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Fandom Akame Ga Kill: A New Era


The Grand Herald of Tea

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.918c420d2977b88623250cd643d4ae53.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59672" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.918c420d2977b88623250cd643d4ae53.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.8d71c06d84121b7f6ba4df1e18be6eec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59676" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.8d71c06d84121b7f6ba4df1e18be6eec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ~Akame Ga Kill~

~A New Era~




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It was noon, and the streets were bustling with life in the newly founded town, Sentinel. Revolutionaries filled the streets to the brim, the atmosphere was loud yet calming in it's own way. Well to those that were used to it at least. Many of the people here were recently recruited into the fold, the idea of 'Revolution' was becoming scarce, yet the people who craved it were here in the hundreds, if not thousands. Sentinel was a large settlement, situated South of the Capitol, the Revolutionaries who fled during the civil war came here and built this city. Being surrounded by the forest gave it the perk of being hidden from Imperial radar, as the forest is extremely dense and perilous to the unwary. However Sentinel was on flat land and wasn't engulfed by the trees, just surrounded by them.

The people in the streets came in all types. You had farmers, clothiers, priests and even nobles. They were all different but they believed in the same thing. Revolution. In the city centre, a large crowd had gathered around a certain building, the Night Raid headquarters. Here, those that were hand picked to become part of this organisation would eat, sleep, drink, train and live. As well as receive contracts. These few people were to become the heart of the Revolutionary Army, and would hopefully, lead them to victory.

"Soldier, over here." Spoke a giant of a man, muscular build, with short white hair and a scar going down his left eye. He looked intimidating and clearly had some authority. The soldier hastily went over to the man who was standing directly outside the Night Raid building. "I need you to deliver these letters to each member of the new Night Raid, it's a letter telling them all to gether here, so it is imperative you get it to them as soon as possible, got it?" The soldier nodded at the mans demand and went on his way, he knew that they were all somewhere around the city, he just had to find them.


The Capitol, the jewel of the Empire, was currently hosting a festival that was made to honour their precious Empire. The festival was magical, as you walk down the streets you could see everything decorated with precision, bunting was tied to houses and loud, celebrative music was playing. Even entertainers were there. There was one guy that could lick fire and even breath it. The crowds cheered as they watched each act perform.

Yet not everyone was enjoying the festivities. The Emperor, Emperor Mathios II, has invited the top soldiers of the Empire to a dinner party, where the intended goal is to discuss the Revolutionary menace. Mathios seeks to build his own order in the hopes of crushing the Revolutionary Army. As well as it's 'Night Raid'. And here, today, in the halls of the royal palace, that order would be crafted.

Mathios waited in the throne room for the selected guests to arrive, they had all been notified of this meeting previously. The Emperor chuckled as he waited, patiently.

Revolutionary: You have control of the Soldier Messenger NPC, so you can claim the letter however you want to))
Rika couldn't say she was excited to attend another dinner party, especially so soon after finishing a military campaign to the north. The festivities that took place were a rare opportunity to make sure her reputation stood tall amongst the rabble and rumour, and an even rarer opportunity to show her culinary skills. As such she was intent on getting the meeting underway as soon as possible and finished just as swiftly. She strode into the throne room with confidence befitting one who had seen it so many times, unawed by its grandeur or the stature of its decorations. She stalked without hesitation to the side of Emperor and bowed as was the proper courtesy and removing the red lollipop that hung from her tongue as she did so. "I apologize for my tardiness Mathios, I would have arrived sooner had your messenger not perished at the hands of my prey. Please be sure to make full use of my reserve forces in future. The revolution has been routed in the far north, my troops will pursue them and keep me posted while I deal with matters here." She stated matter of factly, bowing again and popping the treat back into her maw, having to once again shift the bandana out of the way before moving it back to cover her face and the mask that gave away her Teigu. Mathios would receive the message loud and clear, exactly what Rika had in mind.

She was well aware why the meeting had been called, but if they could not play with Fenris then they had no hope of keeping up with her in battle. She would devour them whole in the crossfire, and she had no interest in snuffing out flames before they reached full height.
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Kirigiri was sitting at a table at a cafe in the small enclosed town of Sentinel, she was always one for sweets, taking a small spoonful of the ice cream, eating it rather slowly. Her Imperial Arms/Teigu was always with her ,in a case, although that usually would have showed suspicion to others that worked for the new empire her Teigu, Final Symphony, made her seem more like a musician if anything else. The only think that might raise suspicion was her being here in the revolutionary town of course.

She glanced behind her as she heard the door open, the other revolutionary soldier sat down to the other side of the table, she put down her spoon, so she could listen to the other solider. "Melody you are requested to be one of the members of the new Night Raid." The solider said to her as he gave her an letter containing details about the meeting. Kirigiri giving a nod as she gave a look at the solider, getting close to a glare. "You have dirt next to your nose," Kirigiri stated before she gets a napkin from the table, wiping the dirt off herself, due to her impulsive cleaning walking around the table to do so, before noticing the smallest dirt speck on his shoe and washing it off as well.

The solider awkwardly left for the next message to be delivered, as she opened the letter for the meeting information with the other members that should be getting their letters shortly depending on the speed the messenger would go. Kirigiri walked outside, where the meeting area was already crowded with people, looking for at least one person she would end up knowing, before quietly moving along through the crowd, her Teigu in her case as she was dragging the violin along as she handed the envelope to the man with the scar, heading inside the Night Raid Building.

(I like centering things if you haven't noticed .-.)


