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Fantasy Aertha: Character Sheets



The Children of the Sea

*Optional roles


*First Mate
First Mate had rank just below the Captain. They would take control of the ship if the Captain could not perform his duties any longer. However, pirate ships usually did not have First Mates; Quartermasters performed their duties. The role is optional because of this.

After Captain, the most authority on a pirate ship had Quartermaster. As a Captain's right hand, they were in charge when Captain was not around. They had the authority, and could punish members for not obeying commands.

Quartermaster was also in charge of food and water supplies.

Sailing Master
Sailing Masters were officers in charge of navigation. It was a very hard job because charts in those days were usually inaccurate or nonexistent. Education is required.

Gunners were leaders of small man groups, who operated on the artillery. They watched for the safety of their man and usually aimed the cannons themselves.

Powder Monkey is British naval term used for youth who assisted gun crews. These kids, usually no older than 12-13 years, were forced to perform most dangerous work on a ship.

Boatswains were junior officers. They were people who supervised all activities on a ship. Depending on the size of the ship and crew, they could have one or several duties. Duties ranged from anchoring to naval provisions. They reported to the Quartermaster or the Captain.

Officially, professional cooks were not a part of a pirate ship. It was usually just a crew member who was given this job; However, this can be changed for the roleplay if anyone wants the role.

The pirate ships usually did not have surgeons aboard. For surgeons, the crew expected them to help them with diseases and wounds. Without proper medicines, every wound could become a source of infection, so amputations were often necessary in order save patient's life. This doesn't have to be a prominent thing within the roleplay since it is taking place in a fantasy setting.

*Crewmembers, no official rank
Non-ranking crew members are those who are given various tasks throughout the day, but usually don't have an official job aside from upkeep and following orders. They can also people who are along for the ride and didn't pay, so they work their payment.

Character Sheet
* Means optional or if it applies to your character. Feel free to add on to the skeleton as long as all of the required information is present. Remove all of the * and ().

Age: (18+ unless applying for a powder-monkey role, or another case)
Personality: (No lists, a description please.)
Appearance: (Please use a description. Digital art, Sketches, and Realistic Faceclaims are allowed as long as a description is present and the picture is hidden in a spoiler.)
Backstory: (Can be detailed if you like. Tell us key points in the character's past, why they want to be a pirate or go along with pirates)
Skills: (At least two)
Weaknesses: (At least two)
Additional Information:* (Does you character have any hobbies, recognizable feats, or maybe a prominent fear of something)

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Name: Sam Petyr
Nickname: Miss Petyr
Rank: Surgeon
Age: 19 (very young for her profession)
Gender: Female
Personality: Sam Petyr is still a young and adventurous girl, she is often said to be a bit over-ambitious, a dreamer! She can seem slightly sadistic at times, showing slight joy in the gore and "disgust" of her job. She is very blunt and snappy when it comes to stupidity and men disregarding common sense. Her heart is big for her fellow crewman, however, and she tries her best to take care of them. She is also very hardheaded and brash, and can most likely outdrink all of you! Sam also has an obsession with trinkets, her sleep space and work area are covered from top to bottom with pocket watches, mirrors, and many other goodies shes gathered from her years of pirating.


Sam is a very young lady, and her smooth face shows it! Her rosy cheeks compliment her short blonde and slightly wavy hair. Her elbows and knees are always bruised due to her clumsy nature, she is bad on land much less a pirate ship! She tends to wear clothes from her old home, Hafland, which can cause her to get strange and annoyed looks among her peers and from other pirates that wear the usual leather rags. She does have many pirate cloaks though!
Backstory: Sam Petyr grew up in Hafland under her father, Jack Petyr, a famous Hafland Navy Captain. He was mostly away sailing and doing the Queen's bidding, though when he was home he tended to be drunken and wounded. Sam's mother was a doctor who worked out of their house, tending to her husband Jack and his crew when they came in bruised, Sam eventually took over for her mother when she fell deathly ill and passed away. Sam kept this medical role until she was 15, when she had finally had it with her father's abuse and drunkenness and after a horrible fight, she ran away from home. She found refuge in a tavern several miles away from her home, in a poorer port, where she met a young pirate boy who was gravely wounded from a stab wound caused by a fight with the Hafland Navy. She tended to his wounds and nursed him for weeks in that tavern until he was well enough to go on his way! Sam hopped on a dingy with the boy and he dropped her off at Parina Port where she went on to be a pirate among several different ships!

+ Medical Experience

- Frail

Weapons: Pirate's Musket

Wert Wert
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Name: Constance Thornwell

Nickname: Constance. Hates "Connie" with a burning passion.

