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Fandom Akame Ga Kill (Dead. it aint active anymore)

Himeragi Seiker

【Suit Gang's Red + Blue Eyed Girl】《렏 안ㄷ 브뤠 에옏 길ㄹ》
Lets say this: What if Night Raid failed to defeat the prime minister and the king and they still rule?

Well, Ima leave that to ya since now we make our alternative ending to Akame Ga Kill. or something similar to that. so here's some rules...

1. Can only have 1 Imperial Arms. Unless you get my permission. And it will depend on the Imperial Arms' abilities.

2. You can be either part of the Revolutionary Army or One of the Empire's important people.

3. Please try not to aim for killing the king or the prime minister or the thread is gonna end and thats gonna suck...

4. Kill a character ONLY if you have permission from the owner of that character your about to kill

5. Create as many characters as you want. But be sure to check on them and make them active. I recommend only creating up to 6 characters.

6. Please don't try to destroy the kingdom or cause a huge ruin.

7. If you part of the Revolutionary Army, you can create your own group and have a hideout somewhere outside or in the kingdom's walls.

8. PLEASE DONT MAKE YOUR IMPERIAL ARMS TOO OP. If they are meant to be OP, tell me first so I may approve whether you can use it or not.

9. Oh and also get hit once in awhile in a fight. Don't be like dodging everything or thats no fun.

10. Romance is allowed. But dont get too erotic on those things. Take that kind of stuff somewhere else. Like conversation.

11. If your one of the Empire's important politicians or people, dont cause too much destruction.

12. Have fun~
*Himeragi was in her mansion alone as she looked out the window*

''hmmm...its getting dark...''

*She then remembers the big Night Raid Attack*

''wish you guys were stronger...i dont want this prime minister taking advantage of the king like this...''

*She said as she frowned a bit as she sipped her tea*
Sat in the rebels camp Issho sighed.

"Listen if I don't want to take a job I don't have to the advantage of being a mercenary not to mention suicide jobs aren't my thing."

Issho's contractor slammed the table Issho was sat at.

"Fine then, how about a contract on a generals daughter, she lives alone with security only outside the mansion."

Issho sat up and smirked.

"That's better least this time your not trying to get me to kill the king."
*Himeragi finished her tea and set it on the table infront of her. She then yawned and went to her room to put on a night gown. She then walked over to her bed but stopped*

''its been too long since i have not been targeted yet...maybe this may be the night...''

*She said as she went back to her tea and poured some more and sipped it*

''w-why do i feel so shakey all of the sudden....?''
Issho set off at a sprinting pace towards the location his targets mansion.

Arriving at the mansion Issho went around to the back gate and saw only one person at it. He decided to check if his target was home. Using the darkness of the night to hide his body Issho approach the guard.

"Excuse me I was wondering if the lady of the house is in, I was sent by her father."

The guard looked at Issho but because of the cover of the night couldn't see him.

"She is would you like me to call get her for you, i'm sure she would love to hear from her father."

Issho smiled the guard didn't ask anything and just gave him his answer, which meant he must have been rather new.

"That would be great."

The guard turned around only to be pined to the floor by gravity and killed.

"Thanks for the help."

Walking over to the back door Issho tried the door handle it was locked, however he began to hear the door unlocking from the other side. The second the door unlocked and opened Issho charged at the person and punched him in the throat making him choke on his own voice box. Trying to grab the body before it fell Issho messed up and the body fell with a rather loud bang which echoed throughout the building.
Bills352 said:
Issho set off at a sprinting pace towards the location his targets mansion.
Arriving at the mansion Issho went around to the back gate and saw only one person at it. He decided to check if his target was home. Using the darkness of the night to hide his body Issho approach the guard.

"Excuse me I was wondering if the lady of the house is in, I was sent by her father."

The guard looked at Issho but because of the cover of the night couldn't see him.

"She is would you like me to call get her for you, i'm sure she would love to hear from her father."

Issho smiled the guard didn't ask anything and just gave him his answer, which meant he must have been rather new.

"That would be great."

The guard turned around only to be pined to the floor by gravity and killed.

"Thanks for the help."

Walking over to the back door Issho tried the door handle it was locked, however he began to hear the door unlocking from the other side. The second the door unlocked and opened Issho charged at the person and punched him in the throat making him choke on his own voice box. Trying to grab the body before it fell Issho messed up and the body fell with a rather loud bang which echoed throughout the building.
*Himeragi heard a bang which she then set her tea down*

''what was that...?''

*Himeragi said as she went to the door and saw Issho as she covered her mouth trying not to scream terrified seeing 2 dead bodies as she then started to step back*
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Himeragi heard a bang which she then set her tea down*
''what was that...?''

*Himeragi said as she went to the door and saw Issho as she covered her mouth trying not to scream terrified seeing 2 dead bodies as she then started to step back*

Issho sighed if he was smart he would have used his imperial arm to stop the body from falling which only occurred to him now. Standing up as he began to talk.

"Great now its going to be a game of cat and mous...Or not."

A smile covered Issho face

"What are the chances of my target coming to me ah today must be my lucky day."

Issho slowly walked towards the girl.

"You scream you die, you run you die now be a good girl and come with me if you don't you die after all my mission is to kill you but I think your worth more alive."
Bills352 said:
Issho sighed if he was smart he would have used his imperial arm to stop the body from falling which only occurred to him now. Standing up as he began to talk.
"Great now its going to be a game of cat and mous...Or not."

A smile covered Issho face

"What are the chances of my target coming to me ah today must be my lucky day."

Issho slowly walked towards the girl.

"You scream you die, you run you die now be a good girl and come with me if you don't you die after all my mission is to kill you but I think your worth more alive."
''n-no...! p-please....d-dont come any closer...! i-i beg you..''

