Across the States and Back

Okay so I know we have a while to start since we need two people to post on here and 1 spot to fill, but I must throw this out there.

Would you guys like to do a posting order or respond whenever?

If it's the first the person will have 1 day to post if not his/her turn gets skipped. (That way the RP doesn't die)

If it's the later, I'll be making scene change updates and tag everyone in the so you can jump in if you lost your place. (Just please don't turn it into a 1x1)
Okay, I personally like going with the flow because there will obviously be people who post faster than others, and having people who, say, post maybe only once a day or less will hold up the rp nonetheless.
[QUOTE="Kinxus Koi]Alright, I posted, is there something else I'm missing?

You're accepted!

Little catch up:

1. We can up with background stories of how we met. Youngdreamer posted a sum of all of them. Go ahead and take a look and add your own stories as well.

2. Read my last post =)
Okay, fair enough.

Ophelia & Jerylin- Ophelia met Jerylin through her old job at a local coffee shop. She showed Ophelia the ropes around her new home. Through her, Ophelia manage to meet the other road trip mates.
I consider myself doing good, because I'm alive and well. Nothing really major has happened to me.
@Kinxus Koi

It's always good to hear people are doing good, being alive does make your day a bit livelier (pun very much intended). 
@Quintessential It's not posted, I haven't even started creating it yet ^.^ I just have the basic plot line created so if you want to hear a bit about it I could post it here or PM you! 
@Quintessential It's no problem, I didn't tell you it wasn't posted so it was my bad! If you want me to save you a spot I will.

@Four The Magician I will post it here in a bit then, I need to type it up O.o  
I basically got my inspiration from Atlantis, the lost city that people believe exists. I thought... what if Atlantis wasn't just a lost city or empire, but like a whole other world. So, essentially it'll be around those lines:

Littering the land of Atlantis are city-states ruled by 'kings' consumed in their own self interests. With each King pitted against another, Atlantis finds itself at the brink of war because of an age old conflict rising once against to the surface.

That's a rough summery but you get the idea, right?
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Yeah I'm just waiting on the last two people to post on here so we can begin!

Oh do you guys want to figure out driving and co-pilot arrangements?

Or should I just do that myself?
Esben will gladly take a shift as driver, but he can't drive the whole time >.< 
I feel like everyone should take 2 hours rotations. Like every two hours they switch out?
Awesome! But we'll have to post times in our entries just so one person doesn't drive for 6 pages and someone else drives for only 2 paragraphs.


Day 1/ 6:00 A.M./San Diego, CA

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