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Futuristic After Dusk

After josh finished tidying him self up, he looked at Tammie who was also messed up. "I suppose we don't have a choice really. Either that or go back in that building." Josh opened his sack to check his supplies. "I could give him a bottle of water, if you give him food." Josh held out his washcloth, rubbing alcohol, and box of band-aids to Tammie. "Feel free to use these, I guess its a group effort at this point."
After David had stabbed the monster everything went by as a blur, until he finally snapped back into reality on the roof. His vision suddenly became clear and he felt a little stronger, he pulled himself out from under Tammie's arm, just hearing the conversation. "Uh, i will give you something, but my backpack is on the ground" he looked down from the roof, his backpack was still there but so were countless Monster. By this time David had pulled him self together, and it was quite hard to tell that he had almost been crying before.
"Hurry up and make your decision. My offer won't stand forever." Conner shouted. They were probably talking about the offer. Or they could be talking about trying to take his safe house. Like hell they would. If he heard the thumps of people on his roof, the girl with the gun would be the big target. Princess could worry about the rest.
Tammie bit her lip and nodded. "Yeah, I have some food." She said, grabbing some cracker from her pockets. She'd saved them for later, but then all hell broke loose. She glanced at Olivia, who had some granola bars with her too. "Okay we have some food." She said, no tone in her voice. She heard the boy, who's name she had to find out, say that his backpack was on the ground. Tammie glanced over the edge, her heart pumping for she was terrified of heights but tried not to show it, and she saw no backpack. Either it was lost or Tammie really needed glasses. She gulped and looked up, and nodded. "So I guess we go." She heard the mysterious person yell that the offer wasn't going to be up forever and Tammie yelled "We're coming!" back. She cracked her fingers, and nodded to Olivia. "You go first?" She asked Olivia.

Olivia nodded and pushed her gun behind her, and ran to the opposite side of the roof. She sprinted to the other edge, and jumped, her arms flailing so she kept balance. Olivia grabbed the other roof, and climbed down so she was on the ground. She waved to the mysterious person. Tammie bit her lip, and looked up at Josh and the other boy. "Who's next?"
Josh looked at the other roof, and saw how long the fall looked from where they were at. Josh went into a hot sweat, and felt a little nauseous. Josh had a fear of heights, and knew he was probably had the least upper body strength to grab the roof. Josh looked at the other guy and Tammie. Josh said "Not me.". He felt a little bad, being the next logical person to jump over. He looked at the ground, and kicked the dirt awkwardly.
David looked at the two other people he had only sort of met about 5 minutes ago, both of them didnt look to fond of jumping off the roof. "Next? i wanted to go first!" David said before sprinting, quite fast to the edge of the roof, he almost flew through the air and landed on the other roof. He quite liked taking risks and doing exciting things like that, if it wasnt for the situation he'd be quite happy. He slid down off the roof next to Olivia.
Josh was shocked when the guy who was just thrown trough the window about an hour ago actual made that jump, and wanted to go first.

Is this guy trying to make me look bad or something? What did i do to him? Josh thought to himself. He looked at Tammie, and said without her even saying a word. "Fine, i'll go next." He backed up for a running start, took a deep breath, and jumped off the side of the roof. He barley managed to grab on to the other roof. He was tangling by his right hand. "Can someone give me a hand here!?" He yelled as he struggled to not fall to the alley below the 2 buildings.
"Sh**." Conner said when he saw the first person jump. He knew it, they were going to try and take it. "Princess, come, intruders." Conner shouted for his dog who ran up the stairs to stand next to him, teeth barred and growling. Once he got to the steps leading to the roof, he took cover and motioned Princess behind him. "What did I tell you? Throw a bag over with the stuff in it then you. Now if you don't want a bullet put in you, drop the weapons and go to the edge of the building."
"Shit" David whispered to Olivia, he reached behind his back and pulled out a gun, which he almost forgot he had, his glock. "We dont want trouble!" David yelled back, he really didnt want any trouble but he knew the dangerous people who were out there. "We're not stupid, how do we know you wont take our stuff, be reasonable! theres 4 of us, armed and 1 of you!" he yelled. (come on, be realistic). "We dont want to hurt you, we just need help!" he yelled hoping the boy would listen.
"Neither do I. I understand what your thinking, but this is the safest place you got. I just need food or ammo, that is all." It was so simple, give him food and water and they get a safe house. And they probably never got into a fire fight before, and they only had one gun between four people. "Now I say again, drop your weapons."

(ooc) I am trying to be realistic, he has killed people before and thinks only 1 of you have a gun.
Tammie watched as they all left. And then it was just here on the roof. She jogged to the other edge, and cracked her fingers. She was shaking and her heart was racing. She gripped the ledge behind her, staring down her destination. If she messed this up, she would die. She breathed deeply, and pushed herself of the wall. She sprinted, her arms pumping. The time for her to jump was nearing and she was running. And then it was there. Tammie pushed herself off the ground with her legs, and threw her arms forward so she could grab the other building. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. She felt nothing below her, but didn't dare look down. "Uh!" She huffed, as she managed to grab the ledge of the other building. She was gasping for air, her body shaking. Her eyes were wide, as she slowly made her way down. When she reached the ground, she never felt happier to feel the ground. She feel on her knees, and breathed for a few moments. Then she heard yelling. She jolted up, and glanced to where everyone was. Drop our weapons? Then drop yours! She wanted to say it out loud, but she was so out of breathe and full of adrenaline. She walked next to the boy and Olivia. "Where's Josh?" She managed to whisper. She twirled around, and spotted him on the building still. "Oh." She walked to him, and helped him down.