Boroko was surprised to see that he was a special guest at one of The Emperor's dinner party. He found the people at the festival to be noisy and annoying so he stepped up the pace trying to go unnoticed through the crowd. Finally he reaches the door to the throne. Before entering he contemplated for a moment. "Who is behind the door ? Am I the last one to arrive ? Why was I chosen by the Emperor himself ?" these questions bothered Boroko. Yet without any hesitation, he opens the door. The first thing he notices is a girl with strikingly beautiful eyes and the Emperor.

The Giant bows before them and introduces himself "I am Boroko Ame, pleased to meet you, I shall bring eternal sorrow to the revolutionaries".After the introduction Boroko went silent for some time then with a deep melancholic tone he continued Anyone who thinks that sunshine is pure happiness, have never danced in the rain and anyone who thinks death is pure pain have never cried in the rain". Then he went silent again and never said a word since. He just kept staring at the window hoping rain will fall.

Beau was lying down on his couch in his apartment, a book open on his stomach. He was drifting towards sleep, the book moving up and down with the sleepy breathing of his lungs. He yawned, taking the book and placing it on the table next to him, and taking a blanket to cover himself. He left the lamp on, preferring to fall asleep with light.

"I never knew the history of the empire was so booooooring." He whined, curling up into a fetus position and trying to fall asleep, when there was a knock at the door. He was confused, as he didn't get many visitors. He got up, his blanket wrapped around him like a cloak, and flowing behind him as he turned the knob and the door opened.

"Beauregarde, you are invited to become one of the newest members of Night Raid." Beau's eyes widened, and hastily took the envelope.

"Nice!" Beau cheered, thanking the messenger and flopping back onto the couch. The messenger closed his door, and Beau giggled, reading the letter over and over again. He searched his apartment, until he found his Imperial Arms. The main problem with it is it's small and hard to find. He placed the lollipop in his pocket, and departed to go to the building that was mentioned in the letter. He arrived, following about half a mile behind a girl also going to the same destination he was.


Sitting on one of the towers adjacent to the Empire's palace Anizin stared out at the city watching as the sun set. The people of the new empire were slowly making their way homes after a gruesome day out in the real world, and Anizin was just watching them all. After a couple minutes of silence he got up and jumped off the roof of the tower he had been standing on landing on one of the railings. Turning his head in the direction of the festival he shook his head before walking back inside the palace's main entrance. "Not in the mood for another stupid dinner party" he thought as he made his way to the palace's hall where the dinner party was being held. As he did so he looked at all the images of the emperor as he passed once he had finally reached the palace hall he looked around and noticed all the food and people there and began blocking it all out. "I wonder when our next mission will be? Damn Mathios keeping us waiting all the time " he said absentmindedly completely failing to realize he had walked into the meeting. When he realized he was at the meeting place Anizin simply looked up and looked at the other Empire Captains or other higher ranks, not that he cared either way although he had met a few of them in the past it wouldn't surprise him if they forgot his name or who he even was. He sure had. Looking at Mathios he simply nodded a hi not bothering to bow or say hello in a graceful manner. "He's known me for eight years he knows how I do things, we've got a good friendship if you can call it that" he said to the people that looked at him in awe. Although he wasn't sure if that was because of his attitude towards the Emperor or if it was because he was "The Trickster"

@LeSoraAmari @Bunny @Bloop @Messenger @The Elder Wyvern
-The Hounds of the Empire-

Not many could recognise the Hounds of the Empire when they needed to vanish. That fact, too, applied to their leader. An olive hooded robe thrown over her figure, and its hood darkening her features, slouching slightly, expressing aloof disinterest in the procession, stopping only now and then at various stalls to peruse the products as she wandered the festivities, Rowan was practically indistinguishable from any of the crowd. The festival itself gave her a lot of cover, further removing the chance that she might be spotted. The noise and the bustling crowd ensured that she, along her informants, was safe from prying eyes and ears. Her seemingly aimless wandering took her in a huge circuit around the sprawling town, until she made a turn into an alley.

The narrow corridor of bricks, trash and rats ended in a wall. At that dead end, however, were two men, one an Imperial soldier, in full garb, holding up the second by the collar of his tunic, and directing a sword at his neck. Neither of them seemed to have noticed her entrance. It wasn't until she clicked her tongue that both men directed her attention to her. They froze for a moment, and then, they nodded ever so slightly, a slight dip of the head, before they resumed their act of a soldier terrorising a civilian.

"Report." she uttered in hushed tones.

"Revolutionaries have yet to move. We are unable to pinpoint their exact location right now. All military-based Hounds have no actual information. We have heard of an attempt to reform the Night Raid, but nothing else. It could be nothing but a rumor." The soldier informant answered in a low voice through gritted teeth, keeping up his act. He then directed his sword at Rowan, now yelling. "Wot are ye doin' here, eh?! Keep your goddamn nose outta dis, woman!"

She played along, stepping back in feigned horror. Night Raid. That was the name of the group of assassins that led the Revolution movement in the previous war. She cast her eyes towards the 'civilian', signalling for him to speak.

"No news to report, sir. As for the dinner you have been...summoned to, I've done the digging, and its participants are as follows," he coughed and struggled in the hands of his captor. The things they did to keep up their act. Rowan was quite impressed with their dedication, to be honest. She would have to reward them for this later, should she meet them again. "Rika Holdstadt, Akiko Fujimoto, Boroko Ame, Anizin Kutsigala, and you, sir.” He switched seamlessly to panicked shrieking after relaying his message. “HELP! Please don't leave! I beg of you, please!"

