Abandoned on Eldritch

"You guys can leave, but don't stay out longer than two hours and come back at first sign of danger. We don't know how hostile the planet it, nor do we know if the atmosphere is more dangerous on the outside. Try to find something to use as a weapon until we open the armory. Everyone else, let's look around the ship and make sure there aren't any critters in here who would do us harm. I'm going to check our cargo bay and make sure there's still food, water, necessities, and stuff we can use to repair this rusting hunk of junk. Maybe replace some of these lights, as well..." With that, Dawson began to exit the room, walking toward the cargo bay, past the archive.

He stopped next to the door, noticing how used it looked. Compared to every other door on the ship, the archive's door was shiny. It looked like it had been opened and closed over and over again for years. Dawson approached with caution. He opened the door, and, to his surprise, SANBOT was staring straight back at him. He jumped back and shouted. "Christ! SANBOT, you look like a damned zombie!"

Dawson waited for a reply, but it appeared that SANBOT was deactivated. He shivered at the sight of the decayed andriod in front of him, and walked on.
Kord listened to the others. "If you guys are going out there, you might want to take this." Kord then dropped the metal pipe he was holding. "I've heard stories of this planet and its wildlife. You'll never know what you'll find out there. Now, I'll try to fix the power to the ship." Kord walked back into the corridor where the generator room was located.

Once Kord got to the generator room he searched for a tool box or something. Ah, here we go. Kord thought to himself as he stumbled upon a tool box. He opened it to see if there were any tolls in there. Luckily there were and Kord got to work fixing the generators.
Alice walked through the dark woods, many croaks and other animal sounds around her. "It is just a few Animals... Nothing bad.." She said with a smirk, until her face fell steel-cold as the sound of a metal clank rushed through the leaves. The alien then got up and crouched down, crawling behind a tree and peering round the side. "Wh- What is that?" She asked herself in curiosity. 'Maybe it is just some others... Or maybe it is-' She thought to herself, thinking back to the rumors. She quickly stopped her heavy panting and changed it to a light, small air gasping out of her mouth. She was scared.
"It can't be that ba- OW, LIGHT!" He exclaimed as light shone onto his unadjusted eyes.

He clambered out and stumbled a bit on the curved hull. It was a forest, or jungle, would be a better description. He slid down the hull, as he landed his feet let go as he was still not used to walking again. He rolled onto his back and faced up to the ship, "Ey! Doctor Pepper, you coming? Its nice out here." He stood back up on some oddly shaped leaves. He kicked around some leaves, making some rustling sounds before he walked forward into a little clearing with a patch of flowers.
Jasper picked up the pipe. He would give it to Polonsky, since he himself was not a fighter. He was a creator nor a destroyer. He caught up with his crew memeber and cringed at the name "Dr. Pepper". "It's Sycamore, you moron!" He wasn't a fan of nicknames. however despite the annoyed look on his face, Jasper stepped outside, shielding his eyes from the light.

"Wow." The planet was pretty beautiful. He took a deep breath, though that probably wasn't the smartest thing to do since he didn't know what elements made up the atmosphere. But hey, fresh air was fresh air when you've been asleep for 200 years. "Ain't that a sight for sore eye, right Polo?" He smirked at the crew member, giving him his own nickname. "Oh yeah, this is for you. Merry Christmas." he offered him the metal pipe, since it'd probably be more useful if he had it instead of Jasper.
Following Lord dazedly and mindlessly Nathan stated, "So what about my family? They're all dead? I never get to see them?" Nathan had always put family above all else. Now that they were most likely gone, the thought came to him that he had nothing left.

"You know what, I should stop complaining and help the situation. If you can't fix the power supply, reroute it from life support. The cryo pods aren't active, so they don't need it. What's your name, anyway?"

Polonsky took the pipe from Jasper and waved it around like a sword, "By the far the finest weapon I'VE ever seen!" He stuck it inside of his belt. "So... we're stuck here." He put his hands on his hip and sighed, "Hopefully we won't resort to eating each other, you'd be the first target." He patted his shoulder in a fake sympathetic way and walked back to the decimated ship, "So, we got sensors? Maybe we can scan for civilization, or find that humanity has been enslaved by an alien race!" He waved his hands in the air.
Dawson reached the door of the cargo bay, unopened for 200 years. The cargo bay was in the center of the ship, the only way out was the freight door, which he was pretty sure could last much more than 200 years before breaching. The freight door was a big hunk of metal designed to slam into cargo unloading ports. He stood in front of the door, saying a little prayer to any God that might be out there, that he would walk in to find everything intact and in order. He reached to the keypad to open it, but stopped again, taking a breath. Finally, he entered the code, and the door slid open.

There was a cloud of dust, which he assumed was a good sign because nothing living would let that much dust pile up. When the cloud cleared, he walked in. The lights were off by default, and being that they were off the whole time, all of them came back on, making the cargo bay the brightest room in the ship. The metal crates that housed the cargo were, excluding some rust, untouched.

Dawson couldn't decide whether the contents were safe just by the condition of the crate, so he walked to the nearest one and pulled the lid off. It had rations. The rations were still in good shape. This was very good, hopefully the rest of the crates would provide the same motivating results. Searching the entire bay would take some time, but Dawson was confident that they would be left with plenty of supplies, enough to stay alive before they started farming and becoming self sustainable.
"I'll keep that in mind. Name's Kord Segard by the way." Kord said to Nathan while screwing some things into place. "I'm a bit pre-occupied at the moment, and I believe SANBOT is still waiting to be activated. It's in the archive room if you want to help."


