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A Virus 1x1

Alyssa Chamberlain

Junior Member
Recently, the town of Rodenburg had seen some kind of catastrophe. The once peaceful urban area hid a dark secret of an unknown medical company trying produce a type of viral strain designed to kill.

However, one day, while coming close to the completion of the project, a new intern was _ by the name of Alyssa Chamberlain. She was given a tour of the lab and was shown the strain. She stared at it, and wondered how such a tiny strain could eventually be used in a controlled environment to kill those who needed to have the flame of their life snuffed due to any circumstance issued. After the tour, the tour guide told Alyssa to stay put until a lab technician comes in to assign her the first task. Alyssa was very curious of the lab, so she proceeded to look around, perplexed at all the samples and experiments that were conducted in the past. A particular vial interested her, it was a light blue, like ocean water, and it read "Vial 67XH". As she began to set it down, the lab tech came in and startled her. Making her accidently crush the vial with her hand. She winced in pain and pulled out the little bits of glass in her hand. The lab technician turned to face her and smiled warmly. "Welcome, Alyssa. It's so nice to finally meet you!". Alyssa turned to face her and smiled through the pain "N-Nice to meet you too! Uhm, I have to run to the bathroom really quick if that's okay." She quickly walked to the door, keeping her hand at her side, so as to not draw attention to her bleeding hand. The lab tech, although confused, allowed her to go to the bathroom. Alyssa walked quickly to the bathroom when all of a sudden, she started feeling lightheaded and began to drag herself against the cold, modernized, cement wall. Despite the temperature of the wall, she could not resist the lull of drowsiness that had somehow drizzled over her, and she collapsed.

When she came to, her hands had a bit more dry blood on them than they had originally. She grasped her head as she suddenly felt the massive headache that had settled on her brain. "Ohh... What.. What hit me?" As she surveryed what she could through her blurry vision, she saw broken overhead lights with broken glass on the floor and blood on the walls. "What the hell happened to this place?" She wondered as she picked herself up from her position on the wall. She walked back to the lab where she met the lab technician and was met with a horrible site. Not only were the scientists working on the virus strain dead, the strain itself was gone. Alyssa quickly ran over to the scientists and took their pulse.

Nothing. They were dead.

"What could have done this?" She wondered. But before she had any more time to comprehend this perplexing situation, the lab tech she met before had risen up from her hiding nook under her desk.

"Please.. You have to leave." The lab technician shook. "What? Why, what happened here? Why are you hurt?" Alyssa asked as she slowly approached her. "You mean you don't know? After you left to go to the bathroom, one of our experiment subjects got out. We had injected him with an early strain of the virus that we thought wouldn't make the subject rogue. But it did, and he got out and went on a massive killing spree. Everyone is dead, and he's out there. Now it's just a matter of finding and containing him. We need to gather a team. See if you can contact anyone you know who might still be alive." The lab tech ordered as she adjusted her glasses.

"You got it." Alyssa pulled out her cellphone and unlocked her screen to pull up her contacts. "Who to call... Who to call.." Alyssa dialed a number and listened as the phone ring until suddenly, she heard a faint hello on the other side.

"Hello? Hey it's Alyssa. Where are you? Are you okay?"
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"I could be better..."

Adam tried his best to not let his voice transparent the aching pain in his shoulder, letting his quick breathes be heard instead, hoping Alyssa would not suspect of his current situation. He was rather happy that he could still hear her voice. After such an event, hearing a human voice was a relief. Hearing someone he knew was almost blissful. Unfortunately, it was no time for rejoicing. He had managed to get out of "their" sight but he was still in constant danger.

"I'm...not sure where I am. Inside a supermarket near my place, I believe.

As he spoke to her, he began to wrap a bandage around his shoulder.

"What about you? You alright?...."
Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief as she heard Adam. She noticed the pain in his voice and frowned. "Damn, you're hurt, aren't you? It's okay. So you're in a supermarket near your place? Just give me a few minutes and I'll be over there shortly." Alyssa cupped her hand over the microphone and turned to the lab tech. "Are you coming? Or no?" She asked. The lab technician shook her head. "No, I have to stay here and try to conduct an antidote for the person who went rogue and escaped. I'll provide you with a backpack full of essentials. If you need anything, come back here." Alyssa nodded and as she waited for the lab technician to come back, she returned to her conversation with Adam. "I'm okay by the way, just a little woozy. I passed out earlier while this whole ordeal went about. I guess the person who escaped thought I was dead. Lucky break I guess, huh? Anyway, I'll be over shortly, I'm just waiting for the lab technician to get me backpacks of essential items. Just try to lay low and raid the place for anything we might need. Food, water, first aid, uh, necessities... Anything really. I'll meet you right now. Good luck." Alyssa ended the call and stared at the ceiling, wishing the lab tech. would hurry back with their bags so she could take off. She didn't know how severely hurt he was, and she needed to be sure he was safe.
Adam cursed himself, it seems his attempts had been futile. Well, no matter, if Alyssa were to join him, she would have eventually found out about it, either he liked it or not. "I already raided everything I could stuff in my bag. Alyssa, do you really take me for the slow type?" He chuckled dryly, ignoring the pain dominating his body. "But anyway, glad you're safe. It's bad enough for the rest of us..." His deep, hoarse voice traveled away from the speaker, as his mind was filled with images of corpses left to rotten in the street. "See ya, be careful." Adam placed the device back into his pocket as he leaned towards a wall, resting his head against the cold surface of concrete. Now, he had to wait....
Alyssa gave a sarcastic chuckle towards what Adam said about taking him for the slow type. She couldn't help but tease him, it's always been that way, ever since they were little. She did expect Adam to be two steps ahead of her, hopefully he had got enough to make it back to his place. She wondered if her apartment was even still standing.

"Dammit." She muttered under her breath. "Hey, watch your language, young lady." The lab technician chuckled as she spoke, holding two navy blue backpacks. "Here," she said as she handed Alyssa the supplies, "they have first aid kits, bottled water, and some rations. I even added some face masks and two loaded guns for protection. Please be safe out there. And remember," she turned, "If you ever need a place to hide, you run out of supplies, or you find the guy who went rogue, please come back here with everyone you find. Good luck Alyssa, here's my number by the way if you need anything." The lab technician gripped her shoulders and smiled as she slowly let go.

Alyssa nodded and started toward the hallway, she knew that the elevator was most likely busted from the monster. So she opened up the door to the stairwell to find that there was debris from the roof covering the stairwell. "Great. Now how do I get out..." Alyssa muttered. She examined the broken window and looked down, thanks to her luck, there were several flower ledges leading down to the last two feet to the floor. Alyssa carefully scaled down the wall and landed on the floor, she turned towards the store near his apartment and headed there, carefully avoiding the street just in case any rogue experiments decided to cross her path. "God.. I hope Adam is okay." @Mono
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