[Across the States and Back!] Out of Character

Vitez said:
Oliver's List
2 boxes of Lofthouse cookies (One red velvet, the other yellow frosting)- $3.75 (x2) $7.25

2 sleeves of donuts (one powdered sugar, one chocolate)- $1.37 (x2) $2.74

3 bags of Combos (CHEESE)- $1.65 (x3) $4.95

3 Slim Jims- $1.23 (x3) $3.69

+ Sales Tax (Nevada's rate is 6.85%, calculating that from $20 would make $1.37)

= $20

Sorry- I went full Math Nerd
Ummm I sort of put a list of stuff with prices.

You can keep the stuff! just change the prices

Like...cookies and doughnuts would be under sweet bread with is 2.50

The Combos are pretzel chips right? those are a dollar

the Slim Jim would be under Misc. so 3.00

I know prices are unrealistic, but it's just to keep people from buying twenty bijillion 25 cent pieces of gum =P
Oliver's New List (I'll fix it in RP momentarily)

2 boxes of Lofthouse cookies ($2.50) $5.00

2 sleeves of donuts ($2.50) $5.00

5 bags of Combos ($1.00) $5.00

1 Slim Jim ($3.00) $3.00

1 bottle of tea ($2.00) $2.00

As everyone bought stuff charlie stepped out to stretch and smoke on that blunt again. Manny watched the crew run towards the store as he made his way back with gas with a frown. Weird. He came back and filled up the gas as carlos was stretching his back out on the the asphalt. Manny whistled as he filled up and when he was done he put the empty tank in the side of the rv. He smiled and jumped on the board riding towards charlie. He bent down as he rolled and swiped the blunt from his lips then he went ahead and did a kick flip. Charlie smirked and ran inside to grab mannys dummy by the queen bed. He threw him out the door and swiped mannys blunt as he manualed by. He then began punching the dummy from a muay thai stance. The two seemed to be enjoying themselves what with theur blunt amd physical activity.
Nessie is watching Orange is the New Black and Waiting for others

*Cough* @asduskfalls @ArtisticKwittyKat234 *cough*

To post something
Sorry.. I got got up in watching Pewdiepie.. And, drawing.. Plus.. thinking of my list having trouble.. Plus.. Couldn't qw just buy our own booze? Because Rory is gonna
NessieAlways said:
Nessie is watching Orange is the New Black and Waiting for others
*Cough* @asduskfalls @ArtisticKwittyKat234 *cough*

To post something
Yes dear. Right away dear. Sorry for the lack of posting. Got really busy with work and, ya know, stupid hours.
LionsForLambs said:
Yes dear. Right away dear. Sorry for the lack of posting. Got really busy with work and, ya know, stupid hours.
Yeah I know =S hours are a pain in the butt post when youve got time =)
Well I was recovering from partying with a little "hair of the dog" at the beach. I'm headed home and in need of a shower I will post in the next two hours or less
So my parents decided to be a** holes and are going to take away my computer at 11 =(

Which means I only have 27 minutes left so I've probably posted my last post of the day. I'll try to keep track with the tappy app thingamabob but I don't know if they'll take my phone away too.

Their stupid idea of "getting their children to bed early" will be a fail! I promise that much! I will not go to sleep early! muahaha! I'm an adult I choose when I go to sleep. Not them! *Ends little kid rant*

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