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Fantasy Abnormal High

Name: Wylo

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good,Neutral or Bad: Good/ Bad

Grade: 11th

What Being or speciality: Wylo is a human hosting a demon. They coexist but sometimes personalities might switch, either to be friendlier or deadlier. He is insanely accurate with bow and arrow and the arrow are poisonous only for anyone Wylo sees as an enemy.

Appearance: Pure Human Wylo and the second is Pure Demon Wylo<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/21c5fd272f6b9d7369ad16a79862bfac.jpg.f1c6211dee8a09ea9f9621773cf9f172.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83673" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/21c5fd272f6b9d7369ad16a79862bfac.jpg.f1c6211dee8a09ea9f9621773cf9f172.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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For most of the time, neither one is in complete control but he would look much more like human Wylo than demon. You'll know the demon is taking more control if his appearance starts changing. If the mask completely covers Wylo's face, that means he's gone full demon.

What are your likes:

-Being friendly

-friendly people


-a good challenge

-a worthy opponent

-defeating an opponent

-seeing blood

-killing an opponent

-harvesting an enemy's head as a trophy

What are your dislikes:






-wasting his time with an opponent

-losing to an opponent

-not getting revenge for a loss

-losing a hunt

-not seeing blood

-not killing

-walking away without a trophy


-getting to meet people

-settling fights




Character background: Wylo lived a normal life until he got to his first year of highschool. He was constantly bullied and as a result bottled up hatred. This hatred let the demon enter him. The demon consumed the hatred and in turn, protected Wylo from the bullies. The next year, Wylo was expelled for severely wounding a classmate. That was when he transfered over to Abnormal high. Wylo only hoped to fit in, and to do that, he felt pressured to control his demon, afraid that people might be afraid of him, if they ever saw what was inside of him.

Anything you wanna add: How not to get Demon Wylo:

-Don't fight him, it'll increase the risk

-Don't injure him, it'll severely increase the risk

-If he feels a need protect someone, he'll call on Demon Wylo for power.

-His weakness, tear off the mask without getting killed

-Only very close friends can stop a full demon Wylo without having to tear off his mask




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she refers to herself as Kaiya if she barely trusts you, Midori if she has slight trust in you or if you have her full trust Maxine


Luna assumes she is 16 but there is no real proof



Sexual Orientation:


Good,Neutral or Bad:




What Being or speciality:

??? Luna is quite sure that she is abnormal due to the fact that she isolated a building once but she could also be human






What are your likes:





What are your dislikes:

her weelchair

no sleep

people making fun of her weelchair (this happens quite offen)


nothing much seeing as she can't really do anything

Character background:

When Luna was 5 years old she her brother and her parents were in a severe car crash killing her parents and her brother but leaving her with no movement of her legs.She also lost part of her memory in this accident. She now asks every supernatural she knows if they can help her. The reason she has no memory of anything is partly because of the crash she also she asked a stranger at a supernatural high school if they had healing powers, they said yes but instead they took her momories leaving her with a blank mind.

(i think this it tell me anything was missed)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-5_16-34-49.jpeg.79d20f79cbdb55ab221ef3b937bf66f9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83690" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-5_16-34-49.jpeg.79d20f79cbdb55ab221ef3b937bf66f9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Doz Sean

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Doesn't matter

Good,Neutral or Bad: not so bad Villian

Grade: 12

What Being or speciality: Witch/Wizard/Mudblood and he has a pet black kitten soul that likes to seat on his head

Appearance: same as profile picture

What are your likes: food, chilling, revenge on pure bloods

What are your dislikes: annoying people, people that seem too happy just creeps him out

Hobbies: listening to music ,practicing magic

Character background: Doz was born with a witch of a mother and a human father for this he often got treated horrid as a child by the pure bloods. Because he was a mudblood his magic wasn't as strong as the pure bloods but because of that he adapted and studied more spells and taught himself to fight back. He ended up being the most feared Wizard in his school district and they expelled him from hexing half the reform school he went to. He ended up being sent to a new school as a result, this school. Doz is a mostly quiet person and doesn't bother anyone. He stays to himself and doesn't really notice anyone around him. If he sees someone being picked on in away he'll slightly act upon but nothing too noticeable and can lead back to him, after all magic has no proper trail.

