding with the wall echoed throughout the room. He scowled, a dent forming in the wall. Great. A fucking alien just damaged my bathroom.

He turned around, rubbing his eyes. Maybe he was dreaming? That had to be it. There was no way this was happening. He turned back around, but the alien girl was still there. Donovan observed her quietly, trying to wrap his head around her. Maybe she isn't even an alien. She could just be some weirdo who dyed her hair and skin. Though, as he continued to look at her, he realized that probably wasn't the case. She was humanoid, but her body was different than any he had seen before. And she was wearing a space suit, after all.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, as his mind was racing, he cautiously approached the alien in the corner of his bathroom. ''What....'' He cleared his throat, tugging at the collar of his shirt nervously. ''What are you?''
It didn't return her click, which might have been rude but maybe it's species didn't use general greetings. Regardless of that, it vocalized again. An unusual series of soft and harsh sounds with little connection to one another. It stepped closer. Shuyel watched the creature as it neared, showing no signs of aggression. It fiddled with a corner of it's apparel. Shuyel mimicked the motion with her insulating under suit. It didn't respond to clicks, but maybe a vocalization?

"Apologies for borrowing your nest without permission." She told it in the harsh northern dialect she'd been raised with. She held her hand palm out, as was formal greeting, "I am Shuyel."

After a brief pause she repeated the whole message in the two other languages she knew, tilting her head and hoping for a sign of recognition. If it could speak perhaps they could find a middle ground with which to communicate.
The girl (Donovan settled on referring to is that) mimicked his tugging of his collar, which would have normally irritated him but it only confused him more. She then opened her mouth and spoke, her words harsh and foreign. He had no idea what she was saying but he caught one word: Shuyel. He didn't know what it meant but it sounded like a name, albeit a weird one.

So he decided to call her that.

Shuyel held her palm out towards him, like how his family's cat used to do when it wanted something. He cautiously shook her hand, as he figured that's what she was trying to do. He then stepped back, trying to figure out why this girl was in his bathroom. A ton of questions filled his head. Deciding on trying to communicate with the girl first, as that was arguably the most important, he turned to look at her.

He rubbed the back of his neck, frowning a bit. I doubt she speaks English.... Maybe sign language? I know a little bit of that. He signed the words ''Hello, how are you?'' to her, hoping that she would understand.
It preformed an odd move with Shuyel's hand -a peculiar up and down motion- but again showed no aggression. Now that they were trying to talk to each other it was apparent that the creature wasn't violent or anything. Maybe it was a bit startled, but Shuyel could hardly blame it for that. With it's full attention on her, it made another series of gestures. Her head tilted and she vaguely mimicked the movements in hopes of understanding the meaning, her brow furrowing as they carried on. They made less than no sense.

She was an engineer, not a linguist, damn it! If she could accidentally discover light speed, she could figure it's language out!

With patience usually reserved for the youngest of her people, Shuyel patted her chest and said slowly, "Shuyel," Then gestured to the creature before her. Names were a good start, names would be a good point of reference...if their species even had names.
Donovan quirked an eyebrow at Shuyel as she tried replicated his hand movements. They were off and made little sense, letting him know that she didn't know human sign language either. He sighed, leaning back onto the wall of the bathroom. How was he supposed to figure out what this girl was and what she was doing in his house if he couldn't talk to her? He was an architect, not an alien expert, damn it!

Taking a deep breath, he refocused his gaze on Shuyel. She patted her chest and repeated her name again. Donovan nodded slowly, realizing that she probably wanted him to say his own name. He hoped that's what she was trying to communicate. And I thought communicating with human girls was difficult.

He cleared his throat and mocked her action, patting his own chest. ''Donovan.'' He hoped she would realized that was his name. At this point, he had no idea what she understood and what she didn't.
Shuyel's face broke into a full smile. This 'Donovan' understood what she was trying to get across.

"Donovan!" She parroted joyously. Finally they were getting somewhere. She shuffled in place.

