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Fantasy ~A war not easily won~(Open for registration)

Venus Vesper

Adorable Demon
Hello and welcome to registration. The races available to choose from are in the quiz on the opening page. Feel free to choose any of those races. Please just copy and fill out this registration form and post it below. Please remember to not overpower your character and please include in your bio how your character got to the point of joining the quest to protect the kingdom. And guys, please keep your character picture's clean. Thank you ;P <3

Full Name:




Character Picture:


Title(Sir,Lord,Lady, etc.):

Fighting Style(magic,Karate,etc.):

Scholar or Warrior:

Weapon of Choice:


Sexual Orientation:



My character:

Full Name:Maerwynn Charlet Mistrivvin

Nickname(Optional): Mae

Age: 18


Character Picture:



Fighting Style: Melee

Scholar or Warrior?: Warrior

Weapon of Choice: Sword

Bio: Princess Mae is the princess of a neighboring fay kingdom that is allied with this kingdom. So naturally, her parents sent her to fight for the region as she is a fairly good fighter. She is the daughter of an elf and a fairy. So she is an elf with fairy wings. Common among many fay kingdoms as interbreeding is natural.

Sexual Orientation:Straight (Heterosexual)

Likes: Cookies, Tea, the smell of rain, the forest, flying, warm summer breezes.

Dislikes:disagreements, flirts, disrespect, thunder, being alone, icing, sugar cubes.
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The Dragonslayer


  • Basic Information

    Name: Blake Ornstein, but unknown by public.

    Nickname: The Dragonslayer

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Race: Human

    Title: Sir


  • Armor

    His armor, just that it is golden, like in the other pictures

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.fcd89c3d21eedefb9956bb5b30a6069f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100091" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.fcd89c3d21eedefb9956bb5b30a6069f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


    Blakes Spear. It is very powerful and can injure even great monsters like dragons.



  • Personality

    Blake is a lone wolf. Having had a hard time, he is not very talkative and social. He prefers going solo and being alone. He still always remains polite, but says what he thinks, if he speaks. Blake will most likely let his actions speak.

    Hard in battle, Blake is mercyless and direct when it comes to fighting. Blake will risk everything for what he promised to protect.


  • Likes

    Blake likes:



    The nature

    Honor and those who have it



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Name: Liam Arthur Stoneshire, but he never uses this name.

Nickname: Ghost

Age: 18

Race: Human

Character picture:


Gender: Male

Title: Sir

Fighting style: Magic infused fist fighting

Scholar or Warrior: warrior

Weapon of Choice: fists

Bio: Liam had been a simple bounty hunter, one who would do anything for money for most of his life. So it was no surprise that when he was offered a large sum of money to help save the kingdom of Alvaya that he would accept the quest. He fulfils any quest that is thrown at him, He would rather die trying than give up.

Sexual Orientation: straight (heterosexual)

Likes: money, food, sleep, fighting

Dislikes: communicating, Being around people

Full Name:

Tordrak Drargbear






Human (but some people speculate he is half giant and half bear)

Character Picture:





Tor doesn't have one. well he technically he does;they call him "bastard" "scum" and "git" but that's before he smashes their skull.

Fighting Style:

If you call swinging round an axe like a berserk troll a fighting style

Scholar or Warrior:


Weapon of Choice:

Giant axe



If Tor was a hormone he would be testosterone, he is a huge muscle covered, broad shouldered, barrel chested beast of a man who was born and raised in the mountains and stands at a colossal 6 ft 8. Tor was one of the most feared and respected warriors in his village, he led a simple life of hunting, eating and having battles and minor wars with the neighboring villages, after many battles and successful hunts tor was declared 'Ünthṝ' or leader of his village. But a month and a half after he got his title there where sightings of ogres nearby in caves at the top of the mountain nearest to his village, of course Tor had to go and sort things out as 'Üntheṝ' but when he got to the cave there where no trolls there. Tor then got news that the ogres had raided and burnt his village. devastated because he could not protect his village Tor abandoned them and his responsibility as 'Üntheṝ'. Tor chose to leave behind his home of the mountains and all the bad memory that came with it, he ventured down to the realm of Alvaya and became a traveler. he constantly looked out for taverns to drown his sorrows. However over the years his wound became a scar and he was back to his normal self crushing enemy's,drinking,eating,and having a good time. However he is still haunted by the memory of his village.

Sexual Orientation:

Anything that moves


Food, alcohol,sex,battle,feasting,jokes and especially the local tavern


Intelligence,Boring people,big words,ogres and people who don't like having a good time



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Full Name: Viole Sarrius de Malis o Lexira

Nickname(Optional): Jyu

Age: 45

Race: elf

Character Picture:

Gender: Male (Not rarely confused as female)

Title(Sir,Lord,Lady, etc.): Lord; Lexira.

