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Fantasy A world of dark insanity

The boy shrugged "Okay that's fine."He said watching her confused "I thought vampires couldn't be in the sunlight?"The sane boy said to her "Well obviously she is different."Cicero told him "Really couldn't tell you fucking idiot!"The boy said plainly nodding a bit. "Nice to meet you Akumu i'm Adam."He told her smiling "Remember I'm a human blood bag I'll give you blood anytime you need."He said looking back at Ineiya "No problem Ineiya I don't see how anyone can be mad or a jerk to someone like you when you're amazing."He said laying down by her smiling. "Okay okay that's enough you making want to end this and ruin the plan let me take over...now!"The insane boy ordered trying to switch places making Adam grab his head a little still smiling fighting back Cicero's first attack out of many. "I hate when you do that!"Cicero stated attacking him again while again Adam held him off even though he knew his mental defenses wouldn't last long it was worth a try. The other side of him kept attacking his mental barrier making small cracks and dents with his random attacks while Adam struggled he tried his best to remain calm on the outside and ignore the splitting headache he was getting.

@FlameintheRoses @The Otaku Diaries
Ineiya looked over to Adam, noticing him holding his head. "Adam?" She turned over slowly and sat up, looking over at the boy with concern. "What's wrong?" Her eyes looked into his, noticing that he was holding back something... In secret, she placed her hand on the ground next to her sheathe, ready to grab her knife in case of emergency. The pain of the wound still shot up her back, which slightly weakened her.

Ronero watched the boy, and lifted his head quickly. He knew what was going down, and prepared for the worst. His teeth sharpened to a point as his claws formed by his side, prepared to attack if the boy's dark virus managed to escape from his own prison. The pain of the sunlight pierced his back, which he tried to ignore for the moment. Be prepared, young one.


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"Yea i'm fine don't worry...."The boy said weakly while smiling at her before screaming in pain clutching his head curling up in a ball "Dammit!"He screamed while trying to fight back "Do you really think you stand a chance? Remember you lost last time you tried to hold me back."The boy in his head said slowly while continuing to attack the weak boy "No you won't win this time!"Adam called out attacking back while trying to strengthen his defense "Yes you will accept the fact Adam you can't win against me I'll be set free again and kill everyone!"The insane boy said attacking again breaking his defensive and taking over put laying there pretending to be unconscious

Ineiya dropped her defenses, shocked as she watched this go down. She ignored the pain in her back, leaning over Adam as he laid there, or at least was forced to pretend to. Her eyes looked over to his face, then to the others. No words could be spoken.

Ronero sensed something off, and felt the presence of Cicero. Ineiya! Don-

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The boy's eyes flew open grabbing her by the throat. "Miss me?!"The boy asked laughing while throwing the girl into the tree pulling out a knife "I'm sorry Ineiya..."Adam said knowing his voice won't be heard "Oh Adam wants me to tell you something.....he never really liked you every time you spoke he was mentally stabbing you!"Cicero yelled making the boy shocked while he started to fight back "Quiet lying to her!"The boy demanded while trying to get passed Cicero's defenses while the insane boy waited an attack from the shadow beast or Ineiya his grin growing in size while he threw the knife between his hands "Tick tock tick tock Ineiya your time for living is about up and Ronero can haunt another person."The insane boy said laughing
Ineiya's eyes widened as he flew at her, his face turning to the grotesque features of Cicero. When he grabbed her throat, she clawed at his hands before he threw her against a tree, coughing as her back landed against the thick bark, cutting through her sweater and into her back where her wound us. A short pained gasp emitted from her as she tried to gain her breath back, listening to Cicero as he taunted her. "No..." She pulled her knife from the sheathe, launching herself at the boy. Once she landed on him, she swiftly punched him in the gut twice, then aimed her knife at his heart on instinct. Swiftly she stabbed him, then backed off, hoping that it killed him, yet feeling regret for stabbing him like that only because it was Adam's body.

Ronero snarled, enlarging his claws as he watched the fight go down.
Ineiya, get behind me. But I... DO WHAT I SAY! His eyes, or lack of, were locked on Cicero, waiting for him to make a move once he would be able to get up. Ineiya hid behind the large shadow wolf as he prepared to battle. He drained some of her strength from her then, which caused her to fall to her knees. The injury from the sunlight still burned, but he now had enough strength to fight.

Yume / Akumu

"Ah well—" Akumu was just about to speak, she turned around in surprise and found.... Someone else, his dark, insane side taking over. Akumu spoke up. "I mean I don't know who you are but drop that attitude, I'll drink your blood." She said, talking in a tone of seriousness. Yume flipped backwards twice, getting back to meet Akumu.