*She said as she continued to step back soon tried to make a run for it but tripped on the rug which made her fall on her front. She then rolled over and watches Isshi step more closer realizing it was too late for her to run now. She could just watch him giving him an innocent yet terrified look*

[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''n-no...! p-please....d-dont come any closer...! i-i beg you..''
*She said as she continued to step back soon tried to make a run for it but tripped on the rug which made her fall on her front. She then rolled over and watches Isshi step more closer realizing it was too late for her to run now. She could just watch him giving him an innocent yet terrified look*


Issho continued to walk closer and closer.

"I'll let you live."

Issho smirked he was never a nice person and now wasn't going to be any different.

"You just have to come with me"

Issho decided that it would be better if she was alive after all a high ranking generals daughter in the hands of rebels was helpful as blackmail.
Bills352 said:
Issho continued to walk closer and closer.
"I'll let you live."

Issho smirked he was never a nice person and now wasn't going to be any different.

"You just have to come with me"

Issho decided that it would be better if she was alive after all a high ranking generals daughter in the hands of rebels was helpful as blackmail.
''n-no...p-please...g-get away!!''

*She said as she quickly got up and started to run*

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River sighed as he looked at the peice of paper "why do I have to check on her why not just keep me there with her instead" he mumbled as he climbed onto his horse and spurred it making go into a sprint as he rode out of the camp he was in and twoards the lonely mansion that she lived in. He got there about two muinets later and hopped off his horse while it was still moving then sighed as he checked to make sure his sword was fastened to his back before he nodded and started for the door the horse neighing loudly as he climbed the steps

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]River sighed as he looked at the peice of paper "why do I have to check on her why not just keep me there with her instead" he mumbled as he climbed onto his horse and spurred it making go into a sprint as he rode out of the camp he was in and twoards the lonely mansion that she lived in. He got there about two muinets later and hopped off his horse while it was still moving then sighed as he checked to make sure his sword was fastened to his back before he nodded and started for the door the horse neighing loudly as he climbed the steps

if @Bills352 ever replies xD )))
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''n-no...p-please...g-get away!!''
*She said as she quickly got up and started to run*


"Why do you even bother running, you must really want to die huh?"

Issho set off at a sprint and once he got within ten steps he increased the gravity making it so that she could run but only at a very slow walking pace.

"You can't run from me, you got the worst person after you."

Hearing a loud neighing he ignored it guessing that they were horses around the mansion.

(sorry for the delay had a bad past few days and a lot to do.)
Bills352 said:
"Why do you even bother running, you must really want to die huh?"
Issho set off at a sprint and once he got within ten steps he increased the gravity making it so that she could run but only at a very slow walking pace.

"You can't run from me, you got the worst person after you."

Hearing a loud neighing he ignored it guessing that they were horses around the mansion.

(sorry for the delay had a bad past few days and a lot to do.)
*Himeragi soon fell to the ground feeling the gravity being pushed down on her (since thats what i think is happening) she then looked at Issho with an innocent look wishing he'd let her go*
River stood there at the door before slipping in sulently and swing the back door open emediately seting him on guard. "Shit" he wispered as he slowly drew his sword and started through the mansion silently as he looked for her and any one else that was here
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]*Himeragi soon fell to the ground feeling the gravity being pushed down on her (since thats what i think is happening) she then looked at Issho with an innocent look wishing he'd let her go*

"You know you really are trying my patience, I offered you a chance to live and you just run away."

Issho sighed as he knelt next to the girl.

"Do you want to die that much?"
Bills352 said:
"You know you really are trying my patience, I offered you a chance to live and you just run away."
Issho sighed as he knelt next to the girl.

"Do you want to die that much?"
*Himeragi only closed her eyes shut wimpering in fear as she turned her head away from him*

River finaly made it to where they where in the house going wide eyed at the strange man that was there with her and the look of fear on her face before he charged silently his foot stepes making baciacly no noise as he ran down the hall at the man from behind a look of rage on his face

@Bills352 @Himeragi Seiker
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Kailain awoke in his quarters, excited by the thought of all of the good work he could do today. He showered, dressed, and ate the delicious breakfast prepared for him by his wonderful servants. He then rushed off towards the capital

...until Kailain realized he'd left his Teigu behind, at which point he ran back, retrieved the 6 dynamos which clipped to his back, and made haste once again.
(And now I realize I'm stuck bs'ing until more people show up... :( ))
Daniel reaver]River finaly made it to where they where in the house going wide eyed at the strange man that was there with her and the look of fear on her face before he charged silently his foot stepes making baciacly no noise as he ran down the hall at the man from behind a look of rage on his face @Bills352 [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13377-himeragi-seiker/ said:
@Himeragi Seiker[/URL]
any day now @Bills352 will respond .-.)))
Kalin Scarlet](Hopefully [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13377-himeragi-seiker/ said:
@Himeragi Seiker[/URL], though I'm not exactly waiting for him so much as I'm waiting for anyone else to join...))
yea...im thinking of bailing on him...)))
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]yea...im thinking of bailing on him...)))

(Well...that is an option...))
"Security may be doubled, but... Outburts and rebellion seems to be tripled, possibly quadrupled..." A white-haired, purple-clothed girl said to herself, appearing to be about nineteen years of age as she stood there within the capitol, a sheathed blade at her side. "Who're you, missy?" a thug-like character asked, a rather problematic person who was destined to land in jail; worse, if not just jail. "Who am I...? Yuko Tsuchida, the person who'll be rid of you if you don't quit this senseless outbreak." The guy looked rather pissed, charging right at the girl with a fist ready. Not even able to land a hit though, the man found a blade fly right through his neck, decapitating him cleanly and completely.

((Seem like a good first post for the character? ;~ ;) )

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