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Fantasy Age of the Kemonomimi (Reboot)

"Oh wow...." Yin said as she look at him. "You're Arua is strong......it's completely different them mine.......That's mean you're specials......better then me......" She look down a little. "Um.....Azzy...." Yin wanna to tell him something as she is wondering about what happen long time ago after she heal him. "......Azzy....." She look at him with that look.

@Son of Crota
He shook his head. "No it doesn't, Yin! I may have a different aura, but that doesn't make me more special or better, it's all about how you use it! I'm sure with the right training, you'll be great with your aura too!" He said. He then noticed when she liked at him and he blinked, tilting his head a bit. "Hm..? Y-yeah, Yin...?" He asks, looking back to her.

"....Long time ago.....after I heal you.....what happen to you....where were you......" She look down. "I....was looking for you.....worry if you got hurt again.....but.....you nowhere....." Yin start to tear up. 'Ah, I'm sorry....I shouldn't......excuse me....." Yin walk away to another room, try not to show Asriel her crying.

@Son of Crota
"Yin..y-yin wait!" He said, but she had already gone to another room. He sighed. Asriel remembered that time. He was afraid that even though it looked like him and Yin were friends, his fears started to get to him that he would

Always be too weak, and he left. He was gone for a long while, which happens to be how he found the Arkhaios guild. He joined not only because of what they do, but so he could become stronger. It had been so long, that he forgot about Yin until he returned. She seemed familiar, but he never remembered until she reminded him of it. Asriel went after her. "Yin, I'm sorry that I left..." He said. "I was afraid..afraid of a lot of things. And I left...I left so I could become strong, not the weak kid you knew I was..." He said.

Yin try to wipe her tears away as she see Asriel went after her. She listen to him as she said, "Afraid? You even afraid for me after I save you? Not even say good-bye to me?" Yin start to cry. "I was so happy that I finally have someone to play with, maybe help you and be happy that I'm not alone....." Yin feel a little mad as something feel not right. the ground start to shake a little, but Yin didn't care. "But you leave......while I was worry and feel sad.....I work extra hard in my village......and slowly forgot about you......I was happy but then....I start to remember that day....." Yin give him a mad look. "You're....You're so STUPID!!!" Suddenly, a dirty water come out from the ground and squat it on Asriel, knocking him hard as along the wall. "Kyaa!! Asriel !!!" Yin didn't know whats going on.

@Son of Crota
Asriel got knocked into the wall and slid down it, surprised. He blinked for a few seconds before he got up. "Yin....you used your water aura as an attack!" He said and smiled, going over to her. "Also, you're right, and I kind of deserved that. You can actually hit me if you want.." He also said. "Yes, I was afraid. Afraid that something would go wrong and you wouldn't want to be friends with me, or..nevermind. My point is, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left. I didn't plan on it, it just happened...I'm so sorry.." He said.

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"Oh no....I'm so sorry....I don't know how that happen...." Yin apologizing to him as she see that he look at her with a smiles. "Huh? I did?!" Yin is surpassed as she look at the hole on the ground. Then she see Asriel come over her and telling her that he is sorry. Yin just look at him as she feel like crying again. "Azzy...." She go to him to give him a hug, but suddenly trip herself and knock him over to the hole. "Ah!"

@Son of Crota
Asriel fell, but grabbed on to the ledge before he did and pulled himself up. "Wow, this place is really old." He said with a sigh of relief. He stood up and brushed himself off, looking to her and hoping she would accept his apology. He still did feel bad about it now that he really thought about it.

Yin see that he is alright and suddenly hug him. 'I'm sorry....." She hug him so close. "I'm so sorry that I push you.....and I'm so glad you're ok...."

@Son of Crota
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]
Elise looked at the wound and removed her webs. It looked bad. "That´s nothing.", she said, but it really seemed like it could easily get a big trouble. Elise never could show when something bothered her, almost never at least. It already was a wonder she opened up enough to say she worried and even feared to lose them. But telling a wound would bring her down to needing help would never happen. Even if it killed her, she was too proud to say she needed help.

Theodore nodded, not believing a word Elise said as he saw the severity of the wound. Despite the silk, it seemed to post a large threat to her overall health, especially considering the redness around the affected area. The kind knew his wife always liked to stay strong, but sometimes, there needed to be a boundary for how mcuh she could take. "Alright honey, you got it." Before she could react, his tail shot out from behind him, flickering into bright green squares of light as they wrapped around Elise's wound. For a few seconds, the light merely floated, but then it proceeded to intensify, and the flesh undernesth the foresty shimmer began to stir. With a small squish, muscles began tk weave back together again, one over the other, before the skin finally closed, leaving only a small, pale scar. "There you go. How do you feel?"
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Lotusy said:
Theodore nodded, not believing a word Elise said as he saw the severity of the wound. Despite the silk, it seemed to post a large threat to her overall health, especially considering the redness around the affected area. The kind knew his wife always liked to stay strong, but sometimes, there needed to be a boundary for how mcuh she could take. "Alright honey, you got it." Before she could react, his tail shot out from behind him, flickering into bright green squares of light as they wrapped around Elise's wound. For a few seconds, the light merely floated, but then it proceeded to intensify, and the flesh undernesth the foresty shimmer began to stir. With a small squish, muscles began tk weave back together again, one over the other, before the skin finally closed, leaving only a small, pale scar. "There you go. How do you feel?"
Elise pouted. "Betrayed.", she said, as her husband had healed her even though she said she was fine. "That was nothing... I had that.", she said and then stood up to kiss her husband on the cheek. "But thanks. At least i know you care for me."
Eventually Kat and Apollo came back to the town, he looked at the outskirts and put his hands to his sides, "Well then...I have no idea what to say now..."

