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Futuristic Academy of Carida: Cadet Profile


Two Thousand Club




Report Card: Info

- Agility Rating: Affects agile-based movements, stealth, ability to sneak around enemies or close-quarters combat and dodging.

- Endurance Rating: Affects how tough a trooper is. How much they can survive in extreme weather or operate effectively after being injured.

- Strength Rating: Affects how strong a trooper is. How much they can carry in terms of blasters and equipment. This also gives them an advantage in close quarters combat when it comes to offensive strikes.

- Perception Rating: Affects how well a trooper can read a suspect, situation, notice traps, or aim a blaster. These troopers have excellent marksmanship.

- Charisma Rating: Affects how diplomatic a trooper is or inspiring. Many of these troopers are usually close if not directly under the supervision of Imperial Officers.

- Intelligence Rating: Affects how smart a trooper is regarding mechanical knowledge, piloting, and computer systems. Intelligent troopers are more likely to be able to analyze their own machines and operate machinery effectively.


Choose 1 Rating as Highly Qualified

Choose 3 Ratings as Qualified

Choose 1 Rating as Needs Work

Choose 1 Rating as Lacking Talent
Hopefully this comes out the way it looks in my workship. If not. Fuck.


Name: Muun'bajir Rook / Uman'bajeer Ruukt

Birth: Concord Dawn, 9BFE {28BBY} - 23 Standard Years.

Darker skinned, black haired and stood tall (6'3") with a weighty-athletic physique and a face of relatively youthful, brown eyed and moustached face of often pensive expressions - though in comparison to most, appears very much matured with evident survivor's seasoning {x}.

Background Information
Born on the Outer Rim world of Concord Dawn, Rook did surprisingly well to avoid any anti-Imperial sentiment and for the most part skipped out on trouble-making. The son of two protectors however, he maintained a highly martial and active teenage life.

Rook began his military career as a ranker in the Imperial Army - an enlisted driver in the 224th Armoured Division though due to higher than projected causalities they were almost immediately given a lateral-transfer to a regular combatant detachment to serve as an Infantryman. They maintained good relations with their peers and superiors but felt compelled to default to more non-standard tactics.

Despite this however, Corporal Rook served - with distinction - through the majority of the Mimbam campaign and where others fell, they thrived. It was this persistence in face of adversity that garnered them an invitation of candidacy to the Stormtrooper Corps.

Note: Their preference for tactics outside of basic doctrine has since been deduced as result of a fundamentally Mandalorian upbringing. Presumably, time shall correct this.
Report Card Information
- Agility Rating: Qualified.
- Endurance Rating: Qualified.
- Strength Rating: Qualified.
- Perception Rating: Highly Qualified.
- Charisma Rating: Lacking Talent.
- Intelligence Rating: Needs Work.
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Arrik Rekkon


Arrikk stands at 5'10" with a lithe build. He has dark brown hair and seafoam green eyes. Usually an overly-serious look on his face. Keeps a stiff posture in public, as to look more professional. Clean shaven and hair barely within regulation. Has a five inch scar running up the outside of his left forearm. Spends more time than most on his physical appearance and cleanliness.

Arrik was born on Mandalore to Ghal and Kayra, three years before the Empire took control of the planet. His mother was killed in the attacks by the Shadow Collective and his father, overcome by grief and anger, fought alongside the Republic siege which allowed him to witness Order 66 in progress. Disappointed by the apparent betrayal of the Jedi Order Ghal taught Arrik of the importance of structure. This developed his resentment for rebellion, which he believed only brought destruction and pain, and his will to join the Imperial Academy.

Arrik trained with the sole purpose of becoming one of the best soldiers the Empire had fielded, and dreamt of becoming a member of the revered Death Troopers. He was sometimes ridiculed for his loftly goals and focused only on his work, leaving him with few friends and one of the best cadets in his class. His physical strength had always been lacking but he took to his affinity for running and sneaking around to make up for it. Honor and dignity were, in his mind, not comparable to the need for swift execution of any tasks required of him.

Agility --- Highly qualified
Endurance --- Needs work
Strength --- Lacking Talent
Perception --- Qualified
Charisma --- Qualified
Intelligence --- Qualified​
Name: Priscus Peros


Appearance:A tall Man with Dark Brown Hair, With Bright Green Eyes. Standing at 5' 9", he has been seen as an average height man. With a decent build, he isn't very strong or quick, but he also isn't unfit. He can keep up with a group at long distances. He has a very clean shaven face, with little to no cuts or scars over his body. He appears to be very serious about his service to the Empire. He wears whatever the empire gives him to wear. When he is out doing illegal activities he will wear either civilian clothing to disguise himself or just try to cloak his face and other physical features..

Background/Bio:Born on Pamarthe, his family were all excited about joining as the people of Pamarthe were known for their skill in battle, mostly fighter piloting, and eagerness in combat as well as bravery. He joined in the imperial academy from a young age with his parent's support and began his training, planning on being a career soldier. However, in his teenage years, he grew quite tired of this, and began to prefer other things over the Imperial Academy, and began getting involved in illegal activities like smuggling of illegal substances and dealing of illegal substances. It was here where he developed his skill for negotiating, and bartering. He was also able to gain a lot of common sense and book knowledge from this experience. He would continue his life in the academy, not being anywhere near as good as his peers in physical strength, but being one of the damn best shots among them. This, factored in with his intelligence and charisma, earned him a place of respect amongst his fellow cadets at the Imperial Academy.

Report Card:

- Agility Rating:Lacking Talent
- Endurance Rating: Qualified
- Strength Rating: Needs Work
- Perception Rating: Qualified
- Charisma Rating: Highly Qualified
- Intelligence Rating: Qualified
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Kella Surik

Name: Kella 'Kel' Surik
Age: 19 (24BBY)

Appearance: Standing at 5'8" and weighing 125lbs, Kella has an overall lean build and plenty of scars to show from rigorous training at the Academy; her most noticeable cut is situated across her left cheek, starting from the eyebrow and ending at the jaw. For her attire, she opts for comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement more than necessary, almost always in shades of black, grey, and mostly white to match her hair.

Biography: Born on a starship, Kella spent her first few years of life in space among the stars until her military family was located to Balmorra 19BBY to assist with manufacturing weapons for the Imperial army. She grew up understanding war and the expectations her parents had for her, and soon it was no longer a question of what direction she would go in life. It was an honour to uphold the legacy of her family and attend the Imperial academy for further training.

Kella has clarity when it comes to her virtues; independent and resourceful. In counter to that, she is secretive and arrogant, often keeping even those closest to her in the dark of her true intentions.

Report Card:
Agility Rating — Highly Qualified

Endurance Rating — Qualified

Strength Rating — Lacking Talent

Perception Rating — Qualified

Charisma Rating — Qualified

Intelligence Rating — Needs Work


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