Fighting Style(magic,Karate,etc.): A mixture between fencing and anti-personel magics.

Scholar or Warrior: A halfway between them.

Weapon of Choice: Rapier, vorpal blade, various magics.

Bio: Born as the 3rd child to a middle-of-the-road noble family, his years were spent under tutorate, to prepare him for whatever he may be useful for: trade, diplomacy, exc.

Seeing as the inheritance of the family's wealth would go to either his older brother or sister, his parents decided to make a venture, sending him to the aid of a not so far away kingdom, in hopes that through deeds he may gain favour, connections and influence within it.

Sexual Orientation: Whatever strikes his fancy.

Likes: Many things, few of which include physical activity. Mostly lounging and the basic manipulation. Though he does enjoy the sight of people groveling before his rather great self, and jokes, despite his rather smug and proud nature.

Dislikes: Traveling on foot, vegetables, smug people, most of his relatives.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]I am surprised. Usually all people make females and we are like the outcasts of rpnation...
I hope we all get accepted.

Yes, my lovely dragonslayer <333 ((dark souls luv))

Full Name:

"The names Colvin Steel, glorious to meet you!"

Colvin Steel


"Some call Colvin the 'Messenger' others the 'Truth Seeker' I myself like Col"

"Messenger", "Truth Seeker" or simply "Col"


"This is a grand question and part of the Truth Colvin searchers for to be honest Colvin does not know...but Colvin thinks around twenty-five."

Unknown thought around twenty-five.


"Colvin is a human with the unnatural ability to cast magic even without being trained in it."


Character Picture:

"Witness Colvin in all Colvin's might."



"Colvin is neither he, she, nor it....Colvin is simply Colvin."



"Many call Colvin LORD STEEL!"


Fighting Style:

"Colvin uses hand to hand fighting mostly with a single spell at his disposal. Most spell casters hate this spell as it simply does everything the spell is called Message."

He mostly fights hand to hand.

He has a single spell at his disposal called "Message". Message is a spell of simple nature but is advanced and does nearly everything. The spell is simple if Colvin was to mutter a sentence something like "I told the fire to be hot" would make a fireball or "I told the water to flow." would create a river of water.

Scholar or Warrior:

"Colvin is both warrior and scholar alike, Colvin searches for the TRUTH!"

Colvin is a mix of both.

Weapon of Choice:

"Colvin has no need for weapons only Colvin's fists!"

Just his own fists.


"Colvin does not know much about Colvin's past as Colvin only looks to the future."

Colvin was raised to two high level magic users and as expected Colvin was born with a exceptional amount of magic power it was nearly like both his parents put together. His parents tried to teach him all sorts of spell standard fire balls and other things like that, however he could not learn any of it. It was not until he met his uncle the person with the least amount of magic power in his family that he learned a spell. His uncle has a book on a spell called message and it was his wife's fathers before he passed away. Colvin got a hold of the book and learned the magic. Colvin showed his uncle the spell and his uncle was so amazed that he stole Colvin, even if it was Colvin's wish. Since Colvin's uncle was not great with magic he was more as a martial artist and taught Colvin how to be strong physically mixing both together has made Colvin extreamly strong. Colvin strength is so strong that he can break arms and noses with ease and his fighting style is one that rely's on that. Colvin's uncle was big into an individual finding their own path or "Truth", Colvin never knew what it went and ever since has been searching for his own truth as he called it and sent Colvin to the kingdom of Alvaya to find his own.

Sexual Orientation:

"Colvin already told you Colvin's sex, what does the second word mean?"

Colvin does not understand the idea of romantic relationships so he does not like any gender.


"Colvin lives only for the Truth and likes only the truth."

Colvin does not like anything only the thing he refers to at the truth.


"Colvin dislikes those who go against Colvin's truth"

Colvin dislikes only those who try and stop him from reaching his truth.


Colvin does not say I, me or my and instead just says Colvin.​
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You all have been accepted, but just to be official....I'll show a list of all that made it in.

The dragonslayer: (I really like this character (^.^) )


Liam Arthur Stoneshire:


Tordrak Drargbear:


Voile Sarrius de Malis o Lexira:


Colvin Steel:

[QUOTE="Ayuna Kusado]
You all have been accepted, but just to be official....I'll show a list of all that made it in.