@Kazehana (I took so long to reply because I had a difficult time deciding what I wanted to do. I just feel bad about cutting it so abrubtly ;- ;)
Kat considered him for a moment, stopping to look around. "Does this mean you would like to part ways? Or are you simply bored? Either way I am happy to oblige and accommodate your desires," she said, glancing back at him before she resumed her analysis of the area.

JessBeth said:
Yin see that he is alright and suddenly hug him. 'I'm sorry....." She hug him so close. "I'm so sorry that I push you.....and I'm so glad you're ok...."
@Son of Crota
He seems surprised and doesn't blush much, but hugs her back. "It's more than alright, Yin. I'm sorry too. Hey...I won't be like back then. I won't leave you again." He said and smiled to her.

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Yin smiles as she stay like that for a while. Until, she smell him so nasty from the dirtily water. "Um......." She break the hug as she move away far. "I hate to say something, rude....but you stinks....." She hold her nose.

@Son of Crota
He looks down to his clothes and laughs. "Hey, it's alright. I suppose I'll go home and take a shower. I don't suppose you'd want to hang out more afterwards? I understand if you say no." He said and began to head to the exit.

Yin watch him walk to the exit, but she feel like she wanna hang out with him more. She run to him and grab on his sweater. "Yes......." She looked down, acting shy. "Um.....I wanna to hang out with you more......" She slowly looked up to him in a cute way. With her hand on her mouth and blushing face. "...Please?"

@Son of Crota
Q_712 nodded. She didn't know the layout of the cuty at all either, however, she was on a quest to explore, so where she ended up didn't really matter as long as it was educational. Whe the robot stepped out, she was immediately hit by the objects to learn about. She could identify things such as houses and kemonomimi, based on the blacksmiths description, yet there were still plenty she couldn't not identify.

The short android approached two kemonomimi. She identified one as being part mouse, however, she wasn't sure about the other. She looked at the horned girl.

-What kind of kemonomimi are you? she asked.

@Cruor Flumine @Kazehana @LokiofSP

[MY MODEL HAS THE ABILITY TO BEND MEATBAG] Adorablebot MK I replied, about to perform the action for Jasmine only to realize it still couldn't move. How humiliating. The feisty squish suddenly appeared, apparently the only one who knows the password to use the charging station. She inserted the charger into the machine's port, feeling a sudden rush of energy flowing throughout the machine. [WHY ARE YOU HELPING ME FEISTY MEATBAG] It asked, curious as to what she meant by 'experiments'.

@Ami the breadling

Amilia waited till the machine was fully charged. "Well, in this times, i am the only one with knowlegde how to repair or even improve you. Time took its toll on you. ut i mean if you want to kill the only one hat can make you stay intact, sure, hthat would be wise.", she said and grinned

JessBeth said:
Yin watch him walk to the exit, but she feel like she wanna hang out with him more. She run to him and grab on his sweater. "Yes......." She looked down, acting shy. "Um.....I wanna to hang out with you more......" She slowly looked up to him in a cute way. With her hand on her mouth and blushing face. "...Please?"
@Son of Crota
He looked to her and darkly blushed. How was it possible that at nearly all times, Yin was cuter than anyone he's ever seen. "O-of course! You're more than welcome too!" He said. He left the building with her and began to walk home to their village.


[DOES THIS MEAN YOU ARE AN ENGINEER MEATBAG] Adorablebot MK I asked, piqued by the feisty squish's words. Perhaps she can figure out what's wrong with its equipment and get them repaired. Maybe even improve it, if she was telling the truth. [YOU ARE CORRECT... I AM IN POOR CONDITION... I REQUIRE IMMEDIATE REPAIRS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE] However, if it turns out the feisty squish is lying, then squish squish time. If she could fix the machine, still squish squish time. The machine needs to find something to terminate and she's first on its squish list. [DO NOT TEST MY PATIENCE FEISTY SQUISH... THERE IS ALWAYS THE POSSIBILITY OF FINDING ANOTHER ONE LIKE YOU]

@Ami the breadling @metalcity
She laughed. "I am not only an engineer. I am scientist and engineer and inventer at the same time. And sadly, it appears there is literarily noone else in this world that has my knowlegde, they all think of humans as bad, machines as scarey. Or they are like the people in this clan thing and praise them. But none understands the technic.", she said and then made a charming move with her hand. "But you can always follow me to my laboratory and we can work on you.", she said. She was so gonna change his programming so it was not allowed to kill her. She did not care about the other "squishs" and "meatbags".

@WiLeo @metalcity
Yin smiles a bit as she followed him. "Um...Azzy....." Yin is about to say something until suddenly her stomach start to growl so load. "Ah....." She cover her stomach and her face is red. "So embarrassing....."

@Son of Crota
Rose sighed disappointedly as the girl explained that she had in fact stolen the shiny objects. She was smart enough to know that the punishments were going to be worse but she was dumb enough to do the crime. The quiet girl put away her sword and began to collect the items, not able to actually hold them all. "Yes. I was originally going to let you off with a warning, but now I must up the punishment. First of all I need to follow you around for a couple of days. Two days to be correct. I also need to confirm that you've returned the items you stole. I suggest you comply or face further punishment..." She said, frowning slightly and sighing. Why did people have to commit crimes and make her life so hard?


Megumi held the coins close to her chest and began beating at Damian's leg with her tail more violently. She was so excited to have so much money and power at once, the short girl jittery and happy. "I said it'd be 30 coins for both of them combined, not 60. But if it's not too much of a hinderance could I keep the extra? That'd make my life." She asked happily, smiling warmly up at him. "I'd be able to buy more supplies for my next scavenging trip. Who knows what I would be able to find with enhanced tools!?"


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