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Fantasy Adrift - Character Sheets

Character Creation
Welcome to the character creation thread! In terms of a starting character, I'd like for characters to be limited to only three forms of Magic to begin with. I'll leave Skills and Possessions to your digression since they're most likely going to be tied to your backgrounds, but please try not to go too crazy.

For Nationality, feel free to put down either The Church of Tethys, The Transgaean Commonwealth, or a custom nation of your own making. If you do decide to make your own nation, please include a short summary of it. If you're wondering what sort of stuff to cover, their culture, size, geography, and relation to the Church and/or Commonwealth might be a good place to start.

Please find the character skeleton below.
Skills & Magic:
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Loch Halcyon

The Trangaean Commonwealth


There is a certain air of confidence and poise that follows Loch everywhere he goes. With posture so upright, certainty in every step, and poise of grace with eyes that seemingly show wit, he is a first impression king. Shame that it's all naught but a lie uncovered upon the second impression. His confidence is true but his actions are anything but to be confident of. So absent-minded, so easily distracted, always the last to catch on. Not so much dumb as just unfocused. To the few things granted his focus, he locks onto them like a steel trap. Shame the list is so short.

Though genuine in all things, mind you. Loch is intensely loyal and acts with compassion. Even if his gestures come off as foolish or his words without tact, every action comes from a place of genuine care. A constant of his character, and a shame that it's mixed with the rest of the self-confident mess that is Loch.

As mundane as they come, Loch was nothing but the common folk. A boy who not but the loyalty he showed to his family, himself, and the sea. If he didn't have one he surely had another at all points in his life. For these were his memories. A warm meal after a hard day, looking out towards the water as waves washed both the sandy beach and his thoughts. The call of his family, his mother, and sisters as they invited him to make merry within the small hut he knew as home. The nights spent sleeping warm together on a collection of blankets, hardly a bed, with a smile on every face. These were the memories made every day by the water's edge.

He didn't know love unless it was turned towards his family or the water. The two constants in his life. The endless rolling expanse of the sea became a great comfort for the growing boy. If he had a secret, worry, or trauma, he would throw it to the sea. The ebb and crash of the waves becoming an affirmation of it listening to him. He was drawn to the depths. To the boats that would chart and cut a course through till the water's end. But in the end, he was just a passive observer. For his ties were to the hut he called home.

Time passed, years flicked by, and his rhythms were the same day in and day out. Collecting the stagnate memories he loved so much, and some new one in between. As the days went by, Loch began to venerate the sea he grew up beside. Much like the good Church taught him. The day to day rhythm made way for the times when the Church would visit. The sermons they hosted on their ships became like a second home to Loch. The missionaries set upon land would become frequent house guests, and were treated as kin. When the Chuch came to his little island there would be much celebration. But the celebration would leave once the ships departed to open water, and every time leaving without Loch. Because he couldn't leave. Not while his mother remained alone.
Age brings change, and the change came in the form of his sisters flying free from the hut why he stays daydreaming the days away. Before he knew it, there was only himself and the mother he loved so much. So he decided to stay with her, too scared to leave. His days were spent looking for a means to support the both of them. But it seemed incompetency ran within their blood. His options were limited, made even more limited by how often he spent transitioning between jobs. Rejection after rejection left Loch banging his head against the wall, and eventually monster carapace.

Monster hunting became his day to day. Crystal hunting for the Church, not officially, for they were the only hands he wished to place a crystal into. And so his mundane days continued. Hunting, selling, laughing, and dreaming all by the water's edge.

[Skills & Magic]
Ability Crystal - Abyssal Maw
A Crytal that calls upon the lost spirit of the very beast it was harvested from. To impart one's will upon the crystal means to summon a recreation of its form. This crystal holds the power of the beast's terrible maw, with rows of teeth to gnash and shred. The crystal uses liquid near the hold as it's medium to summon the beast. Drops will beget mere teeth. A puddle begets the maw in a smaller form. A river brings about the true terror of the maw. An ocean brings catastrophe. Of course, the greater the size of the maw the more the Crystal shrinks in kind.

- Siphon
- Camping gear
- One set of fancy clothes
- Waterskin
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Name: Billawanka "Bill" Babadosa

The Babadosan Tribe

The Babadosan Tribe is a community of sapient and magical altered cormorant living on an isolated island. These cormorants are capable of speech like human and can deploy their prehensile flight feathers to grasp and hold object like human's hands. They live on a fishery community and are known to be fierce and savage warrior, protecting their land from outsiders at all course.