That was just the start, how was Shuyel supposed to jump from names to complicated interstellar travel? Baby steps, she supposed. She didn't want to hang on to Donovan for too long, imposing on his surprising kindness would be extremely rude. That and her colleagues would never be able to find her without help. She'd need to set up a radio system, which would take resources that Donovan may or may not even have on planet. A new ship was out of the question as of that moment. She hadn't seen enough open space anywhere to set to building something so large. Though, the wreckage of her old ship might have exploded, and if it had the crater would certainly be large enough.

Shuyel's stomach growled loudly enough to startle her. The last time she ate was before her ship decided to hyper jump, so she must have been going on nearly empty. She turned a beseeching look onto Donovan. He must know where to find food...if his species took in nutrients that way.
Donovan jumped when she yelled his name. Rubbing his head, as he felt a headache coming on, he nodded at her. At least she seemed to understand that his name was Donovan.

Now to figure out how to actually talk to her. With actual sentences and stuff. He didn't want for them to communicate like primal animals for how ever long she was going to be here. Speaking of that, he desperately wanted to know where she came from. He definitely knew she didn't hail from anywhere on this planet, meaning she came from another planet.

He smiled smugly, remembering something his teachers and parents would always tell him. ''Aliens aren't real, Donny.'' Oh yeah? Well explain how this girl is in my bathtub, Mr. Roberts!

Digressing from his internal rant, he looked at Shuyel. He heard her stomach growl and she looked at him with hopeful eyes. He facepalmed, not even thinking about hunger and other vital issues. ''You must be hungry....'' As if on cue, his own stomach growled and he laughed sheepishly. Rubbing the back of his neck, he gestured towards the kitchen down the hall. ''This way. I've probably got some food for us in the fridge.''

Hopefully she could eat human food. He didn't want to accidental poison her with leftover pizza.
Donovan's stomach echo's Shuyel's and she worried for a second if this was another dynamic to his speech patterns. Lordy, she hoped it wasn't.

It didn't seem to be. Donovan rubbed his neck again, as if the sound caused him embarrassment. Shuyel listened carefully to his words, making out some of the same sounds that made up his name, but not nearly enough to parse anything together. They'd figure it out eventually. To be fully honest, Shuyel was just happy that Donovan was so accommodating. She must be having a lucky streak; Surviving a crash, discovering lightspeed travel, not dying on a foreign planet, and meeting a pleasant creature.

She followed him out into a different area, more spacious than the nesting room with multiple surfaces and oddities lining the sides. Somethings looked like they'd be good to tinker with (or perhaps be good to use on a new ship). What was he in here for? Shuyel saw nothing that looked nutritious. She held her stomach and looked up at Donovan as it growled again.

"Donovan?" She asked.
As Donovan entered his living room, he realized just how dirty the place was. Due to his house being fairly small, only two bedrooms and one bathroom, he constantly had stuff strewn all over.

An empty pizza box sat on the island in his kitchen. That had been last night's meal. He made his way over to the kitchen, kicking a couple of stray pieces of clothing behind his dull, gray couches.

He entered his kitchen, ignoring the stack of bills he had forgotten on top of the refrigerator. As he opened it and began rummaging for something to eat, he heard the strange alien girl call his name.

He spun around to look at her, a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread in his hands. His eyes widened as he noticed the pained look on her face.

"You okay?" Donovan face-palmed. "You don't even know how to answer that. I'm such an idiot."

He figured her hunger was getting worse. Know that he was thinking about it, he had no idea how long she had been on Earth.

Deciding not to waste any more time, he began to make two peanut butter sandwiches. He ran out of jelly a couple of days ago, which just pissed him off.

"I'm gonna whip us up two of my world famous peanut butter and jelly sandwiches minus the jelly," he said with a smile.

He knew she wouldn't understand but he hoped his actions and smile would give her a clue as do what he was trying to convey.

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