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Fandom Akame ga kill IC (open and accepting)

Drea sighed and shoved his other hand in his pocket "so any word from our little nocturnal friends?" He tilted his head back enjoying the day.
"Well hello down there sir. Enjoying the view of the river while having a early snack are we?" Phillipe called from the top of the river bank down to the man by the side of the river. He was dressed in less fancy travel clothing but his dark blue hat with a golden trim and white feather sticking from the back of the hat marked him as a man with money. After all no normal person could afford such a fancy hat. Honestly he didn't need to wear it but over the years he had began to feel weird if he didn't wear one like it outside of the house.

~Rachel Black~ 

"Sorry Cyrien," she chucked, turning to Drea, "Not yet, it's still early so who knows?" It was a bit risky to discuss this with Cyrien beside them but oh well. Rachel attempted to make small talk. "So, what's a person like you doing in this sort of city Cyrien?" 

Cyrien looked at Racheal and looked in thought. "Well... To be honest I thought because of all the corruption going on, I could rob a few guards... Maybe even rob the people and get them to blame it on the imperials. The Imperials are the reason I'm poor, and being a girl yourself you should know the kind of grudges we hold~" She said and smiled

"Hmm...smart...." drea looked at Rachel "come on I know you could put in a good word for her. She even knows the truth. What's the harm in asking? You and me both know they need the numbers."

@AgWordSmith @_VINYL_
~Rachel Black~

"I could, but only if she wants to Drea." They should move this conversation to a more private setting, hopefully the Dragon's Nest won't be crowded today. It would be a good place to discuss night raid discreetly. "Let's see if we can find a table in the back of restaurant and we'll explain ok?" She gave Cyrien a reassuring smile. 

@_VINYL_ @Skeletonjack
"Yeah that's probably smart..." he walked in and it was mostly empty. He got them a seat in the back and ordered a mountain of pancakes with a bottle of whiskey "so what you guys eating?"
~Rachel Black~

"I'll just have eggs, bacon and a cup of water," she waited for Cyrien to order before getting down to business. "Get what ever you'd like, Drea's paying." She flashed him smile. "Right?"

@Skeletonjack @_VINYL_
Cyrien was drooling over the menu. "Oh god~ Look at all the food~" She seemed to be set on one thing though. "I'll get the salmon steak sandwich!" She demanded, tail wagging wildly with ears perked in interest. Truly she was a... different... sort of person...

@AgWordSmith @Skeletonjack
"Well hello down there sir. Enjoying the view of the river while having a early snack are we?" Phillipe called from the top of the river bank down to the man by the side of the river. He was dressed in less fancy travel clothing but his dark blue hat with a golden trim and white feather sticking from the back of the hat marked him as a man with money. After all no normal person could afford such a fancy hat. Honestly he didn't need to wear it but over the years he had began to feel weird if he didn't wear one like it outside of the house.


"well hello there how are you doing on this fine day sir" akira thought to himself i should be careful what i say ill just act like a traveler and try to get some information. @Dante Verren
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"I am going well. Mind if I join you?" Phillipe don't wait for a reply. Instead he very easily made his way down the bank to the man. Once he was near him he sat down with a tired sigh s little ways away. "It's days like these that are meant for traveling don't you agree? But on the other hand they are nice for relaxing as well. Tell me are you from the capital?"

~Rachel Black~

The waiter written their orders down on a notepad, now walking back towards the kitchens. Rachel's gaze swept across the room one last time to make sure no one was within ear shot. Leaning forward a bit she spoke in lower tone, just in case. "Even if a lesson or two from Drea could send you well on your way to becoming a king of thieves, we have an alternative proposal for you, if you're willing of cousre, and it's completely fine if you're not." She paused for a moment, speaking a bit more discreetly, one could never be to careful, "Would you be interested in joining the Rebel army?" 

@_VINYL_ @Skeletonjack
Listening to this woman's request she thought for a moment before making her decision. If joining the Rebel Army would earn her money... She'd might as well join but... Is that really the reason she should join for? No... She should be honest. Speaking in a more silent tone than she regularly uses she looks at the two and nods. "If it means I can help take down the Imperials... I'm in... I'm not usually violent but I don't mind taking a few lives from scum bags like them."
"I am going well. Mind if I join you?" Phillipe don't wait for a reply. Instead he very easily made his way down the bank to the man. Once he was near him he sat down with a tired sigh s little ways away. "It's days like these that are meant for traveling don't you agree? But on the other hand they are nice for relaxing as well. Tell me are you from the capital?"


i don't mind at all and to answer your question im from the south
"Ah the south, a land surrounded by sand as far as the eye can see. I haven't done much buisness down there but I have heard that southern women are quite a sight to see." Phillipe fell silent as reached into his side bag and pulled out what looked like a small roll of meat. Smileing he began to gnaw on the meat.


