Abandoned on Eldritch

"Five! Hm- Okay...." She said with a smirk, taking a long step out the bushes and brushing down her legs. "Why are you here?" Alice Asked.
They started walking towards the ship. He chuckled at her question. "That's what we're trying to figure out." He could help but wonder why no one came for them when they went off course. "We have no idea why we're here."
Al was near the group when one ran off. He stayed hidden and crept closer trying to hear the conversation when they started walking he tried to stay out of sight wondering if they were hostile or have some other motives. When he got close enough he could see what they were one was a native the other was a strange being. Al didn't know what species this creature was or what it was doing on this planet and looked like a scientist from U.R.D. due to his clothing He was about to say something but tripped over a rock and landed on some branches causing a loud snap. After a moment on the ground he looked up and said "Hi. My name is Albert. Are you part of a extraction team or another survivor trying to survive?"

@Jackdaw @xScreaminGhostx
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"Hm- But you could just fix the-" With that Time cut off and looked at the new arriver. "Do you know him?" She asked, slightly hiding behind the new -Human- She had met.
(OOC: Jasper isn't human))

There was a loud snap from behind them and Jasper spun around. He wasn't much of a fighter, but he got into a defensive stance anyways. Standing before them was a man who introduced himself as Albert. He relaxed slightly. "I'm trying to survive, she's a native." he looked the man up and down. "How do I know I can trust you?"
(OOC k edited it)

You mean your not from the U.R.D? Well that's a downer. Also I know she's a native I've encountered them decade ago. As for your question I am no threat I am just a scientist stranded on this planet. The only reason I have to harm you is if you are going to harm any of the inhabitants or make the flora and fauna extinct on this planet." He said as he got up. "Now if I may ask a question. How did you get on this planet?" He asked the strange being.

Jasper sighed. He probably shouldn't trust him, but he said he was a scientist, so that made him relax completely. "Come back to my ship and talk with the captain, he'll tell you what he knows. Which isn't much. Name's Jasper Sycamore, by the way."
Alice came out from behind the man, starting to stand there and wait. She smirked whenever anyone looked at her. "So... He's coming too?" She asked a bit more confidently.
"Nice to meet you Jasper hope we can become good friends with you and the crew." He said to the man as he turned to the girl. "Yes I am coming with the both of you so I can speak to the captain. My name is Albert but you two can call me Al " He said to the alien girl while extending his hand in friendship.
Alice smiled lightly and shook his hand, instantly pulling her hand back and standing close to the blue-eyed humanoid. She looked at him then looked back at the Scientist.
(OOC: I completely skipped over @Themoosemaster 's post. Whoops! Just delete Re-post it after this just to keep the flow going. Sorry.)

Dawson, with a sigh of relief, put the lid back on the final crate. Their food situation could be worse, but it could be much better. About half of the food was either ruined by age or had its sealed package breach. Most of the spare parts were completely fine, as they were sealed away and mostly non-perishable. He thought for a moment about what he left behind- or rather what was taken from him in the 200 years he was in cryo. There was no family to speak of, but he did have a woman in his life whom is probably dead now. She must have died believing that Dawson abandoned her, lost in his fantasies for space.

He couldn't bear it. He had to take his mind off of the past. They were where they were, and he couldn't change that.
Polonsky entered through the airlock he exited in, He went through the airlock he exited from and back to the Cryo room to find Dawson, "Ey! Cap'n!" He continued on, searching through multiple areas of the ship. He reached the Cargo bay, passing a defiled SANBOT on the way, "Oh, Captain! I got a report!" He waved his hand and ran over to the captain.

(Geaot it)
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Dawson was lifted from his dark thoughts about the love of his former life by Polonsky's yelling. Polonsky came running in the cargo bay waving his hands like a madman.

