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Fantasy Aerial Distinction


GryphonABLaZ(E). Lawful chaotic good

  • Species: Humans, Human-animal half-breeds, Elves, Fae,

    Humans are possibly the most versatile species in this kingdom. They make up the majority of the population of the kingdom and capital. Humans can have the most variation in build, appearance, and other bodily factors. The variation of their personality , however, does not exceed that of other species. This does not mean that the whole of humanity is one-sided, but that the other species are equally as quirky, different, or even traitorous as some humans can be.

    Human-animal half-breeds are typically magical experiments gone wrong. A half-breed may have the ears, eyes, and possibly tail or wings (if applicable) of the animal. Patches of skin near these appendages may be scaly, furry, or feathery. (Again, dependant upon the animal.) The person may also reflect small bits of the animal in their personality and traits, such as stealth, aggression, agility or the like. Half-breeds are typically looked down upon in these lands despite their 'enhancements', and may go to great lengths to secure the secret of their makeup.

    Elves are of delicate, tall and fair appearance, but are tougher than they look. They can have many variations of appearance like humans, but are always identifiable by their slightly elongated and pointed ears. They are typically several inches taller than the average human. Elves associate well with Humans, as they do not live in their own kingdoms or tribes. They make up a relative minority of the population of the cities of all corners.

    Fae are similar to fairies(see More Mythical Creatures), but much less numerous. They do not live in groups, but are often portrayed as wandering creatures. They are the product of what seems a blend of human and fairies, at least by way of appearance. They are two to three feet tall, thin, and agile. Fae have wings, allowing them to fly. They are playful, but are not serious pranksters. Some Fae decide to study magics, usually specializing in the nature element should they do so. Their lifespans are roughly twenty-thirty years. Their people have no concrete history as they do not congregate often (if ever), but have appeared occasionally and unexpectedly in the histories of other species. Quite similar to Gandalf (from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings) in that aspect.

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  • Magics

    There are many levels of magic, and it can become quite complicated. There are multiple basic magics, and there are specializations stemming from those. The reason I made it confusing was so that only the dedicated would choose magical skill. We don’t want too many mages running around! ;3

    I can make room for more magic, the ideas created by you. There’s a whole world of magics beyond the city, these are simply the ones known to people. If you do wish to create a magic, BE THOROUGH and make sure it’s not a magic that’s already been covered.

    A little announcement concerning this blob of information. We've already got quite a few user-suggested magics, so if you could help by sticking to the original elements, that would be MUCH appreciated. I don't want to have typed all that up for nothing!

    Elements of Magic

    There are six elements of magic, not counting Holy, Unholy or other dead magics. Each element is paired with its opposite in color.
    Lightning, Ice; Water, Fire; Earth, Air;

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  • Geography!


    In the center of a huge and roughly oval-shaped continent, one can imagine expansive rolling hills and vast plains, with the occasional small and low hovering chunk of windswept grassy land. Along these green oceans are small and often unpaved roads drifting distractedly through the countryside, and the four cardinal directions. There is no primary city of the Central Winds, the name of this slice of land.

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