"That is all. Your efforts are appreciated. Return to your duties."

"Captain." Both men nodded once more in unison, before resuming their charade, their raised voices drowned out in the cacophonous roar of the crowds all around. Rowan turned on her heel and sprinted out of the alley, pasting on a face of shock and horror for all who could see her, and then away from the supposed scene of crime.

-Empire Walls-


Rika Holdstadt, the devourer, the unflinching one. Rowan did not question her authority and her ability, and simply left her to her own devices. The Hounds usually had nothing to report about her, and no news was good news. Akiko Fujimoto, the witch of consuming flames, the psychopathic womanchild. Rowan’s formal speech did not seem to be able to penetrate her broken mind. She was too gleeful, too childlike, when it came to torching her enemies. It was...disconcerting, at best. Boroko Ame, 7 feet tall, a man who knew what loss was. Rowan could relate to him, if only just a little. Anizin Kutsigala, a fox within their folds. The Hounds have informed her of his past with the Revolutionaries, and yet, none of them could ever find a shred of evidence that linked him to them. A clever move, but the absence of evidence was the most telling sign that someone was lying.

Rowan folded the papers bearing the information of the especial individuals as she strode down the hallways of the castle. The papers did not remain long within her hands. As she passed a patrolling soldier, it vanished from her grip. By morning, they would never have been missing in the first place, all of them neatly placed back in where she had extracted them from. The setting sun cast its blood red rays upon the walls of the castle, as she neared the dining room, where this supposed ‘dinner’ was to take place. No doubt was the Emperor about to delegate the tasks to his most capable of soldiers. She could understand Holdstadt and Boroko within the group of people he had specifically chosen: they were feared soldiers with a place in the military. She, herself, was the leader of the Hounds. He could use her ‘talents’ and reach in the field. Akiko and Anizin, however… Rowan pondered about this, and came to a stop at the door leading to the dining hall.

No, this wasn’t the time to be speculating. The answers will be presented anyhow. Puzzling over this was a waste of time. She clasped the knob in her hand and turned it. She was not the first to arrive, that much she knew as she entered. The Emperor was already within the presence of Holdstadt, Boroko and Anizin. She did not acknowledge any of them except to nod at them silently, and knelt on one knee, facing the Emperor.

“My liege.” She raised her head slightly to meet the Emperor’s gaze with her own. “I have words for your ears only.” She cast a furtive, dirty look at Anizin, before straightening up. “I will relay them to you once,” she kept her glare on Anizin, “all other ears have left the vicinity.”

Seeing Rowan's glare Anizin smiled at her. With a wave he stated. "I suppose this ol' Jackerlantern will take his leave" he said turning around and waving goodbye to Rowan before doing a small bow to the emperor. "When you are ready to talk about the mission please send someone to my room I'll be waiting there" he said before walking past Boroko, Holdstadt, Rika and as he calls her Crazy Inferno. Once he had exited the palace hall he turned a corner and heading down stairs to the chambers where they kept most of the Teigu's they had taken after their victories. Anizin had made it a hobby of his to go down there every once in awhile and examine each weapon so he knew what it could do and what it's weak points were by the end of the day. Reaching the chambers he opened the door and went inside locking it behind him he walked up to the sword that used to belong to Esdeath, a well known general during his former master and teacher's time. Picking up the sword after putting on his gloves he took out his glasses and pushed them up on his face.

"So this is the blade the famed Esdeath held" he thought touching the hilt and lifting it out of it's sheath he stared at it. "Said to freeze anything given the wielder the ability to control ice itself and make ice out of anything" he mumbled examining the old blade. "Hm, doesn't seem to have had any other holder aside from Esdeath herself not like I would want something that can practically poison ones mind" he thought a small smile creasing his lips as he put the sword back in it's sheath.

Rika had expected the hound and the giant, she had kept her own eyes out for them for an age. Both were the epitome of strong soldiers, but they were human deep down and both had made mistakes. She almost smiled when the hound came to relay a hidden message to the Emperor, as if Rika would not know what her little pups had been running around the Empire doing all this time. For all she knew the message pertained to something entirely different and she had half a mind to stay within the range of her enhanced senses, and then she saw the runt scurrying from the chamber to await a personal messenger to bring him back. He certainly had the positioning for it, and yet it was a perfect opportunity. Rika gave a slight nod to Mathios but paused at Rowans side before she followed Anizin "In future be sure to acknowledge a general when in formal settings, were I anyone else you'd face adversity." She stated with genuine concern, it wasn't often she found a dog who could play a game of cat and mouse so well.

With that she sauntered after the runt, finding him by her senses to not be in his chamber, but in the Imperial Armory. With a snap of her fingers the lock melted away and she flung the doors open with a graceful push of her right hand, pulling her lollipop from her maw with a gentle pop. "I don't recall myself or any of my reserve captains issuing permissions for you to be in the Imperial Armory. If we're to operate together I suggest you start following protocol, otherwise incidents such as this will start reaching the ears of the general of defense, am I understood?" She commanded coldly, sauntering up beside him to peer at the urn that had devastated so many. "'Demon's Extract' described as one of the most deadly Imperial Arms ever constructed, given the wielder can handle the mental strain. When I was an officer this urn lay in the hands of a great general, a friend of mine you are well aware of. If you want a lesson on how to properly manifest and battle Teigu you need only ask, soldier to soldier." She turned to him, flipped off her hood and pulled down her bandanna to reveal her mask.

