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Fantasy A world of dark insanity

Aunt Valerie

The small lady sat behind the desk, fiddling with a pen by moving it around with her telekinetic power. A loud voice made her jump and drop the pen on the floor. It was Soul, and he seemed to be very urgent about something. Valerie bent down to pick up the pen, talking while doing so. "What's the rush, Ki-" When she looked up at her nephew, her eyes widened to see a severely injured girl, seemingly unconscious, and boy who was in the same condition. They were the kids from the cafe earlier, and she recognized their faces extremely well. "Get 'em to the emergency room! Now!" Before anyone could answer, doctors ran out of their break room and to Adam and Ineiya's side. Aunt Valerie ran out of the waiting room and returned with two stretchers, placing one near Soul and the other next to Adam. A male doctor beside the nephew carefully grabbed Ineiya, and placed her down on the stretcher. Two other doctors picked up Adam and placed him on the other stretcher before he could possibly react. They were immediately taken to the emergency room.

Ronero listened to the doctors as he laid underneath Ineiya, hidden away from the doctors and nurses. They brought her to an examining room and quickly checked all the injuries she had, then brought her to the surgery table and immediately began working on her open wounds.
"She lost a lot of blood" One of the doctors commented while working. "Poor girl... must have been attacked by a dark virus, or maybe just another crook in the world."

@Cicero @bloodfire

@MidnightStar89 @The Otaku Diaries @Federen Mason (not mentioned)
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The boy looked at Soul's aunt with a smile and confused as she started yelling orders and doctors came out placing him on a stretcher leading him to a room. "Wait make sure Ineiya is better before you worry about me I'm fine just make sure she's okay trust me she could use the medical attention."He told the doctors trying to convince them "You know you're going to get yourself killed if you keep worrying about your love interest you know this right?"The insane boy asked him laughing a bit "Tick tock Tick tock Adam tick tock."He chanted a bit in the boys head while laughing while Adam's face became red "What do you mean love interest I see her as a friend only."The boy stated firmly growling at the boy in his head "Okay okay keep telling yourself that see how far you get."Cicero told him laughing

As Kuro finally arrived to a hospital, his eyes looked lazily around. Why did I even bother? I'm not wounded, they don't have to take me there. What would I do? Wait for my friends? Are they even my friends, or am I just a... virus-fellow? Thoughts flowed through his head, so he stopped for a moment to lay his head against his palm, while leaning it on his body.

''Wondering again, hm?'' The gloomy, ominous voice appeared, louder as if it appeared out of nowhere, fading. Kuro turned his head to see dim green smoke, it wasn't just in his mind this time, was it? The naga leaned backwards a little, but the smoke disappeared. ''You're slipping... After a few years, you're slipping,'' Arakhnos said with a grin, this time from his other side. The snake slithered around his host, circling him like a predator. ''No...'' he answered, crossing his arms. But the virus knew. ''How so? Are you scared, now that you've met more of your kind? Are you scared of what's going to happen?'' Arak chuckled, his words were like blades, slicing the naga's happiness one piece by one. Kuro frowned and closed his eyes. The green smoke surrounded him, it could be just faintly seen as an... aura of some kind.

Kuro and Arakhnos stood in a dark cave, the naga's mind. He had a vivid imagination, so the surrounding area was a cave with no escape routes, no air holes or sources of light. Still, there was little bit of it, right in the middle. Arakhnos was now huge, his head was almost the size of Kuro himself. Well, Kuro was of course longer, but you know. He circled his host, green smoke slowly pouring out of his skull's holes, disappearing into the air around him. ''You would love to have control, wouldn't you?'' Kuro asked with a serious tone. ''Why of course~.'' ''Why did you stop in the woods?'' The naga snapped at his 'companion', who now remained silent for once. ''Are you, the almighty immortal snake demon scared of one of their viruses?'' he continued, resulting in Arak bursting towards him. The demon however stopped right in front of him. ''That is none of your concern, you half-breed!'' he hissed. Kuro smirked, but that joy was cut short, when the familiar green smoke blocked his vision.

Kuro gasped as he was awake, now lying on a long sofa. He looked around, it was the hospital, at least probably. A woman looked down at him, holding a thermometer. ''Are you okay? You were found unconscious just outside,'' she said as her first words to him. The naga sighed and pushed her hand away. ''I'm fine, thank you. It was just... the weather here is a bit different than at my home, i'm... traveling,'' he gave as an excuse, so the nurse shrugged it off, and walked away. Kuro then sighed in relief and sat up, looking around. It seemed like a lot was going on, he wondered if the others were okay.

