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One x One ABYSS (w/ Edric Yuma) - Neutral Characters

LILIA - 6449



You told me that you would protect me.

You told me to hold your hand.

You told me to believe in you.

And look where we are now.

6449 had no history, no name, no identity when she awoke in the cramped, musty, dark cargo box that was shipping approximately thirty-four terrified girls to the unknown. None of them had a name or a memory to make them feel any sense of self-worth, and the idea of being sold like an animal was still an unbelievable idea to them.

The first time it hit her was when they branded her neck with the four digits that would remain her identity for the rest of her life. Branded just like a cow about to be sold to the butcher. One by the one, the girls crumbled down and were swept aside and buried with the trash.

Right when she was about to lose the last fragment that was keeping her together,
he came along and saved her. She was a lucky one...she thought. The chance to feel genuine love in a cold place such as that was nearly impossible...and left her with an unquenchable thirst for the love and care she was deprived of for all those years.

He was the thin fragile string that was keeping her afloat in the murky waters, but everything broke down when he revealed his true self. A terrified boy who only knew how to save his own skin at the expense of others.

At the end of her short life, as she lay bleeding to death staring at the smoking gun and the weeping shooter, she realized that the man she chastised and hated all those years was not a monster...but a human that was terrified of the cruelties that life held just like her.

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