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Fantasy A World Invoked CS Thread


Giantson of Ephias



Divine Domains: (what are you the God of? Max of 4. Check the rules channel on the discord for limits on domains)

Appearance: (image required)

Personality: (How do they act around mortals, how do they act around other Gods, how do they act when alone or with their creations?)

Goals: (what do they hope to achieve in the world? Try not to have a finite goal that can easily be acheived)



Fears: (if anything?)


Signature Powers: (What are their signature abilities within their domains)

Signature Skills: (skills your god possesses without aid of magic. Are they a great craftsman? Master painter?)

Other: (Other details, such as a theme song or any religious imagery)

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name: Etsyn

aliases/titles: TBD

divine domains: Earth, memories, dreams, sleep

appearance: skin the tone of ashen earth with freckles adorning his flesh as if they were a handful of soil, mixed with sediments and nutrients alike. Hair baren of colour soft as desert sand fluffs around her face, covering their eyes and face like a halo, falling down in two sections on either side of his head. Their body is long and lanky, clothed in clothes that match her hairs as if they were the same material along with a seeming paint on both his finger and toe nails. Their feet are bare as to touch the ground that they walk upon. The strangest thing about him however is that fact that her appearance seems to change with every look at them. As if not even he knows what he truly looks like, may it be a freckle moving or a change of eye colour, she can never seem to look the same from what you last saw him. Their eyes are often shadowed by his hair and tend to make it hard to see them or their black sclera.

personality: Etsyn is as hard to describe as they are to converse, seeming to be everywhere at once and yet nowhere. More times than not his memory seems to fail her, forgetting faces and names as if they had never heard them in the first place. Every day seems to be a fresh start with them, greeting those they could have known for eternity as if he had just met them. They are friendly and gullible, wishing to help and do good but not quite understanding how one would do so. She can easily be manipulated to believe things and can also quickly forget things others wish him to not have seen.

no amount of their blind optimism and baseless beliefs can cover up the empty hole inside them. Frustration seems to eat away at her from the inside as he struggles to grasp things. People they should know, places they have been all allude them and as much as they play off their forgetfulness with ditzy comments and light hearted chat they search for a way to remember. They wish to be able to have their own memories. He despises the random memories that she can't quite remember or grasp.

Etsyn seems to care for mortals, or rather they try to. However, manipulation of this can be easy for them as they are quick to believe anything said to him. He trusts others and she can easily trust mortals and gods alike, never truly understanding their differences. Memories of others often flood through their brains when others think of their own memories which often lead to Estyn questioning if they are their own or someone elses.


  • learning
  • friends
  • trying 'new' things
  • rocks
  • forgetting
  • sleeping
  • never being able to remember
goals: to find a way to remember

signature powers:
earth manipulation
due to their memory issues this power often is based on her emotions and can be hard for him to control at times, the only way for him to truly use it is for them to rely on instinct because they can not remember how to use it.

embedded in rock
the ability to perceive the memories of soil and rock. This is the purest form of memories as it is not changed by emotions, perspective, or age like that of beings.

what was yours
the ability to review the memories of others, this often occurs during sleep for them and due to sleep also being the time their memory is cleansed they often do not remember it. However, they have been known at times to be able to connect to the memories of those reviewing them in close proximity to him or that she is touching. These memories are the same as the person would remember and can be incorrect. However, at all times the memories of the world and every creature are piled into the subconscious of them which pushes out their own memories to make room, when they sleep these memories are archived in a place they do not know how to reach and can not be accessed again unless they attempt to obtain the memory from the creature directly. If they do not rest they will quickly become overwhelmed and will have extreme headaches. In worst cases memories will get lost which causes people to forget memories.

ambitions and rest
this allows him to enter the dreams of those sleeping as well as make mortals fall asleep or gods sleepy, she can edit the dreams of those she enters or just exist in them until they wake up.

signature skills:

  • art and painting(especially places/people/things they can not remember may they be from theirs or others memories)
theme: (tw dementia)


  • Martyr.png Name

    Ruin, Warden, Figure of Deepest Shade

    Divine Domains
    Shadow, Fear, the Dead, and the Afterlife

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🙞 Baphime 🙜
You do not agree? You speak to the goddess of Love and Beauty; what meaning is there in life without these two things? I am one with the beating heart of mortal kind.

Aliases/Titles: Baphime-kho, Lady of the Rose, All-Heart, Mother Widow, Dark Sister, Dancer of Fallen Petals, The Shining Spear, A Thousand Smiling Corpses, Love's Embrace, Lover's Boon, and many more...

Divine Domains: Love, Beauty, Revenge, Jealousy

Appearance: Baphime is a goddess of many different faces, most often seen as a beautiful woman dressed in opulent clothing. Her domain of beauty ensures that mortals will always perceive her as their highest concept of physical beauty, however there is more hidden beneath this spell.

Though it is impossible for mortal eyes to see... some gods may have the ability to see through this disguise to reveal a spindly figure with twisting bronze-like metal melted into its body. Though it wears a crown, it hides its face and most of its body with a black silken cloak. Within its 6 hands it always carries a javelin of the same bronze metal that is infused with its skin. It is the form she assumes when carrying out her actions of jealousy and revenge, though one that she does all in her power to hide for its horrid ugliness.

Yet no matter how much she uses her domain of beauty to hide it, fellow gods may focus through the illusion to see the true form beneath. Like the second side of a coin, it is just as much a part of the goddess as her porcelain face. For beauty is not only in the delicate petal, but also the razor edge of a blade.

