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Fantasy Adventure!!! (Still looking for people)


Number 1

You left to go see the oracle for a reason. Whether it was to see your future, speak to a dead loved one, commune with the gods, yada yada yada. Why you wanted to go see her doesn't really matter. You arrive at the exact same time as a bunch of other dudes do, only to find a hole inside the chest of the oracle. Hilarity ensues


The man covered in blood just leaving the temple as you guys were entering must have done it. How could you have missed such obvious clues? With her last words, she tells you and your new friends info about the plot. She lives a long time after getting a hole opened up in her chest. You must go and find the other oracles (There are four in total, including the one dying in front of you) and make sure that they don't get holes opened up in their chests as well. She tells you that she has no idea where they are, as they were all spoiled brats who ran away from home. But she tells you to check at home anyways. The eastern capital of Shihon. So you and your new cohorts start out east to save the world. Maybe. I don't even know if the world is in danger. I haven't thought that part through yet.If any of you stick around long enough to reach the capital, we'll figure it out then.


So if you didn't get it from that little plot synopsis, this is a casual, light-hearted adventure role play. I actually got most of the world built, as I've been thinking about this for a while (I wanted to do a solo work, but then I thought "Hey, this would be fun as a roleplay. Let me post it and see what happens") So here we are. If you have any questions about the world, ask away. But since this is a collaborative work, feel free to completely ruin the world I lovingly created add on to it. 


Ya know, I guess I should provide a little bit more information than that


I have no idea how I'm going to run this thing, as I have never created a role play before. I'll probably just control a bunch of NPC's to guide you along your way. Maybe I'll create a character, or even just let you guys do whatever the heck you want. I dunno. I'll figure it out if I get there


Now onto a little bit about this world.


The world was created by four goddesses who worked together. They were very close, so there was none of that infighting that you see in the greek pantheon. Their names were Ignis, Aqua, Terra, and Ventus (Very creative, I know. Sue me, I'm terrible with names) I bet you can't guess what their individual domains were. It was a very strange world that they created, but we'll focus on the boring part of it. The continent of Patrium. 


Two kingdoms (Of humans. The more fantastic races are other places. Other places that have had no contact with this continent) sprouted on this continent. The kingdom of Regnum (Generic medieval European kingdom) and the kingdom of Ōkoku (Generic feudal Japanese kingdom) History happened. Haven't thought much about it yet. Figured I'll make it up as it becomes important. Anyways, Ōkoku was devoutly religious and Regnum was for some reason Atheistic. And since religion is serious business, the two kingdoms go to war. Eventually, Regnum wins and absorbs Ōkoku into its kingdom. This was only ten years before current events, so people are still sore about this. The two cultures kind of merged, so now you got a weird mix of Japanese and European culture. The people of Regnum are slowly being converted to worshipping the goddesses. Was this the plan of the Ōkoku the entire time? Probably not. And that's all the history you need to know at the moment. I got specifics. Ask away if you are so inclined.


Magic is a thing. Some people are born with the ability to use a certain element of magic (fire, water, earth, air). Some people are born with the ability to control two elements, although that's rare. There are a few cases of three. No cases of four. The people of Regnum don't like magic. Anyone seen doing magic was either banished or executed. The witches and wizards generally fled to Ōkoku, where magic was revered as a gift from the goddesses. But now that the two kingdoms merged, there is a bit more leniency towards magic users. After a mass execution, of course. People are still sore about that one as well. Using magic is looked down upon, and is considered to be bad still, but at least no one is dying for using it anymore. Social prejudices still stand, though.


A bunch of different monsters roams the countryside. Roads are still safe, though. Haven't actually thought this part through yet. Feel free to expand upon it.


Got some boring politics going on as well.


I had a revenge story planted in there somewhere.


I probably forgot to put a whole bunch of important info. Oh well. I hope this is interesting enough to get at least one person.
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Even if we never do this you're an amazing person. marry me.

Your writing style makes me proud. Would love to do an RP with you anytime.
Heyyyy, that sounds pretty good! Any RP where I can make the stereotypical honorable Samurai warrior is a good one in my book. Count me in.
Count me interested. I do have a question regarding races though... Are we limited to humans from the main continent?
@Arvios Nope. You can be whomever you want. I actually haven't developed much of the rest of the world yet (I got a little bit planned) So feel free to create an entire continent if you feel like it. Or just a hidden race of people living amongst humans. Or just some one-off creature. But the one thing that you have to do is place them on Patrium so they can be with the rest of the important characters.

@TwistedTruth @Khaz @Randomfella @The Lord of Sunlight

I was gonna wait until the update happened to create the threads, but it's been pushed back another week, so I decided to post it now. If you're still interested, you can go ahead and create a character.





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I've been meaning to edit the title to say (Still open). Yeah. You guys can go ahead and make characters.

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