Anything you wanna add: He's interested in learning about new types of magic and has invented some spells of his own

Mia Marie Lovittz

Age || 17

Gender || Female

Affiliation || Neutral

Sexual Orientation || Pansexual

Creature || Succubus

Grade || Junior

|| Human form ||


|| Magical form ||



Personality || Mia is somewhat like a child in many ways. She's very curious, very stubborn, and pouts when she doesn't get her way. When she is really upset, she may stomp her foot and flail her arms. Her moods are very flippant too. One moment she can be really happy and excited and then next angry or sad. Inside, she's fragile and sensitive but prefers to cover that side of her up with either anger or laughter. She can come off as egotistical and arrogant but her self esteem is actually very low. She has a hard time talking about her feelings and other feelings. So if her friend is upset, she'll try and help them but it may be very awkward despite her meaning well. She can be kind to others and, when the time calls for it, mature. Mia does like making friends and does enjoy others company even if she won't admit it.

|| Likes ||

- Caffeinated Drinks

- Games

- Candy

- Music

- Winning

- Dancing

|| Dislikes ||

- Vegetables

- Mosquitoes

- Cooking

- Drawing

- Reading

- Being Wrong

|| Fears ||

- Being Hated/Ridiculed

- Swimming

no slide

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Kyo Takano

Nickname: Indigo

Age: 17





Third Year



Sound Manipulation (No hypnotic and or Major suggestion)

Sonic Healing- The user can heal themselves or others by using sound by utilizing high frequency sound waves to shelter the body, revitalizing it to its max by manipulating the molecules and nerves via vibration to induce regeneration.

Accelerated flight through the use of sound waves.

Sosokentic construction- the ability to construct weapons amongst many other useful things though the manipulation of sound.

Likes: Music, Simplistic things, Animals, Art.

Dislikes: Not being able to express himself. Long drawn out conversations only to reach a point that could have been agreed upon in one sentence. Lack of color and expression.

Personality: Very cheerful to a point where its almost scary. Yet there a days he wont even look up and it almost seems as he has a purple yew of despair and pain. Outgoing and very witty somewhat sarcastic at points but driven because of his dark past.


At a young age he was forced to pick up a hobby because his parents where never around so he took up singing and playing guitar. He never got the finest things in life and is often found is some what cheap street clothes. His past gets even darker in his teens when he found out his parents where both drug dealers. After a major arrest he was left to live in the house they lived in Semi happily alone while they sat in jail. So now hes just trying to educate himself to move on from his past. He seems to never speak of his parents or his past or even his real name he always calls himself "Indigo" alot of people believe that is because of his blue hair.

No love life right now
Name: Alison Bates

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Good,Neutral or Bad: Good

Grade: third year

What Being or specialty: Incredibly Intelligent as well as having a third eye.

Commonly wears a hat, sunglasses, or head band to hide her third eye. She's not the tallest so she uses her sarcastic whit to defend herself.

What are your likes: intellectually stimulating conversations, reading, writing, listening to music, being outside, rain, being alone

What are your dislikes: Being ignored or alone for too long, ignorant people, feeling out of place or strange

Hobbies: Writing, reading, daydreaming.... wait that isn't considered a hobby?!

Character background: Born into an all human family, she was seen as an abnormality. She excelled in academics to battle her idiotic classmates comments. Sometimes she thought it would've been better to have been born normal and ignorant like the rest of the humans. She eventually ran away, though no one ever went looking for her. She hoped going to this school would be good for her, maybe even find some people who understood her. But it was a naive thought... wasn't it?
((Unsure if you are still accepting but I decided to throw one in anyway, tag me if I'm accepted))


Appearance: When embracing her demon half.


Appearance: How she looks when she isn't using her powers, however refer to the picture in the powers as to her looks when using her darkness manipulation talents.

Name: Lilian Alucard

Age: 16 (Just turned)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Good Neutral or Bad: Neutral

Grade: Sophomore

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 99 or so

Species: Darkness Manipulator ((Ie: Half demon and half human))

Powers : The ability to manipulate darkness, as in shadows and so on. She is able to form things out of the shadows, them rather malleable. Such as a makeshift weapon, a crude wall to hold off attackers, and even deadly projectiles if needed. Although it is rather useless if there is no darkness nearby.

She is also gifted in the musical arts, despite first appearances.

Likes: White chocolate treats, cats, night time, and mochachinos.

Dislikes: Dark chocolate, aresol spray, reality tv, and jerks.

Hobbies: The piano, singing, reading, and writing.

Short Background:Her mother was a demon and her father was a human, and when that happens you can expect a heck of a family life. She took after her mother more than her father in every aspect. She has her mother's hair, she has her mothers lack of emotional presence, she has her mothers honesty, and she has her mothers powers. Suffice it to say this school year will be an interesting one for anyone that makes her acquaintance, her not being your typical high school girl in more than one regard.

