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Fantasy Adventure RP

Astraea frowned at all of them, kicking at the ground. "Well, trust until given reason not to? I think he might be telling the truth?" She said with a shy glance at Kostra and Joshua.
Ambrose hadn't noticed Haruki until just now. She points her knife at him as well.

"Y-yeah, that's a little suspicious! How am I to know this isn't a trick!"
Joshua nodded "sheathe the weapons, Ambrose scout the area, and Kostra stand behind him" Joshua gave his orders and expected them to follow. "Now gwen tell us what your home looked like" he looked to her and awaited for her answer.
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Ambrose grimaces, and just puts her knife hand to her side. She then proceeds to run off, to scout the area.
Astraea glanced at Haruki with a small smile before turning to Joshua. "Well, in the center, it was mostly stone castles and large homes. In between, there were tons of merchants. The outer wall had a few alley ways for us to stay in. That's about it. If you don't count the large security wall. It's easy to get in though!" She cried, beaming up at Joshua. "The water streams are unguarded, making a simple entryway. Major oversight."
*Haruki crosses his legs and sits next to his large bag* *Proceeds to open the bag and pulls out camping kit and tea kettle* Haruki stacks stray wood chips and sticks, then lights them on fire, which made a small bonfire. He then sets the tea kettle onto the bonfire and gets two wooden cups. "Joshua, you may want to take a seat for this, as this will be unsettling news for you and your party...
Joshua did as he asked, though signaled Kostra to stay standing, " alright tell us then" Joshua spoke while keeping an eye out for anyone.
Astraea looked at the fire longingly before retreating to a far corner where she had stashed the forks the idiots gave her. Then she began her attempts to sharpen them on the wall.
Ambrose comes running back, gasping for air. She crouches over, hands on her knees, regaining herself.

"There's... a pack of three... wolves..." She points to her left, southward.
*Haruki grins and reaches onto his holster and shows you a peculiar weapon from his arsenal, the weapon extends out like a dagger, but holds a long dense iron string that was extended and wired across the entire vicinity. "Rest assured, we're safe for now." Haruki sheathes his weapon and proceeds to pour out the tea into the wooden cups. "Its an apple cinnamon tea I learnt how to make, its my favorite actually" *sips tea*
The three wolves came charging in and one immediately tried to jump on Ambrose. Another wolf goes after Kostra shins, while the last one goes for Haruki's throat.
Joshua threw his left arm out to let the wolf bite it and save haruki, and immediately tried to stab the wolf if it bit.

The wolf bites the arm, proving the pain to be much more serious than Joshua thought, making him unable to finish off the wolf.
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Kostra kicks at the wolf going for his shin. He then proceeds to raise his axe to strike it down on the wolf's head
The wolf dodges to his left and charges in on the weapon to rip it from his hand


"Careful these wolves are smarter than you think! be careful" Joshua yelled out while trying to pry a wolf away from his arm.
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Ambrose yelps in fear, crashing to the ground and gets caught by the wolf. She struggles to get in a good stab amidst the wild beast's vicious onslaught.
*Haruki quickly reaches into his pouch, only to pick up a throwing knife.* "This will have to do" *Haruki attempts to jab the wolf in the throat*
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Kostra moves his hand away quickly, losing only his pinky finger. Annoyed, Kostra tries to stomp on the wolf's head, while simultaneously hacking at it with his axe
The wolf was surprised and took the kick which ripped off the lower jaw, yelping as loud as he could, he jumped back, taking good hits from the axe before falling over and being slaughtered.

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