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Fandom Academy For The Genres


Madi submitted a new role play:

Academy For The Genres - A mash-up of all genres together.


Have you ever wanted to role-play with one of your newest characters, but no one was online for you to chat with? Or, perhaps, you just get bored on RP Nation and are in search of something to do?

Welcome to the Academy For The Genres! Here, anyone from anywhere is welcome at all times to enroll, including ANY genre! No one is going to keep you from enrolling a werewolf or some alien from a distant planet... as long as you follow the rules and guidelines, there are no limits!

Please view the 'Maps' tab to view our lovely campus!

Enroll under the 'Sign-Ups' tab!

Also, most 'plots' are going to come from conflicts between you and your classmates. But if you wanted, you could be a demon who wants to unleash the hell gates on the entire school (read the maps and you'll get it). Which, let's be honest, would be really cool.

Now, go on! Enjoy your freedom!


This is what the Academy looks like from afar. Beautiful, isn't it?


The Classroom for Humans! (Yay?)


An Underwater Building for all those pesky underwater characters (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, MERMAIDS).


This long hallway is for the Fandoms! Each door or elevator leads to a different series/movie in which you study from.


For the Animals! I don't know if we'll get any, but I'd like to acknowledge them just in case :)


An interactive graveyard for those who enjoy the supernatural. Don't be afraid to make your oc a ghost!


Also located on either end of the graveyard are two gates. Each gate leads to heaven or hell, for all our demons and angels out there :)


The room for fantasy students is almost like a portal, as you are immediately greeted with grassy hills and a little cottage for you to learn from.


This room is for those enrolled in the Sci-fi classes. Here, all students are teleported to a distant spaceship, where they study the different species and planets of the solar system.


This is the ship for sci-fi students :D


This classroom is for superheroes who aren't quite heros yet. If your 'hero' is inspired by a series, such as Young Justice or Batman, then they belong in the Fanfiction classrooms.

  • General RP Nation Rules Apply
  • No Godmodding... I've given you much freedom, so use it wisely!
  • Be Nice!
  • Romance is fine, heck, even encouraged! However, fade to black when necessary.
  • Don't curse every other sentence. If your character is stone-hearted and uses foul language, ok... but please, don't over do it.
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Em landed softly on the grass in front of the school building. This place is magnificent. She puffed smoke as the thought this. Schools for the special sure have changed, well you did go to a very specialized school so just stop... She held back sad emotions and memories, crushed her cigarette and put it in her plastic baggie. There was to be no littering around her, she detested it. Biting her bottom lip she headed into the school building. Her small grey wings tucked into pockets she designed on her black cardigan. She shoved her hands into the cardigan's pockets as she walked.
Michael was reclined on a bench near the entrance of the school, waiting for it to open up. He had gotten here early so as to beat the rush. The innocent and happy bustle of people tended to make him sick. He heard someone open the door and start walking in the room. Was it a teacher? Could he finally get to his classroom and pick the suitable position in the front of the class where he wouldn't have to stare at all of the stupid doings of students?

He opened one of his eyes to get a glimpse. The person had a backpack, which probably meant they were a student. Michael sighed, annoyed, and closed his eye again. Then a soft, but solemnly sour smell wafted into his nose. "You know smoking's bad for you," he said in an almost angry tone. After all he had been through, he hated to see people destroying their own bodies.
"Well, it's not hurting you. So, back off." She said, pulling up her backpack strap. "I put it out before I got near you, so you're fine." After looking around and noticing no one else was there she turned back to the guy. "Mind if I sit with you for a bit?" She was already sitting next to the guy.
Michael felt some anger rise up in him, but he just let out a controlled sigh. "You shouldn't fiddle around with death like that." he mumbled sadly.
Em just kept her mouth shut. I don't need you to tell me about that. She thought to herself as she pulled out a sketch book. "I wont smoke around you, I promise. I will just sit here with this." She gestured to her sketch book.
Michael opened up an eye to see what she was referring to, then he opened up his other eye. "What are you drawing?" Before all of the bad stuff happened, he had been interested in art himself.
Em scooted away from the guy. "That is none of your business. Stay on your side of the bench and I will stay on mine." She took out a metal box and set it close to the middle of the bench. "Kay?" She questioned sarcastically. After opening the box it revealed multiple different art utensils.
Michael closed his eyes and went back to his light sleeping. This girl was really getting on his nerves, yet there was nothing he could do about it at the moment. Her lack of care and respect started to make Michael question why he cared about people and why he sacrificed so much for them if they were just going to turn out like that.

A blast of air erupted from a window somewhat high up in the building as a small speck could be seen being propelled from it.

That speck was in fact a person. A person that was now hurtling directly toward one of the towers where he'd undoubtedly go splat on its surface.

Now you might be wondering. Why? What? When? Or perhaps Where? The answer would be summarized with a short back story entirely acceptable coming from a person rocketing through the air. See, this particular person was a rather advanced mage who had mastered quite a few elements, except for a certain wind element. Of which he had been practicing, when a bit of a blast of wind shook him, and undoubtedly sent him flying out of a window.

A rather Un-honorable end to the life he had so dearly held on to, an a sad one that would be have to be cleaned up by some unlucky janitor, and perhaps some of the splat particles would land in some unfortunate persons hair, all in all, it was an unfortunate experience.

Now, luckily, this Advanced mage knew how to slightly lessen this near death experience to a very painful but non-fatal one. He would simply encase himself in a block of earth...

Wait. No, that would simply crush him..Perhaps..ice? No..He would get impaled by the spikes when they shatter..