Personality: Baphime is a goddess of starkly contrasting domains, and as such her personality is one of polarity as well. When she feels emotions, she feels it in its extremes; capable of boundless love, but also an equal depth of malice. Her love for her mortals is second to none, and she desires nothing more than their affection and attention. She is fiercely protective of her worshippers, and has grown addicted to their love to the point of obsession.

From this has sprung a deep-seated fear of losing the adoration of her mortals, be it through the worship of other gods, or putting worldly things before her esteem. There is no thing in the world she loves more than her mortals and their affections towards her, and just the thought of their love for her changing puts a deep fear in her heart. She is jealous of the worship of other gods and does everything in her power to maintain her follower's devotion. To maintain control, Baphime weaponizes manipulation to sheperd the hearts of her people away from other deities, making them believe that other gods are inept or horrendous compared to her.

Revenge is as much a part of her nature as her love, and often is a result of it. While she loves her mortals, should they stray from her love she will strike out instinctively for their 'betrayal'. In a state of distress, she will blame the other gods for their actions in corrupting her people. Even if there was nobody to blame but herself, Baphime's mind will always twist it as someone else to blame.

Goals: Maintain the unwavering love and devotion of her people, gain the love of all other mortals, become the most well-loved god, ensure the eternal joy and love of her people

Likes: mortals, worship, offerings, art in all its forms, stories, acts of extreme emotion,

Dislikes: the worship of other gods, insults, unknown variables, any threat to her people or the control over them,

Fears: Losing the love of her worshippers... especially to other gods.

Signature Powers: [WIP]
  • Perfect beauty: creations made by Baphime are known for their exceptional beauty. Those who she have chosen know an exceptionally long life of health and beauty. Their youth never fades, even if their body may one day wither.
    • Curse of Monstrous Visage: just as Baphime gives beauty, she can curse creatures to be devoid of her gifts, turning them into monstrous and repulsive creatures.
  • Revenge: The reflex to lash out when wronged is inherent in her divinity, making her not only capable of sensing betrayal, but also striking them down. If something is done to wrong her or a follower, Baphime is capable of conjuring up an equal rebuttal out of revenge.
    • Dark Sister's Blessing: "How much would you give... to make them pay?" In exchange for their love, Baphime is known to bless mortals with exceptional power in order to find revenge against a wrongdoer (and often wrongdoers). While still capable of being killed through divine (including blessed magic) means, these agents of vengeance are almost completely unstoppable until they have killed their targets. Afterwards, they are lost to their revenge and forget their emotions such as love and joy, cursed to wander the earth as revenge seeking creatures without purpose.
  • Love manipulation (mortals): While mortals pray to Baphime for her blessing in romance, she actually does not cause mortals to love one another... nor does she force them into relationships. She does, however, often dabble in manipulating these feelings. She does not place love in a creature, but if it is there she can force it to swell to an unhealthy degree, resulting in atrocious acts of love, obsessions, and scandals of infidelity.
  • Jealousy/revenge inducement: Similar to her manipulation of love, Baphime's power is capable of heightening the feelings of jealousy and revenge in mortals, leading them to make impulsive actions they might have never done under the right frame of mind. Of course, it wasn't Baphime's fault~...

Signature Skills: Art in almost all its forms, killing and combat, swaying hearts with words, gardening, 'beautification'

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(Big WIP)​

Name: Tugos Khel

Aliases/Titles: Accursed One, Apocalypse,

Divine Domains: Death, Endings, Annihilation, Despair


Personality: Tugos is a God who must spread an image of themselves, one that paints them as an unspeakable evil that that desires nothing but to spread despair and hopelessness to mortals. As such around mortals most of the time they will act incredibly above them, always undermining their achievements and reminding them that all their hopes, dreams, and achievements are as meaningful as dust.
However when conversing with certain gods or with dying mortals Tugos is able to share their true colors. A God who admires creations in all their ways, one that always seeks to learn and hone new skills from other Gods or mortals, a god who sees beauty in things because they will one day end and as such it makes them more precious. Their Duty might seem contradictory to their personality, but it is an obligation and a need, for if they are not given the despair they need, a blind instinct and desire of pure annihilation washes over them and to have things end abruptly is something Tugos can't tolerate.

Goals: Ensure that all things come to an end and to collect despair from all things to maintain themselves. Their other goal is to simply enjoy the time they have, learn new things while still performing their duty.

- Learning new things
- Friendly chatting
- Applying learnt skills
- Ending most things
- Positive social situations

- Resurrection
- Not getting their Despair
- Being prevented from their Duty
- Their Scythe
- Their Constant need for Despair

Signature Powers:

- Utter Annihilation:

- Harvester of Despair:

- Always there:

- Your End:

Signature Skills: Tugos is extremely skilled at using their Scythe for combat and even fighting without a weapon as well as a natural talent for movement. Aside from those skills Tugos is pretty mediocre in wielding other weapons and mundane skills


Other: Tugos Khel is unable to create life (Excluding Minor Gods) but they may yet reshape existing life.
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Name: Navarch Acoemeti

Aliases/Titles: Lord of Accordance, Sea Singer, Man of the Mirror, The Swell

Divine Domains: Order, Water, The Ocean, The Moon

Appearance: Navarch Acoemeti has taken a form that aligns with the original mortals he interacted with. His body is tall, over 3 meters in height and a mass enough to put any wild beast to shame. His hair is long and silver, shimmering on dark nights with the light of the stars and his voice is a twist of silent syllables to mortal ears—music not fully understood but held sacred to their societies. Navarch's face is one of stern complexation, as if the deity is always off and away from where he presently is—thinking and observing some corner of the world. To mortal eyes, it is unviewable, a shroud impenetrable shields it. Unlike other deities, Navarch holds a great deal of respect for mortality and has taken a form representing them as his primary state.

