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Fantasy A world of dark insanity

"Awww why did you have to move!?"Cicero asked getting up looking at the girl grinning at her "I guess I'll just have to change that won't I?"He asked sadistically while looking at the girl playing with his knife twisting it on his tongue until he bleed. He drank the blood and smirked "I always like seeing what people's blood taste like even if they don't give me permission!"The insane boy stated running up to the girl slashing at her stomach moving closer and closer trying to ignore the pain he was moving on pure adrenaline now making it easier for Adam to attack his defenses "You guys are doing great!"Adam said to himself seeing the crack get bigger "Don't get ahead of yourself Adam my eye is a complete ghoul eye just a couple more minutes and this body is mine!"He told the boy laughing and continuing to slash and the girl before tackling her wincing when his broken shoulder was forced to move and ram into the girl

@The Otaku Diaries @FlameintheRoses
Yume / Akumu

The vampire caught the timing the male was going to tackle her and she dashed behind him. She forcefully bent his broken arm backwards with her right hand and wrapped her left arm around his neck. "There. Checkmate." Akumu said before opening her mouth, showing her fangs and closing it to bite into his neck. @Cicero @FlameintheRoses

The boy winced and growled looking back at the girl smirking "Do you really think that?"He asked turning the knife around stabbing her in the gut twisting the knife laughing "Tick tock tick tock the checkmate didn't have a clock!"The boy told her while biting her arm taking a chuck off and eating it "Yummy I didn't know vampires tasted so good."Cicero said laughing at the girl biting her arm again taking another chuck out

@The Otaku Diaries @FlameintheRoses
The female jumped away as quickly as possible. "Oww, that hurts...." She said, pouting before her wound in her stomach began to regenerate quickly. After that, her arm regenerated quickly too, and she shook her arm around, getting it back in shape. @Cicero @FlameintheRoses
Ronero watched the scene go on, letting Ineiya rest on his lower back as he elongated his body to help Akumu. While the boy was distracted by injuring the vampire, he raised his claw, and swiftly slashed the boy's back until he saw flesh on his back. "Attack." He spoke to Akumu after quickly pinning Cicero to the ground, pressing all of his weight on the half ghoul's injured back.

@The Otaku Diaries
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The boy laughed looking over his shoulder at the girl. "I figured it would...aww you're already healed."He complained about the charge before feeling something scratch his back he looked behind him only to get tackled to the ground. "Hello again Ronero long time I'd figured you gave up."The boy said plainly while he started stabbing and biting the creature on top of him looking straight at him with his normal eye and changing eye "Only a couple moments left until I'm free to roam and have my full power!"Cicero told the beast grinning. "No you won't!"Adam said attacking the crack in his defenses making the boy cry out in pain "Owwwe headache!"The insane boy said clutching his head with his good hand resulting in him growing furious as he started viciously stab Ronero and bite at the wolf while snarling "I won't let you win I will be set free to kill anyone and everyone!"He stated with his eye's fulled with anger and a small bit of sadness and courage which was Adam

@FlameintheRoses @The Otaku Diaries
Since he continuously insisted on fighting and stabbing, the lopombra swiped his knife away with one powerful blow, seeing it bounce of the ground at a distance. Before he gave time for the ghoul to react, he breathed a dust-like shadow cloud into the boy in an attempt to choke his breathing until he passed out. The stab wounds had hurt Ineiya, which twitched when the wounds hit the lopombra while she was unconscious.

...Ineiya looked around in a dream world, blankly staring at what she could see as static gray, white, and black. Her body looked unharmed, and she was not pinned to a tree by a knife. Nothing felt right in the dream, especially after her walking for miles on end. At one point in the dream, she turned her head to see... Adam. His face was bright, with a gentle smile as the figure looked at Ineiya in this static world. She ran up to the figure and hugged him, seeing it as the only comfort in the dream. After the hug, she let go to see a different figure... Cicero. All she could hear was the cackling of the young ghoul, chanting the phrase, "tick tock", over and over again. Soon he began to chase her, which she ran from him. The stab wounds from the real world occurred in her dream as being shot by arrows. Ineiya's dream-self continued to run, up until she reached a cliff. "Nowhere to turn," the ghoul chanted, mocking her with laughter. In the end of the dream, she turned to the cliff, staring at it blankly with only one thought in her mind. Jump. And so she did, falling eternally until she were to be woken up.

