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Ain't a hero yet 1x1

He blushed, looking away. "Good to know." he gets up from the couch and walks over to hug her from behind. "and you are comfy to hug and hold," he said, kissing her cheek back.
Akira smiled as he said it was good to know, leaning into him as he kissed her cheek and hugged her. She continued to cook, looking back at him. "Well I am glad I wasn't trapping you down."
Akira giggled a bit, continuing to cook the breakfast before they were nice and brown. She put the eggs and bacon on a plate, smiling at him. "Want some?"
Akira nodded, and took the remaining food and put it on his plate, taking the other one and starting to eat her breakfast.
Akira smiled and sat on her couch, pulling up her feet and running a hand though her hair. "I need to shower." She mumbled, looking at her food before she continued eating
Akira took a short ish shower, coming out into her room with only a fowl in as she searched for something to wear.
Arthur coninuted to wait, hearing her finishing in the shwer and gets up, walking to the door and knocked on it, "is the shower free?" he asked..
Akita looked towards the door, before turning back to her clothes. "Yeah, it's open." She called, sliding on her undergarments before taking to finding a shirt.
Arthur opens the door, soon coming in and he blushed, seeing her in her undergarments before he quickly rushes to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

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