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Realistic or Modern A Undead Hell

@Daniel Nunez next time lyou got to wait till I accept your char lol
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@Daniel Nunez you guys want to actually let others post if they want lol...Plus read the rules in the overview forgot to tag so it my fault but please read them.
Oh my bad dude. But us posting isn't really stopping anyone else from posting. If anything activity will encourage everyone else to jump in. Besides the scene right now is pretty contained between just these two characters.
Everybody that has joined the Role play is on, or has been active in the past hour. I would suggest tagging them all once again so they know we've started (o'v'o)
Quick Question, is everyone together in one group or are we all going to meet up?
Well as it looks me and Scarlet are both independents who have been roughing it without a group so join the party in the walmart.
[QUOTE="Daniel Nunez]Oh my bad dude. But us posting isn't really stopping anyone else from posting. If anything activity will encourage everyone else to jump in. Besides the scene right now is pretty contained between just these two characters.

yes ik, but it is a big pet peeve of mine when there isn't a posting order cause people get skipped then the story goes all out of wack and it annoying to put things back together when it like that.

[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]Quick Question, is everyone together in one group or are we all going to meet up?

and yes you can start in the group with my char whom is part of that group that is leaving, or start as an individual and meet up later.

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