And as he thought of all the ways he would inevitably die. A boomerang like object whisked form the same broken window, grabbed him by the shirt collar, and was simply whisked back to the window and room he had been in.


He should have remembered. But adrenaline gets in the way of clear thought. he couldn't die if he wanted to, not in a place where his destiny would be left unfulfilled.

And as he lay on the ground of the class room he had just been propelled from. Absolutely winded, ironic really. He wondered if he'd still have to keep trying.
Vau trudged along the empty path leading up to the school, rather despondent about his whole situation. Really, if he could have been the slightest bit more careful, the police wouldn't have even gotten wind of his last deal, let alone get enough information to warrant... well, a warrant. Vau's lips twitched upward at the thought. Puns.

The sudden sound of shattering glass broke him from his musings. "Qu'est-ce que la...?" he muttered as he turned his gaze skyward. To his surprise, a speck of a figure-student maybe?-flew through the air, his destination seeming to be one of the towers. But, as quick as he flew out of the building, he was whisked back in by a ...boomerang? Vau shook his head, smiling to himself. He had to admit, he certainly wouldn't be bored here.

He continued to walk towards the entrance of the school. As he approached, he saw two students sitting on a bench, obviously not familiar or at ease with each other. He decided to keep his distance and observe, opting to simply sit where he stood and wait for the opening of the school.
suddenly two footsteps echo, as the tearing of bread could be heard from a mile away. "mmm..hmm..ho his his hah hool hi he..gulp...woops hahah so this is the school that i heard about" he skipped on to a wall, dancing on tippy toes, his tail swaying as ears wiggle.
Vau soon became bored with simply waiting and observing, however, and decided that a small distraction was needed. He reached around him into his back pack and pulled out both a large knife and a tiny voodoo doll. Vau pricked his finger with the tip of the knife, wincing slightly as he did so. He set down the knife and squeezed the smallest drop of blood onto the ground in front of him, then set the small voodoo doll on top of the spot. He then cupped his hands around the doll, completely enclosing the small figure.

"Yeux de la mort briller à travers lumineux je vais vous faire survivre la nuit." He spoke softly, then removed his hands from around the doll and smirked as it began to wander about in front of him. As he watched it play, Vau noticed a new student walking up the path and then onto a wall. That seemed certainly odd, but not any odder than boomerang boy.
hmm....im bored" he grabbed a brick then brought it up to my mouth, in seconds it turned to a jam doghnut "mmm....full of strawberry gooooodness" munches more, before gulping. "oh...wait gah!" the wall collapses under him. "ow...."
Now the brick-to-jelly doughnut power? That was a power he could definitely get behind. He picked up the little voodoo doll and placed it on his shoulder for safekeeping where it anchored itself by grabbing onto a bit of his hair. Vau then walked over to the cat-eared guy and offered his hand to help him up.

"Need a hand?" He put on a friendly facade. If one wanted doughnuts, one had to act nice.
huh....nah im okay" rolls up standing "as the master shashi-bo says" he turns dressing up as a commander, creating black skies "fighting ones self....equals a victory agains your own odds" cherry blossoms blew behind me and the fronrtof me.
Vau stared deadpan at the cat-boy. Yup, this guy's weird blew the boomerang-guy's weird straight out of the water, he thought as a cherry blossom hit him in the face. He brushed it off and gave it to the doll on his shoulder.

"Glad for that, but what was that power that you used before?"
po...wer??" he realised "oh...its my reality abbility ..im the first god of reality - zara" he smiled being proud of his title. "i can change physical parts of reality into what ever i please...watch" he picks up a stone, then throws it as it morphs into a ball of yarn.
Jengao. despite being unable to hear the thoughts of others. When the energy of his weirdness being upstaged. Despite him not caring.

It was almost a human natural instinct to avoid being upstaged. And as his body somehow received the energy that we spur out there with that thought. It almost acted on its own. Once again propelling him out of the now broken window.

Or he was just terrible at air magic. But this time. Instead of the near death fear of hitting a wall. He attempted to propel himself around in much the same way he was sent hurtling from the window. And the result was him blasting about the air with rather large blasts of air. Mos likely breaking a few Windows and ruffling a few dresses.
Vau inspected the stone-turned-yarn, plucking out strands and turning it about in his hands. Another large sudden crash from above him drew his attention though, and he turned his head to look. Boomerang-boy had vaulted out the window again and looked to be trying to control his sudden flight, with terrible results. Vau shook his head. These two had to at least be on par with each other in terms of strangeness.
he smiled then made the string come to life playing inbetween my fingers slithering abit like a snake. "hehe i love this dimensiom its..kehehe so much fuuun"
The doll on Vau's shoulder noticed the sudden movement from the string and quickly climbed down and vaulted into Zara's hands. It then proceeded to try and catch the string only to trip and fall several times. Vau stood by, arms crossed and looking down with disappointment at the doll.
hehehe its fuun hahah...hmm" he grabbed a news paper, ruffling it as it forms into a hammock, as he jumped into it.
Another large blast of air... And another.

And he was so what flying.. Albeit I quite a dangerous way. A wrong blast of air and he could be sent hurtling into a wall...

Regardless of the imminent danger. He threw his a hands into the air as celebration. Hard to do when flying through the air...

'Oops'. The phrase echoed in his mind, as a blast of air erupted from the glyph he had scribbled in his hands. And he was sent hurting straight to the earth below.
rrrrrr" the cat jumped up as his tail turned to a hand. "you are annoying" he grabbed the falling human, as he lowered gently. "there now....SHUT UPP!!!" he threw the man through a wall.

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