Kord was doing some well needed maintenance on the generator he was working on. He opened one of the panels. One of the wires seemed cut. Nothing like some well placed duct tape to fix it. Kord thought to himself as he carefully maneuvered the wires into position and applied duct tape over them. He welded the panel back into place and flipped the power switch on the generator. It roared to life and Kord checked the master terminal. "A fourth of power restored. I'll have this done in no time!" Kord said to himself as he got to work on another generator.
Alice watched the men talking and rushed through the bush with the crinkling sound of leaves following, she jumped down into what looked like a crater and waited for more action, eyes wide in fear. "Maybe they are..." She whispered to herself out loud.
Polonsky suddenly stopped at the sound of rustling, he slowly turned to the area he heard the rustling at on his heels.

He set his full feet down and looked toward Jasper and back to the foliage, "Hey! Doctor who! I think this bush just rustled, maybe it's a new species of squirrel." He grabbed the pipe from his belt, "I don't see anything though, why don't you use your expertise and come check it out." He backed away from the bush, fearing that something was going to jump out like in those old Sci-fi movies they made in the 1900s.
Alice started to try get deeper and further into the bush to escape, another large muffle of grass and a break of a stick. She closed her eyes tight, her head tilted up. 'They have got us... The enemies!' She thought to herself, waiting for them to look in.
Polonsky looked toward the bush and toward the doc.

He walked slowly closer to the bush, holding out the Pipe like a sword, "Uh, 'ello?" He said to the bush. He reached the bush, it was not that big, maybe it was actually a alien squirrel. He pushed some brush apart and looked inside, "Anything in here?" (Sudden decapitation, FTW.)
Alice clenched up, then slowly releasing and looking up. "H- Hello?" She asked, slightly confused, looking at the figure. "I- Are you here to kill us?" She followed on with in an almost calm tone.
Polonsky jumped back not even expecting a response, "Eh..." He looked around, "No, we're not here to kill anyone, this really isn't even a weapon." He tossed the pipe behind him, "We come in peace." He said, doing the Vulcan Salute, "Mind telling us where we are? Right now we're stuck here and I wasn't expecting the planet to be entirely inhabited." He stood up and waved toward Jasper again.
"Elidritch." Alice responded, blinking her eyes at the strange man. "Why are you so pale?" She asked, Never encountering a Human. She stood up, her blue toned skin glistening off the sun.
"Hey Polonksy, wait up!" Jasper jogged over to the man and stopped when he saw a newcomer. He frowned a little bit. "I see you made a friend, Marco Polo." Jasper put on the kindest smile he could, trying to let her know he wasn't there to hurt her. "Hey, name's Jasper Sycamore. Do you have one?" She seemed pretty harmless. Hopefully he wouldn't scare her off. It'd be nice to have another non-human around.
"A- A Name?" Alice asked back, her face confused at the humanoids. "Y- Yeah... Alice.." She said back, brushing herself off and standing.
Al was on a ridge using his binoculars to scope out the environment when he saw a group of figures in the distance and just assumed they were some of the inhabitants. *Odd. They usually don't come out this far from there settlement. Guess I'll see what they're up too.* Al thought as he descended down the ridge heading towards the group.
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"Well, you two mingle, I'm gonna report to the Cap'n." He walked over to the decimated ship and made several attempts to climb the hull before actually doing it. He went through the airlock he exited from and back to the Cryo room to find Dawson, "Ey! Cap'n!" He continued on, searching through multiple areas of the ship. He reached the Cargo bay, passing a defiled SANBOT on the way, "Oh, Captain! I got a report!"
When Polonsky left, Jasper decided maybe he could find out information from the girl. She said they were on Eldritch, so that was good know. "So Are you the only one here?"
Kord inspected the second generator. He removed the pannel from the generator. This time he found nothing wrong with the wires so he put the pannel back. He flipped the power switch but it did nothing. The message "Check Power Cells" appeared. Kord went to check the power cells of the generator. He took out one of the power cells. It was supposed to be lit but it wasn't. He shook the cell to reinvigorate any live cells left. Sure enough the cell lit up. He put it back and flipped the power switch. The generator sprung to life and Kord once again checked the main terminal. "Running at 35% power, not bad." Kord said aloud to himself.

He quickly checked the other two generators. One's power cell was completely dead and the other was missing it's whole circuit board. "Ah, bollocks." He rushed back to the main terminal to redirect the power from the cryo pods. He went over to a speaker on the wall to test out the com system. He pushed the button to activate the microphone. "Ello, Kord here, just testing out the com system. Respond if you can hear this."
Hearing the comms, but with no way to talk to Kord directly, Dawson banged on the wall with his fist, using Morse code to bang out L-O-U-D-A-N-D-C-L-E-A-R. He continued to search the crates, he was halfway done, and already a third of the crates were breached and their contents aged beyond repair. They did have enough spare parts to fix the generator and replace a few of the power cells, and possibly enough food so far to last a month, so he didn't feel super pressed to become self sustainable just yet. As soon as the crew was back together, he could relay the good news to them. Now, he just had to search the rest of these crates.
Jackdaw said:
When Polonsky left, Jasper decided maybe he could find out information from the girl. She said they were on Eldritch, so that was good know. "So Are you the only one here?"
(( Sorry! My 3G started working!))

Alice looked a little confused at the question first, tilting her head then smiling. "Oh- No. I have a family... Friends..." She then looked at him in an almost concentrating way. "Are there more of... You?" She asked, full of curiosity.
Jasper nodded. "Not many. I think there's five of us including me." Jasper sighed. He really should be helping the crew instead of socializing with an alien. "Alright, I should head back. Would you like to come with me? I'm sure the captain won't mind."

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