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Realistic or Modern A Vigilante/Villain Life

Vigilante/Villain: Villain

Name: Luka Relio

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 5"6"

Weight: 128lbs

Sexual Orientation: hetero



Personality: Luka is playful and doesn't seem capable of taking anything too seriously, which lands her in the hot seat with her employers on the regular. Is generally under the influence of some kind of substances and is constantly cracking jokes and making references to popular or obscure subjects. She enjoys getting under people's skin and getting a reaction out of them and is very annoyed when she can't. Has a very loose definition of honor and fairness that constantly changes to fit her ends. Regularly makes questionable decisions claiming its "an occupational hazard" or "just business" though sometimes visibly distraught by her actions. Refuses to look vulnerable to anyone. On her spare time she is essentially the living embodiment of debauchery spending all her money on equipment and cheap thrills. Occasionally, launches self-driven assassinations of people she deems "trash", criteria for being trash is completely random. Pro jimmie-rustler.

Background: (Subject to change as character develops) All that is known father was a famous military scout sniper for (your equivalent to the South African military) and her mother died during her birth. Her and her brother (unnamed so far) were raised on the move by her father's friend, an intelligence officer normally stationed on base. The woman, coincidentally, died in a car accident shortly after her 19th birthday. Her brother who is a famed and celebrated -(whatever the equivalent to a U.S. MARSOC Raider Team, Designated Marksman is in your world)-, disowned her after disapproving of her lifestyle. Exactly, where and how both her and her brother got their combat expertise is not known.

Strengths: Luka is

-a deadeye

-a very competent grappler

-crazily charismatic

-avid in parkour

-curiously lucky

-careless under pressure

-can procure you almost anything you could need; for a price of course.

Weak Points: Luka is

-not trusting or very trust worthy

-likes to cut corners

-mildly blood thirsty

-known for a short attention span

-not reliable has been known to disappear during a contract only to resurface later, switch sides or abandon it entirely with little to no cause.

Vigilante/Villain Name: Sidewinder

Vigilante/Villain Type: Sniper, assassin, gun-for-hire, contraband dealer

Equipment: Normally seen;

- with her custom Remington MSR (she named Puca after the shapeshifters from Irish folklore) fitted with whatever modifications she thinks necessary at the time

-whatever sidearm she happens to feel like using at the time

-an extremely warn Hawkbill knife covered in tally marks called Foghorn.

-in possession of situationally essential items. Contract calls for derailing a train?----*has plastic explosives* Need to get into a vault?---"Oh look at that. It's thermite" Stake-out?, "Do you take your coffee with sugar or cream?").

- and sporting a multi-visor, sat-uplink, reconnaisance sensor suite HUD (her goggles), she calls "Snake Eyes" that are wirelessly linked to, and work in conjunction with an advanced PDA/Telescopic sight, dubbed 'Rattler'. Rattler is always mounted on Puca and she uses it for everything from listening to music, surfing the web, ordering pizza or occasionally actually doing her job. These two systems being linked allow Luka to use Snake Eyes and Rattler to aim without her actually having to look down the sight (shoot around corners, etc).

Theme- (I know its not an part of the sign-up but I think it's fun :D ) [media]

[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi]Vigilante/Villain: Villain
Name: Luka Relio

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 5"6"

Weight: 128lbs

Sexual Orientation: hetero



Personality: Luka is playful and doesn't seem capable of taking anything too seriously, which lands her in the hot seat with her employers on the regular. Is generally under the influence of some kind of substances and is constantly cracking jokes and making references to popular or obscure subjects. She enjoys getting under people's skin and getting a reaction out of them and is very annoyed when she can't. Has a very loose definition of honor and fairness that constantly changes to fit her ends. Regularly makes questionable decisions claiming its "an occupational hazard" or "just business" though sometimes visibly distraught by her actions. Refuses to look vulnerable to anyone. On her spare time she is essentially the living embodiment of debauchery spending all her money on equipment and cheap thrills. Occasionally, launches self-driven assassinations of people she deems "trash", criteria for being trash is completely random. Pro jimmie-rustler.

Background: (Subject to change as character develops) All that is known father was a famous military scout sniper for (your equivalent to the South African military) and her mother died during her birth. Her and her brother (unnamed so far) were raised on the move by her father's friend, an intelligence officer normally stationed on base. The woman, coincidentally, died in a car accident shortly after her 19th birthday. Her brother who is a famed and celebrated -(whatever the equivalent to a U.S. MARSOC Raider Team, Designated Marksman is in your world)-, disowned her after disapproving of her lifestyle. Exactly, where and how both her and her brother got their combat expertise is not known.