The dragonslayer: (I really like this character (^.^) )


Liam Arthur Stoneshire:


Tordrak Drargbear:


Voile Sarrius de Malis o Lexira:


Colvin Steel:


Yay, thanks for the acceptance and thanks for saying you like him... :) So how many do we need to start and when will we do so?
I think we'll just wait it out a little longer and see what happens. A little longer means that if in the next few days no one joins, we can just start on the weekend when everyone is most likely free to roleplay. We have 5 roleplayers so far, not including me. In addition to the roleplayers, The royal family of Alvaya and the other knights and such are obviously in it so, I don't think we need too many more people. Just giving others a chance to join before we start because it's only been up for a couple days. And, you're welcome. He is a well written character and i just love his armor. I like all of the others too. You all did a great job creating interesting characters that are sure to be a lot of fun.
[QUOTE="Ayuna Kusado]
I think we'll just wait it out a little longer and see what happens. A little longer means that if in the next few days no one joins, we can just start on the weekend when everyone is most likely free to roleplay. We have 5 roleplayers so far, not including me. In addition to the roleplayers, The royal family of Alvaya and the other knights and such are obviously in it so, I don't think we need too many more people. Just giving others a chance to join before we start because it's only been up for a couple days. And, you're welcome. He is a well written character and i just love his armor. I like all of the others too. You all did a great job creating interesting characters that are sure to be a lot of fun.

Colvin is going to get annoyed by writing Colvin all the time, Colvin is not amused!
[QUOTE="Ayuna Kusado]
I think we'll just wait it out a little longer and see what happens. A little longer means that if in the next few days no one joins, we can just start on the weekend when everyone is most likely free to roleplay. We have 5 roleplayers so far, not including me. In addition to the roleplayers, The royal family of Alvaya and the other knights and such are obviously in it so, I don't think we need too many more people. Just giving others a chance to join before we start because it's only been up for a couple days. And, you're welcome. He is a well written character and i just love his armor. I like all of the others too. You all did a great job creating interesting characters that are sure to be a lot of fun.

Well thank you. There even are some secrets inside his history, personal stuff and such... finding those out will be fun... like what exactly happened to the other Slayers
Lol well I might as well write the Prince and Princess of Alvaya's profiles

Here they are just so you guys know what they look like and such since they are leading all of the troops into battle.

Full Name: Dain Cassius Druindar



Race: Elf

Character Picture:



Title(Sir,Lord,Lady, etc.): Prince

Fighting Style(magic,Karate,etc.): Archery

Scholar or Warrior:

Weapon of Choice: A Bow and arrows

Bio: Prince Cassius is the younger child of King Druindar and Queen Dimia. He was made to accompany his sister Desna on the mission to save the kingdom from destruction. He really is the kindest and most sociable out of the 2 of them. He loves people but will rule with an iron fist when the situation demands it. He tries to be friendly and care about others the way his mother is. But he wouldn't think twice when risking his life for his kingdom.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Likes: People, cookies, tea, battle, and socializing.

Dislikes: Brutes, rudeness, selfishness, cowards, and being disobeyed in a time of emergency.

Full Name:Desna Demitrius Druindar


Age: 32

Race: Elf

Character Picture:



Title(Sir,Lord,Lady, etc.): Princess

Fighting Style(magic,Karate,etc.):

Scholar or Warrior: Warrior

Weapon of Choice: Morningstar

Princess Desna is the daughter and first born of King Leofrick Druindar and Queen Dimia Druindar. When the frequent attacks on the kingdom began, King Druindar refused to let his daughter get involved for fear of losing her. But when matters got more severe, he allowed her to continue combat training in preparation of leading the troops into battle. His one condition, was that she had to allow her younger brother Cassius to accompany her as her advisor and second in command. She reluctantly agreed to his condition and began training for battle. Her flaw is that she is head-strong and rather bossy.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Likes: Fighting for what she believes in, any meat, berries, people that obey orders, adrenaline rushes, combat, red roses.

Dislikes: Backtalk, disobedience, sweets, people that always flirt with her, attention.

So there they are. The Prince and Princess of Alvaya. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask me in the Out Of Character chat area. (^.^)(:B)

Theme Song:? Hole in The Earth:: Deaftones?

Can you explain to me how

You're so evil, how?

It's too late for me now

There's a hole in the earth

(Hole in the earth)

I'm out

There's a hole in the earth

(Hole in the earth)

I'm out

Can you explain to me now

If you're still able whilst?

I think you know the truth

There's a hole in the earth

(Hole in the earth)

I'm out

I hate all of my friends

They all accept our time

There's a hole in the earth

(Hole in the earth)

I'm out

There's a hole in the earth

(Hole in earth)

Let's think about

This is the end, somewhere

This is the end, somewhere

There's a hole in the earth

(Hole in the earth)

There's a hole in the earth

(Hole in the earth)

I hate all of my friends

I'm out

There's a hole in the earth

In the earth somewhere

  • Full Name: Echo Lucid Hanns

    Echo's name origins originate from the greek myth of Echo: a nymph who had stood in the way of Hera and had been cursed by the goddess to repeat only the last few words spoken to her. His middle name originates from his mother's fascination with dreams such as lucids.

