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Fantasy A vampire's masquerade ball (Allows accepting and OPEN)

Should the characters go on an adventure?


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Cane felt the wave of power push into him and he fell to one knee in pain. "Ugh, this man is a lot more powerful than I assumed." Cane heard the command the power had traveled with and cut off his search. He headed directly to the hosts library and he walked in, bowing and greeting everyone who was already there. He wondered what all of this was about that the host summoned them all here. @Leviersa
Julie was being rushed like the other maids and servants to get every thing prepared as she stacked the cups on trays and put the dirty ones in the sink she stopped and let out a sigh before she was pushed. "If I knew it was going to be this busy work I would of just stayed in my room.." *she filled the glasses with blood and another diffrent drinks for others aswell in all the trays as she lets out a deep breath grabbing one of the trays and walking out the door which led out
Kathrina avoided answering his question. She just looked at her nails in thought. This Draken was quite powerful, perhaps older then her, could possess a threat in the future. She snapped out of her thoughts. "I looking out for myself Draken. I wish to leave it at that, I do believe that vampires should rule higher. Humans are weak, vulnerable... Unnecessary." She froze as she heard HIS voice. The counts. "What will you say to Dracula? They are already unto you."
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Draken sighed. "I make him see the damage. I won't move yet. Dialogue first, I suppose. But all the same," Draken stood up, walking over to Kathrina, "I want you to remember me with this if it doesn't work out." Draken kissed Kathrina. He knew it seemed random, but he had this planned. He might not survive. Might as well steal a kiss.

Kathrina froze as his lips touched hers, her feelings a mixture of something ancient and long forgotten, anger, and suprise. Thoughts racing through her mind: He's good, it's all part of the game. That's all. WHY THE HELL DID HE DO THAT CANT HE SEE THAT I.... What. Just. Happened. Kathrina blinked a couple times, she rembered all those years back.... She snapped out of her thoughts. People die, love is just a passion that can turn. He's a dead man already. Quick anger surged through her and she was about to stab him in the arm with a butter knife that was on the counter but her anger quickly receded. She turned away quickly. "You'll be okay, just avoid the others." She said in what almost was concern, or maybe even worry. Her back turned to him, as she tried to busy herself with pouring herself another glass of blood.
*Julie placed the glasses down as she held the tray letting out a sigh as she looked around at the guests but didn't want to make eye contact. She quickly finished off and headed back trying not to mess up and fall as her clothes weren't made for running or rushing threw.
Jack smirked upon hearing the message and walked towards the room, a voice in the back of his head slowly whispered: If he finds out, little Jack will go to bed... Forever.
Draken left Kathrina's room. He knew that this might be his death. So? Everyone died some day. He would just try to make sure he came out on top. He made straight for Dracula's room. He needed to talk to Jack first.

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Julie desired to stay and peek at the guests to see who they are. She looked around seeing people in fancy clothes and found it interesting to watch. She looked around at first to not be spotted from anyone around.

Count Cadis von Reimond Dracula

The Count had just made it to the library, nodding his head to Diali when she was on her way to him. "Stay, i'm hosting a meeting," he murmured and she paused, taking a moment to follow him to the center of the library with her kitten in her arms. It was only a minute before more had followed his presence. Meeting him at the heart of the draft library as he stood by a warmly lit fireplace with his dark eyes reflecting the warm embers of the fire. He felt them behind the door and without a moments hesitation, his coy voice invited them in. "Please, Enter." Cadis' fingers rapped almost impatiently atop the perch of the fireplace, his broad shoulders straightened as he flashed a toothy grin to his guests. Something strange, dark, he could feel it, almost familiar to the two wretched woman he once knew. It caused his body to shake a frighteningly heavy power as Diali cowered where she stood. Leaning closer to the bookshelves as Dracula waited for all of those he called to come. He did not like to be left waiting. Once a number of five entered his Library, his brows furrowed. He was skeptical already. "Who are we missing?" He tried not to let his words come out as a bite as he flexed his left hand into a fist.
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Anna was terrified by the Counts demeanour. He seemed angry, very angry, and that could not end well for the rest of them. She forced herself to put on a calm facade though, silently thanking her parents for making her train in etiquette at least. Quietly she replied, “I think we are missing two vampires, possibly three.” She looked down as she spoke, willing her voice to stay steady.