@Cicero @The Otaku Diaries

(ALL of Ineiya's dialogue is a DREAM! Just clarifying. C:)
The ghoul had a sad look while watching his knife being taken away from his grasp. "Trying to choke me out?" The boy asked the shadow wolf holding his breath he looked around throwing punches his fist getting heavier and heavier with each swing and his eyes continued to close eventually he was out cold. "Hey Cicero so nice of you to join me." Adam said laughing while the ghoul growled.

Kuro was looking at the fight, almost mesmerized. Without his own knowledge something was... knocking inside. Arakhnos. Kill. Kill. Kill. Suddenly the naga grabbed his head, closing his eyes, curling into a defensive position. Why're you messing with me? He asked in his mind, hearing a laugh as an answer. I want to get out of this puny head. I don't want to be just a little thought, let me out! Let me kill them when they're weak! The virus answered, his tail flicking aggressively around. Arakhnos' tail raised, he put it against Kuro's neck, raising him from his position. Control. Now. He demanded, but Kuro frowned. The snake tilted his head a little, pushing his tail's bony blade inside his neck. It was just mental pain, but man, did it hurt the naga. Kuro let out a sudden scream, holding his neck from the pain. ''Fuck... Get away from me!'' he commanded, but Arakhnos kept going, sliding the blade slowly in the invisible wound, from side to side.

@Anyone (
If interested of this weird scene)

@Cicero @FlameintheRoses @The Otaku Diaries (Not mentioned) I like the idea of tagging basically any character nearby :3
Ronero tilted his head at the boy who was now unconscious. The air felt at peace for only a minute or so. He grabbed the injured boy's body with his mouth, and placed him down next to a tree. Then, he grabbed the boy's knife, stabbing his shoulder and pinning him to the tree across from Ineiya. Revenge is quite a delight. When the lopombra was finished, he watched as Arakhnos tried to take over the naga, shaking his head. "Must this world have no end to violence? Not even for a moment?" He spoke directly to Arakhnos, glaring at him as he was cutting a spiritual blade into Kuro as the boy yelled and cursed at the dark virus. "You may be as old as I, older, or younger, but by now wouldn't you do so much as control your inner desires for bloodshed?" Ronero spoke quickly and sharply as he shrank his torso's size and rested under his host while she lay unconscious for hell knows how long.

Cicero and Adam growled at each other as it came from the unconscious form of them. "You'll die if you try to fight me mentally you know this!"Cicero stated charging at the boy while Adam dodged spinning around kicking Cicero "We'll see about that."He said calmly while remembering everything Cicero did to everyone "The first thing I'm gonna do when I kill you is kill all your friends while smiling in their watching their expressions of betray and pain!"The insane side screamed charging at him again punching him in the gut "You're forgetting one small piece of the puzzle Cicero....you in my mind!"Adam told him while putting barriers around Cicero making him go berserk and trying to them while Adam slowly faded back into his body releasing Cicero. "Ummm....oh great seems like I wasn't the only one going crazy...."The sane boy said laughing while crying from all the pain his body was forced to take "Wait! Ineiya what happened to her!?"The boy asked struggling against the knife

@FlameintheRoses @MidnightStar89 ( xD worse fight scene every)
Ronero felt the aura of the half ghoul turn from insanely evil to neutral, and watched as the boy woke up. His eyes had faded to their natural color, which in these terms was a good sign. The boy had immediately questioned the situation when he woke, which Ronero just tilted his head at the boy with a blank expression, as always, while speaking in a calm tone. "Hush child. Your friend severely injured her, as well as he did to your body. She is unconscious as of now." One by one he calmly answered the boy's questions as he carefully removed the knife that held Ineiya in place from the tree, but kept it in the wound to hold in most of her blood, laying her down softly on the ground. Then he moved over to Adam, doing the same to boy. "I pinned you for safety measures." He blatantly told the boy. The words he spoke were true, but he also did it for revenge for what Cicero did to Ineiya. "You both need medical attention." After he spoke, he took one long whiff of the air, remembering the smell of a hospital, and one seemed to be nearby.