The boy laughed some more before acting stunned looking at the knife in his heart falling to his knees staying there before laughing some more pulling the knife out with easy and no blood following the knife as it left his body he stood there. "Nice try but you can't hurt a half ghoul with any type of sharp object."The boy informed her with a huge grin throwing the knife into the sun looking back "Oh Ronero you're actually trying to defend her? I thought you wanted her to die why must you be so confusing."Cicero said snickering some more while charging at the shadow wolf with a huge smile while laughing jabbing his knife randomly around "Tick tock tick tock your time is running out!"The insane boy said while turning his head towards the other girls titling his head back "Just try it and I'll cut you open slowly and painfully and start eat your organs right in front of you!"He told her laughing some more at the thought. "God dammit Cicero knock it off!"Adam said stilling trying to break past his mental barriers

@FlameintheRoses @The Otaku Diaries
Ineiya watched in shock, unable to get up from being so weak.

"That is none of your concern, Cicero."

The shadow spoke sternly in the boy's mind.

Ronero watched as the boy charged, waiting until he was distracted. Cicero began to jab his knife randomly at Ronero, which he attempted to dodge as much as possible, but at one point the knife cut in his side, causing him to reel back and growl in pain. Ineiya felt the jab, and clutched her side, following up with an agonized cry. As soon as Cicero turned his head, Ronero swiftly approached the boy, swiping his left claws at his chest, then swiped the right at his legs. After doing so, he breathed in the air, surrounding the boy in shadows in order to blind his defenses. "If it is a fight you wish to acquire, boy, then that is what you will achieve." His voice echoed in Cicero/Adam's head as he waited for the opportune moment to strike again. But for the moment, he backed off and stayed in front of Ineiya as a visual shield, knowing that if the boy kept his focus on him, then he would not go after Ineiya as she knelt in pain, unable to move while Ronero was in battle.


(Okay, we gucci)
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The boy laughed while getting up cut looking down seeing blood he wiped his finger across the wood licking his finger with blood on it grinning. "Taste as good as I remember sour lemonade and spoiled milk."The boy said laughing looking around the shadows his grin growing while he started laughing "To scared to actually talk?!"Cicero said looking around seeing Ineiya on the ground with his widened eyes one of them slowly turning back "No...no no no no no!"The sane boy said trying harder to get passed "What's wrong Adam?"The boy mocked innocently while running straight at Ronero jabbing his knife at the beast not moving back while he continued to jab and stab at the wolf wildly and up closer getting closer with each attack "Come on wolfy I wanted a fight why are you guarding!?"He asked laughing manically while he right eye continued to change to black. "Dammit!"Adam said getting an idea pulling on the nerve allowing him to talk "Ronero whatever you do don't let his eye change I'll be lost forever and he'll be free to roam kill him if you have to!"He said from Cicero's mouth making the insane side growl attacking the boy mentally

@FlameintheRoses (Don't actually kill him xD )
Yume / Akumu

((Nwwhhh he's like going to be ded x-x))

"Wait Akumu you have my darts? Let's go help!" Yume asked Akumu, her hand reached out for grabbing the darts. Very unfortunately.... "Wait what? I never grabbed them on the way, I thought you had it! Didn't you bring my grenades and guns too?" The vampire asked, pretty sure the answer would be no. ".... OF COURSE NOT. YOU IDIOT, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BRING EVERYTHING!" Yume yelled at Akumu. "YOU NEVER TOLD ME IDIOT YUME!" Akumu yelled back at her.


Now terrified, she attempted to back away, leaning up against a tree as support as she slowly stood up, watching the battle as it went on, every now and then coughing up blood.

Ronero watched at the boy launched himself at the wolf one more time, and this time he was prepared for defense. His spikes flared as he felt a stab in his side, which caused him to react by digging a claw deep into the boy's shoulder. He then lifted the boy by said shoulder, and slowly wrapped his long shadow body around his torso in order to stop him from fighting. During this process the boy continuously stabbed him, causing Ronero to growl lowly. Ineiya placed her hands to her side, coughing up more blood as the battle went on, slowly becoming weaker. A small voice echoed in the lopombra's mind, as Blake telling him to kill Cicero, but Ronero had something else in mind. He swiftly snapped his teeth at the boy once, then bit into his shoulder, slowly puncturing the wound more drastically as he sank his sharp, jagged teeth into Cicero's flesh. He held his position, with a claw lodged in Cicero's left shoulder, and his teeth digging into his right as his body coiled tighter around the struggling boy's torso. All the while, he taunted Cicero.