Personality: Acoemeti is an entity that prizes duty and tranquility over glory or domination. He holds it as truth that the Gods and creatures of power hold a responsibility to those below them, to shepherd them forward into life and to give fair judgement on those who transgress along certain boundaries. Navarch views himself as a father for his devout and faithful, lecturing them on the wisdoms of the sea whilst impressing upon them the importance of fair dealings with one another. In times of great disturbances, Navarch is known to dawn a shawl, disguising himself as a mortal of great standings and guide those in need of it through less divine methods. Navarch is not afraid to give commands to mortals but he prefers the role of teacher and father to tyrant.

As the God of the Ocean and Moon, there is a saying associated with Navarch Acoemeti;

'On the bright moon or sickle moons, it is safe to sail as the Swell is watching overhead. On a naked night, be weary, for the Swell has descended to mete out punishments on all in his seas.'

Mortals acknowledge Navarch as both a care giver but also a deity unafraid to hold transgressors responsible for their actions.

When other gods are involved, Navarch Acoemeti is friendly and welcoming to all—he is not selfish to deprive the mortals under his gaze from enjoying the wisdoms of other deities. He does, however, have little tolerance for treachery against those under his care and will not hesitate to confront his kin. When all is amicable however, Navarch Acoemeti is joyous and a grand host, inviting any nearby deity or being of great power to join him on his island throne. Discussions both heavy and light are welcome at his table and Navarch has an ear for everyone, but he is most firm in his mind and will not easily sway to those of sweet words. Navarch respects the other Gods in their domains and is rare to cross them, if he ever does it is with gifts and prior forewarning.

The Navarch has created very little of life in his time as a deity. He enabled existing humans to dive deep into the sea without fear of drowning, he's helped them to live longer and grow faster, but as a teacher of man, Navarch feels he cannot in good conscience create when he still has children to raise. Despite this belief, Navarch has bred nine squids with nine dolphins to create a hybrid of both, guardians of the sea to both relay information to Navarch and to look after sailors in dire need. Of the few things Navarch has created, a great city and palace on an island he raised is his chief accomplishment. Calathos, the island-palace he holds, is filled with ornate statues and home to over ten towers stretching high into the sky. Thanks to a persistent ocean current, none but the most hardy can hope to cross into Calathos.

Goals: Acoemeti intends to fill the world with many wonderful and wise creatures, his ultimate goal as of now is to educate humanity and the other mortals of the world so that in time, they can educate the children he intends to create. This is an arduous process that will take generations to complete given that Navarch has a fondness of choice and free will among the humans that live under his gaze. Universal understanding and harmony is his primary teachings and after that, Acoemeti intends to test the humans with feisty new species that will draw upon all the lessons he bestowed upon them to succeed. Should Navarch fail, he is unsure of what he'll do—perhaps flood the world and start anew.


  • Harmony
  • Philosophy
  • Rhetoric
  • Astrology
  • The Ocean Seafloor
  • Ingenuity
  • Acts of Heroism
  • Tragedy

  • Discord
  • Infighting
  • Incest
  • The Deep Earth
  • Fire
  • Tyranny

Fears: (if anything?)

  • Failure
  • Oblivion

Signature Powers:

  • Oceanic Sovereignty - As the Lord of the Seas, Navarch is capable of commanding the creatures within it alongside being given a general knowledge of those in his domain. So great are these powers that Navarch has a limited peak into the future, to predict oncoming tragedies abound within his oceans.
  • Water Manipulation - Though greatest in the Ocean, Navarch is able to control bodies of water with minimal effort and command it as if it were his servants. In certain circumstances, he may pour himself into the sea to navigate it or drown a ship.
  • Tide Master - The Ocean is bound to the moon in a sacred union and Navarch oversees this, though he is not idle to keep it consistent. He creates a new order, changing the tides every so often and causing the shores of the world to writhe as they accommodate Navarch's inclinations.
  • Light Keeper - In accordance with his powers of the Moon, Navarch is able to shine pure rays of light wherever he so pleases, exposing the darkness not only in the physical world but revealing the ugliness in others. No deception can escape Navarch's lunar rays.

Signature Skills: As an orator, Navach is skilled in handing out knowledge to those seeking it. Rarely will his lectures leave one bored. Likewise, Navach is born to swim and has great abilities when just another hand on a ship's deck. His practical skills become limited, though his vision when it comes to architecture is sound, his masonry needs dire improvement.

Other: Theme:

Name: Avos Shastal

Aliases/Titles: Wise Man of the Woods, Elder Iron, Grandfather Flint, Longtooth, The Splinterer, Caretaker, Master Mender, The Ragged One, Great Hunter.

Divine Domains: Survival, Hunting, Medicine, Domestication.

