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Fantasy Age of the Black Flag :characters:



Axolotl be back
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Many years far behind and many years into the future, there sails thousands upon thousands of crews upon the seas and within the skies.

suddenly out of nowhere, many crews vanished without a word and time distortion began.

weapons of the far future and far past join as one as the ultimate age of steampunk and cyberpunk combine.

many sailors have appeared that seem to be nearly unstoppable and the planet's governments have no idea what is going on.

some say that the distortion happened when an almighty creature pissed in a bottle and threw it like a grenade, but most really don't care.

all that is known is this: many want to take advantage of this moment of confusion.

You are these people.
You are the Pirates born under The Age of the Black Flag.

welcome to the character sheets.
make sure they either have a detailed description of appearance or a picture.

try to write their personalities down to the best of your abilities.

also add a character development spoiler to add on to as time goes on if you can.

if the characters just met, they know nothing about the others, not even names. (I see people skip that stuff way to often, its a major pet peeve) (unless it was previously planned, but please mention it in the OOC)

these always need to be present:









weakness: (there must be at least one even if it isn't known, I don't like the characters to be too op.) (also incline spoiler it just in case so people don't just know it and subconsciously do something with it.)

1. Follow RPNation guidelines and rules, we don’t want the rp to suddenly stop because an important character is in permanent purgatory (everyone is important)

2. It is understood that people have lives and need to do things, but please understand that you need to be active and post often so that you don’t stop others from being able to do anything.

3. Please try not to initiate interactions with people who have obviously different schedules than you do (unless there isn’t anyone with the same schedule; just remember to be wary). It will make things get posted at a quicker more even pace and will increase the fun for everyone overall.

4. Look at the times that things have been posted and try to get a grasp on when people are posting. If you don’t think you would be able to join in during the times and follow the above guidelines; remember that you don’t necessarily need to be a part of it to enjoy it. You can always watch it and read along. And if you really wanna join, and can put in the effort to be a part of it, go ahead.
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name: Elizabeth knox

nickname: lizzy

species: human demon hybrid

Sexuality: lesbian

build: slightly muscular

Age: 25

weight: 150

height: 5'

likes: shiny objects, swords and guns

dislikes: stupidity

weakness: holy items

Personality and back story: she is always calm and can always think of a way to escape anything. also a Loner. She wasn't always a demon. She use to be a normal human working as a weapon designer until pirates came and killed her and took her life's work a weapon of mass destruction. After she died she went to hell and ended up talking Satan into giving her another chance at life but with a twist. She has to serve him and do as he says. Her main goal is to find out where her work Went.
Her formal clothes
Her demon form
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name: Benjamin Ramphf (Beatrice if in female form)

Age: 3700 but appears to be 25

nickname: Ben/Bee

species: Incubus

gender: Male

sexuality: Bisexual

build: semi-muscular

weight: 180lbs

height: 5' 9"

Physical Attributes: Brown hair, percing eyes, brown leather jacket with holes for his wings. his claws are retractable.

Personality Traits: somewhat playful, sometimes serious, a bit of a flirt.

likes: sharp objects, making people uncomfortable, pretending to forget things, flavorful food (even if it doesn't fuel him, he likes the flavors and scents)

dislikes: making people uncomfortable when he didn't mean to, actually forgetting something,

if his wing is damaged, he wont be able to fly until it is healed.
they require sustenance through compassion, soul sucking, or blood. if they don't obtain it, they grow weaker and weaker until they die. they must feed at least once a month.
He thinks of everyone as a possible meal and may not understand why they might be offended by it

Notes: he is slightly insane
he flirts with everyone (even if they are obviously taken).
he can mimic the form of any species and swap gender, (though he prefers human form because it looks similar to his usual just less threatening.

true form
benjamin inccubus form.jpg

human form male
Benjamin human form.jpg

human form female
benjamin genderswap.jpg

there is also a female succubus form, but I couldn't find a good pic and didn't feel like drawing it.

(the 3 images were found on google images and are not owned by me)
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name: Ava collette

nickname: (not sure. If you wanna give her a nickname I'll add it here but just go by her name for now)

species: bunny kitsune (I think that's what they are called?? I'm decided to change her to a bunny because it suits her personality more)

Age: 23

build: thicc loli

weight: 45kg

height: 4"10

🌸 video games
🌸 art
🌸 technology
🌸 energy drinks
🌸 stationary (especially old books)
🌸 small trinkets

🌸 bullies
🌸 spicey food
🌸 having to run when it's not necessary
🌸 sleep

🌸 she is lactose intolerant (like most cats haha) so if she eats anything containing milk she'll get a very sore tummy and feel like death.
🌸 She can't swim very well and tries her best to avoid entering large bodies of water.
🌸 Because of the abuse she faced growing up she suffered from horrible nightmares and avoids sleeping as much as possible.
🌸 kind physical affection. She'll melt and start purring at head pats. But she doesn't let people know about it.

