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Fantasy Adventure Characters


Name: Jack
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality: this kid is a dick, naive and stubborn.
Class: Bandit

Weapons: homemade slingshot, bag of stones, a dull knife,
Powers/Abilities: jumps on trees, able to control quantity (adding, subtraction, division, and multiplication), master of pickpocket

ATK - 4/10
DEF - 2/10
SPD - 8/10
DEX - 9/10
MATK - 4/10
MDEF - 3/10

Bio: A few days ago Jack went missing from his home village. What Jack wanted to do was to make a name for himself, becoming a great warrior and find his greatest nemesis and surpass his grandfather. Going solo, he wandered into the forest in search for money, women, and fame.

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