• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Adelaide's Home for the Lost and Wandering

Adelaide's Home for the Lost and Wandering

  • Adelaide's home is a large manor, welcoming to all wanderers and scholars. The home provides a for people to learn and develop their trades, as long as they use their skills to better the home itself. For example, you could move into the house as a novice baker, and as long as you worked your share in the kitchen, doing dishes, fetching ingredients from town, and preparing food for meals, then in your free time, the head chef would take you under their wing and make your their apprentice. Additionally, the kitchen is yours to experiment and perfect your baking talents. The house isn't only for those wishing to develop their skills and trades, though. It is also a place for travelers and scholars to share their knowledge. You are free to stop and stay at the home before a long journey, and you are free to share your knowledge and stories with the residents as well.

    The home is a welcoming place for all, for better or worse, and you will always find an open bed here.

Feel free to ask any questions, if you need anything clarified. I'll update this post with links to IC, OOC, and the interest check posts in a second!
Adelaide's Home for the OOC
Adelaide's Home For The Lost, Wandering, and Magical (interest check link, in case I explained it better here)
Adelaide's Home for the Lost and Wandering (IC)

For a character submission, please fill out the following, and i'm going to invite you to be creative, but within reason. No over the top fantastical characters, I'd also ask that characters be mainly human, they can have other attributes, maybe ears and a tail, maybe theyre half-elf, etc. But predominantly human. Also, it's a very common thing to know a couple spells or potions, witches and wizards are common as well. You get the idea!

Purpose of Stay:

Once I like your character submission, you're good to go and post in the IC! So as of rn, I still need to make my own characters, but I'm going to try to get the IC out as fast as possible so if I'm caught up working or not around, you guys can still start this rolling and have fun with it
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Maria Silven


  • Name: Maria Silven
    Nickname: Mari
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    Purpose of Stay: To train her creativity and skills as an aspiring artist(mainly landscapes).
    Likes: Adventure, excitement, new things, exploring, landscapes, heights, being busy, sports, competitiion, flexible clothing, fast food
    Dislikes: Boredom, sleepiness, fashion, heels, red, cake, deadlines
    Quirks: When sleepy, her head droops unnaturally.
    Pets: She has a rare silver chocobo as her pet and mount, named Diana. She was a gift from a foreigner after she helped them with an issue.

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Meriwether "Meri" Denney

  • Name- Meriwether "Meri" Denney
    Age- 25
    Gender- Male
    Species- Human

Bardin Grinsbeard


"Some people call me a wazzok,
but aye, I'm the dwarf ranger."
-Bardin Grimsbeard​

  • Name- Bardin Grinsbeard
    Age- 286
    Gender- Male

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Regis Sunore

  • Name: Regis Sunore
    Age: 24
    Avid lover of the sea and the outdoors. He's trying his best to stay positive!
Name: Margarthe Peters

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Personality: Margarethe is cute, perky, and bubbly enough to put a cauldron to shame. She enjoys meeting new people, and makes friends rather easily. She loves magic with a passion, and is often in the study, devising new spells or twists on old ones.

Bio: Margarethe is a recent graduate of Kabylia, a prestigious magical school about an hour from the home. Unfortunately, while she wanted to become a teacher, her grades were consistently mediocre, and Kabylia told her in no uncertain terms that the only way she'd teach there was if all the other teachers retired at once. She now lives at the home full-time, earning her keep by growing magical herbs or taking care of the animals.

Abilities: While she's not especially talented in any particular branch of magic, Margarethe has a working knowledge of many of them. Need a charm to lift your spirits a little, or potion to get rid of a cold? She's your girl. Need a sorceress with the power to level mountains? Find someone else.
Tanzier Heights

  • Name: Tanzier Heights
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Race: half-elf


Angelica "Angie" Butons

  • Name- Angelica "Angie" Butons
    Age- 25
    Gender- Female
    Species- Human

Gwendolyn Hudson


  • Gwendolyn Hudson
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    "Just call me Gwen! My mom used to call me Gwendolyn, and I'm sorta angry at her right now!"
    If she's in debt to you, you'll probably get a casserole at some point.
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Thomas P. Finch

  • Name: Thomas P. Finch

    Age: 27

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human Trash (3/16 elf probably but he's gonna deny it)

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Blair Sheyda


  • Name: Blair Sheyda
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Race: Witch
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Riley Donovan


  • Name: Riley Donovan

    Age: 24

    Gender: Lady

    Race: Human/witch

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Claus & Lucas


Name: Claus and Lucas
Age: Unknown, looks anywhere between 16-early 20s
Gender: Male
"I'm the better looking one."