"You call an uncoordinated child slashing a knife, a fight, Cicero? My, my, child. I pity you."


((*gives you some ice* here you go. :P ))
(I don't need it I was trapped in the head give it to Cicero xD )

The boy winced in pain while continuing to slash. "Well to be honest I didnt think you have any fight in ya." He said plainly while his eye continued to change making him smirk more while he started stabbed whatever it was holding his waist feeling the blood go down his shoulder he sighed "I guess I have no choice but to give up.....not!" Cicero said laughing while moving his body around while looking past the wolf glaring at Ineiya grinning while continuing to stab weakly at the creature before chucking the knife at the girl and began try to bite the shadow wolf

The lopombra continued his stance, biting further into his right shoulder and claws in the left. Although this time, he needed to stop the continuous stabbing, for it was injuring Ineiya. His body coiled tighter and tigher, like a boa constricting its prey. Once he squeezed the boy with all his might, she began to claw at his arms. When the boy continuously stabbed him, he reacted by finally digging his other claw into the arm that had held the knife. The continuous stabbing stopped, but Ronero had heard a shriek of pain from Ineiya. Cicero's knife was thrown into the poor girls shoulder, pinning her to the tree. She groaned in pain, coughing up more blood.

Ronero growled as the boy began biting him, which caused him to sink his claws deeper into his shoulder and his arm. He made a swift release of the boy's shoulders, only to slash his chest further and bite his arm, digging his teeth into his flesh yet again. His claws persisted on countering his biting by continuously slashing his arms. At one point, he made two swift slashes to Cicero's face, hoping to see blood pour out from him like it did in his shoulders.

Hang in there, child...


(not mentioned)

@bloodfire @The Otaku Diaries @MidnightStar89
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"This is so much fun!"The boy announced before coughing up blood from being constricted so tight. "Why must you have to squeeze me?"Cicero asked while punching at the beast biting his shoulders before looking at the girl grinning "Tick tock tick tock your time is up!"He stated while grabbing the lopombra's arm and using it to scratch the shadow wolf's face and eye while his own was changing slower then before "Ineiya!"The boy in the head said trying to break the barriers faster with some success thanks to Cicero being wounded "You're not going to get out!"The insane boy muttered while looking at the beast punching at him again feeling something run down his face. Running his hand across he licked the blood away while moving his chest around feeling blood soak around his shirt making him grin more moving his body around using it to slip out and jump back. "Surprise!"The insane boy yelled with no real purpose

After following ineiya with marx upon seeing her leave so suddenly he arrived to see cicero and ronero fighting. For unknown reasons that even soul could not describe he became enraged. In turn enraging marx as well. Souls back had burst open wherein six large white wings with some form of blood red yet glowing crystals -two per wing- had stretched forth. He removed his mouth covering - which was acquired after merging with marx for the first time four years ago- and revealed a large eye in his mouth with red coloring instead of white. A dark purple pupil and a deep blue iris. And had shouted at them both. "STOP FIGHTING JUST STOP!! NO MORE!!!!" "AND YOU RONERO!!! I don't wish to hurt ineiya but if you both don't stop fighting I will be forced to use light....but I do not intend to hurt you either..NOW STOP FIGHTING ALL OF YOU!!!!" marx was shocked for the first time in his life. He had never witnessed soul go Inot a rage of anger from the actions of another. Being that soul was generally the one who never did the talking. "whoa whoa WHOOOAAA soul....calm down...no need to get angry..."

Ineiya watched as the battle went on, blood dripping from the young half ghoul as he was suspended in the air, being crushed by the coiling of the lopombra. Both fought and scratched, wanting dominance and to win the fight. The pain of Cicero's bites and jabs duplicated to Ineiya as she stood there, helpless to do anything. Groans and cries of pain could be heard from her as she sobbed, wanting for all of this to go away. She heard the cry of Adam's voice, which caused her to look over and see what was going on. Cicero was now standing in front of Ronero, grinning widely at the both of them. Her face was white with fear, as her pupils shrunk half their normal size on her hazel irises.

