Alice Human Sacrifice


Friendly Neighborhood Fanthing

Character Sheet




Status- (Dream or Alice?)

Side- (Good or Evil?)

Special Ability- (Alice only)



Bio- (Optional)

My Characters

Name- Ramiel

Gender- Male

Age- 16

Status- Dream

Side- Evil


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Aku.jpg.c704efba47ba4704b36ffcfeb16dbcba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13011" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Aku.jpg.c704efba47ba4704b36ffcfeb16dbcba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality- Very rash, Ramiel thinks that he knows it all since he took over Wonderland. He is very quick to act and even quicker to anger. He enjoys playing games with people, making them think that they've won only to slam his trap down on them at the last second. Although he is evil, he can still be quite adorable, often pouting when he doesn't get his way.

Bio- Ramiel started off as a little dream, one that no one remembered. Eventually he got sick of it and made the transformation into a nightmare. Once he was a nightmare, he became one of the most powerful dreams, easily dominating Wonderland and forcing people to visit him each night.

Name- Amaris Avalon

Gender- Female

Age- 17

Status- Alice

Side- Good

Special Ability- Can control and sway people with the sound of her song voice.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Art-Cozy-Little-Red-Riding-Hood-Girl-Red-Riding-Hood-Cloak-Stockings-Forest-Trees.jpg.c164f79242d65dac07b7dd38100543f5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Art-Cozy-Little-Red-Riding-Hood-Girl-Red-Riding-Hood-Cloak-Stockings-Forest-Trees.jpg.c164f79242d65dac07b7dd38100543f5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality- Amaris tends to be very shy and quiet, only speaking up around those she feels comfortable with. She likes to charge into this head first and get them done and over with. Although she is quiet most of the time, don't let that fool you. She has one heck of a temper.

Name- Maya

Gender- Female

Age- 11

Status- Dream

Side- Good


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/splash_moon_radiate_joy.jpg.4db7aac36f56501ef25f40d5b7de3fa5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/splash_moon_radiate_joy.jpg.4db7aac36f56501ef25f40d5b7de3fa5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality- Maya is very sarcastic for being a little dream. She'll tell you exactly how it is and not spare your feelings in the slightest. She's a fast talker and prides herself on the ability to talk circles around just about anyone. Unfortunately, this means anyone except her older brother Ramiel.



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Name- Farra Rei





Special Ability- Can willingly change her appearance into anything; think Metamorphagus in Harry Potter.

Appearance- Original Appearance:


Preferred Appearance:



Farra is curious, talkative, versatile and mentally active. Her mind can bounce around from one topic to another with great ease, making Farra the champion of party chatter and lighthearted social encounters. Others will think that Farra are fun to be with, but her ability to change with the winds can also lead others to see Farra as shallow.

Farra's motto might be "A rolling stone gathers no moss." She are the eternally youthful child, no matter her chronological age. A razor-sharp wit can have you verbally dueling with the very best of opponents, who moments later are your best of friends. As she flies through life, you might have to remind her; don't forget to take time to smell the flowers.

Bio- Farra's childhood was not a great one. She was born into the lower class, her parents both factory workers; this left her to care for her four little brothers and little sisters with no help from her older brother. One day when she was 14, her mother came home in tears. When she asked what happened, her mother simply commented that there had been a terrible accident and that her father was never coming home. It took Farra a few days to understand; her father was dead. This fact struck her profoundly-- Farra blamed herself for not helping out, not allowing her father or mother to stay at home. Angry with herself, Farra cut her hair, burned her girl-styled clothing, and took a few of her older brother's clothes. Stuffing her bag, Farra ran away from her home at age 15. She managed to pass herself off as a boy, and worked in the slums of London, sending all money to her family. At age 16, her secret was exposed- she was a teenage girl. In rage, Farra's boss not only fired her, but beat her with a pipe, cut her face, and 'enslaved' her. Her former employer now was her owner, as he had illegally gotten her placed into his custody as 'Lilly Aria.' She was required to do all of the domestic chores, along with tutoring and babysitting his three bratty children. On her 17th birthday, the family received a parcel, with the name "Farra Rei" written on it in sloppy handwriting. Inside the parcel was a letter, fifty thousand euros, and a strange card. The letter, this time in different handwriting, read the following;

'Hello, Farra. I've heard about your truly awful predicament. I'll be sending over some friends of mine in a month; that's the soonest they can come. Very busy, these officials. Well, I'll see you in a few weeks, my dear!'

In fear and excitement, Farra kept the parcel hidden away in her room for a few weeks. One month exactly from her birthday, there was a loud knocking at the door at 6 AM. Hidden away from sight, Farra watched as a large group of police officers arrested her former employer and his wife. These officers then came over to Farra and one stepped out from the back- her uncle Vinnie. He had managed to take custody of her, and brought his co-workers to her prison, rescuing her. How he knew what had happened to her, Farra didn't know.

