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Realistic or Modern Aberrant Asylum


King Dreadpool, the Wrathful
"Oh god, this place reeks..." Joseph grumbled, as he maneuvered through the thick dust that had risen within the North Wing. It had been two hours, and Joseph was already having second thoughts about being here. However, he had to press on, to gather information on the dingy place. As Joseph strode onward, the ceiling above him had begun creaking ominously. He paused, his eyes narrowed. Was the ceiling about to give out?

That question was answered rather quickly, as he heard someone cry, "GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE! I'LL KILL YOU!!!" There were footsteps coming down. Thinking quick, Joseph darted in the other direction...
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Tim strolled across the road, soon seeing the Great big Asylum in the distance. He then went into a sprint and climbed a nearby tree trying to look into the large building. To no avail the large wall surrounding it was still blocking the view he had tried to reach. Reluctantly he started a running jump off of the most strong looking branch and was barely able to make it over the wall, where he then came to a crashing fall.

Standing up Tim mumbled to himself, "Why such a big wall?" He then looked up to see the large Asylum looming over him. He was right next to a half opened window, which he quickly crawled into when he heard the sounds of footsteps closing in on him. He then looked around and saw he was in what looked to be a classroom. Trying to grab his flashlight he quickly remembered that he had left it at his home, "Damn it." And at that he quickly dashed into the hallway and ran into another human making him fall on the ground, "What the..."
"OUCH!" Joseph yelled as he collided with the other person. His camera fell out of his hands, onto the ground. He seemed rather groggy, as he pulled himself up to his feet, as well as a bit irritable. "Darnit watch where you're going, whoever you are..." He murmured, before remembering why he was running in the first place. Glancing down at the other person, he said, "Dunno who you are, but I'll save questions for later. There's a psychopath back there, we need to get moving."
Maxwell, or Max as his friends called him, drove up to the asylum. Looking at it, he grinned. This place is so freaky! I love it! He get up and climbs over the initial gate. He always was very agile.

Approaching the asylum, nothing looked out of the ordinary. After trying to open a door, and finding it locked, Max climbs up a tree and jumps onto a fire escape, before climbing in a window. The lights were on but the place smelled pretty bad. Gees, why does it smell so bad... oh right, the dead people. He suddenly felt fear well up inside. Get in, get out, get famous. Max walks down the hallway before he hears voices. He quickly jumps out and snaps a picture of two people talking. "Got you psycho- oh. You guys don't look insane..."
Pulling the mask of off his mouth Tim looked at the man he had recently ran into (Literally) and the other one who had just snapped a picture of the two. "What the hell is going on?" He then turned his head to the groggy looking man, " Psychopath?". The thought made his spine cringe within his own skin, he had thought that this might have been just an easy scavenging stake out, turns out he was wrong.

Soon standing up and dusting himself off. He looked and the two others and then to the hallway the man said a psychopath was in. "I'm just going to skip my introduction and suggested that we leave, right now." He had never wanted to do a dangerous job, and this frightened him. Tim takes a step forward to go in between the 2 of the others and hears the snapping of wood beneath his foot. "I don't think it's safe here." He says as the wood beneath him soon starts to collapse. Quickly thinking he reaches out to the others trying to grab onto one of them.
As the wood collapses, Max jumps back onto solid ground and then reaches forward into the hole, grabbing both Tim and Joseph as they fall. He tries to pull them up but finds he can't. "One of you is gonna have to volounteer to jump down! We can randezvous later!"
"Yes, a psychopath. I heard the rumors... but I didn't think there were still people inside of this dump." Joseph jumped as he heard the click of a camera. For a moment, he thought that maybe the inmate had come back."Who the living heck are you?" Joseph began. However, as the floor beneath them began to collapse, he grabbed onto Max's sleeve. However, he groans as Max is unable to lift them up.

"How about the three of us go down? Splitting up wouldn't be the best idea..."
Max sighs. "Yeah, you're right. Okay, I'm going to drop you now. Three... two... one... now!" Max yells, giving them time to brace themselves before letting go, and dropping down himself.

He hits the floor below and rolls, before getting back up. "You guys ok?"
Tim looked beneath him as he dangled mid air, it was far to dark to see what lay beneath him and the others. The other 2 were talking but he ignored it as he tried to make out the shifting silhouettes in the darkness below. All of a sudden he was dropped, surprised he didn't go into the position that would have made him land safely. Instead he landed back to the ground on top of a hard metal desk, which made a loud clang. Staggering to get up he looked for the others but it was far to dark to even see his own hands.
Max notices the darkness and stumbles around in his pockets for a bit before pulling out his flashlight and flicking it on. He finds Joseph, and accidentally catches Tim in the face with the beam. "Do you two have a light source?"
Joseph landed on his feet, staggering slightly, but otherwise fine. At Max's question, he took out his flashlight. "Yeah, brought this along just in case..." Clicking it on, he aimed the beam down the far hall. "Let's get going," He whispered, beginning to move forward. However, a loud CLANG from the entrance a couple floors above sounded. He rolled behind one of the walls, his face paling by the moment. Someone else knew that they were there, and had barricaded the entrance...