Appearance: With skin the thick gray nearing black of sun-dappled shadows cast through tree leaves, and hair dark and coarse as the pelts which cling about his shoulders, the figure of The Splinterer is an imposing one. His body bears four arms, each ending in nimble-fingered hands with blackened nails frequently left stained with a mash of plants and powders. Broad as a stump, tall as an impressive ursine and bearing a brawny build to rival any man in their prime his silhouette is often mistaken for that of a boulder when he falls motionless. Capable of matching the vast ocean in both stillness and ferocity depending on the intent of his movement the majority of his features go unseen behind the bone-like horned mask that covers... or is... his face, the only point of personality being the carved eyebrows which hold ever still, the well kept beard and the ever vibrant gleaming yellow eye of a predator which seems somehow softer and more expressive than it has right to be. He adorns himself in furs, leathers and simple cloth in shades of brows, greens and grays which bear the patterns of nature or the repeating emblem of linked chains which have come to be his standard. Rarely, if ever is his hip devoid of small pouches and satchels of herbs and ingredients for his remedies and rarer still is he ever seen without his ever-present spear Necessity at hand or at his side.
At a glance the wise man of the woods seems a stark sort, their silhouette and countenance bearing a severity that seems at first unapproachable; and yet, in earnest while his company can be viewed as curt and rough-edged there is a deep well of care and curiosity within him. With mortals he is giving and prone to doting, like a grandfather looking over their grandchildren; full of pride and good intent but perhaps not always understanding of the actual troubles they’re dealing with or precisely what they need or want.

With his fellow gods he is civil, for the most part, but openly shares his discontent and opinions on what he sees as the strengths and failings of his fellow gods, and even of himself. This can, of course, put him at odds with others which he is just as happy to settle in a calm manner through chatter over drinks as he is with trials of skill or screaming matches.

He seeks, at all times, to avoid any actual fighting, seeing violence without benefit as wasteful.

Be it mortals or the divine he is a being of action, and outside of the preternatural poise and patience he holds when hunting or teaching to hunt he is always seeking to be on the move, meaning that while he enjoys the company of others he tends to keep his visits short.

Goals: Avos wishes to see mortals thrive, and excel to their utmost limits and to give them as much time to reach those limits as he is able. His reasoning for this is multifaceted, but at the end of the day boils down to curiosity, self-satisfaction and a wish to dash the ego of some of his fellows.

-Cool Weather
-Song and Dance

-Sitting still any time other than when he’s hunting
-Bright lights
-Hot Weather
-Veiled intentions

Fears: Stagnation.

Signature Powers:
Will to Survive- The core tenet of Avos' teachings is Survival; to struggle, strive and push forward. To live regardless of what the world throws at you. To that end he himself is graced with, and gifts his followers with, a gift for adaptation.
Not mutative adaptation, but comprehensive adaptation: the ability to look to the world around themselves and see what it has to offer; putting that to use to build shelter, warmth, weapons and tools. The slow and steady flow of progress in the face of and in spite of nature through a mix of determination, effort and trial and error; a gift already present in most beings, but which Avos is capable of heightening.

Hunter’s Eye - Avos, despite his visage bearing but a single eye, seems to see and sense more than most. Catching sight of the faintest flicker of movement, the barest trace of a half-buried and rain blurred hoofprint, and even the ebb and flow of things unseen such as an invisible entity or the workings of the winds and the path a spear would take through them.
Most importantly he is able to gain a strong grasp of his target’s strengths and weaknesses at a glance, allowing him to strike where his weapon will be most effective.
His keen senses make him the perfect hunter, able to track and unerringly hit whatever he’s after and so too can he grant his faithful a fraction of his senses, allowing them to see and react to things clearly which most mortal beings would scarcely hope to notice given a lifetime of training to do just that.
This gift is easily misused and he tends to only bestow it to those truly in need.

Panacea - One of the most important features of Avos’ survival skills is his comprehension of herbs, minerals, and other natural features down to an intuitive understanding of their curative properties. He knows by sight, by smell, by touch the uses for a flower or the danger of a bundle of moss and can use this to make salves, powders, ointments, poultices, and other remedies to aid the body and soothe the spirit.
The most useful and basic of this knowledge he freely shares with his followers.

Aura of Dominion -
Avos is a being of the wilds by nature, and of mortal life by intent. He has, over time, sought to merge these two great passions by introducing some of the more bright and capable mortals to some of the more wild and instinctual mortal creatures and finding ways for them to live and work in harmony. While this may seem risky Avos is able to use his force of personality to grant simple creatures a basic understanding of himself or the mortals he blesses and a will to aid them.

Signature Skills:
Even without divine prowess Avos has spent his existence side by side with his spear Necessity and can wield it or other spears with impeccable skill in hunting or combat.
Furthermore he is a tried hand at many simple crafts and hobbies, though he is only truly talented beyond anything but the basics at leatherworking and flowertending.
He loves singing and dancing, but is notably bad at both of these things.

Other: The Symbol of Avos' faith is a spearhead composed of interlinked chains; worn as earrings, amulets, tattoos and other adornment by his followers.
sign of grandfather(1).png
Name: Saoirse

Aliases/Titles: Mistress of Madness, Divine Disorder, Eternal Entropy, Misguiding Star

Divine Domains: Chaos, Deception, Mischief, Indulgence


(Note that Saoirse is a shapeshifter and is very unlikely to remain in any one form for long. This is one of the many forms they take.)


Saoirse, being the incarnation of chaos itself, is naturally unpredictable and volatile. They act entirely on impulse, doing whatever it takes to quell their boredom. Their mind is never at rest - they are always doing something, anything to quell their perpetual boredom with existence. Civilizations might rise from the ground one day and crumble into oblivion the next because Saoirse was particularly bored for a few minutes.