"Lesson 1: Dodging ." Her eyes flashed with a predatory mirth and a brilliant flash of blue barreled down from the ceiling, the fire would disperse and miss him no matter if he stood still or evaded, but he had not only insulted her charge by sneaking in here, but piqued her interest as something more than a runt. She would play with him awhile.


@The Regal Rper @simj22
Boroko remained in the throne chamber with the Emperor as he learned the past of his new comrades when the boisterousness from the Teigu chambers alarmed him. He rushed to the place in an tranquil manner, hoping no one will notice his presence. He quietly hums "Hmm...If only it would rain....they certainly look like excellent fighters. We might be strong but we are very different, if we don't learn to cooperate we won't stand a chance against the revolutionaries".He then stops talking and continues to stalk the two youngsters
Akiko Fujimoto

Honestly, Akiko was a tad surprised to be invited to a party like this.

'A dinner for the Empire's elite!'

At first glace, it wasn't something to be suspicious about. I mean, the girl is a Teigu User after all, but, thinking about it for any longer than a moment did raise a few questions. After all, everyone else who usually got invite to these things was normally a general or a war hero of sorts, or, they at least held command of their own squad. But Akiko on the other hand... Well, her battle record was hardly something that had earned her many promotions, and, she certainly wasn't the one giving any orders during the resurgence. Sure, she'd likely won the Empire a few battles, but the collateral damage that always seemed to gather up whenever she stepped into the battlefield had practically crushed any hopes of promotion the pink haired girl had held in her heart.

But, she wasn't going to complain about getting to attend a fancy dinner like this.

It was a bit dismaying that it took place during the festivities, though.

But on the bright side, here she was! In the Imperial Place! Of course this wasn't her first time in the place, she'd been brought here once or twice before, on account of her obtaining her beloved Teigu Efreet. And... Another three or four times on account of her fucking up some stealthier operations by way of a blazing heap of fire always seeming to crop up bang in the middle of them. But this time, THIS TIME, she was here neither for formalities, punishment...

...Or demotion...

She was here to eat!

Striding down the hallways of the Imperial Place, her pace quickened at the thought of the food that would be on offer at a banquet as prestigious as this. Aside from her thoughts of food, she began to wonder as to who the other guests at this little shin-dig would be. One of the invitees was obvious, that 'Unbreakable Devourer' whose name was sung in choruses of cheer by those loyal to the Empire, and whispered in fear by those who stood against it. Honestly, the thought of meeting her was a bit nerve wracking. Not only was the woman one of the more famous heroes of the resurgence, but her Teigu was associated with fire, just like Akiko's own. And she'd managed to become a General with it, as opposed to Akiko's practically being a super-powered foot soldier. With that nervousness though, was a dab of excitement. It's not every day you get to meet a famed 'Hero of the People', after all.

But the others though? Akiko wasn't really sure who to expect. It'd been established pretty early into her military career that the girl didn't exactly do well in team situations, so her being grouped up with other Teigu users was a pretty rare occasion. And, she'd be a liar if she claimed to keep a close ear to the happening within the Empire. There were a few names she knew, mostly being those of the more famous individuals within the Empire...

But, the throne room was practically within reach now, so guessing at it was practically pointless.

At that thought, she stepped into the throne room, half-excited to find out who the rest of the attendees were. Only to find it near empty. Inside, the only people present were a woman who she seemed to... Faintly, recognize, and Emperor himself.

"Ah... Am I early or something?"
@The Elder Wyvern


Hearing Rika enter Anizin remained silent as she talked understanding quite well what she was saying. "I'll try to make sure I don't stray to far from protocool, and as for the armory I believe it is alright for any high ranking general or soldier to be given access into the Imperial Armory whenever they choose given if they have permission from the Emperor" he said with a smile at her as he picked up another Imperial Arm. Listening as she spoke about the urn that Esdeath had drank from to gain the power she had he nodded slowly and was about to say something until Rika decided to give him a lesson in dodging. Anizin knew Rika well although he'd met her a few times in the Empire and once during a mission he knew that she wasn't the type to attack those who hadn't caught her attention or interest, so he decided to entertain her. When the flames erupted from the ceiling despite knowing they would miss him he still evaded and was right behind her after they cleared. Leaning down a bit he whispered into her ear. "Rika, I thought the Emperor told you not- well told is quite a belittlement warned you to not flirt with your superiors or anyone who you think is worthy due to the mayhem you tend to leave behind when finished" he said with a sly smile. "Not that I mind you flirting after all you are quite the woman" he said with a small chuckle escaping his lips before straightening himself out. "So did you simply come here to flirt with me or was there another reason you came here Rika my darling?" he asked adding emphasis to the darling. It was something he often liked doing watching the reaction of his comrades was always funny and he was interested in seeing how Rika would react to his retort.

As he waited he went back to looking over the weapon that belonged to Mine a member of the previous Night Raid.
"To bad this one was stolen" he thought, "Some idiot sure didn't know what he was doing when he used this that's for sure" he thought putting it down and going for another Teigu.

Annabelle Crystallia

Arriving last and not really caring, Annabelle stealthily appeared and blended in with everyone else as if she had been there the entire time. She had a habit now of not really caring who came to these events but at the same time she really only came to see the women in power. Licking her lips she tapped the hilt of her sword, 'it thirst for blood again?' She thought, 'But I just fed it before I got here' She then shifted to her left foot, a smile appearing on her face. 'Oh, I know, let's see who is a traitor in this place.' She slowly looked over everyone, her gaze becoming like that of a wolf seeking prey.