The girl laid on the ground, softly breathing as she continued to fall in an eternal pit in her dreamworld.


@MidnightStar89 @Federen Mason @bloodfire @The Otaku Diaries (not mentioned)
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"Oh....Sorry about him."The boy said plainly moving his arm not feeling his other "How come I can't feel me arm?"He asked while looking at Ineiya smiling and gently taking her hand "Ineiya wake up please I did so that means is safe so please wake up." Adam pleaded whispering into the girl's ear. "Yea I guess that would help I'll make sure they help her first."The sane boy said smiling

Ronero watched the boy as he attempted to interact with her, and quickly intervened. "It is better for her to be unconscious at this moment, child. Especially since you are here. I can sense it in her, and she fears you, or rather, the strength and uncertainty of what Cicero may do next." He sighed, then spoke again. "Cicero broke your arm while in a fight with Akumu." He then glanced over to the boy, and shrank his size to lay underneath Ineiya. "I cannot bring her to safety in the daylight. What she says about her being injured in the sunlight is true, but only because if I touch the light, the reaction is given to both of us." His explanation was only a matter of fact and tragedy.

The boy listened and let go of her hand "Oh......I'm guessing every time we talk she'll be on edge?" The boy asked sadly moving to sit by a tree. "Okay and thanks Ronero...." He said with a smile looking at the two

Arakhnos stopped for a moment to listen to what Ronero said. He then just sighed and looked at Kuro, who was now silent, looking at his virus with hatred... and/or fear. ''Why do viruses like you always want to just control others? What if I don't want to kill anyone?'' Kuro snapped at him, telepathically though. ''Tsk tsk tsk, I thought you were smart. I would love to cut your little soul into pieces, but I don't happen to like light that much,'' Arakhnos replied. The boy looked at sunlight that was not even a meter from him, so he swiftly tried to put the end of his tail into the light. Nothing. His virus let out a low growl, this time ''out loud''. ''Are you really trying that? I'm not a shadow, you idiot! And if you'd even harm me, wouldn't that harm your mortal body more?'' he snarled. Then he just... stopped. The light in his eyes 'turned off' as he closed his eyes, he was facing the spot where Kuro stood.

Kuro looked at the unconscious Ineiya, and the boy pinned to a tree. The fight looked odd, bunch of invisible fighting to him. Well, at least the most parts. He curled into the defensive position again.
''Why did Arakhnos stop?'' he asked, not particularly from anyone.

Soul walked to ronero and ineiya and kneeled to her. "Ronero....she needs to be healed up....I can heal but in case it doesn't work I advise we get her safely to a hospital firdt before I attempt such a process...there is a hospital run by my aunt valerie or uncle varren...my aunt valerie should be there now..it's not that fsr. If we use the trees for cover I can get you to the mountain village I live in..it is where the hospital is..thanks to my mother before she died the trees there are colossal...with the tree covers always shielding it and the leaves never die...so you will be safe...please ronero...I can fly us there through the trees....we will have to bring adam..but I will make sure he is in a separate room.." He finished explaining then breathed a heavy gasp of air to catch his breath. @FlameintheRoses
Ronero looked over to the boy curiously, nodding as he spoke.

"Please do, child. We've not much time."

He sank into a resting position, laying still underneath the young injured girl. Her breathing had increased slightly in speed, although it wasn't noticeable by eye...

