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Colosseum After Hours Bar & Lounge [NO SIGN-UP REQUIRED]

"...Right." Pushing his hand forward into the mans chest, a solid blue block of energy hit the man with alot of force, and significant speed, hopefully sending him flying - there was, after all, no way he could dodge when he was this close. There were no sharp edges on the block, so the worst the man would experience were bruises and a concussion. Still, if that didn't work Locke was still prepared to activate Forgotten Script, or Mirror Veil.

@Pyro Chromia @JokerValentine
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You see the blast connect but it goes completely through him. Actually he doesn't feel heavy at all. Almost as if he wasn't sitting there. He notices his dbz esque tickling isn't having any effect on you. He looks down at his hands "E Gad!" He lifts up his arms and shows you "Someone stole my hands! Damn my suitcase was attached to one of them." He nudges you with an elbow "You see any of them eh?" with that same smug grin from before. "I could really use a.. hand pal." Chuckling and getting off of you he walks through you to the next seat.
With a glare, Locke almost activated Mirror Veil there - but no point. The man had moved, it would be a waste of energy. Still, it would affect incorporeal beings, and so would his runes - I'd they were set up correctly. Perhaps a void-wall manipulated into a dome combined with an energy leech-based rune? Could be interesting. "You were saying anything about training, Jack? Why would I need training?"

@Pyro Chromia @JokerValentine
He stares at you still smiling "So uh.. You're a magician huh? I dabble with a bit of magic myself. Well I guess you can call it that." He puts a top hat with a white band on your head then does a jazz hands "Magiccccccc.." His hands are back again and he hugs his briefcase "Suitcase! I missed ya boi" He looks back at you "So you got a name? Oh what don't tell me. Blue boy! No wait! I got it. Kevin! You kinda look like a Kevin to me!"
@Pyro Chromia @ResonantStorm @DrabberRogue

"Again, its about observation and practice, exactly like magic," Jack said astutely as he sat with the awed kid. Perhaps they were getting along after all. Then, Bozo's voice spoke up again. Why hadn't Locke knocked his block off yet? Jack got to his feet, and rudely breaking away from the boy, went over to Bozo. "You know, one guy who could do great magic is that guy at the bar right there," Jack said with observation as he pointed to a marine-looking dude a few seats down [@elephantom]. "He is a great mercenary friend of mine. You should meet him. He loves talking about magic."
Locke glared at the man, speaking through gritted teeth. "My name is Locke." Who would miss this guy of he was killed? People trying to hire mercenaries usually weren't exactly beacons of moral fortitude. Locke knocked the stupid hat off his head, and threw it down at the mans feet. God. Just then, Jack intervened, telling the man about one of his friends who loved magic. Locke silently thanked him with his eyes. If they guy did one more thing, he'd definitely use forgotten script, just to get him to shut up.

@Pyro Chromia @JokerValentine

(consider this a 1v1 invitation I guess.)

The man looked down at his watch, realizing he was due to leave soon. This place was dead anyway, not exactly the crowded bar that was once boast-worthy. "I am sure you have heard of sabermetrics, using stats to predict outcomes in baseball. I want to be able to help you do better, be it by training and fighting," Jack said as he got away from the other two individuals he had so been courteous to. "I think that when you think about it, all of this," Joker said rather scientifically as he waved his hands around the room, as if to showcase it "is all based on outcomes, so if you would like, perhaps we can work something out," proposed the coach. What would be the verdict in this case?
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/anime-girl_011-1.jpg.14d19ffc81e9624cf3908c1865226a04.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110360" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/anime-girl_011-1.jpg.14d19ffc81e9624cf3908c1865226a04.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kyra entered the bar to see a standoff, the tension apparently thick in the room. Tired form her recent training, she ignored the squabble and plopped herself down on the chair by the tables and ordered some beer.

Meanwhile, the clipping sound of a cane being tapped upon a hard sidewalk rang out. It was the herald-- the forerunner, the precursor-- for an admirably-dressed, young-looking woman, of clear Indian descent, who came sauntering on into the bar as if the whole place was her property. She strode forth from the threshold three paces, and then came to a stop, feet wide apart, cane planted equidistantly out in front of her, hands stacked on its handle. She wore a simple pair of black slacks, with suspenders, and a button-down, white blouse. On one of her hips hung an iron, and on the other, there were a quintet of carved, wooden totems.

"Hmm." Jezebel Bdellis slowly tilted her head to the left, then to the ride, casting her gaze over every last person in the room. "Now, what have we here?"