(Note: If more people join after this, just say that your character entered the asylum prior to the entrance being barricaded)
Max looks up and groans. "If that was what I think it was... s***, I was planning on going in and out. We'll have to find a way to escape, but not before I get evidence."
Blinking rapidly from the sudden light, Tim searched his pockets for his flashlight and then remembered again he forgot it. "I uh, don't have any light." He said somewhat awkwardly. Hearing the large crash had made him jump but soon realized it was from above them. Listening to the others conversation he hears the part about 'getting the evidence', "What's this about evidence?" After quickly thinking he realized he didn't necessarily care, "Ah never mind, but it seems as if we all came here for different reasons. So I guess best thing to do would be to get our bearings." With Tim not having a light he just kind of stood there pondering, and then he felt the sogginess of breath on his neck and froze in place.
Max sighs. "Good point. Do you know where we are?" Max turns to point the flashlight at Tim and sees a man behind him. Max runs and dive tackles Tim before picking him up. "RUN!!!"
"Alright, so before we get moving, maybe we can, uh, start with names? I'm Joseph, came here to take some pictures and recordings of this place..." However, his mouth dropped in horror as Max shined the light on the man coming up behind them. He immediately darted down the corridor in frenzy. "COME ON, THIS WAY!" He bellowed.
Before Tim could think he was tackled to the ground and then quickly brought back up. He could barely here this Joseph fellow yell out "This way" And then Tim blindly followed behind barely being able to see without any light. 'Where are we going?!" He quickly blurted out, before turning to see what they were running from. All he saw was a silhouette of a large muscular looking man, the only thing of was the shine of his razor sharp looking teeth and the yellow in his eyes. "What the F*** is that?!"
"The heck if I know, just keep running!" Joseph hissed, flashing the beam of his light ahead. He vaulted over a dresser that had been pushed into the middle of the hallway. Though he could have kept running, it seemed there was an opening in the ground. They would have to leap over it... and by doing so, they would probably lose their pursuer, as he most likely wouldn't jump with them do to his bulk. "I've got an idea, hope you guys can jump far!" At that, he took a mad dive over the hole, landing painfully on the other side

Max runs and leaps over the hole, easily landing on the other side. "Come on Tim, jump!"
Still running behind the duo he quickly darts his head behind him. The large man seemed to actually be gaining in speed, steam coming in and out of his nostrils like a bulls. Turning back in front of him he sees the two had jumped over what seems to have been a hole, and they were now urging him to join them on the other side. "Are you guys crazy!?" He knew the answer these guys definitely were, and so was he, so he tried jumping, and just barely made it, with his legs dangling off the side. He quickly pulled himself up, turning around just in time to see the large man slip off of the side and fall down the hole. Tim listened to the man's screams as he fell, which were soon silenced by the clang of metal and the gurgle of blood.
"Oh good lord... looks like the rumors are true, this place really does how mutated freaks," Joseph murmured, pushing himself up off the ground, his head throbbing, and his heart beating fast. "Okay, hopefully we're not interrupted this time. I'm Joseph. Who the heck are you guys?"
Max salutes. "Maxwell Teller, but you can just call me Max. I listen to police scanners, and I heard a report about this place. I am here to expose the truth!" Max shakes hands with Joseph.
Tim does a slight wave towards the other 2, "You guys can call me Tim, I came here looking for riches... So to speak." Half way through that sentence he decided to take a sit on the ground, after how much that run exhausted him. Sitting down he looked up to the Joseph fellow and asked, "Mutants, aren't those just things on shows on the SyFy channel?"
Joseph shook Max's hand firmly, before taking a seat, as Tim had done. "Trust me, those things are straight out of a freaking horror movie. Never thought mutant things like that ever existed... but here we are." He sighed, clicking his flashlight off and putting it away, as there was a source of light nearby. "Apparently, we're trapped in here, so we need to find some way to get out without getting torn apart by those psychopaths. After that, we get this dump shut down, agreed?"
Max nods "Agreed. Well, I plan to get this place shut down BY escaping and exposing-" His eyes widen and he facepalms. "I should've taken a picture of that guy!"
"I think he was like half bull or cow or something." Standing up again Tim stretched, and looked to where the light source was coming from. It seemed to be coming from a room with the door half open, allowing light out into the hall. "What do you guys think is in there?" Tim assks as he walks closer to the door.

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