Ronero snarled as the boy used his own claw against him, showing dark red claw markings that scraped from his blank socket down to his jaw. The boy continued to punch and scratch Ronero, soon then using his own blood to slip from Ronero's grasp. A slow and deep growl emitted from the lopombra, as he got ready to strike again. The negative energy that Ineiya had regenerated his strength. But before he could attack again, Soul had threatened in an outburst to cause harm to all of them unless they stopped fighting.
"It is not that easy, Soul. Believe me, ghouls are stubborn... that includes the half bloods." He spoke to Soul and Marx telepathically. His words may be true, he was not certain what Cicero would do, but that is what he had guessed, coming from the attitude of the small creature. "If he continues... you must fight him. The more he injures me, the more he injures Ineiya." The lopombra had backed off, and returned to Ineiya side as she waited for medical assistance, but for now she sobbed in pain.


(Remember: He's only speaking to Soul and Marx at the moment! (
:) ))
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The boy smiled and laughed at them new comers "Why should I this is the most fun I've ever had being free!"He exclaimed while looking at the beast and the girl grinning "Tick tock tick tock!"Cicero said running up to the girl kicking her in the face and grabbing his knife jumping up in the tree looking down at them "Your time is up Ineiya don't worry Adm will join you soon!"The insane boy said laughing and jumping away his eye whole eye black except for the iris that's now turning red looking at them. During this time Adam was continuing to try and attack Cicero's weakened mental state grinning "Finally!"The boy said laughing to himself continuing to attack his barriers.

Ineiya watched the boy in pure terror as he began to approach her, tears stained her cheeks, as she was unable to move. In a second's notice, a sharp kick was landed to her face, causing her to knock her head into the tree behind her. The hard blow made her vision blurry, as well as make the sharp pain in her shoulder increase. When the kick landed, her body yanked away, which made her muscle and skin tear open slightly. Her cries were loud as the pain increased. She began to beg and plead. "Please... no more... please... help..." Slowly she slipped out of consciousness due to shock.

Ronero tried to react, but was too late. He caught the girl when she slipped out of consciousness, hovering as he leaned her weight on his dark figure. It was no use to chase after Cicero. He couldn't chase him anyway with Ineiya in this state. His face turned as he looked at the people standing around and watching it all go down.
"Multiple bodies in a group would be more useful helping a dying girl rather than stand there." He blatantly spoke to the whole group in frustration.

@Cicero (All are mentioned)
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Cicero laughed jumping around the lopombra from the trees. "She's not dead yet I suppose a kick wouldn't finish it."The boy said licking the knife. Adam looked around Cicero's mental barriers grinning when he seen a small crack he would guess from Ronero attacking the boy physically helped some how but Adam wasn't focused he wanted to some how get to Ineiya as fast as he could but with that he couldn't pay attention to attacking Cicero "Dammit...hang in there Ineiya!"The boy said somehow getting it past Cicero making the insane boy say it in his voice "H-How did you do that?!"Cicero asked his face changing to worry for a second "No matter the faster I kill the girl the faster you'll be forgot!"The insane boy stated jumping at the girl with knife in hand aiming it at her throat

Yume / Akumu

And that was it, both of them didn't bring their weapons, and they were helpless.... Except there's one more way. Akumu took a huge gulp, in a worrying tone, she asked Yume. ".... Ready?" Yume nodded and both of them took their eyepatches off. Underneath Yume's eyepatch, she had one red eye, making her having 2 different eye colors. Akumu took of hers, and she had one blue eye. Both of them had two eye colors, one red, one blue. With the eyepatches off, they had a massive increase in both strength and speed.

Akumu ran towards the male who was aiming for the female, her speed was enough to beat a cheetah in racing. With her arms, she reached forward, attempting to grab the male's arms, then pinning it behind him. @Cicero @FlameintheRoses

The boy growled looking back at the person pinning him as he began struggling "Didn't I warn you that I'd gut you and eat your organs in front of you if you got involved!?"The boy asked while continuing to struggle eventually sighing and grinning he moved him arm until he heard a loud snap from his shoulder wincing in pain while he turned around facing the girl his now broken arm behind him as he laughed up at her "Did you really think if you pinned me I won't do something this stupid and crazy?"He asked sarcastically while taking his other arm and trying to punch her face

@The Otaku Diaries @FlameintheRoses
Yume / Akumu

Snap. Wait what was that? Did he seriously just break his own arm? Well, yes he just did. With a surprised face, Akumu barely dodged his punch, and she then flipped backwards once to stay a proper distance from him. "Are you oka—" Akumu was just about to ask the male who broke his shoulder, then she stopped herself, and acted like that never happened. On the other hand, Yume face palmed herself at Akumu's actions with a loud sigh. "Akumu these days.... This is why the society is going to be dead soon." Yume said, quietly to herself. @Cicero @FlameintheRoses


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