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Adventure Roleplay

Captain Azulium

Here is a ton of AU's I made up myself. I am open to suggestions and ideas. Choose one (:3)

"Somehow I got stuck can you help me, and when you do. Let's go on an adventure"

"We haven't seen each other in forever. Why don't we go on an adventure like we used to."

"You are depressed and your life sucks so you go to your you're house and you want to go on an adventure"

"We tryed video games, we tryed bored games, we tryed twister and you almost broke your neck. Let's just admit it, we're both bored so let's go on an adventure"

"I am lost and you are lost so let's just be lost together!"

(Sorry if they suck, its my first time)
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[QUOTE="Captain Azulium]Sure can! (^.^) Now, are you going to choose an AU or use one of yours? Pls respond in the occ please

lets use the third one.

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