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Realistic or Modern Afraid to Fall in Love

Character Sheet: Scarlette Rosewater
  • Scarlette Rosewater



    • DOB: 23 August 1995, 23
    • Gender: Female, Heterosexual
    • From: Seattle, Washington
    • Job: College Student
    • Reputation: Bookworm
    • Nationality: American
    • Hair: Ginger
    • Eyes: Heterochromic (One Brown, One Gray)
    • Body: 5'2", Curvy, 135 pounds
    • Style: Casual, and sometimes Edgy. Often seen in heeled boots and a lot of black.
    • Appearance: Freckles, fair skin, brown and gray eyes, long, curly, ginger hair. Has an industrial piercing. Looks like a cinnamon bun.
    • Strengths: Knows lots of weird facts, sweet, helpful, jokester.
    • Flaws: gets flustered easily, scatter-brained, can be naïve, can be oblivious at times.
    • Hobbies: Reading, writing, cooking, collecting coffee mugs.
    • Faves: Chow Mein (Food), so many Books, Greek Mythology (Subject), Comic Books.
    Scarlette Rosewater came from Seattle, WA, moving to Los Angeles, CA with her father and younger sister after her mother passed away. She is one of two children, her younger sister Tessa, being 12 years old. Her family is close with each other, though like any other family, disagreements happen.
    Character Sheet: Altayr Duchannes
  • Where's the 'good' in 'goodbye'?
    Where's the 'nice' in 'nice try'?

    Name: Altayr Duchannes
    DOB: December 23rd 1993, 25 years
    from: Paris, France
    Job: College Student, part-time car mechanic
    Reputation: troublemaker

    Nationality: Iraqui & french
    Hair: Jet black
    Eyes: deep brown with golden amd green specks
    Body: 6'2, athletic
    Style: edgy, a lot of black and grey, ripped jeans, always wears a leather jacket
    Appearance: tall and athletic, tan skin, no freckles, beard shadow, tattoos on both shoulders and arms:

    Strengths: honest, loyal, creative
    Flaws: closed up, withdrawn, hot-headed
    Hobbies: playing the piano & guitar, singing, painting, drawing, working on cars & bikes, exploring, freerunning
    Faves: broccoli pizza, Ravens, Puerta Oscura & Dream Circus (books), Greek mythology (subject)

    History/Bio: Altayr is the son of a french man and an iraqui woman, and used to live in Paris with them, as their only child.
    They however died in a plane crash on their way to their annual holiday in the USA when he was fourteen.
    Having no family left- as all his grandparents died before that and his parents both were only children- Altayr spent his last 4 years till legal adulthood in an orphanage in Paris and moved to Detroit shortly after his 18th birthday. At age 21, he moved again, to LA, where he works as a car mechanic part-time and studies Greek mythology.
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