****Personality: Stoic, short spoken, virtually emotionless, blunt, can be rude at times, but underneath all that gristle she is really nice...Perhaps..?
Nano said:
We don't really know what's going to happen rn because Sedinger (the GM) hasn't been on since Wednesday
I figure that I'll just use the character elsewhere if I don't here something soon-ish, it's no big deal.
Name: Gray

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good,Neutral or Bad: Neutral

Grade: Junior

What Being or speciality: Half Human/Wolf


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What are your likes: Music, Friends, Challenges, Sleep, and Dogs

What are your dislikes: Annoying People, Lack of Sleep, Traitors

Hobbies: Traveling, Listening, and Reading

Character background: Gray is a Half Human/Wolf Teenager who had lost his Mother and Farther against Werewolves since his Farther tribe didn't accepted humans into their pack. Gray's Mother had gave Gray to a friend of hers called "George" that had raised him up. George had told Gray about his Mother and Farther being killed by Werewolves ever since Gray was baby since then. And since then Gray had wanted Vengeance against his parents death.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/th.jpg.c9246fe2b251260086550f73dfe8fbfa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/th.jpg.c9246fe2b251260086550f73dfe8fbfa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Tamashi Satsugai

Age: 16

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Good,Neutral or Bad: neutral

Grade: 2nd year

What Being or speciality: human (with shadow manipulation)

What are your likes: Reading, cooking, spars,fighting,fishing, and nature

What are your dislikes: crowds,loud people, spending money, cages, and chains

Hobbies: reading,fishing,and spars

Character background:Tomashi Satsugai is a young man born in an unknown place and has moved from place to place learning new skills from all over the country.

Fighting in the underground and against gangs when he was but an orphan nobody, he was taken away and experimented upon and given the ability to control the shadows of the world and people around him.

Due to his kidnapping he has a hard time trusting others as the experiments caused excruciating pain and had spent nearly three years of his life caged or chained away from the world.

Anything you wanna add:can bind people with shadows

-can teleport to any visible shadows

-has a 5ft long scythe sealed in his arm

- can pierce enemies with shadow spikes

- Shadow form

(theme Song: A Dogs Life by: Miracle of Sound)



-shadow form will be added later-
Sadly, there is no one to accept this.

Unless he came back. A horrible twist on irony but something that would be much appreciated
Stamper said:
Sadly, there is no one to accept this.
Unless he came back. A horrible twist on irony but something that would be much appreciated
Oh dang that sucks i would've enjoyed this
Name: Lock

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species(dragon,human,demon, ect): Reaper in human form. A Reaper is a child who has been born from a Human and a lord of Death. They are sent to earth to retrieve souls for said Death lord. But their numbers have thinned over years because most of the Lords have been killed by Satan otherwise known as "King of Hell" for stealing his rightfully owned souls from humans. So he is one of the few Reapers left.


1. He has the power to convert elements into the Sword that he carries by his side or the weapon for Reaping souls. (Kind of like the grim reaper and his scythe.)

2. He can use elements around any part of his body. For example he could be in a fight with someone and kick them while using the element of fire.

3. He can mix two different elements together or three depending on how much energy he has. Usually the first two powers don't have affect on his energy but mixing two or three elements together can take a great deal out of him.

4. He can transform into his Reaper form at any time which enhances the amount of energy he has and also increases his elemental power significantly higher then normal. This form also allows his speed to rapidly increase.

Human form:


Reaper form:


Replace the Scythe with the Sword in the previous picture.

Likes: People's souls, Humans, Friendly people, Being complimented, Any type of food, Fighting.

Dislikes: Cocky people, Satan, High class demons, Being in a small space, Spiders, People fighting him without him knowing like if someone hits him in the back of the head when he is not ready.

Personality: Even though his main goal in life is to Reap souls he is generally a good person. He is like your typical delinquent really. Thirsty for fighting, often skips classes, runs from teachers when caught. But he does have a side to him that is still a nice one. He tells people that he is a human with elemental powers so that the fact that he is a Reaper is covered up.

Bio: He was born into a family of Lords. His father the Lord of death was a cold hearted person who collected souls for his own personal power source. About five years later after his birth his powers began to develop and he was sent to a training ground so that his father could send him to the human realm as quick as possible. Around the age of ten Satan invaded the castle with his army of demons and killed his father and mother. One of his fathers friends then sent him to this school where he lived for a while and attended the classes. The principle is like a father to him but he still holds a grudge against Satan. He said "I am going to get strong enough.. To defeat Satan and his minions for killing my Father and Mother."

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