Rank: Sailing Master

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Constance is one of the more efficient dreamers one could meet. For someone who is constantly taking things apart to see how they work and theorizing about the nuances of the universe at large, Constance actually has a pretty good head on her shoulders. She's level-headed in tense situations and has the kind of presence that settles people down. She uses this to her advantage to calm crew members into listening to her. She's not particularly intimidating when she's not trying, but when she is trying, she can command respect with dexterity. Part of this is the eloquence that comes with being well-read and well-taught. Constance was brought up to be a presentable heir to a minor fortune and that upbringing shows itself in her mannerisms, particularly when she's emotional. When she's angry, Constance's tone gains a heavy formality that her usual rambling tangents and verbal daydreams lack. Constance is undeniably intelligent and while she can use this like a weapon, she generally has an air of knowing calm and authority about her, devoting her mental energy to "what if"s.

Constance is a narrowly-built young lady who might be called "willowy" if she was taller. She's lean and can be awfully agile when she wants to be, but climbing around in trees or rafters or in the rigging of a ship goes against the etiquette she was taught as a child and it takes something important to get her to abandon that etiquette. Constance's dust-brown hair is naturally wavy and she keeps it cut short, above her shoulders so it doesn't get in her way. She has a light, pale complexion and burns easily, so usually wears wide-brimmed sailor's hats or hides in whatever shade she can find when it's hot on deck.

Constance's eyes are a faded hazel that, when paired with her ashy hair, makes her look a little like she just stepped out of a sepia photograph in the right light.

If you asked around, most people who work with Constance would guess that she's 5' 10" or 5' 11". In reality, she's 5' 6" and seems to project her height the way trained singers project their voices. Constance is physically pretty weak, largely because her work and life revolved around a lot of sitting until she signed on board Captain Locke's ship. For someone with good balance and better stealth capabilities, she can barely hoist a sail or unload crates from the ship. Because of this, she's grown accustomed to maintaining the illusion that she is bigger, stronger, and more dangerous than she actually is. The Sailing Master on a ship, especially on a pirate ship, needs to command respect, and Constance puts effort into garnering that respect.
Constance was born into a well-off family and, as the oldest daughter in a family with no sons, was groomed to inherit the family's fortune and land. She was arranged to be married to a sweet young gentleman who was three years her senior when she was 15 and he was 18. She was moved out of the family home to live with him at his estate when she was 18. During her first year there, she and her soon-to-be-husband discovered that while they considered each other friends and intellectual equals, there was no love there and both felt forced into a life that they didn't want. However, a divorce so young brings shame upon both the husband and the wife, so the pair began plotting how to break the arrangement off safely. Eventually, they came to the agreement that Constance would sign onto one of the ships that came through the port on trading business. From there, her husband could say she was away for her health and she could stay away for months at a time, dropping back in only to check up on him and her younger sisters. Eventually, she would stay away for good and her husband would say that she got lost at sea. Constance was a few months short of her 20th birthday when she signed onto Captain Locke's ship. She knew it was a pirate ship. Her husband didn't.

- Skilled navigator, good at reading maps, charts, the stars, etc.
- Marksmanship
- Fluent in several languages
- Embroidery. Fixes/embellishes crewmates' clothes when she has the time
- Experienced violin player
- Stealth. She's uncannily light on her feet.

- Easily distracted
- Physically weak
- Huge over-thinker/can get paranoid over little things
- Somewhat self-destructive

- Crossbow
- Sailor's cutlass
- Personal blunderbuss, a gift from her "husband"

Additional Information:
Family at Home:
- Silas Thornwell, Father
- Catherine Thornwell, Mother
- Evangeline Thornwell, Little Sister, 16 years old
- Cecelia Thornwell, Littlest Sister, 12 years old
- Edward Cabot, Husband in the eyes of the law​
Arthur Blacke





Arthur is a rough and tumble kind of chap, he's had his fair share of hardships but that hasn't stopped him yet. A well-meaning but stoic crewmember, he's known for his good advice and open-door policy where people may come and complain whilst he puffs on his pipe before giving an ultimate and very Arthur-esque, blunt opinion. Loyal to the bone after you earn it and never one to turn his back on those in need unless there really is no help for the wicked. Still, his level-headed attitude can be overridden into a sharp, painful temper that leaves him nobodies favourite. Able to put away more alcohol than one could consider healthy, he can drink with the best of them and fight like a man unhinged. When his blood's up, it won't come down anytime soon. With over two decades worth of experience on ships, his naval ties, and life lessons he's good at keeping people in line and showing novices the ropes. Taught to read and write by another petty officer when he was a boy, Blacke considers it one of his greatest accomplishments and has taken steps to read when he can and educate himself further in terms of the world. Most importantly he has a good grasp on organisation and mathematics which further his role as Quartermaster being not just reserved to his authority. Confident enough to speak up when something is awry, honest as one can get without seeming mutinous which was his tactic to tiptoe the military line. Yet his time in the navy has certainly impacted his mannerisms, posture, and rule of thought.

