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Futuristic Agent of Maniacles OOC and Characters

Pfft... I can just see the twins ending Mao just after Denton finished his deal. XD They're still going after him like there's no tomorrow.
The battles over you all get 50 exp!

Denton with the 1000 speech skill

write your chars reaction to this new partnership!

Quentins gonna be pissed.
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Something tells me others arc antags wont be as easily swayed.
Anyway Denton has also made placements for portals and other stuff. Well prototype. I'll go into detail that next post I make. Maniacles now has access to the Sanlands from point of Quentin's memory, the village, they'll be bringing supplies and other such things.
Wait, will Quentin be pissed?
His father's killer was spared.... But also his father survived in this memory
Wouldn't that be a exchange he would welcome? At least partially...
In true world both, the killer and his father are gone, so it's actually meaningless.
So if a dream event is modified it doesn't affect the real world as it already happened, but should it affect the memory or dream of the person given it had changed in form, however given they're conscious of that change in the dream world, they would have both events lurking on their minds? So that means....

The memory versions continue to exist, though, especially if it isn't resolved for the person fully. Denton sort of locked it placed.

Well it is like this.
I was seeing it as more of a pocket world created by the Sandlands that can effected and modified, they exist based off the memories of the person. They are made cause of the unresolved trauma.
I understand Sandlands as an endless world composed by dreams and memories. And our characters currently focused on which are unresolved traumas.
So the pocket world memory being's are copies of the original, but have their own behavior, especially when the wild card element is added that wasnt there before
Denton didn't do anything greatly terrible. Think of the opportunity here. He saved Quentin's parents, kept the ruler in check, but can build a failsafe around him so that when it is time for him to be removed they can mitigate the damage, villagers will be protected from the supernatural memories or other Sandlands creatures, they'll have better education then in the original reality.

He made an ally with a pocket memory world.

Think of all the good he can do as we explore the rest of them.

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