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Fandom Academy For The Genres

Vau stared blankly at the two, deciding he had had enough social interaction in these few short moments to last quite a while. He scooped up his voodoo doll, said a polite goodbye to Zara, and returned to his previous spot on the grass.
As he was suddenly grabbed by a rather overpowered looking cat-like humanoid. And lowered to the ground. He was about to let out a thank you of greeting before being almost hurled trough a brick wall.

Which. If you know about humans and how vulnerable they are. Would Most likely hurt alot.

Now. This just wouldn't do of course. As always happened during a life threatening injury. As a certain boomerang shaped catalyst of chaos was hurting through the air.

And before delivering a rather large plonk on the back of the person who assaulted its beloved master, Once again hooked the young mages shirt collor and whipping him over to a more safe. And soft spot.
gawww ow....what just hit me...." he rubbed his back. the cat snarled as his hair begins to waver "do not. make. ME. ANGRY!!!!!!" his hair went dark black and his armd became a pair of sharp claws. "rrrr i hope your ready to die...."
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Jengao. Being the human he is. Decided the best course of action as he had been hurtling at the wall was to become unconscious. And was nownlying unconscious on a comfortable patch of grass.

And. We focus on a different person. Who was now circling back. As a boomerang that seemed to defy the laws of physics.

And as it assumed to land on the same patch of glass it had dropped the mage off on. It's appearance changed. With no noticeable effect. As if one moment it was a boomerang. And next it was a rather small and cute looking young girl. Who at the sound of the recent attacker seemingly annoyed by her hitting him in the back of the head, turned over I to the floor direction of the garish creature. Where this small young girl proceeded to seemingly scoff at its threat. And turn back to the now slightly conscious mage to check for wounds.
Michael started hearing a commotion outside. He sighed and started walking to the door. When he got outside he looked angrily at the three students. "Would you mind refraining from this? It's making me sick."
gah" Zara eventually calmed down, as he sat down yawning. "hm...sorry but who are you??" The cat boy waved his pink tail side to side, then he used his tail to hold himself up.
[QUOTE="the-lich]hehehe its fuun hahah...hmm" he grabbed a news paper, ruffling it as it forms into a hammock, as he jumped into it.

ModelZXGiro said:
Another large blast of air... And another.
And he was so what flying.. Albeit I quite a dangerous way. A wrong blast of air and he could be sent hurtling into a wall...

Regardless of the imminent danger. He threw his a hands into the air as celebration. Hard to do when flying through the air...

'Oops'. The phrase echoed in his mind, as a blast of air erupted from the glyph he had scribbled in his hands. And he was sent hurting straight to the earth below.
SpoonsAreRad said:
The doll on Vau's shoulder noticed the sudden movement from the string and quickly climbed down and vaulted into Zara's hands. It then proceeded to try and catch the string only to trip and fall several times. Vau stood by, arms crossed and looking down with disappointment at the doll.

ModelZXGiro said:
Jengao. Being the human he is. Decided the best course of action as he had been hurtling at the wall was to become unconscious. And was nownlying unconscious on a comfortable patch of grass.
And. We focus on a different person. Who was now circling back. As a boomerang that seemed to defy the laws of physics.

And as it assumed to land on the same patch of glass it had dropped the mage off on. It's appearance changed. With no noticeable effect. As if one moment it was a boomerang. And next it was a rather small and cute looking young girl. Who at the sound of the recent attacker seemingly annoyed by her hitting him in the back of the head, turned over I to the floor direction of the garish creature. Where this small young girl proceeded to seemingly scoff at its threat. And turn back to the now slightly conscious mage to check for wounds.
Sits in room alone 
Deep in thought 
Tosses student hand book on to bed turns takes one last look at my room and then heads out to the gym 
Hmmm very quiet school not like my last one
Rin walked around and looked for people and putting up posters. She was quite tired of playing her base alone and wanted to get a crowd. She pasted the last poster on the wall for tonight's concert and rushed off to get ready.

(Giving you guys a jumpstart!)
The cat was snoozing on a bed made of marshmallows, "nnn...mmm.. huh....noiiisey owie!" He sighed as he went over to rin. Then with a marshmallow he puts it in her mouth "shhhh im trying to sleep", the cat returned to his bed.
Naveen was new to going to a new place, but a place where live people are at? Boy! She was very excited, but should stay quiet, because that would be rude if she spoke without someone speaking to her first. She walked for a bit and heard commotion, and of course, being a nosy little ghost, she decided to walk to it and find out what's it about.
He leaped up into the air higher then a kite, and landed only...wait what pillows. Instead of a large set of bricks there where pillows "what do you want noisy"
Ow....because your hurting my ears!" His soft cute fuzzy ears wiggle, as his tail turns to a shushing finger, putting it on your lips.
Rin looked at him. "That's what I am supposed to do. I am supposed to be loud, exciting and fun!" She said.
Rin smiled and lowered her voice. "Sorry, but I can't void my program." She said as quiet as possible.
"My name is Rin Kagamine. I am a programed persona that was created to be an idol figure." She said. 
"I guess I didn't explain that very well." She said.

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