Age: 11 (Comparable to 30 in human)

Personality: Bill is a boisterous, loud mouth extrovert. He can either quickly make friend or enemy anywhere he goes. However, he can be serious of his duty and be very loyal to someone that treats him good and he himself can also a caring friend. Getting on his bad side however will cause the cormorant to be very furious and spiteful. He will hunt “his prey” down and nothing is gonna stop him in his way. He also loves adventure and challege.

History: Bill was born in the Barbadosan tribe, off in the island known as the Crescent Isle. Like every Barbadosan warriors, he was raised to be a guardian, a hunter and a warrior that forage and fight to protect the tribe's land from dangerous monsters and outsiders that try to invade. Other Barbadosans believe that their life and world are tied to the island and nothing else. However, Bill is always curious of what lies beyond the horizon of the ocean, to know what else is in the world. Eventually, the young cormorant decided to leave his homeland to travel and learn about the outside world. He is branded as traitor by his own tribe for leaving and wouldn't probably be able to return home anymore... However, Bill seems to like this new life of his and has traveled the world since. Currently, he is working as mercenary and bounty hunter, being hired to fight and to hunt for a living and to fuel his thirst for adventure.

Skills & Magic:

- Water magic : Bill possesses a crystal obtained from the monster of the depth that allowed him to use some water magic. He can cloaks himself in water that resist damage from fire and allows his body to become slippery, thus making him harder for his opponent to take a grip on him, as well as allowing the bird to slide around on land quickly, to compensate for his slow, waddling walk.


- Gutter : Gutter is the name of Bill's harpoon, his personal weapon made from the bone of leviathan, which he was gifted by his parents when he was young. Gutter is a very sharp and surprisingly durable weapon, capable of withstanding blows from steel weapon in the fight and doesn't need to be sharpened. Bill can either use it as melee or range weapon depending on situation.
- Steel jaw brace : Providing an additional weapon as Bill can also simply bite anyone with it.
- Leather bag : As his storage.
- Barbadosan talisman: For luck and to remind him of his home.
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Deirdre Nicola Vandergraff

Church of Tethys


Once in a while, someone might catch a glance of the true Deirdre Vandergraff under all the masks she wears; perhaps it would be best for them to forget about it as well. With single-minded determination, Deirdre pursues what she wants with unfaltering determination, and will do anything to get her way. She plays it by the book, but is willing to bend the book as much as she can without breaking it. It isn't easy to get on her bad side, truth be told- she is rather easy-going, and her rather bottomless amount of assets has given her enough cheer to not seek petty quarrels. However, if someone does pursue a matter with her, and if she seeks to reciprocate, she doesn't stop until the person is financially destroyed, and their reputation ruined. To that end, she keeps her ears on the ground, and does extensive research on people she meets.

Otherwise, Deirdre appears to be quite the frivolous lady who delights herself in enjoying the things that life has to offer. She spends her money like there's no tomorrow, and indulges herself quite often. She also plays a sultry seductress quite well, playing the heartstrings and the lower heads of men to get her way. Her closer associates, however, would know her as a particularly loud boozehound with barely any tact, and actually prefers cheaper food and drinks. In her own words, there is no amount of bells and whistles you can put on turkey meat to beat beef. Her whimsical expenditure is all calculated, and is only done so to attract attention or to impress, and she is convinced that she will make that money back anyway. Some, however, believe that even this other facet of her personality may also be calculated.

Deirdre has some idea of morals, at the very least. Her information is always on the money, so to speak, and because of this, she changes her strategies and approach to different people. She gouges those who deserve it, or those who don't seem to know the value of money, and makes bare profits off people whom she sees as undeserving of her ways. That, in some way, must come as some relief.

He promised her the world, and she left her own people to follow him to the ends of the earth. It was another sordid love story for the books. Her mother would often tell it to her whenever she asked why she stayed by her father's side. He was never at home, he spent his money on trivial rubbish, and he left all of the parental duties to her mother. Though their family was well to do, her father's inaptitude to manage his own company was leading them straight to the abyss. Deirdre made up her mind at an early age to oust her father from his seat once she grew up, and put her mind to her studies in all things related to business. There were times when she burned herself out studying through weekends, and her mother worried for her health, but the young girl never gave much compromise. She would save this family from ruin.