Saoirse has an odd relationship with mortals. They don't harbor any affection or hatred towards them - to Saoirse, mortals are simply a means of entertainment, something to fill the void. They interfere with morals rather frequently - usually out of boredom, sometimes out of desire for revenge or repayment - but do so in a very different form and a very different way every time, leading to a great deal of confusion. Every follower of Saoirse, along with those who claim to have met them, has a completely different interpretation of the deity - to the point where no one can agree on just who or what Saoirse is. Saoirse finds this to be absolutely hysterical. They don't even know who, what, why, or how they are, after all. And does it even matter? They simply are, and that's all there is to it.

They love stirring the pot, and are rarely content with peace, even among their fellow deities. They're a known trickster and liar, and love to spread rumors (whether they're true or false). Petty rivalries and squabbles are one of their favorite forms of entertainment.

Goals: Saoirse has no concrete goal. They just want to enjoy themselves. How that is fulfilled depends on how they're feeling at the time.

Likes: Chaos and conflict, of course. And (usually) the arts. Anything else depends on the day. They can adore something one day and hate it the next.

Dislikes: Stagnation. The rest of their dislikes, again, vary greatly.

Signature Powers:

The full extent of Saoirse's power is unknown, even to them. However, these are the abilities they use most often.

Reign of Chaos
"They touched the world with a modicum of their Chaos, and the World was plunged into Entropy, pure and incomprehensible."
No one, not even Saoirse themselves, knows exactly what this power is. Control over uncontrol is a difficult ability to define. They appear to be able to create chaos in any way they wish, with very few limitations.

META DESCRIPTION: The user can invoke the forces of chaos at will. This power isn't much of a power in itself - it's more of a summary of the user's collective abilities as a chaos deity, and how they can be used to destabilize the world around them. No one in-universe knows this, however.

Matter Manipulation
"In the presence of Chaos, nothing is truly definite or certain. Identity does not exist, and reality becomes an illusion, a farce in the minds of those too afraid to comprehend Chaos."
Saoirse is adept in the creation, destruction, and especially the transmutation of matter. They are not as skilled as deities with these domains, but are known for it nonetheless.

Chaotic Form
"There are things that the mortal eye was never meant to see."
Many have posed the question of Saoirse's true form, and the truth is that they do not have one. The most true form they can take on is pure chaotic energy - so chaotic that even perceiving it would drive any mortal or lesser deity insane beyond repair. They rarely bother with this form, however. They are capable of taking upon any form that they wish. They have a few avatars that they default to, but the possibilities are endless.

Mental Manipulation
"The mortal mind stands little chance when touched by the Divine, especially when touched by divine Chaos itself."
Saoirse possesses control over the minds of mortals, and to an extent, lesser deities. They can control and change minds at will - whether it's by taking direct control, inducing certain emotions, altering their perception, etc.

Signature Skills:
Saoirse has quite a love for the arts, particularly music and theatre. Many of their followers also share this passion.
Even without using their power, Saoirse is highly skilled in deception, persuasion, and speech.
Saoirse is traditionally depicted as wielding a polearm, dagger, or sickle. They are adept in using these weapons, but they rarely enter combat.


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Skag-lor Zhalmekhan

Grand Instigator, Father of Conflict, Lord of Strife, Architect of Contest

Divine Domains: War, Conflict, and Arms

Skag's state is in constant flux depending on his proximity to conflict and its intensity.

In times of peace, Skag can only manifest as a floating statue-like cocoon that his voice echoes out of. With only his dexterous tail capable of movement in this state, Skag is essentially in a form of stasis. This statue is often what people think of when referring to him as the Architect of Contest.
As conflict grows, his eyes will light up more and more, with open combat granting him full mobility. As conflict grows, so too will the form that Skag can manifest in its vicinity, often adopting properties from the combatants and gaining more influence over the conflict as a result.
Skag's surprisingly even-tempered considering his Domains, a casual sort who's demeanor changes depending on what 'state' he's in. When acting as the Architect of Contest, Skag is known for playful banter and varied instigation. Mortals will often blame him when conflict occurs, damning him for his influence. Skag takes no offense, as he takes quite a lot of pride for his place in existence. He's quite forthcoming with his fellow divines, often blatantly admitting his influence for rising conflicts in mortals and constantly attempting to encourage strife among his peers.

Skag sees conflict and war as the most beautiful thing in existence, and will often go out of his way to encourage and nurture it wherever he can. Whether this is inspiring conflict through cooperation with other deities or working on his own is irrelevant, the end goal of conflict is all that matters. He makes this fairly apparent when with his fellow Divinity, casually talking fondly of the wars he helped cause. This is not exclusive to mortals, as he takes just as much pleasure in helping his fellow divinity indulge in points of contest. It doesn't matter what reasons for fighting there are, as reason is something he leaves to his peers.

War is all that matters, and Skag will often grant gifts to mortals and gods alike if he thinks it will encourage conflict. From tactics to weaponry, he will gladly arm those who are willing to utilize them. Despite the stigma around his name, there are many Weapon makers that will often seek his blessing when working. The same goes for Tacticians, with several being known as Blessed by Skag if their weapons or tactics become legendary enough.

His honest intentions make collusion with him a double-edged sword for all other parties involved, as his prerogative is never to actually aim for a resolution. The Strife Father quite literally feeds off conflict, growing more potent and influential the longer and more intense it becomes. His machinations are not lost on mortals, who often curse Skag openly due to his lack of retribution. Despite this, a losing or desperate side will often grow increasingly dependent on his gifts to stave off defeat. His influence is somewhat cyclical, with one side's advantage often leading the other to do rituals and beg for aid ad infinitum.

