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A Very Gifted High School

Skylar finished packing her bags for this supposed school that her mother was sending her off to, she was not excited at all, she was a freak and she was being carted off away from her friends and family so she could learn how to 'control' herself. "Control" she thought Please when I get shipped off I'm never coming back, they don't want me, they don't need me, all I do is hurt freeze things and freak people out because that is what I am...a freak. She thought throwing her last item in her red suit case. "Mom! I'm packed!" she yelled down the stairs. Her mother instructed her to bring down everything and throw it in the car, so she did and she tried to do so without moving anything or freezing anyone. She jumped in the car and they were off, to the school which she would probably live out the rest of her life in. God I hope they at least have something other than study to do there. She thought as they pulled up to the front gates, her own mother was so scared of her that after she threw her suitcase out of the car she simply waved, no hug, no kiss goodbye, nothing, just a gentle wave and she drove off leaving her only daughter some where far away from her home.
Walking along the school grounds, Leo wondered what the day would bring. School was so long and boring, Most of the people he had met seemed to struggle with their powers but for all the wrong reasons. it made them...Egotistical. It made them almost power crazy sometimes. As though they were a higher power for having them. He hated it so Leo kept himself to himself other than helping a few of the younger students who hadn't quite figured out how to use them.

Today felt different though, Leo felt like something was going to change but he was sure that was just the high hopes he held deep inside. He sat outside the front of the school making electricity flow through his fingers before making it disappear again. He repeated it multiple times before realizing it wasn't that cool what he could do.
Skylar kept her hands at her side trying hard not to freeze anything, or hurt anyone. I thought there was supposed to be a welcome wagon or something, she pulled out the map that came in her packet, How do I even read this thing? Where do I even go? Skylar thought to herself not watching where she's going she dragged her suit case along trying not to hit anyone but she accidently ran into this boy.
Leo was taken back by the girl smashing into him, He groaned slightly before realising that would probably make her feel bad. He replaced the pain on his face with a welcoming smile.

"You should probably watch where you're going, Some people in this place aren't as friendly as me, May I take your bags for you?"He asked.

He noticed the map in her hand and suddenly realised the bags, She was new here and she obviously looked lost and confused.

"Name's Leo, You need some help or?"He laughed.
She jumped and froze everything around them except her and those boy "Um...I have no clue where i'm supposed to be." she said looking around "Fuck." she unfroze time "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to." Anna looked around as everyone began to move around again not realizing what had just happened to him. "Thank you...for not freaking out."
Leo was taken back by everything suddenly freezing but he soon shook himself out of the shock. They had powers, Why did this still surprise him?

"Don't apologise, I can help you. Don't stress about it. Nice power by the way, Would be very useful in battle.."Leo smiled.

He picked up her bags and took the map from her, He signaled for her to follow him and headed towards were she was supposed to be going which was the opposite direction.
"I wish I could just get rid of it...I usually freaks people out like crazy." Skylar said "What about you...does everyone here have them?" She asked innocently since most people looked so normal. "And I'm skylar by the way...I like just got here could you tell." she smiled slightly, trying hard not to feel a pang of sadness knowing her parents were never coming back for her, at least she didn't think they were.
"Everyone here has powers, You definitely will not freak people out. You should see some of the powers people have here but yeah, You're not alone with that. Just don't touch me, I give off electric sparks sometimes."He smiled."Skylar is a pretty name, You look like a skylar."
Skylar blush just a little bit "well thank you Leo...so do you know where Kaymens hall is?" She asked rummaging through her bag "im sorry I think that's where I'm supposed to be...I don't know I didn't even wanna come here my mom and dad hate me they're convinced that I am a danger to everyone around me and myself..." She rolled Her eyes "that why you here?"
"Yes I do, I'm sure your parents don't hate you. It's just scary for normal people when they come in contact with us...we're different and it's almost like they can't comprehend. You're also not a danger, Not yet anyway."Leo smirked slightly before realising what she had said."You think I was sent here because I give people tiny electric shocks when they touch me? Do I look lame to you?"
Leo smirked slightly, This girl was something else. It was the first time he actually laughed about something someone had said without it being for sarcastic purposes.

"I am not lame thank you very much, If you avoided me you'd probably have ended up at the wrong place so...Guess you bumped into the right person."He winked.
Skylar smirked "well then I am glad that I suck at direction." She looked the boy up and down If all guys look like this I could totally live here for the rest of my life I swear. "you aren't like a telepath either right?" She asked a little nervously
"Why? Thinking something I shouldn't hear? I am not a telepath, don't worry. But there is a few at this school."Leo laughed.
"ill be careful of them." She smirked slightly "so what do you do here are there like classes?"
"Depends on what they think is best for you, we have classes to expand our abilities and normal classes. We have classes in things people want to pursue as careers. Basically, we have a variety." Leo explained.
"well damn." Skylar smirked "you all aren't a bunch of geniuses right because I'm pretty stupid." She said hoping he would say no, secretly praying that they had classes together. Maybe...maybe I can survive this place
"Now, I am genius but I don't really turn up to my lessons so, I'm kind of in most of the lower classes. I'm sure you're smarter than you say." Leo grinned.
Skylar smirked "you are looking at a classified high school drop out until my parents brought me here, I got ridiculed so much I couldn't go to school any more."
"Once again, I'm going to say it. You're probably smarter than you make yourself out to be. Who hasn't dropped out of high school here? You worry too much." He said with a small smirk on his face."plus, classes here are designed to advance us."
Skylar smirked "well that's good...do we have to do a sign up...sorry if I'm asking a lot of stupid questions. This is all so...weird..."
"You can sign up for specific classes but they'll probably ask you a ton of questions to determine what you need to do with your powers and what classes you need to advance in. They're all about making us great or something, I wasn't listening when I was inducted." He grinned
Leo couldn't help but find her worrying kind of cute, did the school come across scary? He was sure it was just her adjusting to things.

"It's easy, don't worry yourself." Leo smiled.

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