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Abducted for Safety

Here we go.

William quietly stalked through the darkened halls of the palace, his pistol out and ready. He knew his target was here, and he only had a short amount of time before everything hit the fan.

Working as a hired gun and an intelligence broker on the black market, he learned a lot. Including that something big was going down, tonight. With what he knew about the rebellion, he knew it wouldn't bode well.

He didn't know the exact plan, but it was something the palace defenses couldn't deal with. So he had slipped inside, to save one. Sneaking towards the princess's chambers, he saw two guards posted outside. Stealthily approaching, he ambushed and disarmed both before pistol whipping both into unconsciousness. Then he quietly entered the room.
Sitting on the bed was a young lady so engrossed in her book that she didn't notice him enter. She wore a long, white, flowy hippy skirt and a tight navy blue tank top. Her hair was wild and wavy, tossed to the side, and adorned with a big red bow. Her bare feet were propped up on a footrest and her chocolate eyes were glued to the pages. The room was impeccably organized except for the black business suit and closed toed pumps scattered on the ground below where she sat.
William silently approached her, then launched, wrapping a forearm around her throat and covering her mouth. He cut off circulation of blood and whispered, "I'm sorry about this, but it's the only way," before she would fall unconscious.
"MMMMMMMM..." Tami tries to scream, not in panic, but as a conscience defense tactic. It doesn't work, so she tries to maneuver herself out of his arms the way her late father taught her. But that, too, fails when she realizes the man behind her is unusually strong.

She starts to see the room going black. Her last thought is fleeting and nonsensical. It's all my fault! She thinks, I should have been on high alert. I shouldn't have let that damn book distract me!

Seconds later, she's passed out and at the hands of her intruder.
He gingerly laid her down, before hunting around the room. He found a duffle bag and began throwing clothes for her in it. Finally, he put her book in there, and closed it. Slinging to bag over his shoulder, he moved back and picked up her limp form. As quickly and silently as possible, he carried her out. They were almost to his vehicle when the explosions and gunfire started.

Loading the girl into the backseat, William climbed in front and hit the gas, speeding away from a city, now under seige.
Just as they approach the end of the city, she slowly come to.

Oh god... she thinks, as she cracks her eyes open and observes him through her eyelashes. What the hell have I gotten myself into...

The blood drains from her cheeks and hands when she see a gun is strapped to his hip. Tami re-closes her eyes and pretends she's still unconscious as she very carefully calculates her next move.

The princess cracks her eyes open again, this time glancing up. She sees that the doors of the car are locked and curses profusely in her head. After a good 5 minutes of more contemplation, Tami decides the best way to react is an attack. For a last time, she opens my eyes and looks down. Relief washes over her. The floor of his car has two guns strewn on it.

She count to ten and, as swiftly as a cat, grabs one of the guns and point it at his head. "PULL OVER" she yells loudly in a voice that resembles a female police officer's. "NOW."
Instantly, he reacted. "Miss, if I pull over. The rebels behind us will kill us. If you shoot me. They'll kill you. If you put my gun down and let me drive, I'll get you to a place of safety." he said calmly, keeping his eyes on the road and not decelerating a fraction.
"Look back." he told her. She would see three vehicles behind them, and a smoking city behind them.
She stares blankly at everything that's going on, takes a split second to process it, and quickly regains her composure. "That could have been your doing!" She steadies her aim on his head. "Those cars are my guards, and you're a kidnapper goddammit!" Her wavy brown hair is tousled around her head, shoulders and chest like a sporadic chocolate waterfall, and the red bow once perfectly placed on the side is now dangling on a single, unruly strand. But her eyes are sharp and unmoving on his face. "I won't be tricked!"
"If I was going to kidnap you, why did I pack a bag for you?" he asked. "Why did I throw your book in there?"
"You're a smart kidnapper, and an even better liar!" she says, without missing a beat. " And I'm done talking nonsense! Pull over! NOW!"
In the middle of her sentence, his right arm shot up and hit her wrist. He grabbed the slide of the pistol and yanked it out of her grip. He tossed it into the passengers seat and in another motion, turned on the radio, an emergency broadcast warning people to stay in their homes, how they were under attack, how it was possible that the king and queen were dead.
He had his gun on her in a split second. "I will shoot you in the leg. I don't want to do that, but I will."
"Jesus fucking christ!" She puts her hands up in defeat, but maintains an angry glare. "Alright, alright!" On one level, she's not phased, but on another, her face is as pale as a ghost. "I'm not doing anything hasty. Let me just change the station..." Tami leans forward and turns the knob on the radio. Every station there is says the same thing, that the city is under attack. She smashes her fist on the knob, turning it off, then on, then off again. Then she reach for her phone and turns on the radio there. It says the same thing. It registers on her face that she's finally understood. Three tears well in her eyes and roll down her cheeks. She silently sits back in her seat and does nothing.
William slowly turned his pistol back. He concentrated on driving. They reached the wilderness, and he said, "reach into the glove box and hand me one of the grenades," he told her.
He took it and pulled the pin. "One... Two... Three..." he whispered, before rolling down the window and dropping it. Four and a half seconds later, it detonated underneath a car that was pursuing them.
"William Cadwell. Up until six months ago, I was in deep cover in the rebellion. I worked for the Agency," he explained.
"The Agency," he said. "How many of them put highly trained badasses like me undercover?" he asked rhetorically.

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