Farra now resides in her Uncle's large estate on the Brookshire Moor.

Name- Virgo Watson

Gender- Female

Age- 13

Status- Alice

Side- Undecided

Special Ability- Can distort what a fellow Alice or a weaker willed Dream sees.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/upload_2014-2-7_18-27-44.jpeg.8501afa3c139c4edecc25865492f2214.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13016" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/upload_2014-2-7_18-27-44.jpeg.8501afa3c139c4edecc25865492f2214.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality- Virgo has the uncanny sense to see what's wrong with a person, a situation or your environment. It's why Virgo makes such natural critics. Virgo practical analytical abilities are second to none. Her mental process may not be the most creative, but Virgo's razor-like thinking is highly effective. Like the maiden pictured in the Virgo glyph, she separates the useful wheat from the unneeded chafe, the good from the bad. Virgo might be a "clean freak," but Virgo has a messy closet somewhere or a disaster under her bed.

Virgo's motto could be "Perfect is almost good enough." On one hand, this trait makes her very employable, for she's not likely to do shabby work. On the other hand, she can be so finicky that she put limitations on her interactions and experiences before they happen. Virgo will be happier if she can learn to be selectively less critical, both of others and herself.

Bio- Will be revealed~



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Name- Neil Corvene

Gender- Male

Age- 17

Status- Alice

Side- Good

Special Ability- Can call upon a certain power during different emotions. This only happens when he's very emotional though, which is hard to get too.

Happy: Heals allies all around him.

Sad: Summons a spectral butcher knife.

Scared: Causes a scream to harm everyone around him, this could make peoples ears bleed and could throw them back, away from him.

Angry: He catches aflame and wields a pitch fork.

Tender: He may grow angelic wings.

Excited: Can transform into a rabbit.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Anime_guy_vagos_club_29810419_329_352_by_kodaka97-d66y6e6_zps4e62feee.jpg.f037364a597d9d6b434a99652b89c993.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13025" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Anime_guy_vagos_club_29810419_329_352_by_kodaka97-d66y6e6_zps4e62feee.jpg.f037364a597d9d6b434a99652b89c993.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebcf4185_download(9).jpg.4401485432a71cacf93cf05bdaefc624.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13027" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebcf4185_download(9).jpg.4401485432a71cacf93cf05bdaefc624.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality- Neil had always been a happy kid until his mother had ran away and his father had jumped off a bridge when he was fifteen. Neil has a problem of lashing out when someone disturbs him whilst he is thinking, and has another problem with his insomnia, he stays up for weeks. Neil is usually quiet or calm when he's not angry for someone disturbing him.

Bio- Neil was born in a small town called Harpin. In the town he was usually bullied but was always cheered up by his mother and father, so he was usually just happy. He did well in school, A's, B's, and wasn't the most popular of kids. In 9th grade he got in a fight with some bullies after he refused to do their homework. This caused her parents to be blamed and the entire neighborhood shunned them, believing Neil started the fight. Eventually his dad got into smoking and drinking after he lost his job due to his bad reputation in town. His mother left them after she had enough of his father. Neil was now in his usual depressed state as he is currently. Time passed and his father committed suicide, leaving him all by himself. He began to smoke, attempted suicide by cutting his wrists once, and therapy wasn't helping. And then.. the coma struck.



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Name: Rita Crowds

Gender: female

Age: 16

Status: Alice

special: Can Summon a range of hand held weapons

Side: Good


Personality: Like to do her own thing and doesn't care what people think of her. Has a talent for ticking off people she doesn't like and doesn't seem to mind getting into fights. She is kind to people who is kind to her and is not afraid to sacrifice herself to protect her friends. She is not really scared of anything, so when people threaten her she is unfazed by them. She can also imitate things by just watching.

Bio: Rita doesn't know her parents. She grew up in a foster care. In foster care, the kids would often pick on her because she was quiet and would say much. One day when they asked her why she wouldn't talk she said " why should i bother talking to idiots like you?" the kids got mad and attacked her. On her free time Rita went to this martial arts place watched the kids their practice. She taught herself how to fight by just watching and imitating their movements. She also spent her time teaching herself how to use weapons like knives and staffs. She also went to a shooting range and taught herself how to use a gun. As she got older she got into more and more fights because of her rudeness toward people who were rude to her. Right before the coma hit, she got into a fight where her head kind got hit with a bat. It didn't knock her unconscious but it make people think that was the cause of her coma after she went to sleep that.
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Aria Grace




16 years old





Special Ability:

She can bring her artwork to life.




Weird and curious; this amiable girl may get into your nerves, and even your heart. Aria is the kind of girl who enjoys more things that others don't, especially all those girly-girls in her school and everywhere. She's quite the artistic and creative girl, finding new ideas in her head every now and then. No matter how much negative energy is thrown at her, she shakes it away or tries to make everything around her positive. She loves meeting new people and making friends, and she doesn't choose to hold grudges to anyone, no matter how bad much they've done to her. "The world goes," is what she likes to think every single time, for no apparent reason. However, despite her seemingly-innocent and dumb look, her instinct is very strong that she relies on it a lot.