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Cane only nodded at his question as he winced in pain as the Counts power poured out of him in slight anger. This man was extremely powerful, even when he was holding back. He leaned against the wall and steadied himself and his breathing. @Leviersa
Vasilisa looked over at Hartley with a worried look as she stood behind Ciro. Why were they called here? His power overwhelmed her, trying to keep a small smile on her lips. She didn't know what would anger the Lord but she wasn't about to test him. Ciro stood there his face like stone, void of all emotion. It made Vasilisa scared knowing what that meant later.
Julie stood out in the hall leaning against the wall as she looked around curiosity

Filled her mind. She wasn't much of a working type she liked to explore, to see her surroundings and learn new things from them mostly about vampires and what they are truly like. She has only

Learned the bad things and how

Cruel they can be from the other servants and maids alike. She was one of the courages types yet she didn't step out of line to get in trouble, "I wonder what everyone is up to.. A meeting of some kind?." She didn't dare enter yet just wait out in the halls for any orders that came to her she wanted to see there faces yet she was afraid at the same time.
In the dead of night, the moon shining her pale white light down upon the land, there were the cries of horses. The clip-clop of hooves striking the ground echoed throughout the near vicinity, two figures astride the beasts. Out of the fog appeared a man on a bay stallion, the coat a rich copper color. By his side was a girl sitting atop a palomino mare. The horses were tired, their heads drooping as they walked towards the castle of the fabled Dracul, king of all vampires and, if the stories were to be believed, lover of virgin women. The man appeared twenty-two years for that was the age when he had been turned. This was Lakota Chan's fifth year as a vampire. He had been forced to learn how to be a vampire through trial and error but there was still so much to learn.

On the palomino was a girl of fourteen years, a human, a bleeder, a slave, a lover. She belonged to the vampire at her side, would always be his and only his. The girl was nervous about being here though her master had somehow gotten an invitation to this masquerade ball, which as Lakota had implied, basically meant a masked ball. Atop a mountain, along a twisting path, sat a castle. The castle of Count Dracula, first of the vampires though the girl was unsure how true that rumor was. Her master had no idea as he hadn't had a lot of experience with his own kind since being turned into one. Lights were on in the windows that she could see, the grounds being expansive and large.

As they reached the castle, Lakota fished out the invitation and flashed it to a guard who allowed them entrance. They rode up to the castle door and Lakota dismounted, removing his bird-like mask and placing it on before handing the reins of his horse to the girl at his side. "Take this to wherever the animals are housed. I assume you can manage such a thing," Lakota said.

The girl dipped her head to her master, keeping her eyes down as Lakota strode towards the castle doors and knocked. He wouldn't just walk into the fabled monster's lair. That would just serve to get him killed and he had no desire to die yet. The girl looked at the castle for a moment before turning left and trying her luck to see if there was a barn or something to put the horses inside and give them nourishment.

(@ whoever is available)
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Count Cadis von Reimond Dracula

Cadis glanced towards Lady Anna before closing his eyes with his jaw locking. From there, he exhaled loudly, releasing whatever bound his strength before comfortably approaching the group, ushering them to sit down on the awaiting couches before them. Him being himself snagged the single couch by the fireplace, the only one in the room, for it had sentimental value, as he waited for them to sit. After they did, he took a moment to address the group as he began to talk. "I apologize for this sudden call, hopefully none of you mind? If so, don't be afraid to tell me," he assured them. His large masculine hands unbuttoning the first two buttons near his collar as he attempted to relax in the best way possible. His dark curls loose and mussed as he wasted no time leaning back into the chair; he inhaled a faintly familiar scent of lilies, thus helping him relax even more than before. Diali looked around, sitting nearest to the bookshelves as she sat in the couch meant for four, leaning more towards the arm of the couch as she pet her frightened and confused Smokey with worried eyes. There were at least three sets of these couches, all angled to give whomever sat in that chair, the Count himself, their undivided attention.