No one envied the executorial position that was foisted upon Deirdre's shoulder when her father cut his losses and disappeared forever from her and her mother's lives. Crippled by sorrow, Deirdre's mother suffered a broken heart, and was left bedridden for her remaining days. Deirdre was given the responsibilities of her ailing mother, her father's dying company, and the debts that her father left behind. Those who did not seethe in hatred for her father, and those who pitied her, came to visit expecting her to be a poor wreck. Whether they were there to see her break, or to offer her condolences and help, they were surprised to see Deirdre calmly arranging her affairs, and tending to her mother at the same time. This was a lesson to any who knew her- Deirdre Vandergraff was not her father, and she would not break easily. She left the company to fend for itself for a month more, until her mother finally expired. Deirdre was silent for her funeral, and offered no words for her eulogy. If anything, she seemed full of disdain mixed with a tinge of pity for her mother. She loved her mother, truly, but the woman was drowned by her own sorrow, tied down by the promises of a man who no longer loved her or his daughter. Deirdre had been there for her, and she had done all she can to make her comfortable. It was the woman's fault for not being able to claw her way out of that dark place of hers. She had done all she could, and she made peace with herself that there was nothing more that she could do.

After the death of her mother, Deirdre turned her attention to something else that could be saved. Barely twenty years of age, she finally took command of her father's company. She started by liquidating some assets, and took to acquainting herself with high profile figures from all over the world. Some saw this as the death rattle of the company. She was, in those same eyes, worse than her father, because she had no shame, and hid nothing from the eyes of the public. However, the company started to earn their losses back. Brick by brick, the businesses built itself back up from scraps. Using her connections, her wiles, and constant pushing, she revitalised the company from the ground up. Very soon, her conglomerate was no longer a sinking ship in the Commonwealth, and was widely regarded as a miraculous success story, though Deirdre would honestly argue otherwise.

A ship, however, never sailed too smoothly. Even though Deirdre was regarded as a particularly shrewd businesswoman, her frivolous tendencies cast a certain negative light upon her. Despite this, she never actually considered that it would be used against her in any way. Surely, her own people would appreciate all her efforts. She was proven wrong. One of her executives used that stigma against her, and stabbed her through the back, ousting her from her seat. Despite having been the one to, more or less, bring back the company from the dead, she was seen by many as a young upstart, and all she had accomplished was just a fluke. Ejected from the one thing she had in her life, it was enough to break any normal woman.

Not Deirdre. Instead, the young lady began her next phase in life. If life was perfect, there was no point in living it in the first place then. From the dirt, she crawled her way up, using her same tactics to start her own small business, dealing in trade, particularly in crystals. With her ears on the ground, she made a profit for herself, and started a small trading business under the name Vandergraff Tradings. Unwilling to break into the 'big business' after the last terrible experience of industrial espionage, she kept her feet on the ground this time, and spent most of her time alongside her employees. It was during this time that the Church noticed her. Someone must have recognised her from her previous stint, as she was quickly offered a place amongst the Church officials as a requisitions officer. They appreciated her talent, but hardly enough, she thought, and declined the offer. If they truly wanted her on their side, then they could stand to offer a higher price. From what she had noticed, they were desperate enough that they didn't bother with the proselytising.

They were, and they did offer a better price. Amused and entertained by their willingness to bring her into their fold, she accepted their offer. She wrote glowing referrals for her employees, then sent them on their way, before closing up shop, liquidating her business. With that, she was officially hired as a requisitions officer under the Church.

Skills & Magic:
Ability Crystal - Firebolt: An Ability Crystal that fires a powerful bolt of fire. It packs more of a punch than a burn. As such, it is ill-advised to use it as an impromptu lighter, but you could feasibly use it to light a campfire. It makes for a neat party trick to get the conversation going.

Ability Crystal - Waterbolt: An Ability Crystal that fires a powerful bolt of water. The hydro bullet hits extremely hard and douses the target with a splash of water. While the idea is certainly hilarious on paper, please do not use this to wake someone up.

Mateus 3: A Siphon gun. It appears to be a derringer with a small siphon attached to it. Fairly expensive and costly, this particular Siphon firearm is mostly kept and used for self-defense by those who have the purchasing power for it. It is, in effect, much better than a regular derringer, but it doesn't do anything better that a normal firearm could do. It is, however, much smaller than most firearms, more mobile, and more easily concealed.

Mana Crystals: Deirdre has about five of them on person at any time.
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