There are few mortals who actively worship Skag, as those who worship conflict itself often lack allegiance to any usual nation or belief. They are commonly found among mercenaries and savage criminals, those who devote themselves to combat and barely anything else. The farthest extreme of this can be seen in those Labeled as Warborn, who are commonly seen as lesser beings due to their near mindless devotion to conflict.

While Skag often manifests himself near points of contest or battles, he also keeps constant overview of an ethereal realm known as the Eternal Battleground. It is hear where his collections of weaponry and statues made of past and future warriors lies, though he would never forgive himself if he allowed them to sit and rot. The Eternal Battleground is exactly what it sounds like, a realm where replicas of warriors and weapons of great renown are constantly in conflict with one another across some of the most historical battlefields is existence.

It is said that those who seek the greatest of gifts from Skag must fight their way through the Eternal Battlefield in order to gain audience with his true self, but stories of this are often muddled and inconsistent. The Eternal Battleground is where Skag often tests new weaponry, both mortal and divine.

Goals: Ever-Escalating Conflict, Endless War, Weapons of Mass Destruction

Likes: The Beauty of Warfare, Competition, Strife of any and all kinds actually. He takes great interest in weaponry, and has collected one of every kind made by mortal hands, and constantly tries to keep track of those of divine origin. He also has great reverence for warriors of great accomplishment, and often has statues made in their honor.

Dislikes: Peace, Resolution, what he considers Fake Armaments,

Fears: Incorruptible Harmony

Signature Powers:

Strife's Blessing- Divine Inspiration to Leaders and commanders, powerful weapons discovered by combatants, secret plans revealed to tacticians. Strife's Blessing can be gained with but a few prayers and rituals, but Skag is never one to pick sides. The gifts he grants one group can easily be gained by others, often leading to ever-escalating prayers and desperation in a race for his favor.

The Unknown Allies- As a conflict grows more intense, so to does Skag's influence over it. This influence is most commonly seen in the Unknown Allies, beings that manifest in battles he holds power over. The Unknown Allies often take the form of combatants, sporting the same physical characteristics and uniforms of both sides. They will often blindly support whichever side they manifest on, with regular mortals being unable to distinguish them from fellow combatants. Though the Unknown Allies fight for their side with shocking passion, their aid is skewed towards prolonging conflict instead of resolving it.

Fog of War- The Fog of War begins to manifest among mortals the longer and more extreme conflicts become, just like the Unseen Allies. It effects combatants, warping their judgement until it becomes harder and harder to get them to cease hostilities. Rank and file soldiers find it harder to flee or withdraw, while commanding officers and other leaders begin making more and more excuses to keep conflict going. Skag actually finds the Fog of War to be an imperfect effect of his influence that he can't control as well as he'd like. It's often hard to maintain constant conflict if one side starts getting an immense advantage, as the Fog of War makes them even more determined to claim victory through any means necessary. He often attempts to mitigate this with the Unknown Allies and Strife's Blessing.

Instigator's Influence- Skag feeds off of conflict, allowing him to manifest a stronger form and control when involved in greater and more all-consuming conflicts. His from grows larger as battles escalate, with him adopting characteristics of the combatants involved. Conflicts he has more influence over tend to be harder to stop, as his awareness of what each side is planning and the movements of their forces grows. With this knowledge, it becomes easier and easier for him to cause ever-increasing escalation.

The Eternal Battleground- A realm comprised of the greatest battlefields in history that Skag holds immense influence over. The Eternal Battleground is populated entirely by statuesque replicas of history's greatest warriors and combatants, who constantly wage war against one another in a constant conflict. It's also where Skag keeps his collection of weapons both divine and mortal, most of which end up wielded by the Replica Warriors for their endless war. The Eternal Battleground can only be accessed by mortals in the midst of grand battles, where the Fog of War is thickest. Only here could a Mortal stumble into the Eternal Battleground, with legends claiming that those who earn Skag's approval by fighting there can gain the greatest of his blessings. Divine beings merely have to ask Skag for entry, as he goes in and out fairly regularly.

Skag can summon both weaponry and Replica Warriors from the Eternal Battleground to fight for him.

Signature Skills: Skag is a master of all things warfare, from tactics to weapons. He both crafts and utilizes weaponry with inhuman efficiency, often able to identify and learn how to wield even the strangest of weapons within seconds of getting it in his grasp.



"My name is Amar'la, Have no fear"

Empress of Light, Great Mother, The first star, Gifter of dawn, The burning sky, Cradle of the first heart.

{Divine Domains}
Goddess of Life, Light and the sun


---{Other gods}---
Amar is kind, soft and takes things slow, speaking in a deliberate slow pace. Sometimes even speaking to other gods out of curiosity or even in cases, to minor gods and see how they are doing. She still show's her Motherly affinity to fellow deities and in her attempts, tries to prevent any confrontation or argument as she knows, some deities do have in there portfolio, actions that would cause mass death or temporary disorder, such as war. Even do such things do bring sorrow and sometimes angers her, the great mother remains calm and assertive as these are but the wheels of nature and fate being spun, things come and go especially her creation's and mortals. Unless she is full aware of malicious intent, she wont raise a finger or serious argument, perhaps sour taste or hint at how she does not enjoy it. But in many cases she tries to keep equal interest and respect to deities and lets all difference be not part of conversations, keeping personal matters away. Gods are gods, they have duties. Any fellow mayor god, she is aware they (her included) are important cogs of this world and she would, if not, very rarely go against their will or decisions unless her realm would be in danger or to cause an imbalance. As for minor deities, she watches over them and wonder how they are....sometimes even being at there side for short times and see there ways in the world....Unless they are the ones bringing forth these abominations against the cycle of life,death and rebirth....she will show clear hate. One thing is for sure, she loves talking, alot.