Olivia nodded. "Okay. Just do what he says." She whispered to the boy. "What's your name?" She said, asking both boys. We just have to keep him calm She thought to herself, and threw the food and water to him, which landed on the floor by his feet. "There. Now we want what you offered us in return." Olivia glared at him, knowing that he could just shot them. But the mysterious boy didn't know anything about them.
Josh dropped his lead pipe, obliging to the boys orders. He kept his Luger holstered, due to the fact he really didn't trust this guy. But what else were they gonna do? Just wait on that roof and die? Josh glared at the weird guy offering them shelter, but didn't say anything to him.

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"Im david" he replied to Tammie, "do what he says" he told them all quietly then he put his finger up to his lip as in a "shhh" and moved around the corner of the building, with his gun in his hand, out of sight. The boy in the building could not see them because they were directly under them. David had a plan, he would sneak up on the boy, surprising him, making him drop the gun, then he would ironically give it back to show he was friendly. But he would never drop his weapon.

((dont godmode, theres no way to know what will happen, just a friendly reminder :) ))
"Go get it." Conner told Princess who quickly grabbed the food anf hurried back, no gunshots, good. "Alright, you can come in, slowly. And the names Conner." Why should he lie to these people? They would be here and gone before he knew it.
Olivia nodded, and just kept on starring at the mysterious boy. She didn't want to make anyone anxious, so she kept still.

Tammie walked over to Olivia, and starred at the boy in the shelter. "I'm Tammie." She nodded to him, but in the corner of her eye she saw David sneaking around. What is he doing? She asked herself, and bit her lip. "Conner." She whispered his name and starred at her feet. "Thank you." She said, and she slowly neared the house.
Conner stepped out of the way, breath getting faster. "Easy." he said to Princess who only stopped growling. "Okay, thats one of you. Who's next?" He was getting nervous, adrenaline was pumping through his body. He was shaking slightly but kept the gun steady. If the rest of them went as well as Tammie, he could relax. But gang life tends to whittle away at your trust, so he would keep an eye on them.
David moved down the alley quickly towards a fire escape, he quickly but extremely quietely climbed up it, wincing at every creak, although he doubted the boy could hear them. once he reached the floor the boy was on he moved to the edge, there was an open window that led straight into the boys apartment "ok" he said to himself in his head "1, 2, 3" and he leaped through the window point his gun straight at the back of the boys head, he saw the boys automatic twitch, reaction "DONT!" he yelled menacingly. He noticed the dog growl "STOP YOUR DOG.. NOW" He yelled. "Put down the gun, please" he said a little more calmly still holding the gun firm.
"Down." Conner told Princess before dropping his gun and put his hands up. How did this happen? The fire escape. If one person could use it so could others. He really had to rip that off.
David felt a little evil so he quickly tucked his gun back into his pants. "Look, we're all friendly here, you should know better then to tell someone to drop their gun at this time of night" He said taking a seat on the floor. "Uh sorry about the dramatic entrance" He said. He eyed the boys gun hoping he wouldnt pick it up and shoot him.
Tammie covered her head from the flying clash of yet, ANOTHER, window breaking. She blinked when it was over and realized what David was doing. "Calm down you guys." She wanted to yell, but knew that wouldn't help. "No shooting each other okay?" She asked, starring at David wondering why the hell he was doing this, and also Conner hoping he wouldn't kick them out. "Let's just relax for a bit okay?" She looked at David mostly.

Olivia walked in just as the window broke. "Shit!" She screamed, backing up from the scene. She saw what was happening, and realized why David was doing it. But right now she didn't care. Olivia sat down, thinking about the lose of her mother, and her eyes began to fill with tears. "Is there somewhere I can rest?" She asked, her voice cracking.
"Great, now I got another window to repair. So you are the ones running around and shooting at this time of night, I don't know if I should applaud your bravery or your stupidity. There are a few empty rooms around, find a place to lay down. Princess, friends." Slowly crouching down, Conner picks up his gun and slowly tucks it in his pocket. He should have asked for more food.
After all this commotion, josh was even more tired than before she got to the girls house. He remembered they're mom getting caught and killed by one if those things, and felt like it was his fault somehow. Josh followed Tammie to her room. Before she walked through the doorway, he poked her in the back to get her attention. "Listen, I'm sorry about your mom and loosing your house and stuff." He pulled out the hotel shampoo bottle he found on the dead girls body he found before he even go to the girls house. "This all I really have to offer for consolation. Even if you don't want it take it so I can feel better about all this."

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Tammie smiled at Josh. "It's okay. I mean its sad and all and I'll miss her, but in the back of my mind, i kind of knew this would happen. I've prepared for this. And I'm more worried about olivia then myself." But tammie grabbed the shampoo anyway because she felt this if she rejected it, Josh would feel bad forever. "So what made you stumble upon my house before it was token over?" Tammie asked, looking at the shampoo bottle. She wondered who was this Josh guy.
"I was searching house to house for a.....friend of mine. Also for some supplies." Josh sat down all his stuff, and his blanket. "You don't mind if I sleep in the same room as you do I?" Josh blushed out of embarrassment "I'm kind of still afraid of the dark for being 19 years old." Josh sat his bottom down on the cold concrete floor of the room. It felt nice to sit down and be able to talk to someone after searching houses alone for days at a time.
Tammie nodded, knowing that Josh wouldn't want to talk about it much. Personal things. Tammie understood. And she was fine with it. But when he asked to sleep in her room, her cheeks blushed widely. She bit her lip and looked away, embarrassed as well. But she didn't want to turn him down because he was nice. "Okay. Just keep your distance." She smiled a bit, but felt a little uncomfortable. She really never had a boyfriend, or even a guy friend, and just this was freaky for her. But she had to push through because sooner or later, she would have to do stuff with guys. So this was a warmup for her. Get over it. It's just a sweet guy. Your fine. She thought to herself, and managed to look at Josh Sioux blushing as much.

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