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Fantasy A vampire's masquerade ball (Allows accepting and OPEN)

Should the characters go on an adventure?


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Cane decided after Vasilisa left to talk to Amara and put most of the problems right now away. "Amara.....are you scared of me at all? I'm sure you have thought why I haven't tried to drink from you or turn you." Cane really needed to know how she felt, he loved this girl to death. And he was already dead. @sprouhtt
"W-what?" She questioned as she heard that question from him," Why would I be afraid of someone that I deeply love?" She questioned him as she straightened her back becoming a bit tense for some reason and her heart began to race. Amara looked at the glass cup of blood before looking at Cane, "I have thought about it," She confessed since the thought of it ran across her mind half of the time. She got up from the couch feeling uncomfortable for some reason and she moved towards the bay window to open the window just a bit so that a cool breeze could come in. @Hartley
Cane saw her discomfort and sighed. He leaned against the wall and slid down it into a sitting position. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just had to ask...like I said before, my contact with people has been nonexistent until I came here." He hung his head a little. @sprouhtt
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Hartley said:
Cane saw her discomfort and sighed. He leaned against the wall and slid down it into a sitting position. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just had to ask...like I said before, my contact with people has been nonexistent until I came here." He hung his head a little. @sprouhtt
She heard something slowly sliding down to somewhere and when she turned to look she saw that it was Cane. She felt bad, she didn't mean to upset him or make him feel like he made her uncomfortable. Amara walked over to him and kneeled down in front of him," hey? Don't worry about it, you didn't make me feel uncomfortable. It was just a bit humid in here," she told him and grabbed his hand gently and brought it up to her mouth and she kissed the top of his hand. @Hartley
Cane smiled, her nice words and gentleness cheering him up. "Thanks darling. I hate to make things more awkward, but I don't want to lie to you. I have thought about what your blood tastes like, and turning you." He locked his fingers with hers and looked deep into her eyes. "I meant to save this talk for a lot later, when we were a little more comfortable." He felt that they had a ways to go together,before a thought of turning came up at all and if she ever wanted to of course. @sprouhtt
Anna headed back to her room after a while, wanting to think everything over. She had seen the looks everyone had been giving her during dinner, and she didn’t fully understand what the problem was. Sure, Draken had tried to attack them, but it was just because he was confused from being turned. That was obvious in the way he acted around that other guy, who thoroughly creeped her out to say the least. She wondered why no one seemed to trust him, if there was something these vampires knew that she didn’t. After all, she had no real experience with others of her kind, and the way they interacted with each other confused her slightly. She was sure about Draken though. There was no way that he was lying about being a newborn, as far as she could tell.
"I wouldn't blame you if you did think of that," she told him," thank you," Amara said very sincerely to the love of her life and she was very appreciative that he didn't drink her blood or even come out saying he wanted to. Amara was absolutely shocked that she had picked the most caring, protective, thoughtful, and loving person in the whole world. She didn't know what love was or what love is until she met him. @Hartley
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Draken excused himself from the table. He gave the unstable vampire a quick glance, one that said, "be patient." He followed after Anne, determined to win her over to his side. Once he reached her room, he knocked on her door. "Anne? Can I come in?" he asked her.

"I'm glad you understand Amara." He kissed her gently and then got up. He had a lot to think about and there was quite a lot going on. Cane walked over to the window and looked out at the raging storm. "It's gonna be a long week for sure." @sprouhtt
Anne jumped slightly as she wasn’t really listening. She nodded once, before realising that he couldn’t see her and responding “Yes, come in.” She sat up on the bed, her hair messed up from lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. She hid the blood that was on her desk as well. The smell alone could drive newborns crazy, and she didn’t want to risk it again.

Hartley said:
"I'm glad you understand Amara." He kissed her gently and then got up. He had a lot to think about and there was quite a lot going on. Cane walked over to the window and looked out at the raging storm. "It's gonna be a long week for sure." @sprouhtt
"Yes it's going to be a long week," she told him and let out a sigh as she stood up from the floor and walked over to the bed and sat down. "Why did you ask me the question that you did?" Amara asked Cane.