An intimidating man even at his age, Arthur has acquired muscle and works to keep it. From his formative military years and even now, he'd always been a big lad with broad shoulders and height on his side - standing at six foot three. Pale green eyes are set beneath dark brows, framed by hair which is oft greased back and kept short enough it won't get in his way. Immaculately groomed facial hair accentuates a strong chin and jaw, grey beginning to appear and fill in at the temples which is only becoming more noticeable through the years. A relatively straight nose has survived more fights than he'd suggest getting into, less to be said for the scars he's gathered. On duty, he wears a navy-blue long coat and brass-buttoned burgundy waistcoat; more often than not, however, when it's too hot or early in the day he'll remain in nothing but a loose tunic.

Born in one of the major docking cities in Hafland to a widowed washerwoman. His father a petty officer in the navy who perished at sea, the reality of his death never disclosed to their family. Arthur was raised with a harsh reality of blood, sweat, and tears. Working as young as seven on the docks, carrying shipments to and from the vessels to supplement his mother's income so they could keep their dingy, shared accommodation. In a tiny house, two bedroomed, they cohabitated with four families; screaming children and dubious domestic disputes were a day-to-day occurrence. Still, he and his mother kept to themselves, causing little trouble save for when he'd pocket spices or small pieces of fabric from his employment to raise their spirits. A small treat among the circumstances which showed little chance of changing. His mother would treasure them in her old jewellery box - heirlooms pawned long ago, admiring them when she could. Days like those she'd pull him into her lap, smooth his unwashed hair and smile with those forever downturned eyes, "It's for when we go away, we'll sail, far from here. Right down to where the sun touches the seas."

Art never did accept the day his mother caught the fever, she was dead within a fortnight leaving a thirteen-year-old boy out in the cold. Cholera the doctor had said. He was thrown out of his bed and board, living as a street-rat huddled in doorways and roaming for whatever employer would take him on for the day. Living as honest as he could, his mothers box never leaving his side. It was one day in the winter, tired of cold that he found refuge in a small pub, enough pocket change to savour half a pint. There he saw the sailors and the recruitment officer.

In a fine, brass-buttoned uniform and shined leather boots. There was money in it, a career, a pension if you could think that far ahead. It wasn't so outlandish that this became his salvation and was accepted as initially a powder-monkey. He survived those years though, it was tough, unloving work but there was a hot meal at the end of every day and an inexplicable sensation of freedom of the open ocean. He saw more than his mother had ever wished, taking that memorial of her memoirs with him wherever they headed. A tribute of souvenirs he built up over the years.

Being lowborn, he was unable to reach any significant rank save for Sergeant, an important job but evidently one for petty officers. No highborn would be caught dead in his position for more than a week - only to add to the paperwork. Over time his original awe became resentment of how this military conducted itself, however, there was no way out of a contract. Or so one might think. They engaged in an attack with a pirate ship, losing to the vessel in a series of strategic and blinding battle tactics. Thrown overboard and forced to float in the middle of the great blue for a week or more, he hallucinated and saw many a thing from his subconscious. Death itself had a grasp, skin peeled and sore from the sun and salt water.

By some amount of luck, he got picked up by a trading vessel and was tended to by the ships doctor. Unfortunately, the ship was headed for Parina. For some years he fell into a dark place of alcoholism and whorehouses, save for the day a ship's captain got wind of his inside experience in the navy. He joined the crew for a number of years, successfully raiding Hafland boats, as traitorous as it felt. He came to see the navy as the real enemy, blessing his father's memory but never having met the man to really be proud of the very establishment which took him.

After getting his life back together, there was a new thirst for adventure. Like the one he'd had as a young boy. He signed on for Captain Locke for that very reason, he's still got some years in him left.

- Military training for marksmanship, combat, and sailing. Navigation, flag signalling, and all demands for fit soldiers willing to die.
- Organisational skill and mathematics which aid his watch on supplies and setting camps.
- Fistfighting, it got him places in his darkest days and would often do bare-knuckle fights for money.
- Physically strong and capable.

- Stubborn/Bullheaded when it comes to decisions and refusing to budge on them.
- Women and children; call him old fashioned but harming them is among many of his self-imposed cardinal sins. He doesn't mind their presence or choice of employment, but when it comes down to it, he won't pull the trigger.
- Violent temper if you can get under his skin.

- Flintlock long Sea-Service Pistol
- Brown Bess Land Pattern Musket
- Naval sabre

Additional Information:

Wert Wert
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