She once more licked her lips, the feeling making her want to kill more, a feeling that couldn't be sated by normal means. What was it about watching her victims die from unseen wounds? Was it watching them cough up blood? Yes that was always so glorious to her. Was it also the look of shock? Oh yes that was it too. It literally turned her on to see a extremely strong warrior fall over like a sack of potatoes. Oh she could see it now, she looked at a big burly man and imagined coming from behind and piercing his heart and him going about his day like normal and then one day boom he drop for no reason. Oh the thought was like esctasy to her. She put her free hand by her mouth to wipe off the drool. She had to focus, now what were these people saying exactly?
-The Hound-

He left. Her barking was most efficacious, it would seem. She was far more impressed with the fact that a wolf within their folds would so easily oust himself by marching away from the accusations. He wasn't even trying. She did nothing to show that she acknowledge Holdstadt's departure and 'warning'- who was she to tell her that she should greet her superiors? She held no office over her, no commanding post that could threaten hers. There was no point in attempting to disband the Hounds either: they weren't an official brigade on paperwork. Her seat, as it stands now, was remarkably comfortable. Every other Hound had a proper kennel for themselves, especially those who were unknown operatives to the rest of their respective branches. As much as Holdstadt liked to think she had the upper hand, the world of skulduggery was not her field.

Nevertheless, with the departure of Ame and Holdstadt, it gave the Hound some breathing space. She stepped forth to her Emperor, saluting him as she did, and spoke in a clear voice, delivering to him the results of her unit's discovery succinctly. "The Revolutionaries move, my liege. Rumors say they are reforming the Night Raid, the band of assassins which catalysed the end of the war half a decade ago. We do not have it on paper, but I trust in my Hounds to deliver results soon. That is all, my liege." She stepped back, towards the entrance, and, wisely, to one side, as the doors were flung open. A redheaded lady stepped through. At once, from her disposition, Rowan recognised her as the witch of consuming flame. Akiko Fujimoto. She looked quizzically about, and queried, in an almost teeth-grittingly naive tone:

"Am I early or something?"

Rowan did not answer, and a dark haired swordswoman joined them soon after. She smelled of bloodlust and violence, cruelty and sadism. She lived for battle. That much, Rowan could tell about her, even before she even learned of her name. Perhaps Corporal Ross had forgotten one name in the list. It was a permissible error. Some scents are lost along the way. She couldn't possibly expect every single one of her Hounds to be perfect. Nonetheless, she watched both of these two warily. Neither of them seemed to be in the best of mental health, and she wouldn't want to step on their many wrong toes.
Spotting Rowan she gave her a big smile and then a salute before walking up saluting the King and then standing beside her. All the while her fingers were tapping the hilt of her sword in anticipation. A soft hum could be heard rising from between her lips then it stopped just long enough for her to lick her lips and look up at the ceiling for a bit. She wondered how long it would take to get up to the roof from where she was now. Shaking the thought away her hair fell in front of her eyes. There was something more dangerous about her eyes not being revealed versus them being shown. Her body shifted to her right leg as she muttered something to herself, "Those that oppose the Empire will die." She kept repeating those words over and over again to herself as if it were her own personal motto.

As she looked up again her eyes were serious and she was no longer murderous. Instead she looked like a determined, clean cut warrior who would do anything for her Empire. She would lock away her murderous side for now until she went into combat. She didnt want the king growing angry with her, not now or ever. She wondered just what would happen next in this little get together.
Mathios nodded to each of the invited guests as they addressed him, getting up from his throne in an elegant manor, he walked down a few steps that took him to where everyone else was stood, he noticed Anizen leaving the room but he didn't really care. At least not all that much. "I thank you all for coming here today, it is very appreciated, and making an Emperor happy can only been good... Right?" He chuckled as he looked at The Hound as she spoke of the 'Rumours' she has heard of, but since it's come from her these mere rumours must be true, since it's rare that her band of hounds mess up.

He looked at Rowan and nodded with a smile,
"That is partially the reason as to why I have gathered you all here. I have a task for all of you, and I find that completion of it is absolutely necessary, but alas! I have invited you all to dinner have I not? So we shall discuss it over a meal" Mathios clapped his hands as maids began to flood the room, filling a huge table with platters that donned all kinds of foods, from grapes to poultry to the finest cakes in the Empire, you name it, it was all here. Mathios sat down at the head of the table as a maid handed him a plate off food, then bowed before her ruler as she left the room. "Should anyone need anything then do ask, I have maids for a reason.. Now, shall we begin?"


Masaki was sat perched up in a tree on the outskirts of Sentinel as he relaxed, the noise and racket of those in the streets kind of frustrated him but he let it go, after all, everyone was having fun.
"Ah, isn't this lovely.." He said as he looked down at his katana typed Teigu, Kyūketsuki. Masaki sighed as he looked up into the distance, seeing the top of the Imperial Palace. "Just looking at it makes me sick... To think that I was a captain in their ranks... Disgusting." He spoke quietly to himself as he hopped out of the tree when he saw a soldier approaching, he looked very worn out. It seems he has been running around like a headless chicken delivering messages to people, clearly that was why he was here.

"Is this Masaki Shinohara?" Asked the soldier kindly, Masaki nodded as he approached the soldier, who then said "ah, well in that case, here is a letter asking that you attend a meeting in the city... You are to become a member of the new Night Raid, the meeting shall take place in your headquarters." With that the soldier left to deliver any other messages should there be any, Masaki had a serious look on his face, but he smiled, he was happy to become a member of the Night Raid. "Well, I best get a move on then..."