Aria's story wasn't much of a tragedy. Or at least, she doesn't think it is. Her parents were unknown to her, and the only things that her step-parents told her was that she wasn't their real child. No matter how much she would ask and bother them, no answer would come from her parents lips'. Of course, because of her curiosity, she kept on asking, and wondering, and thinking of ideas as to how and whatever happened to her real, biological parents.

Mostly, her whole life was just like a normal human's. She'd read lots of books and be a gamer, using her parents' wealth to address to her happiness and time-using. She realized that her life has been pretty boring, going through the same cycle. But, she'd always love it whenever she slept. The dreams she'd experienced were more than small pieces. They were great adventures, sometimes full, sometimes cliffhangers until she'd wake up. But either way, she love it definitely.

However, in the middle of walking to her home from school while reading a book, she felt waves of dizziness that she was used to, but it was more than she could handle. She slowly walked from one sidewalk to the other, in the middle of the road. She knew how much her parents wouldn't like it if she didn't go home as early as she should have. It was the wrong decision to stop there, though, after one last wave that sent her on her knees. She stood lastly, oblivious to her that a truck was coming her way. Fortunately, somebody pulled her away from the vehicle, but everything went dark as she fainted.

What a great reason for others to think, while she was in an unknown coma.

Name - Eloarch (Pronunciation: Ee-low-arch)

Gender -

Age -


Side -
Eloarch does everything he does for his own gain. However, if aiding a certain group or defeating a certian group furthers his own goals, he'll gladly participate.



This is all anyone, Dream or Alice, has ever seen of Eloarch. He appears a simply a set of incredibly alluring and luminescent blue eyes with a disembodied voice.

Personality -
Eloarch is a mysterious guy. He appears to be uncaring, however if is very shrewd and unnaturally knowledgeable about Wonderland, especially the Dream "King". He speaks frostily, but only to those he doesn't care for. Other times, he is simply sarcastic and funny. However, hidden behind this facade is an ambitious and cunning true personality.

Bio -
Eloarch was once a small Dream. However, he was perfectly content with being visited by only a few people. After all, he had a close friend: Ramiel. However, over time, Eloarch watched his friend grow incredibly spiteful that he was forgotten. Thus began Ramiel's rise to power. He became one of the most powerful Dreams in the land. But, there was one stronger than Ramiel: Eloarch. As his old friend had become more and more corrupt, Eloarch decided that with his power, he would bring the Ramiel he knew back once more. But, although he was stronger, he couldn't match the entire evil battalion under Ramiel's command. So, currently, he lies in wait for an Alice that he deems worthy to help him defeat his once friend.
Name: Conner Kelp

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Status: Alice

Side: Evil

Special ability: Can manifest up to 6 creatures of various characteristics to do his bidding, or one exceptionally strong one.


Personality: Is a bit unstable due to years of psychological abuse. Appears nervous at random times. Acts destructively towards most things. May converse with his own manifestations, despite them having no self will or means of conversing.

Bio: Son of the wealthy politician, Andrew Kelp, Conner was seen as a rich boy who got everything he wanted. This couldn't be farther from the truth, for his father was an exceptionally sadistic man. Conner would stand by and watch as his father commited atrocity after atrocity in their secluded villa in the mountains. His mother being savagely beaten to death, the rape and murder of the groundskeeper's wife, the silent execution of the groundskeeper himself after threatening to tell the officials. Conner watched as his father did these and more, and got away scott free after paying off the right people. Eventually Conner decided to lock himself away in his subconscious, where he lived in a constant fantasy to protect himself from the horrors of the real world. Then "The Dream"came, Conner's fantasy was poisoned.
Name- James Wilson

Gender- Male

Age- 15

Status- Alice

Side- Evil

Special Ability- He can turn himself not invisible, but sort of non-existant. Basically, nothing can detect him when he is "incorporeal" as he calls it. he can also use this ability to walk through walls, and to jump through ceilings. He only can touch, in this state, that which he wants to touch, which is usually the floor.

Appearance- White hair, believed to be from some kind of very high-stress event, as well as bloodshot eyes with irises which are completely black. He wears a black trench coat, and a black fedora with a white band going around it.

Personality- He is very sneaky and devious, preferring to manipulate or trick his enemies rather than attack them head on, although he does have a stiletto knife for sneaking up behind them and stabbing them in the back with.

Bio- He knows nothing of his life in the real world. He can think for himself perfectly well, only he seems to be unwaveringly loyal to Ramiel. He does not know this, and would easily deny it unless Ramiel told him himself, but he was actually brainwashed by him. Nobody knows how he did it. This brainwashing is almost certainly impossible to undo, and it is the reason his hair is so white, and his irises black and eyes bloodshot.

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