"What's the news, Lonsky?" Dawson had taken to calling him Lonsky for the sake of nicknames prior to being frozen in cryo.
"Captain, I-" He wheezed and leaned on his knees, he had through the entire ship. "Kay, we made... Contact with the... Ugh, inhabitants." He blurted out, "Well, only one actually, a female named Alice, she seems pretty friendly, I don't know about the rest of the Inhabitants though." He pulled his helmet from his belt where it hung and stuck it under his arm, "I think Jasper is going to bring her in."
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"Woah, there's inhabitants? How could our ship have gone unnoticed for 200 years? I mean, we've been sitting in the middle of a forest for 200 years and nobody's reached out to us until now?" His surprise was easy enough to notice, as his eyes were wide and his jaw was slack. He honestly couldn't fathom that a wrecked ship had been sitting for 200 years without being scavenged. Perhaps there was some kind of bad association that the locals had with the ship.
Jasper nodded in approval and headed towards the direction of the ship. When they arrived, Jasper found the Dawson and Polonsky. "Hey, Cap, I found another surviver. Also I hope you don't mind that I brought them both here." He probably should have, but for once in his life, he wasn't really thinking. It must've been from being in the pod for so long. Give it a day or two and he'll be thinking non-stop.
Hearing the morse code bangs Kord spoke again. "Right, captain, if you're listening, I need a few more power cells here at the generator room. Oh yea, and a circuit board as well. I'll be in the archive room trying to activate SANBOT in the meanwhile."

Kord then left the generator room and headed for the archive, toolbox in hand. He arrived at the generator room a few moments later. He approached SANBOT and put the tool box down. Kord cracked his knuckles. "Alright mate, lets take a look at ya." Kord then began inspecting SANBOT.

"Are you sure taking them in the ship was the best idea? It's fine, just keep them in your sight. Where are they?" Just as Dawson spoke, the intercom went off again, Kord telling him what was needed. Luckily, there were plenty of circuit boards and a few extra power cells.
Alice smiled, waving her hand akwardly waving. "Who's this?" She whispered to the blue eyed man. With that the girl flicked her hair back.
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Agent141 said:
Hearing the morse code bangs Kord spoke again. "Right, captain, if you're listening, I need a few more power cells here at the generator room. Oh yea, and a circuit board as well. I'll be in the archive room trying to activate SANBOT in the meanwhile."
Kord then left the generator room and headed for the archive, toolbox in hand. He arrived at the generator room a few moments later. He approached SANBOT and put the tool box down. Kord cracked his knuckles. "Alright mate, lets take a look at ya." Kord then began inspecting SANBOT.

As the Engineer approached the deactivated droid, the figure continued to stand silently in its frozen position, its exposed claw hovering over the worn out panel leading out of the archives. While its synth-skin covers were corroded, the machine itself seemed undamaged on first glance, and on a quick lookover it became obvious that the androids internal power source has ran dry, as the considerable battery hidden away beneath its ribcage gave all the indications of having ran completely dry decades ago.

Witch in itself is an oddity, because droids by their very nature rarely allow their energy to run out. No sane robot will forget its own remaining power, and no functioning AI will allow its energy to run out voluntarily.

All in all, it seemed the ghastly robot has ran out of juice. And standard procedure either dictates an exchange in powercores, or hooking it up for a recharge, in whatever ad-hock way you can, since the deactivated robot, while appearing human, weighs nearly a ton.
"Well, I'm heading back out, now that that's done." He said, grabbing his helmet from under his arm. He put it on and made a synthetic breathing noise, "Luke, I am your father." He said using a deep voice and holding his hand out to Dawson. He then walked back across the ship and out the airlocks to try and find some wild life.
As Kord inspected SANBOT, he found nothing wrong with it, on the surface at least. The bot was most certainly not rendered deactivated from external causes. Internal Power Source must have run dry and it's too heavy to lift it on my own. I wonder if there is a moving dolly type thing around here somewhere. Kord exited the archive room and headed for the cargo bay, the logical place where dollies would be located.

As he entered the cargo bay, he walked past a group consisting of Polonsky, Dawson, Jasper, and a few other figures. He walked to the far end of the room in search for a dolly. In a few minutes, Kord reemerged with a dolly-like thing. He once again walked past the group and exited the room.
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Alice looked around, being left in the room with the Captain. "H- Hello then." She muttered, eyes widened and a Pinkish blush on her face.
The captain looked the new arrival over. If it wasn't for her blue skin tone, she could pass as a human. "Hi there. Intresting that you speak our language. Do your people know of the intergalactic empires? They've standardized the languages..." Dawson trailed off, remembering that it had been 200 years since he'd been updated as to the politics of the galaxy.
"Uhm. Not Quite. I found this device thingy- Eh..." Alice looked to her side, taking out a small metal intergalactic translator, the technology very old, even maybe to the ship. "Yeah-" She muttered, passing to the man.

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