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Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

"Look how arrogant he is! He should be severely-"

Mr. Todo waved his hand, and suddenly the bully stopped moving entirely. Unexpectedly, the teacher laughed heartily. "It's good to see youngsters using their powers so adeptly! Just make sure you don't get in trouble with the other teachers, alright?"

He waved his hand again, and the bully continued talking, "-punished! ...Wait, what?"
Getting irritated by the commotion, Baron tapped the side of the headphones again, raising the volumes of their voices. After staying in this academy, he learned one thing out of many. There were always going to be a bunch of students that stirred up trouble. It was always the same result. One of the kids, either attacker or victim, would make the other know their place, while the other would be scared as shit or hate the other's guts forever.

Same attitudes, same patterns. It was all now so boring to Baron he didn't get concerned about them anymore.

He looked down at the tablet, its screen now swirling into a fizz of digits.

--Baron? The teacher called your name!--

Without looking up, he answered a simple 'here'.

--Baron, he's telling you to take off your headphones and to listen to the lesson--

Raven, give me Mr. Todo's profile

Less than a minute, the tablet's screen immediately displayed the data.

Alright. Thanks.

Letting out a sigh, he looked up at the teacher. "You've been here for a couple of years now, right? Then I'm sure you know how the Academy works. Everyone here has different circumstances to live by because of their ability. It is the same with me wearing headphones so I am humbly asking for your understanding."

Baron stared the teacher, almost daring him to try and talk back at him. A faint smirk appeared on his face when Mr. Todo seemed to give his words a thought before answering with a nod.

Mr. Todo? More like Mr. Too Easy.
"Now that we got attendance out of the way, let's start with lesson number one," Mr. Todo said. "I want each of you to come up and use your powers so I can assess how well you can use them and help you improve upon your techniques and whatnot."

"First up... Pillow."
"First up....Pillow."

"This....was the worst day ever. HOW MANY TIMES IS MY SLEEP GOING TO GET INTERRUPTED IN ONE DAY?!?!?" Pillow screeched internally.

Reluctantly, Pillow got off the seat and used it's tail to bounce to the front of the room. And to get revenge, Pillow jumped and slapped Mr. Todo in the face with it's tail.

"There," the shark pillow said happily.
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Mr. Todo was slightly surprised at first, then laughed. "What a unique power! Well, next up is.... Mei Jun."

"Time for us to shine~!" Chun said enthusiastically and rushed to the spotlight. Mei Jun could only chuckle softly at his friend's eagerness and walked to the front of the classroom.

"Uh, I can see and communicate with spirits," Mei Jun said. He looked around awkwardly, not knowing how to demonstrate his powers.

"Ooh! I got this!" Chun, flew towards the board, and similarly to how he possessed the broken lamp, joined with a piece of chalk. He, as the chalk, started doodling on the board. After a few minutes, it was clear to Mei Jun that he drew himself.

"Uh, yeah. That was my ghost friend."

With that, he hurriedly went back to his seat.

Sighing, I stood up and made my way to the front of the room. As I was looking around for a test sub- I mean something to demonstrate my powers on, the teacher mentioned to some plants. A bit saddened, I stalked over to the plants and grabbed one of them.


Woah. Did not except that plant to scream.

I stared at it as it expired. The whole room was quiet, the annoying guy from earlier had the expression of deathly fear.

Smirking inwardly, I turned to the teacher.



I rolled my eyes before walking back to my seat.

Can this class be over already?...
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Christian looked up at the breathtaking and majestic building in front of him. The Academy of Uniques.

He would have never dreamed of coming to a place like this, but when his mother started showing so much hate towards him, he made up his mind to come to this place so he would no longer be a torment for his mother.

The blonde took out his phone. Two fifteen.

Christian had tried to get out of bed early today so that he doesn't go to class late and leave a bad first impression. But then he thought of the fact that the impressions after than won't be so great either, so he just stayed in bed until he felt like getting up. He decided to finally enter the academy, and when a teacher tried to approach him, he shot him a deadly glare that scared the poor man away.

Putting his hands in his pockets, he roamed around the academy leisurely until he came across his class. He put on a "don't-screw-with-me" face before entering the classroom.

The teacher briefly glanced at Christian and said, "Ah! You must be Christian Damon. Class is already in session, so take a seat."

Behind Baron, Mei Jun quietly chanted under his breath, "Liate... Liate... Mr. Liate... I can't forget that... I can't bare to call Mr. Liate by his first name again... It was just so nerve wrecking..."
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Mr. Todo fumbles inside the box and picks a ticket, "Ah! This is some fine coincidence! Next up is Mari Sonnenschein!~" Mari looks up at the teacher and stood up. All the student began to murmur and the all the stares made Mari flinch. She never had been in a center of attention for a large group of people before. Mari dismiss the nervous feeling and walks elegantly down to the front of the classroom. When Ms. Sonnenschein reaches her destination, she halts and turns to her classmates.