Strengths: Luka is

-a deadeye

-a very competent grappler

-crazily charismatic

-avid in parkour

-curiously lucky

-careless under pressure

-can procure you almost anything you could need; for a price of course.

Weak Points: Luka is

-not trusting or very trust worthy

-likes to cut corners

-mildly blood thirsty

-known for a short attention span

-not reliable has been known to disappear during a contract only to resurface later, switch sides or abandon it entirely with little to no cause.

Vigilante/Villain Name: Sidewinder

Vigilante/Villain Type: Sniper, assassin, gun-for-hire, contraband dealer

Equipment: Normally seen;

- with her custom Remington MSR (she named Puca after the shapeshifters from Irish folklore) fitted with whatever modifications she thinks necessary at the time

-whatever sidearm she happens to feel like using at the time

-an extremely warn Hawkbill knife covered in tally marks called Foghorn.

-in possession of situationally essential items. Contract calls for derailing a train?----*has plastic explosives* Need to get into a vault?---"Oh look at that. It's thermite" Stake-out?, "Do you take your coffee with sugar or cream?").

- and sporting a multi-visor, sat-uplink, reconnaisance sensor suite HUD (her goggles), she calls "Snake Eyes" that are wirelessly linked to, and work in conjunction with an advanced PDA/Telescopic sight, dubbed 'Rattler'. Rattler is always mounted on Puca and she uses it for everything from listening to music, surfing the web, ordering pizza or occasionally actually doing her job. These two systems being linked allow Luka to use Snake Eyes and Rattler to aim without her actually having to look down the sight (shoot around corners, etc).

Theme- (I know its not an part of the sign-up but I think it's fun :D ) [media]

Scuse me, but there is already a anti-hero literally CALLED Deadeye. xD
MrEvilMexican said:
Scuse me, but there is already a anti-hero literally CALLED Deadeye. xD
Lol, deadeye isn't a name, its just a colloquialism that means expert marksman. It really just means she's an expert marksman or a "deadeye". I could swap them out, since they literally mean the same thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi]Lol, deadeye isn't a name, its just a colloquialism that means expert marksman. It really just means she's an expert marksman or a "deadeye". I could swap them out, since they literally mean the same thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You don't have to. I said that as a joke. I have a terrible sense of humour

Faust Windfallow The Plague Doctor


  • ???

    Age: ???

    Height: 8'1"

    Weight: 147 lbs

    Occupation: Doctor

    Ethnicity: German

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Faust.jpg.dcb0b641790161fc61fa1b69280ba961.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Faust.jpg.dcb0b641790161fc61fa1b69280ba961.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    A man surrounded by a shroud of mystery, he is only known as "The Doctor." He is often seen as unhappy and tends to look on the worst side of things. His home has over 500 categorized toxins currently only in his possession. Many speculate that behind the silver plague mask lies something so inhuman that it will drive whoever views it insane. This is simply untrue as James McMillan, a very high ranking police officer has been known to have seen him unmasked on several occasions. He seems to be keeping this man's identity a secret. Most simply dismiss him as a myth but many of the sick have reported of "a demon appearing in a in a flock of ravens and curing them of all maladies." Most of these people have been called mad but police and many people are certain of his existence. Recently, he disappeared. His house is currently heavily guarded due to it containing fatal toxin, one which is currently used by the deadly criminal known as "Deadeye."


    -Very skilled surgeon, surpassing that of most modern doctors in the field of medicine

    -Known on various occasions to use a Scythe with great efficiency

    -Records show that he utilizes a scythe-chain and uses it with brutal efficiency

    -The only way one of his patients die is if they are already dead by the time he gets to them

    -His medical tools are more effective than any existing to this day.

    -Brews amazing coffee and tea. (always a bonus.)

    Weak Points:

    -Terrible marksman. (like as in HOPELESS HOPELESS marksman)

    -Sometimes, can be a bit TOO polite for his own good.

    -A prime target to criminal groups due to his expertise in medicine

    -Whenever he enters the home of a sick, his arrival is always signified by a flock of ravens. This sometimes gives bad people an indication of his current location.

    -Not a very social person

    Personality: Dismal, often looking to the worst side of things. A bit casual during fights and likes coffee.

    Background: Not much is known about this man. It IS confirmed however, that he is German and he has had some relationship with a man named James McMillan. He can usually be found in the hospital, helping patients and such. If you are struck with a dire disease and you see him enter your room, you know you'll live.


  • [/media]
    NOTE: He is neither vigilante nor villain. He has been known to help both sides.



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I know I sound impatient but there are two OCs waiting to be accepted. (take your time. I'm just being a d*ck) Also, Faust is NOT UNDEAD in this RP.

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