With that he left the area and began to walk through the busy streets of Sentinel, people looked at him as he walked past, they knew who he was. Masaki expected this however since he is well known among the Revolutionary Army. After a few minutes or so of constant walking he finally made it to the Night Raid building, outside stood a man with a scar across his eye, after passing greetings with the general he entered the building to see two others already there. Masaki gripped one hand onto Kyūketsuki' hilt as he nodded to each of them. "Greetings, my name is Masaki, pleased to meet you guys."

@simj22 @The Regal Rper @Messenger @The One Eyed Bandit @Shade Wraith @Bloop @The Elder Wyvern @Bunny
"Excuse me." replied a soft voice from behind Masaki as Marco tapped his shoulder and gave a small hum. Marco, in his current physical situation was standing directly behind Masaki as he blocked the door slightly to Marco's misfortune. He stood behind Masaki almost appearing as a slight ghost with a single white letter stamped with the seal of the rebellion in scarlet wax in his hand as he gave a small nod in Masaki's direction. The former standing in the doorway had recently received a letter by a Knight while he was walking in town.

"Excuse me.....?" asked the Knight as Marco walked, a large stack of books piled in his hand, all of various sizes and colors as Marco turned, the stack fumbling slightly to apparently only barely miss Marco's attention as the Knight looked up with wide eyes and took a step back, looking at the child who carried such a weight and he chuckled nervously at him while tufts of white hair fell to the side as Marco turned his head to look at the Knight with a face of pure relaxed apathy, like the Knight wasn't even present at the moment as the Knight's nervous chuckle continued.

"Are.....are you..." The Knight continued as for some reason the figure before him became a very nerve racking presence fr whatever number of reasons as he held out the letter, either because of the boys simple ghost like stare, or due to the fact that he was carrying such a comically high stack of books in his arms as Marco held the stack in the one palm of his hand, strained slightly as his face twitched and the Knight was slightly relieved while Marco took it and carried the stack to his other arm to balance the weight once more.

"You've been selected to join the Night Raid, congratulations. But first, you've been summoned by your superiors to please report to Night Raid Headquarters at Once for immediate debriefing and a meeting." he explained with a nod.

"Awesome." the quiet voice murmured as he carried the stack of books and turned, making his way to headquarters.
Rika held back a tooth-heavy smile beneath her mask and turned to face Anizin, moving her mask down to reveal the rest of her face and slowly unzipping the front of her black cloak. She looked at Anizin directly in the eyes with genuine interest, a rare showing for her as she followed after him and slowly wrapped her bare-skinned arms around his neck in a returning of his flirtation. From the waist up she was only covered by a thin bikini-top now and she pressed her body to his "And is it so bad if I came just to show my interest in you? hm?~" She replied with a sultry tone, she gently pecked the bridge of his nose and then swiftly raised a finger to his temple. "Don't think I won't be keeping an eye on you darling, I expect a demonstration of your combat abilities on the parade grounds tomorrow at daybreak, don't be late." She stated coldly, disengaging herself from him and zipping her cloak back up as she sauntered out, swaying her hips in an exaggerated manner. What he was doing didn't truly matter, but he'd proven himself to be interesting at least, and in that sense more than worth keeping within close reach. She stopped at the melted threshold of the Imperial Armory and turned back to him "I'm returning to the throne room, be sure to let a steward now about the state of the Imperial Armory and have them measure repair costs for the lock, if you're looking to do some homework." She paused and threw a leather-bound folder at him she'd stored inside of her cloak, filled with the military records both official and otherwise of the group gathered, within the folder included next to her own dossier was a file on a particular group, The Rakshasa Demons. Of course the military records were lacking in any detail or compromising information, or rather they were devoid of such things by the time Rika had finished with them.

Oh how she enjoyed playing with her food.

She made her way back to the throne room in time for Mathios to begin the feast, spotting Akiko from across the hall The Devourer calmly picked up a whole cake in either hand and slid down near her at the dining table, at the seat beside the Emperor himself. She looked to her then patted the seat beside her calmly, reaching into the pockets around the waist of her cloak and producing a small burgundy bag with a small fire symbol on the front which she tossed to the girl. "Come, sit. I heard you were of similar tastes to myself, that is salamander spice, it'll make anything a molten treat." She offered plainly, cutting herself a slice from both cakes and stacking them onto her own plate. She turned to the girl and offered a bright and friendly smile "I've heard of your exploits, welcome to the station you truly belong my dear."
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Beau caught up to the woman in front of him as they were now inside the house, or, whatever the place was. He looked around for a place to sit, as his legs were weary from walking the distance. He found a chair and plopped in it, crossing his right leg over his left, and putting his head back. Beau was a very unfit person who liked to just sit around and watch things happen without getting in on the action. But with his Teigu, his combat abilities surpass even the captains of the Empire. Someone else entered the room. He seemed to have a sword, and was kind of cute if Beau had to be honest.

