Other Advice for those in school


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It's no secret we have adolescents and young adults already within the first weeks of a new school year. A lot of people are stressing out about whatever school will throw at them. From those going through it now and those who have already been through it all, what advice would you give to those already in school?

My piece is just to take things one day at a time. Don't despair too much about whats gonna happen later in the year or else you'll be putting on more weight than you'll need. Don't think too much about what you did in the past, as what you did then will have little effect on what you do now. Focus on whats going on at the moment and take things on while they come at you uwu
i've been out of school for years now, but...:

learn your times tables well! it will improve your math soooo much. (at least it did for me).
don't worry about being perfect. just do the work.
don't sweat the essays. let your words flow first and edit later.
try listening to audiobooks instead of reading books normally for book reports and stuff!
and, youtube videos and google are your absolute BEST friends in the world now.
I've graduated for about 6 years, but high school still the most fun memories I have.
I would always told them whose still in school to treasure your friend, especially if you have found your best friend. Because that will be lasting.
And do worry about future but don't too much, you're still in school and supposed to have a lotta fun.
And for romance, just ask her/him out. It will be worth the experience. If he/she reject you, just move on. If not, cherish your time together
Don’t take everything too seriously and actually do the stuff your want to do. Explore what‘s around you and explore yourself. It might go against your intuition, but you are actually much more likely to build a successful career when you know yourself and learn how to think outside the box by stepping out of it at that age.

Join clubs or take classes you think you might not enjoy. You may surprise yourself. Don't stress about not having a wild social life. Don't be in too much if a hurry to cultivate serious romantic relationships. Don't worry too much about little mistakes because that's what being young is about.
"Don't do drugs kids; drink tea and be merry."
(as a wise Irishman once said)

Not that there isn't truth to that!

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