    Nickname: Lucy

    Echo had actually gotten his nickname from his middle name: Lucid. Erasing the "d" from Lucid gets Luci, but to make things simpler he spells "Luci" with a "y" instead of an "i".

    Age: seven-teen

    Echo has actually lived much longer then seven-teen years, more like eighty-five human years. However, five human years is equal to one nymph year, therefore technically making Echo seven-teen. Not to mention nymphs age slower then most other species.

    Gender: Male

    Despite his feminine appearance and very lady-like posture, Echo is a guy. However, if he wore something over his upper-body he could easily be mistaken for a girl.
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[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Well thank you. There even are some secrets inside his history, personal stuff and such... finding those out will be fun... like what exactly happened to the other Slayers

Are they...Dragon secrets? e w e

((If there's Ornstien, then I shall make my favorite of the Knights of Gywn))


Full Name:

Xavier Artorias


Abyss Walker





Character Picture:


(What he looks like when he isn't in his armour)





Fighting Style:

Mix of a greatsword, and dark magic.

Scholar or Warrior:


Weapon of Choice/ armour:


A large greatsword that he holds with one hand.


An old ser of armour. It's blue clothing is tprn, and the dark armour is scratched and chipped.


Xavier was born into nobility in a far away country. The oldest memories that he can remember was becoming a Squire, and working with a knight. For most of his life Xavier was raised to become a knight, and to serve his country like his father before him. The king had recently died, and the prince was to young to rule, so the nobles split up into two groups and fought for control of the throne.

Through this war Xavier discovered the horror of nobility, and he abandoned his family and ran away. He became a Mercenary, and was eventually brought back into the war. He eventually found out that the church has been manipulating the war for their own personal gain, and that they were trying to revive an ancient evil. Xavier fought against the church, and he was branded as a heretic. Xavier stopped the resurrection of the evil, but he was cursed with dark magic. With the fall of the church and the nobility split apart, Xaviers homeland eventually fell, and now he wanders the world. Later Xavier became a knight of Ankrath until it was conquered, and he was separated from his fellow knight that he presumes to be dead.

Sexual Orientation:




Protecting others

Knightly duties



Taking advantage for your own personal gain

Light magic (he's weak to it)


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Eagershadow3 said:

((If there's Ornstien, then I shall make my favorite of the Knights of Gywn))


Full Name:

Xavier Artorias


Abyss Walker





Character Picture:


(What he looks like when he isn't in his armour)





Fighting Style:

Mix of a greatsword, and dark magic.

Scholar or Warrior:


Weapon of Choice/ armour:


A large greatsword that he holds with one hand.


An old ser of armour. It's blue clothing is tprn, and the dark armour is scratched and chipped.


Xavier was born into nobility in a far away country. The oldest memories that he can remember was becoming a Squire, and working with a knight. For most of his life Xavier was raised to become a knight, and to serve his country like his father before him. The king had recently died, and the prince was to young to rule, so the nobles split up into two groups and fought for control of the throne.

Through this war Xavier discovered the horror of nobility, and he abandoned his family and ran away. He became a Mercenary, and was eventually brought back into the war. He eventually found out that the church has been manipulating the war for their own personal gain, and that they were trying to revive an ancient evil. Xavier fought against the church, and he was branded as a heretic. Xavier stopped the resurrection of the evil, but he was cursed with dark magic. With the fall of the church and the nobility split apart, Xaviers homeland eventually fell, and now he wanders the world.

Sexual Orientation:




Protecting others

Knightly duties



Taking advantage for your own personal gain

Light magic (he's weak to it)


You know i embeded Artorias in my backround, so you could care for that? I would edit so 2 of them survived and they would be friends?
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]You know i embeded Artorias in my backround, so you could care for that? I would edit so 2 of them survived and they would be friends?

That would be great. I never noticed that you mentioned artorias in your bio.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Well: how about you read it and tell me wether i take him out completely or what to change?

I'll just add that after he left his homeland that he became one of the five knights of Ankrath, and maybe Blake thinks that he is dead.
Name: Kandy Lunacriss

Nickname: Moon

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Cat person

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/download.jpg.c8f34d37be9d1254c23408296d7920a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101217" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/download.jpg.c8f34d37be9d1254c23408296d7920a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fighting Style: Dual wield fencing type swords


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/download.png.93ef01f144a2868ea31954856c43c4b2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101218" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/download.png.93ef01f144a2868ea31954856c43c4b2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Is a calm, caring, and patient person who loves to talk to people

Bio: He grew up learning how to Dual wield and after many years of practice he has mastered the way of Dual weilding. He likes to cook in his spare time, and loves to cpnversate with people.



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