---{Her creations}---
A mother's love has no equal to her children, and Amar is the prime definition of it. She shows love, proudness and interest in all her creations be it the mere wolf or the minor god she gave life, all are to be given the love she offers. A watchful eye as her children learn,grow and, sadly die. Life takes its course and she knows that in the end all returns back to ash and rebirth would take its part. But those melded in her hands? the same kiss on the forehead to even the lesser of them.

Small beings of...Unpredictable abilities, she loves them all except those who defy or take life away with no intention. Her followers are treated in a way same as her son and daughters. She is very "Hands on" when it comes to the mortal life, blessing infertile mothers with the child they so desire, giving breath to a newborn and seeing life prosper. A smile is always on her delicate face, as the sight of life is an art she has molded from hand and for an untold amount of time. Some of the mortals and her creations could be..."Bad apples" and in time, some don't make it far but her love for them still blossoms, as they are still her children.

+Molding clay
+new life
+Undisturbed nature
+calm conversations
+those who are brave

-Unnecessary death,
-those who defy life or death
-those who beg for resurrections

Losing all her children

To prevent/extinguish those who defy or pervert life,death or fate's course

{Signature Powers}

Mother's cradle:
"Fear not dearest, come, relax and let all fears decay"
The great mother is the herald of life and may bestow it at will, from gifting mortals with children, rarely blessing young newborns as demigods and, but most importantly, she may create life at will as long its bellow god status.
The "Cradle", is a special place and holy meaning for mortals who follow her, as her two hands hold and nurture life, holding the young. Those born from her blessed hands are born with innate knowledge of the known basic world. The goddess may mold them in her desire but most of the time, there shape is made in the image of what fate deems them to be. Life may be born instantly but those molded slowly and with precision are her creations that stay by her side. Those in her arms, be it mortal or god describe the feeling as calming and relaxing, many finding relief in any stressful emotions the once had.
Sight of Prohibition:
"I may not take life away...but i can cease it"
The goddess refuses to take the life of creatures or beings unless needed, and instead stalwarts there life as a worse punishment. Her shut eyes open and any who she gazes other than greater gods, are stunted, turned in to motes of light and stored in the hollow heart she holds. Imprisoned in a limbo and punishment for there acts, watching as there life fades as a dying candle and soon extinguished till not even a spark is left. She may release them from this imprisonment as she pleases, in many cases by speaking to her to whatever got them there in the first place. She is very forgiving and those who fade away in the cradled heart are mostly abominations or creatures who defy death or life itself. This can effects minor gods but unlike lower creatures, requires them to be weak and chained in place or unable to move as they slowly turn into a blue motte instead of a yellow mote as the usual. unlike creatures, these minor gods are just there, unable to die of time. They are able to break out but require outside intuition or great will in the labyrinth like prison.
Proclamation of Reclamation:
"My light will burn those against life!"
Wherever she is or wherever the suns rays touch, any unholy abomination, life defying monstrocity or those who defy death in longevity are slowly burned until ash remains. This only applies creatures of unnatural nature such as vampires,ghouls,undead,etc or those of genuine evil such as demons,banshees,etc. Anything equal or above minor god instead feel it as a slight burn and are not affected seriously unless exposed for unimaginable amount of time,You may get a tan at least. In addition, through her light she may bless mortals with her gifts and blessings.
Blessed spring:
"They are tears, but even if i accept the fate of my children, its saddens me..."
The goddess cradled arm hold what seems to be a golden and silver water, cold as ice unlike the heat she radiates. The are her tears pooled beneath as even knowing her children and creations will eventually die or crumble, sadness still follows. The liquid is said to heal any mortal from any affliction,injury and give back life to those who no longer breath. A single drop is enough to even revive back those decimated by the most violent of deaths. But those who die by age or natural causes, she cannot bring back from Death's grasp as there time is up and no much tear of the goddess will bring breath again, as it's not in there nature to defy such. Life must run its course and the natural order of all beings must flow. Gods who take a drink from the holy spring feel rejuvenated and heal ever so slowly there godly injuries and unwellness. Its taste, sadly enough, is described as that of Ambrosia. One unique feature of her tears, any "abomination" or creature who is unnatural in life or death is, instead, greatly ill and sometimes even killed by her tears even when not consumed, an example: a Lich comes in contact with but a drop, slowly there body will rot as nature takes its course and in turn, give them the death they so tried to Defy.
Black sun:
"I may be light and life, but YOU WILL NOT go further!"
Even do she may be friendly, loving and motherly. As a mother she is prepared to raise her willpower when the domain she inhabits or preciouses children would be in harm's way. Her wrath reflected as a blacken sun, and at worse, a solar eclipse. Her tears now red and harmful to any who dare touch, her light now a sickening radiant pain that harm those against her and the yellow motes imprisoned in her heart, red, wild vengeful sprite's who will fight till they flicker away. Against anything other than greater gods, it's a wrath to be avoided. This is the only time she will willingly take lives.