Personality and backstory: on the outside ava is very anti-social and tends to panic in most social interactions. Because of this she has developed a coping mechanism of either becoming a flustered mess (generally if she's flirted at or something innapropiate is mentioned) or she becomes very huffy and angry. But deep down all she wants is friends, she never had friends growing up and she was constantly bullied at school and from her family. As soon as she could she ran away from home has been living as a wonderer since she was 18. (she is really smart. I didn't know where to add it in but yeah haha. Even if she seems like a clumsy air head)

🌸 when she needs to focus she ties her ears and hair up in a pony tail
🌸 writes everything in a dairy (lists, notes, drawings, things about the other characters and dairy entries)
🌸 very clumsy
🌸 loves music and dancing but only dances in her room by herself

Looks: (I'm gonna draw an updated picture at some point but she looks very similar to this just her hair is down and she has large fluffy bunny ears that fall over her eyes alot. And a fluffy cotton tail)
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name: Owen Hall

nickname: Captain

Gender: boy

age: 4

species: human

build: smoll boy

weight: 34lbs

height: 3' 3"

likes: candy, tall people, other children

dislikes: doing things, mean people, rudness

weakness: he is a child. there are so many things that go with that.


backstory: his parents were sucked into one of the wormholes that opened up. he just thinks they went somewhere. (yes they are dead, no he doesn't know or even think about it)

he luckily never got taught to distrust strangers.

Note: he usually just kinda does his own thing.
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Name: Heart
Nickname: H.R
build: tall girl
Gender: female
Age: 16
Weight: 90lbs
Height: '6' 2''
Rather a big show off, mild humor, and pretty outgoing.

Likes: sweets, nice people, video games, movies, pranks
Dislikes: people who take advantage of her, romance.
Weakness: the fear of seeing her own blood.
61f.jpg background:
She used to be a royal but she never wanted to get married, her parents kept trying to force her to marry random people but she would never accept it. So she decided to run away, hoping she could make her own life.

Other: a great dancer none the less
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name: Charles McOmber
nickname: Chuck
Gender: male
age: 36
species: human
build: muscular
weight: 230
height: 6'4
likes: drinking, cooking, and killing
dislikes: liars, rapists, and bears
weakness: small spaces and piranhasimages (3).jpeg
name: Leo, Dawn, Elli

nickname: None (will update when given one/many)

species: Human

build: Fit but thin

weight: 180 lbs

height: 6'2"

Leo: Picking Fights, Heavy metal music, Drinking, Poetry
Dawn: Cooking, checking out guys, Acoustic music, Lodes of weird kinks
Elli: Other peoples property, Alternative Rock, to Read, Blacksmithing
All: Tacos, Milkshakes

Leo: slow music, people who are full of themselves, the color pink
Dawn: Screaming, guys checking her out, people who don't like her cooking
Elli: Being caught, people calling his work trash, people who don't appreciate a good book
All: Corndogs

Leo: Deathly afraid of dogs
Dawn: Afraid of falic objects
Elli: Afraid of having his hair burnt
all: Can't perform their magic in a vacuum, Can't swim, most other weaknesses other humans have, will fight amongst themselves at times.

Leo: A tough guy with a secret soft side
Dawn: Thinks they are a woman trapped in a males body
Elli: a total cleptomaniac, with an eye for craftsmanship and plot
All are three are personalities in the same body will come out mostly at random, but will sometimes have a trigger. They use sound magic and can perform loads of different actions with it.
unless the words are in Italics they are being spoken out loud

2019-03-26 (2).png
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Damian Arrowood


Slim, averagely built.



Likes Flying starcraft, alcohol, people and cigarettes.

Dislikes maliciousness, unnecessary sass, pretentiousness

Damian Arrowood is an inter-galactic bounty hunter with a passion for adventure. He can never be alone, and always loves adventuring in a group. Growing up, he was raised to a star-ship mechanic, who taught him everything he knows. He's well versed in hardware and mechanics because of this. He's an excellent fighter, agile and quick to react. He favors his Jericho 941 pistol, which he uses mostly for the bounties he's taken on. He also has a pet White Shepherd named Sherlock, whom stays loyal to his side always.
Name: karkas
Nickname: karkas
Height 5'7
Weight 315
Likes fried foods and avoiding situations
Dislikes people touching him
Weakness fried food and fat people546c5d6d14126cbc2db0df8314b389ec.jpg
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