Cane sighed and leaned against the window. "I'm used to humans being afraid of me all the time, so when you seemed not to be.....I wasn't sure if you were or not." Cane had lived his life being feared which was why he had spent much of his life alone. It just seemed easier to him, but now there was Amara
Hartley said:
Cane sighed and leaned against the window. "I'm used to humans being afraid of me all the time, so when you seemed not to be.....I wasn't sure if you were or not." Cane had lived his life being feared which was why he had spent much of his life alone. It just seemed easier to him, but now there was Amara
"Were you thinking about..?" She said put then lowered her voice closing off her sentence. Amara looked down at her lap when she began twisting the ring playfully on her finger. Amara wondered if he was tempted to sink his teeth into her neck. @Hartley
"I was thinking about it.....but I was waiting for you to talk about it because it's your body. I understand if you never want me to do that." Cane took a seat in the chair opposite from the bed and took a drink from the glass sitting there. He had hoped to talk about all of this on a later date, but it seemed it needed to be now. @sprouhtt
Hartley said:
"I was thinking about it.....but I was waiting for you to talk about it because it's your body. I understand if you never want me to do that." Cane took a seat in the chair opposite from the bed and took a drink from the glass sitting there. He had hoped to talk about all of this on a later date, but it seemed it needed to be now. @sprouhtt
"Thank you for taking that into consideration love," she said to him and smiled. She put one leg over the other and looked at him. She thought about what her life would be as a vampire but she was afraid to turn, seeing that it was a painful transformation when she watched her friend scream in pain on the floor. There were pros and cons to becoming a vampire but she wanted to spend her life with the man that she loves. @Hartley
Cane smiled at Amara and stood back up. "I'm glad you understand. We should talk about this at a later date though. Vampirism is a decision that should take time, if you ever decide of course." Cane walked to her and gently wrapped his arms around her. "I never thought I'd feel like this for a human." @sprouhtt
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FictionalReality said:
Anne jumped slightly as she wasn’t really listening. She nodded once, before realising that he couldn’t see her and responding “Yes, come in.” She sat up on the bed, her hair messed up from lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. She hid the blood that was on her desk as well. The smell alone could drive newborns crazy, and she didn’t want to risk it again.
Draken came in, seeing Anne laying there on the bed. He was a bit bemused, but decided to make the most of it. He sat down next to Anne on the bed. "I just want to thank you for helping me," he told her.
Anne smiled, shaking her head slightly. “There’s no need to thank me. I just did what anyone would do in the circumstances.” She heard someone knock on the door, and called out, “Who is it?” It seemed like this ball wasn’t exactly normal.

@DaManofWar @ArcticVoid
' I will tell you if you let me in. I have formed an Alliance with Draken but i'm not sure what our alliance is about, I think of it as a you help me I help you type thing. ' Jet replied.
ArcticVoid said:
' I will tell you if you let me in. I have formed an Alliance with Draken but i'm not sure what our alliance is about, I think of it as a you help me I help you type thing. ' Jet replied.
Draken knew instantly to shut Jack up. He coughed loudly, to prevent Anne from hearing Jack talk. That would have been bad. He walked over to the door, and opened it. "Oh. It's you. What are you doing here?" He asked Jack. "Could you go away? I think you are bothering this girl." He acted like he didn't trust him. Draken didn't, but he sure as hell needed to make him understand now was not the time.
Jack nodded behind the door. ' I understand. Now it's time for me to go. ' Jack said, before walking to his room.
Hartley said:
Cane smiled at Amara and stood back up. "I'm glad you understand. We should talk about this at a later date though. Vampirism is a decision that should take time, if you ever decide of course." Cane walked to her and gently wrapped his arms around her. "I never thought I'd feel like this for a human." @sprouhtt
She had already made the decision in her mind but when she heard Cane mention about talking about this in a later date she was a bit curious as to why he said that but she didn't say anything about it. Amara had her reasons why she wanted to turn but if she was younger and never met Cane she wouldn't even be considering to be turned by a vampire. All her life she has had a dislike for vampires but that changed when she went to the masquerade ball and saw Cane, as well as seeing their way of life. Maybe that's why Dracula invites a few mortals each year to his castle to celebrate, it's probably to show them that vampires aren't all bad. When Cane hugged Amara she slightly wrapped her legs around him as well as her arms around his neck.
Kathrina paced Impatiently in her room, She knew he had a act but damn this place was boring. Kathrina undressed and decided to hop in the bathetic, enjoying the warmth of it and the relaxation. She lit some candles and turned off the lights and decided to just try and unwind.

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