@eclipsehowls Meanwhile, a wandering maid rushed to the front door of the Castle where a firm knock echoed its empty halls. She took one look at the man before smiling sadly, another ball won't be held for a little bit now, but she escorted the male to the Library where the others had waited. "The Count is inside, just stand until he says to sit, a meeting has been called into place." With that, the woman rushed down the hall, she seemed very sad, near frightened, due to the unexpected demeanor of her Master, yet said nothing more. Outside, a stables boy escorted a woman and her horse to where the horses rested. It was grand, yet bland in color in the dark of the night, as he led her to an empty stall. "Your horse's stall number is L37, i'll be tending to 'em day and night, so is there anything that I need to be aware of regarding y'er horse, ma'am?"
Leviersa said:

Count Cadis von Reimond Dracula

Cadis glanced towards Lady Anna before closing his eyes with his jaw locking. From there, he exhaled loudly, releasing whatever bound his strength before comfortably approaching the group, ushering them to sit down on the awaiting couches before them. Him being himself snagged the single couch by the fireplace, the only one in the room, for it had sentimental value, as he waited for them to sit. After they did, he took a moment to address the group as he began to talk. "I apologize for this sudden call, hopefully none of you mind? If so, don't be afraid to tell me," he assured them. His large masculine hands unbuttoning the first two buttons near his collar as he attempted to relax in the best way possible. His dark curls loose and mussed as he wasted no time leaning back into the chair; he inhaled a faintly familiar scent of lilies, thus helping him relax even more than before. Diali looked around, sitting nearest to the bookshelves as she sat in the couch meant for four, leaning more towards the arm of the couch as she pet her frightened and confused Smokey with worried eyes. There were at least three sets of these couches, all angled to give whomever sat in that chair, the Count himself, their undivided attention.


She could hear his anger as she sighted and went for a walk around the halls maybe see if anything needed to be done in the guest rooms. She walked in the rooms and cleaned there beds also placing new sheets and anything that needed doing. She found diffrent types of things in each room that the guests brought with. She softly knocked of course before entering any room* "hello..anyone in here" She spoke to a random room to see if anyone was in there that needed any type of help, as she slowly twisted the knob of the door*
Amara heard someone at the door calling to see if anyone was inside, she walked over to the door when she had put on her clothes and opened the door slightly. See that it was a young girl, "Hello," Amara said with a warm smile and opened the door a bit wider. @sunako kirishiki
*she head someone walk up and open the door as she looked at the smile she would smile back as a responce* "hello..miss I came to see if

You needed anything I was just

Going around each room..I wanted to make sure your stay here was comfortable" @sprouhtt
"Yes, it is most comfortable. But my boyfriend has left to attend to some business, would you mind keeping me company? I know it's a lot that I am asking for and I know you have a lot to do but I don't think Cadis would mind me borrowing one of his maids." She said to her and opened the door wider to let her in. @sunako kirishiki @Hartley
"I guess..I wasn't doing much myself I get bored working around and the other push me to do things I mostly spend my time reading" *she smiled while walking in looking around before turning to her* "thank you for allowing me to come in I don't know much of the guests that came today..."

Anna glanced over at the new vampire that had entered the room. He was not one of those that had been at dinner, so she assumed that he must have been late to the castle. It seemed though that something had occurred, so it was likely that he had come for nothing, and had simply walked straight in to some trouble. She looked away quickly, continuing to study her shoes as though they were the most interesting things in the world. She was, in all honesty, terrified, and she could only hope that her face didn't betray this fact. She had a feeling that the Count didn't appreciate fear, and she guessed that she was way out of her depth. She was young, and hadn't experienced much other than the comfort of her home. Something was certainly very wrong here, and she wasn't sure what she could do to help.
sunako kirishiki]"I guess..I wasn't doing much myself I get bored working around and the other push me to do things I mostly spend my time reading" *she smiled while walking in looking around before turning to her* "thank you for allowing me to come in I don't know much of the guests that came today..." [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24972-sprouhtt/ said:
"Would you like something to drink?" Amara asked as she walked over to the coffee table that had all the refreshments on there. She poured herself a glass of wine, and she poured the girl a glass as well. "Well, my name is Amara Pallastine. What might yours be?" She asked her and handed her the glass of wine seeing that she needed to relax a bit more.
"Oh..thank you." *she took the glass and looked back at her* "my name is Julie.. It's a pleasure to meet you.. Did you enjoy the ball? I was in my room I didn't want to get involved in a room

Filled with vampires.." *she giggled slightly before finding a place to sit and looking back at her glass*


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