The wannabe coach was suddenly distracted by yet another newcomer to the bar. The girl, not really appearing to be a fighting type, and most likely dressed in her Sunday best, entered the bar scene. Joker rolled his eyes in displeasure. This was in fact some sort of attention to get someone to interact with her. Why could she not have been like the other girl who had just made her way onto the scene? The bar is a place of drinking, possibly for business, but it was not a place to look special and important. It was a sort of melting pot, not a damn box of crayola crayons.
Shifting her jaw to the left, then to the right, Jezebel found herself dissatisfied with the number of people whom had noticed her entrance. Thus, she lifted her cane to an almost imperceptibly small altitude, and brought its tip down upon the ground twice, in rapid succession. In that moment, she employed singular ability of the reverse-divining rod; where as a divining rod brought its user to the thing they desired, the reverse divining rod brought the thing which the user desired to them. And just what did Jezebel Bdellis use her cane to bring to her? The attention of everyone in the room. (@JokerValentine, @JayfeatherRaven, @ResonantStorm, @Pyro Chromia)

"Do I have everbody's attention?" A pointless question, to the point that it suggested cockiness. "Good, good. Now, a certain little birdie told me that fighters enjoy frequenting this little tavern, and that some of you are even rather decent at what you do. For those of you whom this is true, I have a very lucrative business offer; of course, however, you'll have to prove to me you're worth your salt."

Joker again sighed with a quiet displeasure. It wasn't anything personal, but the way that the haughty female presented herself, in a place where people were here to forgive and forget, she of all people wanted to be the center of attention. Her and her cane, quite ridiculous. Things only got worse, when the tip-top female announced her statements. No shit, as that was what the bar said in the title, no? Had she even been here before? Perhaps she was nervous, scared to be in a place of such violence. 'Oh I will show you how salty I am, miss,' Jack thought aloud in his head. He figures she was here to recruit someone for killing someone. She was probably a selfish person, to scared to fight her own battles. Yet, Jack said nothing, not wanting to provoke her.
"Heh, business here, business there. Perhaps you should talk to those you know of for your business, privately? I could be a spy for the person, or people, that you most likely want dead. Don't mind me though, I'm just here for a drink." Locke turned to Jack, ignoring the new, arrogant arrival. "Although I admit that I'm unfamiliar in this "baseball", some training would never go amiss. It always helps to find, and plug weaknesses in your attacks, although you may find that I have more than a few tricks up my sleeve."

(Invitation Accepted, presumably the 1v1 would be in a different thread. If so, could you make it and tag me? Also, I'm afraid I wasn't receiving notifications for this thread, although that seems to have been resolved now.)

@JokerValentine @deadpool42
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After a long hiatus from the bar, Genon finally got around to reintroducing his characters. Thus, Cobra walked in, trying to find a certain angel (@NightCasterZ). He wasn't here to drink, just for something different from his nine-to-five job of killing similar mutant abominations to solve political disputes. Which was just as well, since he was a walking biohazard due to his botulism-laced saliva. He wore a surgical mask in public, the better to avoid killing someone he didn't need to. Not that he cared about killing very much: he was once a cannibalistic serial killer and rapist after all, and as much as he wanted to distance himself from his past, those violent tendencies never fully went away, as those unfortunate spectators who watched him eat his opponent's corpse in the arena could attest. But unnecessary killing could be messy for all involved, in a physical, social, and legal sense.

It used to be exciting. The rush of adrenaline, the feeling of his titanium claws cutting flesh, the sound of an opponent violently coughing up their ghost. But he had been doing it so long that it wasn't even fun anymore. It was just drudgery at this point. He couldn't turn over a new leaf: the only reason he didn't get the chair was because of his participation in the arena. He knew he needed to be rehabilitated somehow. And he figured that an ordinary place to hang out, where he wasn't under guard by armed soldiers 24/7, would be the perfect place to start. Those guards weren't just to keep everyone safe: they inadvertently acted as a psychological tool to irritate him, whip him up and make him angry for the political bloodsport. Something to calm him down, to make him act some semblance of normal, might be the best thing for him.

But first, to fit in to some level. And that required a drink in his hand. He sat down at the bar, and said, "Hey, bartender? My saliva is laced with botulism, I can get a drink here without killing everyone once the cup goes to the sink?"

Kyra took a long drag of smoke, savoring it before puffing out and releasing a cloud of mist before her. Jezebel, the woman, didn't belong, that much was obvious. Her posh wear stood out in the midst of those in the bar, and if not for the fact that Kyra had been occupied with her thoughts, she would have noticed Jezebel for sure. "A job offer?" Kyra repeated, perking up suddenly. This sure caught her interest. Life had been quite hard recently, with the authorities marking her down as a wanted fugitive. She was low on cash, and she wouldn't mind doing a job or two, especially if it meant money. "What'cha got?" She asked the woman.

Ah, finally-- someone bit. Jezebel grinned.

"Aye, that's right: a job offer. I need someone to perform some certain... less-than-scrupulous activities. There is a singular artefact which I seek, although its present owners have been somewhat uncooperative in my attempts to purchase it from them. It will be your job to obtain this artefact-- and, 'dispose of' that uncooperative owner, while you're at it." Bdellis paused for a moment, then broke her stance as she began puttering around the room, cane tapping needlessly as she went. "BYOB, of course, and your transportation will be up to you, as well. However, I can promise you that the pay-- well, there was a certain some of funds I was willing to allot to obtaining this artefact. If I could not use it to buy it outright, I would use it to pay for a service like this. Hopefully that gives you an idea of what your reward will be."