  • The twins stand at 5'10", and their tall, lean frames give the impression of teenagers who have just finished their growth spurt. They both share corngold blonde hair and honey-brown eyes, but Claus is slightly paler from spending more of his free time indoors whereas the athletic Lucas is more fit from his excursions and exploring outside around the house.

  • Claus and Lucas have elegant facial features, with gently high cheekbones, dainty noses and slightly slanted eyes which give them a slightly foreign look in Petravene, but not enough to make people stare.

    It's difficult to tell what age they are, and they couldn't tell you either. The duo look young, but there is a certain knowing glint in their eye that let on they are older than one would think.

    Other than the fact that Lucas looks more rough and tousled, with more bruises and scratches than the better-groomed Claus, the only other major difference in their appearance is that Claus sometimes wears his eyeglasses - little cherry oak frames with small pieces of convex glass inserted into the gaps, so that he could see distances better. His vision is only a little fuzzy without them, a result of reading small print from library books late into the night with only dim candlelight to aid his view.

I don't know why my formatting keeps going mad, please accept my apologies on its behalf.
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  • Name: Cathal McKay
    Age: 33
    Gender: Male
    Species: Elf

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Aaron "Ronnie" Donovan

  • Name- Aaron "Ronny" Donovan
    Son of Riley Donovan TrashRabbit TrashRabbit
    Age- 8
    Gender- Male
    Species- Human/shapeshifter
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Here Lies

  • ravenscroft.regular.png

    Henry had stumbled upon the house one evening, and- being at his lowest point- decided to give the whole "fake family member" thing another chance. He didnt want to live another life made on lies, but he couldnt bare the thought of what they'd do to him if they found out...

    For now, he'll have to stick to the shadows...

    Henry shows a multitude of different personalities and faces, most of which are highly energetic and twitchy, while others are...well...

    Henry's story is relatively recent in gossip, spreading much like rumors through a community.It is mainly seen as a silly ghost story to share with friends. Henry isnt much of a social type, but the way he was portrayed seems to solidify his insecurities with his image. The story went as such:

    A young farmer was taken by the grasp of the evil spirit, who wished to use his body as a disguise to trick the family. No one knew why, but the story claimed it was to torment the family.
    The young farmer looked noticably different then he once was, and he acted strangely posh and well...different then he use to. The grey eyes and the pale skin gave way to speculation of possession.
    The family fought back. After a horrific night , they bravely defeated the ghost and saved their son from the spirit's grasp.


    it read on the bottom of the page.

    He couldn't believe what he had read. It was like a stake had been driven into his chest, a sharp pain that could -at least- cause a great deal of discomfort. was he truly that evil? While he could admit, he did enjoy the occasional Mischief, he didnt see himself as the monster that they portrayed.
    but he had multiple problems to deal with; First, his parents refused to take him again, and now -from his failed attempt to revive the feeling of being apart of a family- he must deal with this he couldn't describe the feeling. Was he being cheated out of something? Was this all a nightmare? If it were a
    He giggled at a silly thought in his mind.
    Soon after, he brought his mind back together. He needed to stay focused- he needed to find a solution.
    Was he truly frightening? was he grotesque?
    he looked to himself in the dark edges of a puddle that lay on the stone street, his grey eyes shining through the shadow of the tree, a darkness that easily hid the ghost's body.

    After stepping out from the shadow , he was greeted with a much clearer image; a small boy with large grey (slightly predatorial) eyes, black hair, and pale complexion looked up to him from the puddle below. It was an uneasy sight, but he couldn't figure out why. He turned his face left and right, he blinked a couple of times, and he showed his teeth, which looked more like fangs...
    He couldn't live like this.
    Footsteps immediately caught his attention as he quickly lifted his gaze from the ground. He turned around and stumbled back into the shadows, a loud splash and a trail of wet footsteps followed behind. He wasn't too good with stealth...

Miracle Corgi Miracle Corgi
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~Willow Lavender~


  • Name: Willow Lavender
    Age: N/A
    Gender: Gender Neutral (Pronoun: Male)
    Species: Human / Descendant of a Daedric Prince (Herma Mora - Daedric Prince of Knowledge)

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