{Signature Skills}
The great mother is an arctician and has the unimaginable skill molding with clay or other similar materials. Many times she shapes her own favorite creations with clay and bestow life. She has some skill in poetry but she is...terrible at it

The present mother:
A woman wearing what seems a white cloak, she roams the mortal realms and acts as a envoy of new life in mothers

The oath knight: A masked female warrior, holding a halberd of light, the great punisher for all evil in the mortal land and her realm

The eternal stag: A large stag that only appears at sunrise and sundown, posting as the symbol of life in the animal kingdoms, the sun always in-between its antlers.​
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Aliases/Titles: The Beholder, All-Seeing, Keeper of the World Grimoire, and Seeker of Stars.

Divine Domains: Knowledge, Perception, and Stars.

Appearance: Discipulus in his true form is 6'0/182cm even. He has no mouth, nose, ears, or any other discernable human features aside from eyes and humanoid figure. His body is a constantly swirling mass of night and stars.

Discipulus often loses itself in thought. Discipulus can hardly ever stop thinking – every waking moment their mind buzzes with ideas, questions, insights, and debates with itself. Discipulus seems to be living in an infinite daydream, causing it to appear detached and incredibly reserved. This is only partially true, however. Discipulus is aware of everything that’s happening around it, but it does not react, for it would rather save every bit of attention for its pursuits. One could describe Discipulus as quite intense if they can get it to focus all of their attention on them; its questions are unending and invasive, its gaze too analytical; almost predatory. It doesn’t mind making others uncomfortable if it expands its views.
Discipulus seeks to understand everything, but human nature in particular mystifies it. It finds comfort in logic and rationality and is easily intrigued, or even baffled by the way emotion influences peoples’ behavior – even its own. Cases like this often leave Discipulus unsatisfied. Things that it cannot easily understand become things to obsess over, and oftentimes Discipulus finds itself constantly searching for answers which ultimately will leave it unsatisfied. It must know everything.

Goals: To become All-Knowing, to have a complete record of the past, present, and future, and to see what’s beyond the stars.

Being right
Being wrong

Being right

Fears: Ceasing to think

Signature Powers:
: Discipulus can wish its thoughts into reality within its domain. Complex and magical items can take a long time to form depending on the degree of complication. With this, it has created two tools.
  • World Grimoire: The World Grimoire was created by Discipulus to record all of its thoughts, findings, and the general ongoings of the world sometimes before they even exist. The pages fill themselves as Discipulus learns, and while Discipulus cannot conclude, the book will record the events and findings happening within its domain instead. The book itself is said to have an infinite number of pages; somewhere within that, the covers subdue cataclysm. It cannot record or predict the actions of a god unless Discipulus itself writes it in.
  • Thoughtrod: A staff that allows Discipulus to experience its thoughts firsthand, or in other words allowing it to live in its head within a perfect simulation.

All-Seeing: When it opens its eyes, Discipulus can see anything within its domain no matter its location, though the picture it would see takes time to become clear depending on the distance. When there is nothing to focus on, Discipulus can see everything at once; it may be overwhelming for mortals, and even though Discipulus itself would take centuries to process it all, it finds comfort in this. Discipulus prefers to keep his eyes closed until he needs to see something. It’s said that it can see what’s beyond the night sky; if you look into its eyes, you can too.

Imperceivable: Discipulus’ true form (see picture) can only be seen when it opens its eyes. Otherwise, Discipulus mirrors the appearance of whoever is looking at him -- it's like talking to a mirror.

Signature Skills:
Steel Trap: Discipulus has a perfect memory, and cannot forget even the smallest detail even if it tries.



Name: Archelon

Aliases/Titles: TBD

Divine Domains: Perseverance, Reptiles, Wetlands

Personality: Archelon is like a stubborn elder: refuses to move and would rather stay in place, not even bothering to refurbish their property from the old. Though she isn't inherently rude or arrogant, Archelon may come across as passive-aggressive to her fellow deities. She doesn't trust others to not meddle with her creations, and as such is always skeptical about others.

Goals: Archelon wishes to maintain what she has; to keep her domains (particularly the wetlands) unmarred and in its constant state of stagnance. She is more than willing to enforce that for her own means—even if it extends past her domain.

+ Quiet (with the exception of nature sounds)
+ Reptiles, naturally

- Things entering her territories
- Change that is out of her control

- Change
- Impending destruction

Signature Powers:
Reptile Creation - Archelon wields the power of creation at her hands, and this is especially extensive with reptiles (if it meets the criteria of "air-breathing, cold-blooded vertebrates that have scaly bodies rather than hair or feathers"). She has freedom in the size and capabilities that each reptile may have, destructive or not.

Encased Dormancy - Able to be used on herself and anything of her choosing, Archelon puts them in an indefinitely stagnant state—kind of like cryo-freezing, but without the cryo part. Unless affected by Gods' interference, this state renders things resistant to natural change (aging, changing environments, death, etc.).

Muddied - Archelon can teleport and emerge from areas under her control, rising from the mud and water at enormous sizes no matter how shallow the environments are. Imagine a whale jumping out of a marsh, but the whale is a hundred times bigger. The wetlands remain undisturbed by her appearance and suffer no damage.

Signature Skills:
Archelon is a natural at meditation, able to sit still for likely an indefinite amount of time.
She wields an obsidian-scaled sword that changes size with her, and with it, she's a formidable fighter alone.

- Archelon often changes her size, ranging from average human height to well over 2000 feet.
- She moves notably slower than many other Gods.
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