@JayfeatherRaven @ResonantStorm @Genon @JokerValentine
(You'll need to know who this is

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.b29ae8e2a7d423972e6da633e3bde25d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113650" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.b29ae8e2a7d423972e6da633e3bde25d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lila Blue

The Midnight Gunner


Adventurer, Mercenary

Scarlet Sisters

Sniper Rifle:

Kind, Sweet, Cheeky, Sneaky, Competitive, Happy, Flirty

A known mercenary. Many people come for her skills.)

Lila wandered into the bar, her rifle slung over her back. She took a seat by the bar, muttering. "I swear the colleseum is so dead recently..."

Raising her eyebrows, Kyra's seemingly uninterested gaze followed Jezebel as she wandered around the room. "That's awfully sporadic info you're disclosing. Are you expecting us to figure out what exactly you want on our own, or should we go...somewhere else," Kyra suggested, casting a meaningful glance at the mercenary that had just arrived and plopped into the seat beside her. "To discuss this particular job? It's a little bit too crowded in here for my taste."

@deadpool42 @NightCasterZ
Lila cast a glance to the girl next to her. "It's boring 'cause no one is fighting anymore." She sighed. "And what do you mean by that?" She asked, curious as to what the girl meant by her words.
Jezebel came to a halt, grinning.

"I'm only providing you with partial information, because I don't know whom among you I intend to hire. You see, that is the reason I came to this bar in particular: whomever among you want the job, you will have to prove to me you're worth the dime. Which means winning in a fight, against your potential competitors."
Lola smirked, quickly slung her rifle to her front before flinging herself around and firing a bullet instantly towards Jezebel's head. "If you're after a mercenary, I'm the best one around."
The gunshot rang out, clear and sudden as a peal of thunder on a sunny spring day. The noise of the discharge faded, and yet, everything else remained perfectly identical to the way it had been before-- perfectly identical, save for one difference: there was a bullet hanging in the air, as though paused in mid-flight. A beat later, there was a distinct tink as it fell to the ground, and Jezebel Bdellis' eyelids narrowed to vicious little slivers.

In the next moment, Lola (@NightCasterZ) would experience the sensation of what felt like (if she were perspicacious enough to realize it) an elbow, sniping into her abdomen, just below her ribcage, to collapse her diaphragm and drive the breath from her lungs. Then, two feet, at the same time, stomping on the back of her knees, forcing her to genuflect, and then the heel of a hand slamming into her throat, to leave he choking as she gasped to regain her breath. The entire process happened before the second hand on the clock of the bar managed to tick forwards, and whatever limbs were responsible for the assault were seemingly imaginary.

"Now, is anybody else going to have the bright idea of making an attempt on my life?" Jezebel asked, quite rhetorically, casting her gaze around the bar.
Locke glanced at his timepiece, deliberately ignoring the events happening behind him. A loud gunshot rang out, similar to a cannon shot, followed by the sound of metal falling onto a surface. Speaking loudly over the entertainment provided to the rest of the bar, Locke stood, turning to Jack. "Well, I'd better be off. I have places to be, things to do. Let me know if you ever want to meet somewhere." Striding to the door, Locke frowned as rain began to strike the glass, and as the door was pulled open by an individual who looked rather wet, silver hair plastered to his face as his bright blue eyes made contact with Locke's silver ones. Shrugging, Locke walked through the swiftly-closing door, leaving the new entrant to stare around the bar momentarily.
Good thing Locke was getting out of here. The show was truly just beginning, as now the missus as well as some other patrons were beginning to brawl. Was this so hard? all the missus wanted was someone to steal a prize! Jack had had enough. "You want to know why people are trying to shoot you, madame," Jack said with a sneer as he turned around, "these people aren't mercenaries. People here, they are fighters, winners and losers alike who fight not because they get paid a lot, but that most of them fight because it's all they got. Sure, maybe not all of us are mercenaries, but for God sakes take your damn business elsewhere, and let us drink in peace!"

@deadpool42 (No offense, just my character.)
Kyra glared at the mercenary. Though a small part of her grudgingly admired her accuracy, from the second she brandished her gun, things began descending into chaos. "Now, now." Kyra tutted. "Why don't we all calm down and dicuss this peacefully like civilised people?" She asked, placing a hand on the top of Lola's rifle to push it down, all the while keeping her gaze trained on Jezebel. Kyra had seen how fast she could move, and Lola was in no shape to return fire after her attack. "You were here to hire someone, yes? I don't think beating up probable candidates would help the cause."

@deadpool42 @NightCasterZ

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