"I'm Beauregarde." He introduced himself. "But you both may call me Beau." He addressed both present members. He thought, 'So, this is going to be Night Raid. The famous team that overthrew the empire years ago, am I really that strong?' He thought. Sizing up both of them. They seemed to have a stronger presence than he thought he himself gave off. Beau's presence was more of a laid-back, bring-me-food-and-I-will-praise-you kind of attitude. Then, he heard a soft voice behind Masaki. It seemed there was a man there. Or, a boy. Beau didn't really have a clear radar of how old people are. He was carrying a pile of books, so Beau couldn't really observe his face.
Annabelle walked to the table and sat down her eyes watching the people at the table calmly as if gauging their powers. There were quite a few powerful allies on her side, besides that she wasn't sure how they would work together in battle. She downed to cups of alchohol one after the other and began to eat her food like a lady. It wasnt until she saw the masked girl that she got somewhat excited, "Excuse me... I was wondering..." She called, her eyes alight with happiness, "Could you possibly be Rika?" Why had she gotten excited by such a woman? She almost idolized her and wanted to be just as strong if not stronger then her. When she set her mind to it she would do it until she couldnt do it any longer.

All the while her finger tapped the hilt of her sword, its cold steel grip giving her the calm nerve she needed to talk to her Idol. Deep in her gut she worried that she would deny her the opportunity to train with her and that wouldn't do for her. She was sure if that happened she would have to leave the Empire for a small spell to slay her 'demons' and get her head on straight again. "How did you get so strong?" She asked.

Watching Rika take her leave he grinned at her rather interesting response to his provocations. Hearing her comment about the parade that would be held tomorrow he nodded and said "Don't worry I'll be there and I plan to impress. It won't be a disappointment trust me" he says honestly with a small smile. Catching the folder after she tossed it at him he set down the Teigu he had been inspecting earlier and held the folder in his other hand. Vaguely hearing the part about the steward being sent for the armory check up and the lock being repaired he said "I'll send someone don't worry darling" he stated, After she left he opened the file looking through it. "Hmm interesting it's got all the information on everyone gathered here and more" he thought. Looking through the file he noted some parts were missing to it and automatically realized they were people Rika or "The Devour" had terminated. "Hm" he sounded after a few more minutes of going through the file. Finally he dropped it on to the table. "Well at least I'm on her good side but I wonder why she thought I'd use this" he thought looking at the file before taking one of the candles that had been left there lighting it up he burnt the file. "Won't be needing that" he said aloud. "Be a shame if it got into the Revolutions hands" he thought pushing the file off the desk and on to the ground he watched all the files and papers on everyone in the military burn up and turn to nothing but char and ash. Once that was done he stomped out the embers and exited the armory deciding that he'd done enough research on the arms for the day and thought it'd be best to return to the hall where the party was. "I'm sure the others are already there" he said after ringing for a steward to come down and check things out. "Let's see what juicy information I can find over there, who knows maybe I'll finally get lucky tonight" he muttered with a sly smile. Only the lucky he was referring to was getting actual some food to eat for once at the dinner party's.

Once he got there he walked in casually seeing Akiko there and Boroko, Rowan and Rika and some strange sadistic girl who he recognized as
Flash Princess Annabelle hanging around he simply wandered around the table where most of the food was still left over. Grabbing a few sandwiches he ate as he walked around and later got a drink when he was done. Some time passed soon enough and Anizin was looking at the giant clock above the throne. It had been a good fifteen minutes since he came back into the room and he was starting to get bored. "Hey Mathios your Highness when will you tell your good friend what we are doing here. I know you wanted to say something earlier sir but it's been almost an hour" he said slightly complaining but was genuinely asking what they were doing.

@The Elder Wyvern @LeSoraAmari @Shade Wraith @simj22 @Bloop @The One Eyed Bandit
Mathios sighed at Anizens remark and replied "I'm getting to that, Anizen, but I had to tend to the need of my guests first... I didn't invite you all here for just pleasantries" Slight authority could be heard in his tone, clearly he was serious. "Now then, since that everyone is here the meeting can commence." As he said that, Mathios nodded to one of his guards who would escort the maids out of the room, and anyone who wasn't part of the meeting, besides he didn't even need his guard here, he had The Devourer sat next to him.

Mathios clapped as someone entered the room, carrying multiple files and placed them in front of Mathios and then left the room. Mathios handed each person present a copy of said file and said
"I fear that if I stray too long then we will never be done here.. So I'm just going to cut to the chase" He sat up in his chair and cleared his voice, he then said, "The rumours that Rowan speak of are correct, the Revolutionary Army do plan to bring back Night Raid, and as you all know, this doesn't bode well for us, or our great Empire."

"I can only assume that some of you may be wondering as to how I know these rumours are correct, and the answer is simple. A few days ago the royal guard caught wind of a Revolutionary within our walls, they successfully captured him and brought him in for questioning, I won't say how we got the information out of him but you can probably guess... On a side note it took him two days to finally break. Anyway, we got valuable information from him, and everything is detailed in the file each of you have. So... Now for as to why I personally selected you guys, it is because I feel you are all valuable assets to the Empire, and are our strongest soldiers. So I want you all to work together with one aim, bring down Night Raid. But before we even attempt to do that we need to locate the Revolutionaries... And that's where Rowan comes in.."
Mathios turned his head to look at Rowan as he said "I would like it if you and your hounds looked into this personally, I want you to locate them, and obviously kill any you find, but don't take direct action yet. I'm giving everyone present here free reign but you must all work together and agree to anything before taking direct action. Of course, I also need you to gather intel on the Night Raid members, and for that you can choose anyone here to assist you on that task. Now, my friends, are there any last questions before I conclude this meeting?"


Masaki felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see a boy holding a stack of books, Masaki quickly apologised to him and moved out of the way so he could pass. After offering to help him with that huge stack of books he went over to a windowsill amd sat on it as he looked at Beau and the girl who still had to introduce herself. Masaki held quite a calm demeanour, which was good for first impressions and all.
"So, this is it?" Masaki smiled to himself, he was actually pretty excited at the idea of finally working for a good cause.