"My name is not Mari Sonnenschein. I do not have the ability of healing." Her students look at her with a puzzled look and the murmurs turned louder. Mr. Todo quickly motion everybody to quiet then and says,

"Ah, I almost forgot! Ms. Sonnenschein verbally speaks the opposite of what she says. Even though some people might think it's weird, please treat her respectfully like anyone else." Mari starts to wonder how did he knew this. Could her parents ask the headmaster personally because they worry she couldn't make any friends? Mr. Todo motion the dead plant and urge her to begin. Mari nods and her hands flutter over the poor plant. The young lady closes her eyes and in a split second her hands were enveloped with pale green light. The plant quickly started to rises and turns even more healthier than it was originally. There was alot of "Oohs'" and "Ahhs'" around the classroom and Mari's ears started to burn bright red again. She quickly bows down and walks to her seat.
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The class fell into excited murmurs as the teacher picked another slip of paper from a box.

--Baron? Mr. Todo would like you to demonstrate your ability to the class.--

Same old introducing method? Well, might as well get over with it. Nodding, Baron stood up from his seat with the tablet in his hands and walked to the front of the classroom.

"Baron Liate. I can modify and communicate with any electrical and technological device."

He held up the tablet and closed his eyes. The same two digits, zero and one, filled his mind and all of them were repeatedly scanning downwards in different but similar patterns.

The young man waited till he saw what he needed and focused until an electrical current zapped into his mind. He directed the shining blue current to slash and cut a few sequences of digits from their rapidly moving rows and columns. The current glided around the sequences that were cut out, placing the digits next to each other and filled up a few missing spots with the remaining numbers. Finally, a new sequence was made.

It shined out to him, repeatedly glowing on and off as the current continuously swirled around the digits.

Raven and Tyla, are you guys ready?

Both voices answered in unison. --Ready--

The current now wrapped itself around the new sequence up to the point that it completely covered the digits, but it didn't stop there, the shining blue light continued to compress when finally a flash of white exploded.

Baron opened his eyes, escaping just in time from the blinding light of his mind to see that the tablet and headphones had presented themselves as a merged, small robot. It was about six inches tall, with black and grey metal for its build. At its head, two blue dots gleamed as the tiny machine started to move its arms and legs.

--Oh! Oh! Baron, May we..?--

He smiled. Go ahead.

He stayed still as the robot turned around and ran up his arm till it reached his shoulder and sat down. "--We are Tyla and Raven! Nice to meet you!--" The machine even waved to the class to finish its greeting.

Baron grinned as the classroom started to chatter with excitement again and headed back to his seat.

The robot jumped down onto the surface of his desk and waved its arms around.

--Baron, can we stay like this for the day? Oh please?!--

Of course.
Mr. Todo hummed a little and rubbed at his stubble-filled chin. "Very good, Mr. Liate."

He reached into his magic box of wonders again and pulled out the name of the next victim. "Ah, Christian Damon, please come up."

Christian, who had been sleeping in the back of the room, looked up when he heard his name. Cursing under his breath, he pulled himself up reluctantly and trudged to the front of the class. There were already students talking about his dyed hair and his extravagant accessories. Perhaps it was his dark glare, or maybe just the killer aura that he's spreading, but everyone shut their mouth after a look from Christian.

"Hey blondie! Is your power just glarin'?" the bully, Bob Tembop said with a laugh. Apparently being bruised by Ryota and dissed discretely by Mr. Todo wasn't enough for him. A couple of students laughed as well.

Christian gave each and every one of the laughing students a stare, as if trying to remember their faces so he can find them one day and beat the living hell out of them.

When the room was finally quiet, Christian took the plant and placed it in front of him. He placed a hand on the pot and closed his eyes. He felt a warmth in his heart, and as he concentrated, the warmth turned into a searing heat. Christian furrowed his eyebrows as the heat became almost unbearable, and he quickly redirected his focus to the hand that was on the pot. The heat traveled from his heart to his arm and down to his hand and into the pot itself. Without warning, the pot exploded into a million pieces. Strangely though, the plant itself wasn't harmed.

The students who were laughing before certainly weren't laughing anymore.

"What kind of monsters are in the academy this year..." Bob Tembop asked himself, his voice trembling.

"Very well, Christian," Mr. Todo praised and eyed the plant that was still sitting on the desk. "But I see that you still have room for growth."

"Ah! Something else for me to fix!" Chun said excitedly. He possessed each and every fragment of the pot and pieced them together. The silence in the classroom was very soon broken as students murmured excitedly at the sudden miracle. Chun stood in front of the class proudly (though no one can see him) and grinned at Mei Jun. "Now you'll be so popular!"

Mei Jun looked down at his hands nervously when he heard other students mention his name and point at him. He almost wanted to crawl under the table in embarrassment thanks to Chun's little display.
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Blue Moon caught her breath, taken back by the unexpected late bell and something else... Those stormy eyes, as if they can see through my facade.

Looking away and trying to act natural, "What's it like... living here?" She looked around her, the sun faintly shining through the shady clouds, but into the looming forest, lay ravens cawing. Spooked by the ominous tension in the misty air, she continued to walk away, this time pacing herself to go faster.
Cain's eyes followed Blue as she walked away. She looked as if she was curious about the academy, and Cain had to think for a moment before replying.

"...Nothing too special," he said shortly. You don't feel special or way too different because everybody each have something that stands out among them. Skills, or talents, that made them unique, that resulted in them joining into the academy.

Not really wanting to go back to class but figured that he might as well, the sound of the late bell repeated in his mind as he followed after Blue, settling his gaze on her.

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