Before he could get a response, a bell from inside the building rang. Kayden withdrew his hand, giving a small, embarrassed nod, before entering the house, and sitting opposite of Jet's position. Taking a bite of the food given, he nodded, satisfied. "This is good. Thanks."


Chassity nodded. "Alright. Thanks for being around, Selena." She turned and exited the room, running into Adrian. "So, Adrian...how're you doing right now?" She pulled herself quite close to the Night Raid leader. 


"Oh....well, nice to formally meet you, Taylor!" Bella smiled and gave him a tight hug. "Bella. This here is Levi. She's a biological Teigu." Levi gave an octopus-like squeak, before then slapping Taylor in the face playfully. 


"So...um, Taylor...." Bella looked at his chest. "You're a guy, right?" 
The hug took Taylor by suprise. He das not use to close contact with people unless they were trying to kill him or visa versa. His face tinted slightly red out of embarrassment and the momento até let go he quiclly zipped up Immota Furorem's bag.

The Octopus called Levi seemed a bit annoying but Taylor was sure he would get use to it. Bella on the other hand das do far freindly and adorable. "It's a pleasure to meet you Bella and Levi." when he noticed her looking at his chest he have Bella a confused look. "Yeah I'm a guy, why?"
"Ah the south, a land surrounded by sand as far as the eye can see. I haven't done much buisness down there but I have heard that southern women are quite a sight to see." Phillipe fell silent as reached into his side bag and pulled out what looked like a small roll of meat. Smileing he began to gnaw on the meat.

akira reached into his bag and pulled out some rice crackers and stated eating when he answered  "yeah they are a sight for sore eye that's for sure" 
Adrian rolled his eyes and took off eternal giving him enough space to duck under her arms and into the dining room "so jet what did Nero say about the business meeting coming up? How many guards are going to be there tonight?"

@Soma Schicksal @Literally Batman

Drea smiled and held out a hand to her. "Glad to have you on board. They could use you better as a spy so we can keep killing to a minimum."

@AgWordSmith @_VINYL_
She shakes his hand and smiles at him. "Just down blame me if a few guards end up with empty pockets. Also I will admit, if something goes missing ask me first... Sometimes I don't realize when I steal something... It just happens..."
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~Rachel Black~

She smiled, "Will do," Cyrien was self aware, that will definetly help her in the army,  "I can contact some people and somebody should get in touch with you soon. What would be the best way to find you?" Already Rachel was thinking of who to find and what to say to get Cyrien in the rebel army, the processs should be simple and relatively fast. The only thing taking time would be the quick training one would go through, though crash course was a more accurate description, literally

@_VINYL_ @Skeletonjack

~Selena Adan~

Slena noddd with a smile and then heard a distance bell, Following Chassity out into the hallway she dodged Adrian and went to sit at the table. "Hey you actually did the dish I recommended." Another smile, "It looks great Jet can't wait to dig in." She noticed Kayden at the table across from Jet. Sucessfully keeping a suspicious glare at bay her attention shifted to her food. A few bites in and the seafood paella proved to be just as delicious as it looked if not more. "You may have to be the official cook of Night Raid now." She chuckled and continued to savor the amazing meal. 

@Soma Schicksal @Literally Batman
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"the easiest way to reach me? Hmmm... That depends, though I do like to hang around the Inn's and Taverns... Mainly the Sour Apple in for their cheap rooms" She cooed. It wasn't well known, but it existed. "If someone should find me, it's more than likely there if anything.

@AgWordSmith @Skeletonjack
Jet began to eat and smiled, which he rarely did when he saw how much everyone enjoyed his food. He had worked pretty hard to make everyone happy with his cooking but his expression quickly changed when he heard Adrian's comment. "Sorry Adrian we got into a little bit of a predicament and we forgot...sorry I failed you." He then heard Selena's remark and smiled again. "I'm glad you like it, it took a pretty long time even with the boots." He then noticed that in the hallway Chassity was being her flirtatious self with Adrian, he was confused and didn't know that they were a thing. He didn't want to look too far into it and tried to ignore it. His attempt at ignoring it failed and he saw Chassity continuing her flirtatious ways and it was kinda bothering him for some reason, he tried to take his mind off of it and eat more of his food wanting to take in the moment.

@Skeletonjack @AgWordSmith @Literally Batman @Melanin-Gxdess 

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