After everyone had assembled the man with the scar walked in, placing files on a round table as he then said
"Each member of Night Raid is now present so your meeting can begin, for the moment there isn't a leader among you, that is for you guys to decide, but clearly you'll have to get to know each other first. The files contain intel we have gathered from one of our agents in the Capitol, his name is Anizen and he is actually the fifth member of Night Raid. Anyway, this building is your headquarters as you may know, there are also rooms here for everyone, a kitchen, training grounds and even an armoury. Anyway I need to take my leave, enjoy!"

As the man left the room Masaki looked at everyone else present, there seemed to only be one girl in all of Night Raid so that must annoy her. Masaki chuckled slightly as he opened his copy of the file and began to skim read it, he then turned his attention to everyone else,
"So, assuming we all have our own Teigu clearly we aren't all skill-less, so, what exactly does your Teigu do?" He asked with a kind tone in his voice, curiousness could also be heard in it. Masaki thought that if everyone knew about each others Imperial Arms that would help them all massively, as well as it being something vital that the group needs to know about each other.

Akiko Fujimoto - Imperial Place, Throne Room


Fumbling to catch the bag as it flew towards her, Akiko looked it over with an expression of bemusement. A gift? A gift from Rika Holdstadt, none the less. Was she missing out on something here? As far as she knew, the only thing she had to bring to this party was herself, nothing in the invitation had mentioned gift-giving as a part of the processions....

"Ahhh, thank you?" Pacing over to the woman, Akiko took a seat next to her, snatching up the closest thing to a balanced meal that she could on the way. "Ah, I don't mean to be rude to your, er, Generalness, but I wasn't told gift giving was going to be a part of this..." Lowering herself into the seat next to the pale skinned woman, she looked her up and down. Rika Hodstadt, Unbreakable Devourer, Hero of the People... After the death of General Esdeath, the woman had become a legendary figure, to say the least. And, here she was, someone who hadn't even attained the rank of Captain, sitting right next to her. It was rather jarring, to say the least. Starting to pick away at her food, it was obvious that the girl was more than a tad bit nervous to be dining with someone who held as much rank as the Unbreakable Devourer. That, however, would end up as a rather poor plan of action, as the Devourer's next words almost caused her to choke on her food.

"Wha? You've heard of my what?" Attempting to clear her throat of food, her speech was riddled with a series of coughs and splutters. "Ahah, you've heard of me-" Finally managing to get a coherant sentence out, Akiko was, to her dismay, cut off as the Emperor began to speak.


Night Raid, huh?

She gritted her teeth at the thought. Night Raid, the worst the Revolutionary Army had to offer. The last time they'd shown up they'd practically turned the tide on the war on their own, slaying even General Esdeath in their bloody warpath. And, even after the war had finished, they had the gall to place their leader, Former General Najenda, on the throne. Thinking about it almost made her want to spit her food out. And now, they were trying to put themselves together yet again? Haha. What an opportunity. The last time Night Raid had been on the prowl, Akiko could nary do a thing to stop them, only coming into the possession of Efreet at the very end of the first Revolutionary-Imperial conflict. But now, NOW was different.

This time she'd be able to fight them. This time she'd be able to show those rebel scum what happened when you stood against the Empire. This time she'd be able to send them blazing and screaming, down to the hellish pits where they belonged.

She let herself smile at the thought.

"Loud and clear, your highness." She said, her earlier nervousness replaced by an anticipation for the hunt that was to come.

Carefully listening to everything the emperor said Anizin looked around, letting his eyes sweep through everyone's faces scanning their reactions, their body language he was taking it all in, while doing this he was thinking. "Everyone here has either lost someone or something because of the war between Imperialists and the Revolutionists" he thought casting his eyes back at the emperor when he mentioned Night Raid. Then he looked at Rowan. "Those hounds of hers sure are useful at intel, skilled but not that skilled" and once the emperor was done talking he cleared his throat and raised his voice saying "Mathios, sir so I understand we all work together and all but will there be a leader?" he asked rather quite bluntly. "With all due respect sir we can't possibly work together that well without a leader. We all have our own reasons for fighting, aside from the Empire and what not. However when it comes to Night Raid there are certain people or others who may lose it in the heat of battle" he stated not gesturing towards anyone but that last sentence sure made it sound like he was referring to certain individuals. "So Sir I suggest you choose a leader or we choose among ourselves, but I would really suggest the former than anything else. Mainly because some of us may seek the title as leader but aren't fit for it. And some of us may decide to hang in the shadows and refuse to take the head honcho position" he said looking around the room after he had finished speaking.

"Now Rowan, Rika, Annabelle, Boroko, Akiko let's see what you have to say to my suggestion I'm sure you all have your thoughts on this matter no?" he asked turning to them. "Granted I do understand our emperor's point on unanimous agreement but it would be the same either way if we had a leader just a bit more organized don't you think?" he asked the entire room this time. Anizin wasn't trying to start something he simply wanted everyone's opinion on the issue. You could tell a lot about a person and how they acted when it came to things like a strong position or power, and since he probably knew Rika and Rowan a bit better than the others this would be good information for him. It'd tell him who he'd need to look out for. Obviously enough he had ruled Akiko and Annabelle being out as leaders but not completely the Empire was always full of surprises.

@Bloop @LeSoraAmari @The Elder Wyvern @The One Eyed Bandit @Shade Wraith

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