As Ineiya was falling in her dream, watching as the black pit above her overwhelmed and engulfed the sky.
Boom! The girl had landed on the ground, which was pitch black like everything else around her. Her eyes were shut for a moment, then she opened them and looked around at the surroundings. Nothing but darkness and silence, all except a small bright light, which appeared to be a speck in the distance. The girl got up from the rough ground, wiped off excess dirt from her sweater and jeans, and slowly walked toward the light.

When the girl hit the ground in her dream, her body jolted, and her head rolled to her left side as she laid there unconscious.

@Cicero @bloodfire
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Adam was looking up at the sky and clouds sighing a bit to himself looking at his broke shoulder his scratched to hell chest "So this is how you planned on using a body Cicero?"He asked the boy growling a bit "Hmmm well no I didn't actually plan on anyone fighting back when I charged at them with a knife or whatever I did."The boy answered laughing a bit "Why does it matter you're safe aren't you?"Cicero asked duly with a pinch of anger in his voice. "Yea so I am.....but I highly think Ineiya will talk to me anymore cause of you."Adam stated looking over at Soul and nodding a bit to his offer before looking over at the unconscious girl looking at her with a sad smile getting up and walking over to her unconscious form taking off his jacket and placing it on her. "I know this might not help you but I just wanted to make sure you weren't cold...." The sane boy told her well mostly to himself while laying down looking up at the sky once more

@FlameintheRoses @bloodfire

@MidnightStar89 @The Otaku Diaries @Federen Mason (Not mentioned)
Picking up ineiya in his arms souk spread his new wings and began to fly. He had a bit of trouble at first but had gotten used to it after flying a bit. It waa only a ten minute flight to get to his village and he hoped valerie would be there. Arriving at the village and it's hospital he walked in to see his aunt valerie. At the counter desk. "AUNT VALERIE COME QUICK!!!" @aflameintheroses
Cicero sighed getting up and running after them hoping through the trees the best he could sighing a bit "Cicero come out and get to the hospital if you do I'll allow to kill two people that aren't anyone I know."He stated making the boy instantly agree and switch his eyes changing to full insanity. Cicero started jumping zig zag across the trees until coming to a stop at the hospital and switching back "See I can be useful at times."The insane boy said while laughing as the boy entered "Yea yea just shut up about it since you were the one that made my body this injured."The boy told him laughing a bit to himself "No! It was that shadow wolf Ronero!"He said growling at the name he just spoke. Adam walked to the desk while looking around the desk "Soul how do you manage to have relations with everyone in some way?"Adam asked him plainly while looking at the girl he was holding some part of him wanted to check if she was okay and the other new that if she woke up and seen him she would most likely smack him and never want to talk or see him again. While thinking about this he sighed at looked around the hospital "Soooo what do you like about the girl Adam?"The voice in his head asked laughing manically "What do you mean I see her as a friend that's all."He replied mentally confused about what Cicero meant.

@bloodfire @FlameintheRoses
Kuro looked at the winged boy lift off the ground, so he sighed in frustration. The boy seemed to jump off too. He was way slower than both of those people. ''Now they're leaving us...'' he stated with a slight hiss. Then Arakhnos looked at him curiously. ''Who said you can't go too? They're going to a hospital, that should be easy to find,'' the virus recommended. Kuro shrugged and started slithering after those people, following the footprints (and scent) of Cicero/Adam.

After a while of slithering Arakhnos let out a deep sigh. ''What is it?'' the naga asked. ''Why do you even bother?'' ''Bother what?'' ''Bother with anything.''

''I try to keep positive? I don't want you to go and kill everyone,'' Kuro answered, getting a smirk on his face. Arak slid in front of him. ''Can't you kill something, that could get me a physical body? Maybe another naga, or just a gigantic boa! Even a human will do!'' he asked, with a surprisingly pleading voice.

''Let me think... No.''

At this point Arak let out a growl, putting his blade at his throat again. However, Kuro just grabbed it and pushed it aside, continuing his way. Just... block him. Block him out of your thoughts. You can do it, Kuro, you've done it before. Almost at the hospital, he cannot hurt you there.

@Not particularly anyone :D

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