(Again not anybody in particular, but I thought
@FlameintheRoses would be interested in this =D)
Soul did as his aunt asked. And had looked to adam. "Adam...please..just do what my aunt asks...once her mind is made up ther eis no changing it.." Soul stated plainly and folded up his wings. As he rushed using his medical skills to help ineiya and adam as much as he would allow he then rushed into a third room where he had seen kuro lying down. Unfolding his wings he hovered above his face. "K...kuro? Is that you? Is it just me hallucinating or do you have a human body now?" He ststed. #because I think the nurse would not have brought you in if you were a naga"

@Cicero @MidnightStar89

(I read up on what I missed..I have been busy with working part time at a marine biology lab lately...am going to reply when I can....so let me know if I should edit my post on anything...and cicero...soul and marx have their own powers but after fusing marx and soul learned to swap some powers...say for marxs wings..and souls ability for controlling his blood magic they could swap the power so soul has the wings and marx has the magic....power swapping is useful you know))
Aunt Valerie

Valerie had briskly pushed the stretcher to the emergency room, shaking her head and smiling at the boy. "We've got you both covered. Just hang tight, we're all professionals here, bud!" Her tone of voice was upbeat and happy, hopefully brightening the mood in the room.

Ronero hid underneath Ineiya as they continued the surgery, bored from listening to them make calls and decisions over what next to "patch up". Soon after though, Soul came rushing in and healed her slightly, making the doctors' jobs a little easier before rushing out again. The lopombra wandered out to the hall, elongating his torso as he traveled from the emergency to the waiting room. What he saw in front of him was rather odd, as the other dark virus circled and taunted the naga, yet to no avail could not get a hold on them. It was quite a funny sight, seeing as the virus used force to cause havoc in his host's life. This made Ronero chuckled to himself, then appear next to the other virus, in view for the other host to see, yet not the girl nearby. His silence was eerie, until he spoke up behind Arakhnos. "By all due respect, Arakhnos, but by whom does this naga speak of when he says, 'fear'?" A wide grin appeared on his dark face, then he continued on, but this time, he made it so that only Arakhnos would be able to hear him. My friend, I respect your methods, but know that there are more... manipulative ways to take over. Perhaps using human actions of things they call trust or relationships would help. That is how I have bonded with my host, and she feeds me the negative energy I need at the thought of my trusting and truthful words. He watched as the green smoke clouded in front of the naga in curiosity of what the eternal snake virus' methods were.


@The Otaku Diaries @Federen Mason (not mentioned)
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The boy nodded looking away "I know that...I just wanted to make sure she was okay...."The boy said with a small smile "Thanks for everything you're doing how much is this going to cost?"Adam asked looking at her "I might not be able to pay right now but I could always work off the debt if you want."The sane boy offered

Kuro looked at Soul with a confused face, tilting his head a little. ''The hell are you talking-'' he started, but suddenly let out a high-pitched yell, not really a scream, but not very manly either. ''Arakhnos!'' he yelled telepathically.

Arakhnos turned to looked at the shadow wolf with his emotionless face, trying to... keep cool, as they say.
''None of your concerns, I'm afraid. And I know how to take over my hosts, I don't personally like 'relationships', they tend to fail on my cases... now excuse me, I think I have shocked my host enough today,'' the virus replied, slithering back to the... 'naga'.

Kuro's eyes shot up to the snake, fury in his eyes. He tried to get up to hit him, but his
legs failed him. He fell on the floor face first, holding his nose now. ''Reverse your little prank or i'll kill you...'' he snarled at him telepathically again. Arakhnos just laughed. ''It's only a hallucination used on anyone around you, walk outside and take a deep breath if you don't want these humans to freak out,'' he replied, and a wink-like blink appeared in his right eye socket. ''Erm... can you... help me outside?'' Kuro asked quietly, his face quite red.

@FlameintheRoses @bloodfire
Ronero nodded. "I see. Not every creature uses the same method, I respect that." He said in the room, hovering nearby as he watched the virus and naga argue and fuss. It was quite amusing to him, yet he refused to mock the virus, knowing that their powers were evenly matched, but Ronero was not in shape to be in a fight at the moment. His head tilted in curiosity when he saw that the naga had legs. Perhaps a hallucination?

Aunt Valerie

"No problem, sonny! And about cost... this is 100% off, courtesy of moi!" Valerie bowed her head for a moment jokingly, and continued to move the stretcher. They had reached the emergency room, and the aunt helped put Adam on the operating table. Doctors sanitized their tools and got ready for the operation. "Alright kiddo, what do yah prefer? Being knocked out, or being awake and not feeling pain?"


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The boy laughed some "Okay thanks."He said smiling while looking around the room "Staying awake please...."The sane boy said while Cicero laughed sending a chill down his spine "What scared I'll come out if you're knocked out cold?"The boy teased laughing some more "I'm not scared....I'm just making sure you don't hurt someone while I'm asleep."Adam stated sternly while Cicero's laughter ceased "Do you really think acting brave will help you? If you do it makes you pathetic acting like something isn't going to help you turn into a hero."The insane boy told him snickering some more leaving Adam silent "I don't care...."He said quietly "What was that I didn't hear you pathetic excuse."The voice in his head said "I said I don't care!"Adam screamed mentally at Cicero making him flinch a bit "Really now?"The boy asked "Yes....I'm sure."The sane boy told him

(Okay after the fight Adam was back they went to the hospital that's about it)
(Well everyone's at the hospital Ineiya and Adam are in the operation rooms getting treated while everyone else is in the waiting room)

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