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Realistic or Modern (Accepting!) Lost and Found (Dark family Drama)


Rebecca hurried to help unpack the car, stealing glances at Danny, as well as her other children as she moved back and forth from the car to the house. She was worried to see Danny go off by himself, but she also knew that the whole experience must be overwhelming to him. Perhaps the best course of action would be to leave him to get adjusted while they waited for Allyn to arrive.

It would be so wonderful to have Danny back, and to look after all four of her precious children. Rebecca was certain that Etienne must be equally excited, but whether or not he was equally worried was difficult to determine. He seemed to handle it all so masterfully, but Rebecca knew better than anyone how easily fear and uncertainty could be hidden. She had been doing that for so long that she had to put in a great deal of effort to even reveal some of her true feelings and pain to Etienne. It had been significantly difficult because she knew that her husband held little sympathy for her. Rebecca did not blame Etienne for that though, inwardly agreeing with the unspoken assertion that she deserved no sympathy.

Her thoughts having shifted towards thinking about Etienne, Rebecca decided that it would be prudent to talk with her husband before the family meeting. She felt that it would likely be better to keep the children unaware of her own concerns. Although Rebecca couldn't tell if Etienne considered her to be included when he stated that all concerns should be addressed, and even though she felt worried that he wouldn't care to hear what she had to say, she knew that he was right about the importance of honesty and communication.

Rebecca was not the type to lie, but she was the type to hide what she felt. Of course, she knew that it was almost the same thing in a way. She also knew that Etienne had always hated dishonesty. Yet at the same time, what kept her keeping most of her thoughts to herself was the fear that Etienne might prove to dislike Rebecca's true thoughts more than he disliked lies. Or worse, Rebecca feared that he might agree with the more terrible thoughts she harbored about herself. It was not a pleasant thought, and Rebecca pushed it to the back of her mind.

"Etienne dear," she said softly, approaching her husband as they finished unloading the car. "Do you think that perhaps the two of us should talk, to prepare for this family meeting?"

It was a rather important meeting, and it would be best to be prepared. Yet as Rebecca looked up into Etienne's brown eyes, she couldn't quite tell whether she wanted him to agree to talk to her or not.

Allyn Gray


Allyn shifted her weight from one foot to the other as the Kirk's knocked on the door, her grip on her bag tightening. Only two days away from the Bell's and she was nervous about seeing them again. What kind of depressing reliance was this? As the door swung open to reveal Etienne and Rebecca, she allowed herself to breathe as the Kirk's smiled and greeted them.

"She's been wonderful, and we'd love to have her again." Allyn nodded as they moved to let her in, and she breathed a soft sigh of relief the moment she was through the door. It felt like she'd just hit home base seconds away from being tagged out. Her eyes flicked around the room, taking in the familiar sights of that painting on the wall, Mila and Yeong unpacking, that boy in the corner-

That boy in the corner?

Allyn looked at him curiously. He must be Danny. He was a lot skinnier than expected, he might even be shorter than she was. Realising she'd been staring a moment too long, she reddened slightly, and glanced away, her eyes landing on her foster sister, realising Yeong had already slinked away. Quietly, she asked Mila, "Do you need help unpacking?" The blonde shifted her weight from one to the other, though she couldn't help her mind wandering back to the boy. She was afraid to say it, but he reminded her terribly of herself. Unsure, unfamiliar, and feeling utterly useless. Allyn shook her head, her gaze flicking away to land on her foster parents. Rebecca seemed to be murmuring something to Etienne, and the young girl wondered what they were speaking of.

Probably not her. Hopefully. She didn't know whether to be thankful or afraid about that.

Her thoughts wandered off the track once again, drifting to school. School! What would Annie think of Danny? Would he even go to their school? Allan's face paled subtly as she thought of the bullying that would likely happen. The Bell's weren't popular by any means, and his arrival may just devastate what shaky reputation they've built up already. Should she stay away from him then? No, he was her foster brother, that'd be a terrible thing to do.

But what could she do? Allyn wasn't some well-liked darling herself, she'd be of absolutely no help. Snapping out of her daydreams, she realised she'd been still a moment too long, and moved to be of some sort of assistance. She'd think about all that later.

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